Beispiel #1
        public void Return_True_For_Valid_SortCode_AccountNumber_MOD11_With_Large_And_Negative_Weights()
            //Exception 4:
            // After you have finished the check, ensure that the remainder is the same as the two-digit
            // checkdigit; the checkdigit for exception 4 is gh from the original account number

            // assign
            string sortCode  = "774110";
            string accountNo = "12335104";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 774100,
                SortCodeEnd   = 774599,
                ModCheck      = "MOD11",
                WeightU       = 50, WeightV = 800, WeightW = 60, WeightX = -15, WeightY = -20, WeightZ = 400,
                WeightA       = 20, WeightB = 100, WeightC = -22, WeightD = -111, WeightE = 200, WeightF = 10, WeightG = 70, WeightH = 800,
                Exception     = 999

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(true, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(999, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the account number as a Type 1 account. Will try to fix any errors in the account number. If not being able to
        /// fix an incomplete account number an exception will be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clearingNumber">The clearing number should be 4 digits.</param>
        /// <param name="accountNumber">The account number should be max 7 digits. Will be leftpadded with zeroes if shorter.</param>
        private static void ValidateType1(string clearingNumber, ref string accountNumber)
            // Def. Type 1 Account (BGC: Type 1, Remark 1)
            // (1) The clearing number should be 4 digits.
            // (2) The account number should be 7 digits (if less than 7 characters, leftpad with zeroes).
            // (3) Checksum calculation is made on the clearing number with the exception of the first digit, and seven digits of the actual account number.

            // Clearing number should be 4 digits
            if (clearingNumber.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("clearingNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 4 characters.",

            // Account numbers with less than 7 digits should be leftpadded with zeroes.
            accountNumber = accountNumber.PadLeft(7, '0');

            // Acount number should be 7 digits
            if (accountNumber.Length != 7)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("accountNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 7 characters.",

            // Checksum calculation is made on the clearing number with the exception of the first digit,
            // and seven digits of the actual account number.
            string checkValue = string.Concat(clearingNumber.Substring(1, 3), accountNumber);

            if (!ModulusCheck.Mod11(checkValue))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("accountNumber has an invalid checksum (Type 1)."));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the account number as a Type 4 account. Will try to fix any errors in the account number. If not being able to
        /// fix an incomplete account number an exception will be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clearingNumber">The clearing number shoukld be 4 digits.</param>
        /// <param name="accountNumber">The account number should be max 9 characters. Will be leftpadded with zeroes if shorter.</param>
        private static void ValidateType4(string clearingNumber, ref string accountNumber)
            // Def. Type 4 Account (BGC: Type 2, Remark 2)
            // (1) The clearing number should be 4 digits, and is not a part of the account number.
            // (2) The account number should be 9 digits (if less than 9 characters, leftpaded with zeroes).
            // (3) Checksum calculations is made on the last 9 digits in the account number (modulus 11 check).

            // Clearing number should be 4 digits
            if (clearingNumber.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("clearingNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 4 characters.",

            // Account numbers with less than 9 digits should be leftpadded with zeroes.
            accountNumber = accountNumber.PadLeft(9, '0');
            if (accountNumber.Length != 9)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("accountNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 9 characters.",

            if (!ModulusCheck.Mod11(accountNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("accountNumber has an invalid checksum (Type 4)."));
Beispiel #4
        public void Return_False_For_InValid_SortCode_AccountNumber_MOD10()
            // assign
            string sortCode  = "774110";
            string accountNo = "12135678";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 774100,
                SortCodeEnd   = 774599,
                ModCheck      = "MOD10",
                WeightU       = 9, WeightV = 9, WeightW = 9, WeightX = 9, WeightY = 9, WeightZ = 9,
                WeightA       = 2, WeightB = 1, WeightC = 2, WeightD = 1, WeightE = 2, WeightF = 1, WeightG = 9, WeightH = 1,
                Exception     = null

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #5
        public void Return_False_For_Valid_SortCode_AccountNumber_MOD11_Exception_4_Reminder_Doesnt_Matche_GH()
            //Exception 4:
            // After you have finished the check, ensure that the remainder is the same as the two-digit
            // checkdigit; the checkdigit for exception 4 is gh from the original account number

            // assign
            string sortCode  = "774110";
            string accountNo = "12335104";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 774100,
                SortCodeEnd   = 774599,
                ModCheck      = "MOD11",
                WeightU       = 5, WeightV = 8, WeightW = 6, WeightX = 2, WeightY = 3, WeightZ = 4,
                WeightA       = 2, WeightB = 1, WeightC = 2, WeightD = 1, WeightE = 2, WeightF = 1, WeightG = 7, WeightH = 8,
                Exception     = 4

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #6
        public void Return_True_For_Valid_SortCode_And_AccountNumber_DBLAL()
            // assign
            string sortCode  = "499273";
            string accountNo = "12345678";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 400000,
                SortCodeEnd   = 500000,
                ModCheck      = "DBLAL",
                WeightU       = 2, WeightV = 1, WeightW = 2, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 2, WeightZ = 1,
                WeightA       = 2, WeightB = 1, WeightC = 2, WeightD = 1, WeightE = 2, WeightF = 1, WeightG = 2, WeightH = 1,
                Exception     = null

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(true, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #7
        public void Return_False_For_All_Nine_Value_Weights()
            // This is to check all max values do not cause exceptions
            // assign
            string sortCode  = "999999";
            string accountNo = "99999999";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 999999,
                SortCodeEnd   = 999999,
                ModCheck      = "DBLAL",
                WeightU       = 9, WeightV = 9, WeightW = 9, WeightX = 9, WeightY = 9, WeightZ = 9,
                WeightA       = 9, WeightB = 9, WeightC = 9, WeightD = 9, WeightE = 9, WeightF = 9, WeightG = 9, WeightH = 9,
                Exception     = null

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #8
        public void Return_True_For_All_Zero_Value_Weights()
            // assign
            string sortCode  = "000000";
            string accountNo = "00000000";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 100000,
                SortCodeEnd   = 100000,
                ModCheck      = "DBLAL",
                WeightU       = 0, WeightV = 0, WeightW = 0, WeightX = 0, WeightY = 0, WeightZ = 0,
                WeightA       = 0, WeightB = 0, WeightC = 0, WeightD = 0, WeightE = 0, WeightF = 0, WeightG = 0, WeightH = 0,
                Exception     = null

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(true, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #9
        public void Return_Exception_Not_Processed_For_Exception_Other_Than_4_7()
            // assign
            string sortCode  = "499273";
            string accountNo = "12345678";
            Mock <IModulusWeightRepository> modulusWeightRepository = new Mock <IModulusWeightRepository>();

            ModulusWeight modulusWeight = new ModulusWeight
                SortCodeStart = 400000,
                SortCodeEnd   = 500000,
                ModCheck      = "DBLAL",
                WeightU       = 2, WeightV = 1, WeightW = 2, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 2, WeightZ = 1,
                WeightA       = 2, WeightB = 1, WeightC = 2, WeightD = 1, WeightE = 2, WeightF = 1, WeightG = 2, WeightH = 1,
                Exception     = 5

            modulusWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetBySortCode(sortCode)).Returns(modulusWeight);

            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck(modulusWeightRepository.Object);

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(sortCode, accountNo);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(5, res.ExceptionNotProcessed.Value);
        private static void ValidateType1(string clearingNumber, ref string accountNumber)
            // Clearing number should be 4 digits
            if (clearingNumber.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("clearingNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 4 characters.",

            // Acount number should be 7 digits
            if (accountNumber.Length != 7)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("accountNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 7 characters.",

            string checkValue = string.Concat(clearingNumber, accountNumber);

            if (!ModulusCheck.AccountMod11CheckNo(checkValue))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("accountNumber has an invalid checksum (Type 1)."));
Beispiel #11
        public void Return_False_If_Account_No_Is_Null()
            // assign
            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck();

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation("123456", null);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsAccountNoValid);
Beispiel #12
        public void Return_False_If_Sort_Code_Is_Null()
            // assign
            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck();

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation(null, "12345678");

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsSortCodeValid);
Beispiel #13
        public void Return_False_If_Account_No_Greater_Than_8_Digits()
            // assign
            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck();

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation("999999", "100000000");

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsAccountNoValid);
Beispiel #14
        public void Return_False_If_Sort_Code_Greater_Than_6_Digits()
            // assign
            var modulusCheck = new ModulusCheck();

            // act
            var res = modulusCheck.ModulusCheckValidation("1000000", "12345678");

            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsCheckValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, res.IsSortCodeValid);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, res.ExceptionNotProcessed);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the account number as a Type 5 account. Will try to fix any errors in the account number. If not being able to
        /// fix an incomplete account number an exception will be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clearingNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="accountNumber"></param>
        private static void ValidateType5(string clearingNumber, ref string accountNumber)
            // Def. Type 5 Account (BGC: Type 2, Remark 3)
            // (1) The clearing number should be 4-5 digits, and is not a part of the account number.
            // (2) The account number should be 7-10 digits (no padding).
            // (3) Checksum calculations is made on the last 7-10 digits in the account number (modulus 10 check).

            if (accountNumber.Length > 10 || accountNumber.Length < 7)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          string.Format("accountNumber is {0} characters long. Expected 7-10 characters.",

            if (!ModulusCheck.Mod10(accountNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("accountNumber has an invalid checksum (Type 5)."));
        internal BankAccountValidationPipeline CreateValidationPipeline(BankAccountDetails bankAccountDetails)

            var pipeline = new BankAccountValidationPipeline();

            // note - EISCDSortCodeValidationStep does not do anything.
            pipeline.InitialValidationStep = new EISCDSortCodeValidationStep(bankAccountDetails, pipeline);
            var currentValidationStep = pipeline.InitialValidationStep;

            var modulusWeightings = (new VocalinkModulusWeightingData().GetModulusWeightings());
            var weightingsForSortCode = modulusWeightings.Where(w => w.SortCodeStart <= bankAccountDetails.SortCode
                                                                && w.SortCodeEnd <= bankAccountDetails.SortCode);

            // Create validation pipeline steps according to weightings from Vocalink
            foreach (var weighting in weightingsForSortCode)
                ModulusCheck modulusCheck = null;
                // Apply Execptions when creating pipeline
                // Exception 4 - adjust expected result
                if (4 == weighting.ExceptionNumber)
                    modulusCheck = new Standard11ModulusCheck(bankAccountDetails, weighting);
                    modulusCheck.ExpectedResult = int.Parse(bankAccountDetails.CombinedNumberDigits[12].ToString() + bankAccountDetails.CombinedNumberDigits[12].ToString());
                    switch (weighting.ModulusAlgorithmEnum)
                        case Enums.ModulusAlgorithmEnum.MOD10:
                            modulusCheck = new Standard10ModulusCheck(bankAccountDetails, weighting);
                        case Enums.ModulusAlgorithmEnum.MOD11:
                            modulusCheck = new Standard11ModulusCheck(bankAccountDetails, weighting);
                        case Enums.ModulusAlgorithmEnum.DBLAL:
                            modulusCheck = new DoubleAlternateModulusCheck(bankAccountDetails, weighting);
                // Excpetion 7 - if g=9 then zeroise u-b
                if (7 == weighting.ExceptionNumber)
                    if (9 == bankAccountDetails.CombinedNumberDigits[12])
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            bankAccountDetails.CombinedNumberDigits[i] = 0;
                // Indicate Exceptions not applied
                if (weighting.ExceptionNumber.HasValue
                    && (!(weighting.ExceptionNumber == 4
                    || weighting.ExceptionNumber == 7))
                    modulusCheck.ValidationDetails = string.Format("Excluded adjustment for Exception {0}", weighting.ExceptionNumber.ToString());

                var validationStep = new ModulusCheckValidationStep(modulusCheck, pipeline);
                currentValidationStep.NextStep = validationStep;
                currentValidationStep = validationStep;

            return pipeline;