Beispiel #1
    private void PrintModifyStmt(int indent, ModifyStmt s, bool omitFrame) {
      Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
      Contract.Requires(s != null);
      Contract.Requires(!omitFrame || s.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0);

      wr.Write(" ");
      if (omitFrame) {
      } else {
      if (s.Body != null) {
        // There's a possible syntactic ambiguity, namely if the frame is empty (more precisely,
        // if s.Mod.Expressions.Count is 0).  Since the statement was parsed at some point, this
        // situation can occur only if the modify statement inherited its frame by refinement
        // and we're printing the post-resolve AST.  In this special case, print an explicit
        // empty set as the frame.
        if (s.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0) {
          wr.Write(" {}");
        wr.Write(" ");
        PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
      } else {
Beispiel #2
        void ModifyStmt(out Statement s)
            IToken tok;  IToken endTok = Token.NoToken;
            Attributes attrs = null;
            FrameExpression fe;  var mod = new List<FrameExpression>();
            BlockStmt body = null;  IToken bodyStart;
            IToken ellipsisToken = null;

            tok = t;
            while (IsAttribute()) {
            Attribute(ref attrs);
            if (StartOf(18)) {
            FrameExpression(out fe, false, true);
            while (la.kind == 22) {
                FrameExpression(out fe, false, true);
            } else if (la.kind == 59) {
            ellipsisToken = t;
            } else SynErr(193);
            if (la.kind == 46) {
            BlockStmt(out body, out bodyStart, out endTok);
            } else if (la.kind == 28) {
            while (!(la.kind == 0 || la.kind == 28)) {SynErr(194); Get();}
            endTok = t;
            } else SynErr(195);
            s = new ModifyStmt(tok, endTok, mod, attrs, body);
            if (ellipsisToken != null) {
             s = new SkeletonStatement(s, ellipsisToken, null);
Beispiel #3
    public virtual Statement CloneStmt(Statement stmt) {
      if (stmt == null) {
        return null;

      Statement r;
      if (stmt is AssertStmt) {
        var s = (AssertStmt)stmt;
        r = new AssertStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Expr), null);

      } else if (stmt is AssumeStmt) {
        var s = (AssumeStmt)stmt;
        r = new AssumeStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Expr), null);
      } else if (stmt is TacticInvariantStmt) {
        var s = (TacticInvariantStmt)stmt;
        r = new TacticInvariantStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Expr), null, s.IsObjectLevel);
      } else if (stmt is TacticAssertStmt) {
        var s = (TacticAssertStmt)stmt;
        r = new TacticAssertStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Expr), null, s.IsObjectLevel);
      } else if (stmt is PrintStmt) {
        var s = (PrintStmt)stmt;
        r = new PrintStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.Args.ConvertAll(CloneExpr));
      } else if (stmt is BreakStmt) {
        var s = (BreakStmt)stmt;
        if (s.TargetLabel != null) {
          r = new BreakStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.TargetLabel);
        } else {
          r = new BreakStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.BreakCount);

      } else if (stmt is ReturnStmt) {
        var s = (ReturnStmt)stmt;
        r = new ReturnStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.rhss == null ? null : s.rhss.ConvertAll(CloneRHS));

      } else if (stmt is YieldStmt) {
        var s = (YieldStmt)stmt;
        r = new YieldStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.rhss == null ? null : s.rhss.ConvertAll(CloneRHS));

      } else if (stmt is AssignStmt) {
        var s = (AssignStmt)stmt;
        r = new AssignStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Lhs), CloneRHS(s.Rhs));

      } else if (stmt is BlockStmt) {
        r = CloneBlockStmt((BlockStmt)stmt);

      } else if (stmt is IfStmt) {
        var s = (IfStmt)stmt;
        r = new IfStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.IsExistentialGuard, CloneExpr(s.Guard), CloneBlockStmt(s.Thn), CloneStmt(s.Els));

      } else if (stmt is AlternativeStmt) {
        var s = (AlternativeStmt)stmt;
        r = new AlternativeStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.Alternatives.ConvertAll(CloneGuardedAlternative));

      } else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
        var s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
        r = new WhileStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), s.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneSpecExpr(s.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod), CloneBlockStmt(s.Body));
        ((WhileStmt)r).TacAps = s.TacAps;
      } else if (stmt is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
        var s = (AlternativeLoopStmt)stmt;
        r = new AlternativeLoopStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneSpecExpr(s.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod), s.Alternatives.ConvertAll(CloneGuardedAlternative));

      } else if (stmt is ForallStmt) {
        var s = (ForallStmt)stmt;
        r = new ForallStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.BoundVars.ConvertAll(CloneBoundVar), null, CloneExpr(s.Range), s.Ens.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneStmt(s.Body));
        if (s.ForallExpressions != null) {
          ((ForallStmt)r).ForallExpressions = s.ForallExpressions.ConvertAll(CloneExpr);
      } else if (stmt is CalcStmt) {
        var s = (CalcStmt)stmt;
        // calc statements have the unusual property that the last line is duplicated.  If that is the case (which
        // we expect it to be here), we share the clone of that line as well.
        var lineCount = s.Lines.Count;
        var lines = new List<Expression>(lineCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
          lines.Add(i == lineCount - 1 && 2 <= lineCount && s.Lines[i] == s.Lines[i - 1] ? lines[i - 1] : CloneExpr(s.Lines[i]));
        Contract.Assert(lines.Count == lineCount);
        r = new CalcStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneCalcOp(s.Op), lines, s.Hints.ConvertAll(CloneBlockStmt), s.StepOps.ConvertAll(CloneCalcOp), CloneCalcOp(s.ResultOp), CloneAttributes(s.Attributes));

      } else if (stmt is MatchStmt) {
        var s = (MatchStmt)stmt;
        r = new MatchStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), CloneExpr(s.Source),
        s.Cases.ConvertAll(CloneMatchCaseStmt), s.UsesOptionalBraces);

      } else if (stmt is AssignSuchThatStmt) {
        var s = (AssignSuchThatStmt)stmt;
        r = new AssignSuchThatStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.Lhss.ConvertAll(CloneExpr), CloneExpr(s.Expr), s.AssumeToken == null ? null : Tok(s.AssumeToken), null);

      } else if (stmt is UpdateStmt) {
        var s = (UpdateStmt)stmt;
        r = new UpdateStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.Lhss.ConvertAll(CloneExpr), s.Rhss.ConvertAll(CloneRHS), s.CanMutateKnownState);

      } else if (stmt is VarDeclStmt) {
        var s = (VarDeclStmt)stmt;
        var lhss = s.Locals.ConvertAll(c => new LocalVariable(Tok(c.Tok), Tok(c.EndTok), c.Name, CloneType(c.OptionalType), c.IsGhost));
        r = new VarDeclStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), lhss, (ConcreteUpdateStatement)CloneStmt(s.Update));
      } else if (stmt is LetStmt) {
        var s = (LetStmt)stmt;
        r = new LetStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), s.LHSs.ConvertAll(CloneCasePattern), s.RHSs.ConvertAll(CloneExpr));
      } else if (stmt is ModifyStmt) {
        var s = (ModifyStmt)stmt;
        var mod = CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod);
        var body = s.Body == null ? null : CloneBlockStmt(s.Body);
        r = new ModifyStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), mod.Expressions, mod.Attributes, body);
      } else if (stmt is TacnyCasesBlockStmt) {
        var s = (TacnyCasesBlockStmt)stmt;
        var guard = CloneExpr(s.Guard);
        var body = s.Body == null ? null : CloneBlockStmt(s.Body);
        r = new TacnyCasesBlockStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), guard, body);
      } else if (stmt is TacnyChangedBlockStmt) {
        var s = (TacnyChangedBlockStmt)stmt;
        var body = s.Body == null ? null : CloneBlockStmt(s.Body);
        r = new TacnyChangedBlockStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), body);
      } else if (stmt is TacnySolvedBlockStmt) {
        var s = (TacnySolvedBlockStmt)stmt;
        var body = s.Body == null ? null : CloneBlockStmt(s.Body);
        r = new TacnySolvedBlockStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), body);
      } else if (stmt is TacnyTryCatchBlockStmt) {
        var s = (TacnyTryCatchBlockStmt)stmt;
        var body = s.Body == null ? null : CloneBlockStmt(s.Body);
        var c = s.Ctch == null ? null : CloneBlockStmt(s.Ctch);
        r = new TacnyTryCatchBlockStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), body, c);
      } else if (stmt is TacticVarDeclStmt) {
        var s = (TacticVarDeclStmt)stmt;
        var lhss = s.Locals.ConvertAll(c => new LocalVariable(Tok(c.Tok), Tok(c.EndTok), c.Name, CloneType(c.OptionalType), c.IsGhost));
        r = new TacticVarDeclStmt(Tok(s.Tok), Tok(s.EndTok), lhss, (ConcreteUpdateStatement)CloneStmt(s.Update));
      } else {
        Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException();  // unexpected statement

      // add labels to the cloned statement
      AddStmtLabels(r, stmt.Labels);
      r.Attributes = CloneAttributes(stmt.Attributes);

      return r;