public DebtDetailResponse ToDebtDetail(DynamicsGatewayOptions options) { return(new DebtDetailResponse { Id = Id, Amount = decimal.Parse(Amount), Reference = CreditorExternalReference, DebtTypeName = Type, NINO = NationalInsuranceNumber, CreatedOn = CreatedOn.ToDateTimeOffset(), ModifiedOn = ModifiedOn.ToDateTimeOffset(), Status = options.DebtStatus[StatusId.ToString()], SoldToCreditorName = ProposedCreditor?.Name, SoldToCreditorId = ProposedCreditor?.Id, PreviouslySold = PreviouslySold, CreditorName = Creditor.Name, CreditorId = Creditor.Id, StartsOn = CommencementDate?.ToDateTimeOffset(), EndsOn = ExpiryDate?.ToDateTimeOffset(), RemovedOn = RemovalDate?.ToDateTimeOffset(), DebtTypeId = TypeId, DebtEligibilityReview = DebtEligibilityReview != null ? DebtEligibilityReview.ToDebtEligibilityReview(options) : null, DebtRemovalReason = DebtRemovalReasonId.HasValue ? options.DebtRemovalReason.First(r => r.Value == DebtRemovalReasonId.ToString()).Key : (DebtRemovalReason?)null }); }
public void Refresh() { if (NTMinerRoot.Instance.CalcConfigSet.TryGetCalcConfig(_coinVm, out ICalcConfig calcConfig)) { var incomePerDay = NTMinerRoot.Instance.CalcConfigSet.GetIncomePerHashPerDay(_coinVm.Code); var v = this.Speed.FromUnitSpeed(this.SpeedUnitVm.Unit) * incomePerDay.IncomeCoin; if (v >= 100) { IncomePerDayText = v.ToString("f2"); } else { IncomePerDayText = v.ToString("f7"); } IncomeCnyPerDayText = (this.Speed.FromUnitSpeed(this.SpeedUnitVm.Unit) * incomePerDay.IncomeCny).ToString("f2"); CoinPriceCnyText = (incomePerDay.IncomeCny / incomePerDay.IncomeCoin).ToString("f2"); ModifiedOn = incomePerDay.ModifiedOn; if (ModifiedOn.AddMinutes(15) < DateTime.Now) { BackgroundBrush = Red; } else { BackgroundBrush = White; } } else { IncomePerDayText = "0"; IncomeCnyPerDayText = "0"; CoinPriceCnyText = "0"; ModifiedOn = DateTime.MinValue; BackgroundBrush = Red; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a <see cref="System.String"/> that represents this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.String"/> that represents this instance. /// </returns> public override string ToString() { return(OperationType + " DateTime=" + ModifiedOn.ToLocalTime() + (AuditedObject == null ? "" : " AuditedObject=(" + AuditedObject + ")") + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PropertyName) ? "" : "PropertyName=(" + PropertyName + ")") + (NewObject == null ? "" : " NewObject=(" + NewObject + ")") + (OldObject == null ? "" : " OldObject=(" + OldObject + ")") + (NewObject != null ? "" : " NewValue=(" + NewValue + ")") + (OldObject != null ? "" : " OldValue=(" + OldValue + ")")); }
protected override void OnParametersSet() { _text = string.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreatedBy) || CreatedOn != null) { _text += "<p style=\"" + Style + "\">Created "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreatedBy)) { _text += " by <b>" + CreatedBy + "</b>"; } if (CreatedOn != null) { _text += " on <b>" + CreatedOn.ToString("MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "</b>"; } _text += "</p>"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ModifiedBy) || ModifiedOn != null) { _text += "<p style=\"" + Style + "\">Last modified "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ModifiedBy)) { _text += " by <b>" + ModifiedBy + "</b>"; } if (ModifiedOn != null) { _text += " on <b>" + ModifiedOn.ToString("MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "</b>"; } _text += "</p>"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeletedBy) || DeletedOn.HasValue) { _text += "<p style=\"" + Style + "\">Deleted "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeletedBy)) { _text += " by <b>" + DeletedBy + "</b>"; } if (DeletedOn != null) { _text += " on <b>" + DeletedOn.Value.ToString("MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "</b>"; } _text += "</p>"; } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public bool Equals(Expectation other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return(Id == other.Id && CreatedOn.Equals(other.CreatedOn) && ModifiedOn.Equals(other.ModifiedOn) && Equals(Timestamp, other.Timestamp) && Equals(HttpRequest, other.HttpRequest) && Equals(HttpResponse, other.HttpResponse) && Equals(HttpResponseTemplate, other.HttpResponseTemplate) && Equals(HttpForward, other.HttpForward) && Equals(HttpForwardTemplate, other.HttpForwardTemplate) && Equals(HttpError, other.HttpError) && Equals(Times, other.Times) && Equals(TimeToLive, other.TimeToLive)); }
public StringBuilder GetSignData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(nameof(Id)).Append(Id) .Append(nameof(Name)).Append(Name) .Append(nameof(ServerJsonSha1)).Append(ServerJsonSha1) .Append(nameof(Description)).Append(Description) .Append(nameof(CreatedOn)).Append(CreatedOn.ToUlong()) .Append(nameof(ModifiedOn)).Append(ModifiedOn.ToUlong()); return(sb); }
public DebtEligibilityReviewResponse ToDebtEligibilityReview(DynamicsGatewayOptions options) { return(new DebtEligibilityReviewResponse { CreditorNotes = CreditorNotes, Reason = (DebtEligibilityReviewReasons)int.Parse(options.DebtEligibilityReviewReasons .First(r => r.Value == ReasonId.ToString()).Key), Status = options.DebtEligibilityReviewStatus[StatusId.ToString()], MoneyAdviserNotes = MoneyAdviserNotes, CreatedOn = CreatedOn.ToDateTimeOffset(), ModifiedOn = ModifiedOn.ToDateTimeOffset(), }); }
public DebtorEligibilityReviewResponse ToDebtorEligibilityReview(DynamicsGatewayOptions options) { return(new DebtorEligibilityReviewResponse { CreditorId = CreditorId, CreditorNotes = CreditorNotes, MoneyAdviserNotes = MoneyAdviserNotes, CreditorName = Creditor, Status = options.DebtorEligibilityReviewStatus[StatusId.ToString()], CreatedOn = CreatedOn.ToDateTimeOffset(), EndReason = options.GetEligibilityReviewParentReasonById(ReasonId), ModifiedOn = ModifiedOn.ToDateTimeOffset(), NoLongerEligibleReason = SubreasonId != Guid.Empty ? options.GetEligibilityReviewChildReasonById(SubreasonId) : null }); }
public void Refresh() { if (NTMinerRoot.Instance.CalcConfigSet.TryGetCalcConfig(_coinVm, out ICalcConfig calcConfig)) { NetSpeedText = calcConfig.NetSpeed > 0 ? calcConfig.NetSpeed.ToString() : string.Empty; NetSpeedUnit = calcConfig.NetSpeedUnit; if (calcConfig.DayWave > 0) { DayWaveText = $"+{(calcConfig.DayWave * 100).ToString("f2")}%"; DayWaveBrush = WpfUtil.GreenBrush; } else if (calcConfig.DayWave == 0) { DayWaveText = "0%"; DayWaveBrush = LightRed; } else { DayWaveText = $"{(calcConfig.DayWave * 100).ToString("f2")}%"; DayWaveBrush = WpfUtil.RedBrush; } var incomePerDay = NTMinerRoot.Instance.CalcConfigSet.GetIncomePerHashPerDay(_coinVm.Code); var v = this.Speed.FromUnitSpeed(this.SpeedUnitVm.Unit) * incomePerDay.IncomeCoin; if (v >= 100) { IncomePerDaySumText = v.ToString("f2"); } else { IncomePerDaySumText = v.ToString("f7"); } v = 1.0.FromUnitSpeed(this.SpeedUnitVm.Unit) * incomePerDay.IncomeCoin; if (v >= 100) { IncomePerDayText = v.ToString("f2"); } else { IncomePerDayText = v.ToString("f7"); } IncomeCnyPerDaySumText = (this.Speed.FromUnitSpeed(this.SpeedUnitVm.Unit) * incomePerDay.IncomeCny).ToString("f2"); IncomeCnyPerDayText = (1.0.FromUnitSpeed(this.SpeedUnitVm.Unit) * incomePerDay.IncomeCny).ToString("f2"); CoinPriceCnyText = (incomePerDay.IncomeCny / incomePerDay.IncomeCoin).ToString("f2"); ModifiedOn = incomePerDay.ModifiedOn; if (ModifiedOn.AddMinutes(15) < DateTime.Now) { BackgroundBrush = LightRed; } else { BackgroundBrush = WpfUtil.TransparentBrush; } OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SpeedUnitVm)); } else { IncomePerDaySumText = "0"; IncomeCnyPerDaySumText = "0"; IncomePerDayText = "0"; IncomeCnyPerDayText = "0"; CoinPriceCnyText = "0"; NetSpeedText = string.Empty; NetSpeedUnit = string.Empty; DayWaveText = string.Empty; ModifiedOn = DateTime.MinValue; BackgroundBrush = WpfUtil.RedBrush; } }