public ActionResult ScattaFoto(string myIDPerizia, string IDPerito, string IDSpedizione, string IDMeteo, string IDTP, string aIDTrasportatore,
                                       string aIDTipoRotabile, string aIDModelloCasa, string ErrMess = "", bool IsUpdate = false)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var myFoto = (from f in db.WEB_AUTO_FOTO
                          where f.IDPerizia == myIDPerizia
                          select f);

            model.WEB_AUTO_FOTO = myFoto.ToList();

            ViewBag.IDPerito         = IDPerito;
            ViewBag.IDSpedizione     = IDSpedizione;
            ViewBag.IDMeteo          = IDMeteo;
            ViewBag.IDTP             = IDTP;
            ViewBag.aIDTrasportatore = aIDTrasportatore;
            ViewBag.aIDTipoRotabile  = aIDTipoRotabile;
            ViewBag.aIDModelloCasa   = aIDModelloCasa;
            ViewBag.myIDPerizia      = myIDPerizia;
            ViewBag.ErrMess          = ErrMess;
            ViewBag.IsUpdate         = IsUpdate;
            return(View("ScattaFoto", myFoto));

            //ViewBag.myIDPerizia = myIDPerizia;
            //return View();
        public ActionResult CancellaPDFSpedizione(string IDSpedizione, string nomefile)
            var sql             = @"DELETE FROM WEB_AUTO_PDF WHERE IDPerizia = @IDDocumento";
            int myRecordCounter = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, new SqlParameter("@IDDocumento", IDSpedizione));

            string fullPath = Request.MapPath("~/DocumentiXTelai/PDF/" + nomefile);

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))

            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var myFoto = (from f in db.WEB_AUTO_PDF
                          where f.IDPerizia == IDSpedizione
                          select f);

            model.WEB_AUTO_PDF = myFoto.ToList();

            //ViewBag.IDTelaio = myIDPerizia;
            return(RedirectToAction("ScattaPDFSpedizione", "Documenti", new
                IDSpedizione = IDSpedizione

            //return View("ScattaFoto", myIDPerizia);
Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult Index()
            //var orderId = 2;
            //var order = new Order();
            List <Order> orders = new List <Order>();

            using (var orderActions = new OrderActions())
                //order = orderActions.GetOrder(orderId);
                orders = orderActions.GetCompletedOrders();

            var vm = new Models.HomeModel
                DisplayName = base.DisplayName,
                Orders      = orders

            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                var user = User.Identity.Name;

        public ActionResult UploadFoto(IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, string myIDPerizia, string IDPerito, string IDSpedizione, string IDMeteo,
                                       string IDTP, string aIDTrasportatore, string aIDTipoRotabile, string aIDModelloCasa, string ErrMess = "", bool IsUpdate = false)
            string filename = "";
            string path     = "";

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (file != null)
                    filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                    path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/DocumentiXTelai/Foto"), filename);
                    if (file != null)
                    int cnt = 0;
                        cnt = (int)(from m in db.WEB_AUTO_FOTO
                                    where m.IDPerizia == myIDPerizia
                                    select m.Prog).Max();
                    catch {   }

                    var sql             = @"INSERT INTO WEB_AUTO_FOTO (IDPerizia, FileName,Prog) Values (@IDPerizia, @FileName,@Prog)";
                    int noOfRowInserted = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql,
                                                                        new SqlParameter("@IDPerizia", myIDPerizia),
                                                                        new SqlParameter("@FileName", filename),
                                                                        new SqlParameter("@Prog", cnt));

            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var myFoto = (from f in db.WEB_AUTO_FOTO
                          where f.IDPerizia == myIDPerizia
                          select f);

            model.WEB_AUTO_FOTO = myFoto.ToList();

            ViewBag.myIDPerizia      = myIDPerizia;
            ViewBag.IDPerito         = IDPerito;
            ViewBag.IDSpedizione     = IDSpedizione;
            ViewBag.IDMeteo          = IDMeteo;
            ViewBag.IDTP             = IDTP;
            ViewBag.aIDTrasportatore = aIDTrasportatore;
            ViewBag.aIDTipoRotabile  = aIDTipoRotabile;
            ViewBag.aIDModelloCasa   = aIDModelloCasa;
            ViewBag.ErrMess          = ErrMess;
            ViewBag.IsUpdate         = IsUpdate;
            return(View("ScattaFoto", myFoto));
Beispiel #5
        private HomeModel GetHomeModel(FormCollection formCollection = null)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            model.StretchTableName = Constants.StretchTableName;
            string remoteDatabaseName = StretchDbService.GetDatabaseName(Constants.StretchDBAzureConnectionString);
            string remoteTableName    = StretchDbService.GetRemoteTableName(Constants.StretchTableName, Constants.StretchDbOnPremiseConnectionString, remoteDatabaseName);

            model.StretchEnabled   = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(remoteTableName);
            model.IsDatabaseOnline = SqlAlwaysOnService.IsServerConnected(Constants.SQLAlwaysOnConnectionString);

            if (SqlAlwaysOnService.IsPrimaryDatabase(Constants.SqlAlwaysOnPrimaryConnectionString))
                model.AlwaysOnPrimaryDatabaseServer   = SqlAlwaysOnService.GetServerName(Constants.SqlAlwaysOnPrimaryConnectionString);
                model.AlwaysOnSecondaryDatabaseServer = SqlAlwaysOnService.GetServerName(Constants.SqlAlwaysOnSecondaryConnectionString);;
                model.AlwaysOnPrimaryDatabaseServer   = SqlAlwaysOnService.GetServerName(Constants.SqlAlwaysOnSecondaryConnectionString);
                model.AlwaysOnSecondaryDatabaseServer = SqlAlwaysOnService.GetServerName(Constants.SqlAlwaysOnPrimaryConnectionString);;

            model.TotalSpaceUsed  = StretchDbService.GetUsedSpace(Constants.StretchTableName, Constants.StretchDbOnPremiseConnectionString, StorageMode.ALL);
            model.RemoteSpaceUsed = StretchDbService.GetUsedSpace(Constants.StretchTableName, Constants.StretchDbOnPremiseConnectionString, StorageMode.REMOTE_ONLY);
            model.LocalSpaceUsed  = StretchDbService.GetUsedSpace(Constants.StretchTableName, Constants.StretchDbOnPremiseConnectionString, StorageMode.LOCAL_ONLY);

Beispiel #6
        //public ActionResult Index(string usr, string Opt1, string CercaTarga, string SearchLocation)

        //    if (usr != null)
        //        Session["User"] = usr;
        //    if (usr == null)
        //        usr = Session["User"].ToString();

        //    bool isAuth = false;

        //    if (usr != String.Empty)
        //    {
        //        string UserName = "";

        //        string cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName; //Find cookie name
        //        HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies[cookieName]; //Get the cookie by it's name
        //        FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value); //Decrypt it
        //        UserName = ticket.Name; //You have the UserName!

        //        if (usr == UserName)
        //        {
        //            ViewBag.Messaggio = "BENE il cookie corrisponde!";
        //            //ViewBag.Messaggio = personaggio;
        //            isAuth = true;
        //            using (AUTOSDUEntities val = new AUTOSDUEntities())
        //            {
        //                Session["Status"] = "";

        //                var fromDatabaseEF = new SelectList(val.Luoghi_vw.ToList(), "ID", "DescrITA");
        //                ViewData["Luoghi"] = fromDatabaseEF;

        //            }

        //            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CercaTarga))
        //            {
        //                return View();
        //            }
        //            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CercaTarga))
        //            {
        //                var model = new Models.HomeModel();
        //                var telai = from s in db.AT_ListaPratiche_vw
        //                            where s.Targa.ToString() == CercaTarga
        //                            select s;
        //                model.AT_ListaPratiche_vw = telai.ToList();
        //                return View("ElencoTelai", model);
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                return View();
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            ViewBag.Messaggio = "il cookie contenente lo 'username' non corrisponde allo User della queryString!";
        //            isAuth = false;
        //            return View("IncorrectLogin");
        //        }

        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        string UserName = "";

        //        string cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName; //Find cookie name
        //        HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies[cookieName]; //Get the cookie by it's name
        //        FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value); //Decrypt it
        //        UserName = ticket.Name; //You have the UserName!
        //    }
        //    return View();


        public ActionResult Index(string Opt1, string CercaTarga, string SearchLocation)
            using (AUTOSDUEntities val = new AUTOSDUEntities())
                Session["Status"] = "";

                var fromDatabaseEF = new SelectList(val.Luoghi_vw.ToList(), "ID", "DescrITA");
                ViewData["Luoghi"] = fromDatabaseEF;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CercaTarga))
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CercaTarga))
                var model = new Models.HomeModel();
                var telai = from s in db.AT_ListaPratiche_vw
                            where s.Targa.ToString() == CercaTarga
                            select s;
                model.AT_ListaPratiche_vw = telai.ToList();
                return(View("ElencoTelai", model));

            //return RedirectToAction("DoRefresh", "Home");
        public ActionResult CercaStoriaTelaio(string aTelaio)
            string myTelaio = aTelaio.ToUpper();
            var    model    = new Models.HomeModel();

            var Chassis1 = from m in db.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_MVC_vw
                           where m.Telaio == myTelaio
                           select m;

            model.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_MVC_vw = Chassis1.ToList();
            ViewBag.Chassis1 = myTelaio;

            var Chassis2 = from m in db.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_TMP_vw
                           where m.Telaio == myTelaio
                           select m;

            model.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_TMP_vw = Chassis2.ToList();

            var Chassis3 = from m in db.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_DEF_vw
                           where m.Telaio == myTelaio
                           select m;

            model.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_DEF_vw = Chassis3.ToList().OrderByDescending(m => m.DataPerizia);

Beispiel #8
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            Models.HomeModel model = new Models.HomeModel();

            model.SignInName = AuthHelper.GetUserId();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SignInName))
                    var accessToken = await AuthHelper.GetUserAccessTokenSilentAsync(SettingsHelper.AADGraphResourceId);

                    if (accessToken == null)
                    var response = await UserInfo.GetUserInfoAsync(SettingsHelper.AADGraphResourceId, model.SignInName, accessToken);

                    if (null != response)
                        model.DisplayName = response.DisplayName;
                        model.OneDriveUrl = response.MySite;
                        model.DisplayName = "Error getting data from Microsoft Graph.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    model.DisplayName = ex.ToString();

        public ActionResult DraftRun(String name, String phone, String bank_code, String bank_name, String account_code, String account_name, decimal target_money, String end_datetime, String title, String introduction, String content)
            DateTime now_time       = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime end_datetime_2 = Convert.ToDateTime(end_datetime);

            this.homemodel.DraftRunMen(name, phone, now_time);
            int menber_id = this.homemodel.lastid;

            this.homemodel = new Models.HomeModel();

            this.homemodel.DraftRunB(menber_id, bank_code, bank_name, account_code, account_name, now_time);
            int bank_id = this.homemodel.lastid;

            this.homemodel = new Models.HomeModel();

            this.homemodel.DraftRunP(menber_id, bank_id, now_time);
            int proposal_id = this.homemodel.lastid;

            this.homemodel = new Models.HomeModel();

            this.homemodel.DraftRunPV(proposal_id, title, introduction, content, end_datetime_2, now_time);

            this.homemodel = new Models.HomeModel();

            this.homemodel.DraftRunPG(proposal_id, target_money, now_time);

            String sb = "";

            sb = sb + "{";
            sb = sb + "\"p_id\": " + proposal_id.ToString() + "  ";
            sb = sb + "}";
        public ActionResult Images(int ID)
            var model      = new Models.HomeModel();
            int myIDTelaio = 0;

            if (TempData["myIDTelaio"] != null)
                myIDTelaio = (int)TempData["myIDTelaio"];
                myIDTelaio = ID;

            var foto = from s in db.RPC_FotoXTelaio
                       where s.IDTelaio.ToString() == ID.ToString()
                       select s;

            model.RPC_FotoXTelaio = foto.ToList();

            TempData["myIDTelaio"] = myIDTelaio;

        public ActionResult CancellaPDF(int?IDDocumento, string myIDPerizia, string nomefile, string IDPerito, string IDSpedizione, string IDMeteo, string IDTP,
                                        string aIDTrasportatore, string aIDTipoRotabile, string aIDModelloCasa, bool IsUpdate = false)
            var sql             = @"DELETE FROM WEB_AUTO_PDF WHERE ID = @IDDocumento";
            int myRecordCounter = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, new SqlParameter("@IDDocumento", IDDocumento));

            string fullPath = Request.MapPath("~/DocumentiXTelai/PDF/" + nomefile);

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))

            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var myFoto = (from f in db.WEB_AUTO_PDF
                          where f.IDPerizia == myIDPerizia
                          select f);

            model.WEB_AUTO_PDF = myFoto.ToList();

            //ViewBag.IDTelaio = myIDPerizia;
            return(RedirectToAction("ScattaPDF", "Documenti", new { myIDPerizia = myIDPerizia, IDPerito = IDPerito, IDSpedizione = IDSpedizione,
                                                                    IDMeteo = IDMeteo, IDTP = IDTP, aIDTrasportatore = aIDTrasportatore, aIDTipoRotabile = aIDTipoRotabile,
                                                                    aIDModelloCasa = aIDModelloCasa, IsUpdate = IsUpdate }));

            //return View("ScattaFoto", myIDPerizia);
Beispiel #12
 public HomeModule()
     Get["/"] = parameters =>
         Models.HomeModel model = new Models.HomeModel();
         return View["Index", model];
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int?id)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            model.RegulationsJSON = await FetchRegulationData(id);

        /// <summary>
        /// Retourne la vue "Library.cshtml", avec un modèle HomeModel.cs contenant les livres qui sont dans la librairie de l'utilisateur, filtrés selon les paramètres entrés
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchString">Mots clés de recherche</param>
        /// <param name="category">Catégorie sélectionnée</param>
        /// <returns>La vue "Library.cshtml", avec un modèle HomeModel</returns>
        public ActionResult Library(string searchString = null, string category = null)
            ProjetFinal.Models.HomeModel model = new Models.HomeModel();

            string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AtlasDB"].ConnectionString;

            using (var conn = new OleDbConnection(connString))
                string query = "select * from [Books] where [Id] in (select [BookId] from [Sales] where [UserId] = (select [Id] from [Users] where [Username] = @username))";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
                    query += " and [Title] like @searchString";
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category))
                    query += " and [Category] = @category";
                query += " order by [Rating] desc, [Title] asc";

                OleDbCommand searchCmd = new OleDbCommand(query, conn);

                searchCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", User.Identity.GetUserName());
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
                    searchCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@searchString", "%" + searchString + "%");
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category))
                    searchCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@category", category);
                    model.currentCategory = category;

                OleDbCommand categoriesCmd = new OleDbCommand("select distinct [Category] from [Books]", conn);


                var searchResultsTable = new DataTable();
                using (var reader = searchCmd.ExecuteReader())

                var categoriesTable = new DataTable();
                using (var reader = categoriesCmd.ExecuteReader())


                model.Books = Utils.deserialize(searchResultsTable);
                foreach (DataRow row in categoriesTable.Rows)
Beispiel #15
        public ActionResult Index(int?page)
            var pageItems     = Consumables.ConsumableCollection().OrderByDescending(c => c.Created);
            var articleModels = pageItems as IList <Models.ArticleModel> ?? pageItems.ToList();
            var pager         = new Pagination("Home", articleModels.Count, page);
            var items         = articleModels.Skip((int)((pager.CurrentPage - 1) * pager.PageSize)).Take((int)pager.PageSize);
            var viewModel     = new Models.HomeModel(items, pager);

Beispiel #16
        public IActionResult Save(Models.HomeModel model)
            context.FooBars.RemoveRange(context.FooBars); // Remove any existing

            context.FooBars.Add(new FooBar {
                Text = model.Foo
Beispiel #17
        public IActionResult Index()
            var item  = context.FooBars.Select(f => f.Text).SingleOrDefault();
            var model = new Models.HomeModel
                Foo = item,

            return(View(model: model));
        public ActionResult Index(int?page)
            var pageItems     = ArticleItems();
            var articleModels = pageItems as IList <Models.ArticleModel> ?? pageItems.ToList();
            var pager         = new Pagination("Home", articleModels.Count, page);
            var items         = articleModels.Skip((int)((pager.CurrentPage - 1) * pager.PageSize)).Take((int)pager.PageSize);
            var viewModel     = new Models.HomeModel(items, pager);

        public ActionResult PrintList()
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            string mySearch = TempData["mySearch"] as string;
            string myLotto  = TempData["myLotto"] as string;

            string Scelta1 = Session["Scelta1"].ToString();

            if (Scelta1 == "TUTTE")
                var telai = from s in db.RPC_Telai
                            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == mySearch || //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804" ||
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805"
                            select s;
                model.RPC_Telai = telai.ToList();
            else if (Scelta1 == "CHIUSE")
                var telai = from s in db.RPC_Telai
                            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == mySearch || //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804" ||
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805" &&
                            s.IsFinished == true
                            select s;
                model.RPC_Telai = telai.ToList();
            else if (Scelta1 == "APERTE")
                var telai = from s in db.RPC_Telai
                            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == mySearch || //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804" ||
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805" &&
                            s.IsFinished == false
                            select s;
                model.RPC_Telai = telai.ToList();
                var telai = from s in db.RPC_Telai
                            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == mySearch || //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804" ||
                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805"
                            select s;
                model.RPC_Telai = telai.ToList();

            TempData["mySearch"] = mySearch;
            TempData["myLotto"]  = myLotto;

            return(View("PrintList", model));
Beispiel #20
        public Models.HomeModel GetHome(string otherOptions)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel
                Description =
                    "これは MVVM の実装方法を理解するための ASP.NET SPA サンプルです。このサンプルデータは動的に Web API から取得されています。(" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss") + ")",
                Version = "Ver." + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()

        } // end function
 public ActionResult Index(string Number, string Team)
     Models.HomeModel model = new Models.HomeModel(Number, Team);
         DataAccess.InsertNumberForTeam(model.Number, model.Team);
     } catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
        public ActionResult InvestRun(int p_id, String name, String phone, decimal invest_money)
            DateTime now_time = DateTime.Now;

            this.homemodel.InvestIRun(p_id, name, phone, invest_money, now_time);

            this.homemodel = new Models.HomeModel();

            this.homemodel.InvestRsetRun(p_id, invest_money);

        public ActionResult UploadPDFSpedizione(IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, string IDSpedizione)
            string filename = "";
            string path     = "";

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (file != null)
                    filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                    path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/DocumentiXTelai/PDF"), filename);
                    if (file != null)
                    int cnt = 0;
                        cnt = (int)(from m in db.WEB_AUTO_PDF
                                    where m.IDPerizia == IDSpedizione
                                    select m.Prog).Max();
                    catch { }

                    var sql             = @"INSERT INTO WEB_AUTO_PDF (IDPerizia, FileName,Prog) Values (@IDPerizia, @FileName,@Prog)";
                    int noOfRowInserted = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql,
                                                                        new SqlParameter("@IDPerizia", IDSpedizione),
                                                                        new SqlParameter("@FileName", filename),
                                                                        new SqlParameter("@Prog", cnt));

            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var myFoto = (from f in db.WEB_AUTO_PDF
                          where f.IDPerizia == IDSpedizione
                          select f);

            model.WEB_AUTO_PDF = myFoto.ToList();

            ViewBag.IDSpedizione = IDSpedizione;

            return(View("ScattaPDFSpedizione", myFoto));
Beispiel #24
        public ActionResult ModificaDataPerizia(string aViaggio, string errMess = "")
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();
            var lista = (from m in db.WEB_Auto_ListaPerizieXSpedizione_vw
                         where m.IDOriginale1 == aViaggio

                         select m).ToList().OrderBy(s => s.DataPerizia);

            model.WEB_Auto_ListaPerizieXSpedizione_vw = lista;
            ViewBag.myViaggio = aViaggio;
            ViewBag.errMess   = errMess;
Beispiel #25
        public ActionResult MostraPDF(string aIDPerizia, string IDSpedizione, string IDTP)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();
            var pdf   = (from m in db.WEB_AUTO_PDF
                         where m.IDPerizia == aIDPerizia
                         select m).ToList();

            model.WEB_AUTO_PDF   = pdf;
            ViewBag.IDSpedizione = IDSpedizione;
            ViewBag.IDTP         = IDTP;

        public ActionResult VisualizzaPreload(string aViaggio)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var ListaTelai = from m in db.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_MVC_vw
                             where m.Viaggio == aViaggio
                             where m.IDTipoPerizia == "C"
                             select m;

            model.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_MVC_vw = ListaTelai.ToList().OrderBy(s => s.Status);
            ViewBag.Viaggio = aViaggio;
Beispiel #27
        public Models.HomeModel GetAccounts()
            IEnumerable <Models.AccountModel> accounts = null;

            Models.HomeModel accountGroups = new Models.HomeModel();

                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");

                    ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol             = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                    System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

                    //Called Member default GET All records
                    //GetAsync to send a GET request
                    // PutAsync to send a PUT request
                    var responseTask = client.GetAsync(client.BaseAddress);

                    //To store result of web api response.
                    var result = responseTask.Result;

                    //If success received
                    if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var readTask = result.Content.ReadAsAsync <IList <Models.AccountModel> >();

                        accounts = readTask.Result;
                        accountGroups.ActiveAccounts   = accounts.Where(m => m.AccountStatusId == 0).ToList();
                        accountGroups.InactiveAccounts = accounts.Where(m => m.AccountStatusId == 1).ToList();
                        accountGroups.OverdueAccounts  = accounts.Where(m => m.AccountStatusId == 2).ToList();
                        //Error response received
                        accounts = Enumerable.Empty <Models.AccountModel>();
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Server error try after some time.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                var errorMessage = ex.Message;
                var stackTrace   = ex.StackTrace;

        public ActionResult CarouselFotoStoriche(string aIDPerizia, string aTelaio)
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

            var foto = (from m in db.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_DEF_vw
                        where m.IDPerizia == aIDPerizia
                        select m).ToList();

            model.WEB_ListaPerizieFlat_DEF_vw = foto;
            ViewBag.NumFoto   = foto[0].NumFoto;
            ViewBag.IDPErizia = foto[0].IDPerizia;
            ViewBag.Telaio    = aTelaio;
        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new Models.HomeModel {
                PageTitle = "Dashboard"

            var widgets = MefBootstrapper.GetInstances <MvcDashboard.Contracts.IWidget>();

            foreach (var widget in widgets)

        // GET: ImportazioneDati
        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new Models.HomeModel();
            var commesse = from co in db.Commesse
                           join m in db.Clienti on co.IDCliente equals m.ID
                           where m.IsActive == true
                           //where co.ID == 2
                           select co;
            model.Commesse = commesse.ToList();
            var elencoCommesse = new SelectList(model.Commesse.ToList().OrderBy(m => m.Descrizione), "ID", "Descrizione");

            ViewData["Commesse"] = elencoCommesse;

            return View();
        public ActionResult Index()
            Models.HomeModel model = new Models.HomeModel();
            model.TdList = new List <Models.ToDoItem>();

            Models.ToDoItem task1 = new Models.ToDoItem("Go to store", "Need to go to the store and pick up some groceries", 1);
            Models.ToDoItem task2 = new Models.ToDoItem("Clean up leaves", "Clean up the leaves in the yard and place then in bags", 2);
            Models.ToDoItem task3 = new Models.ToDoItem("Mow the lawn", "After cleaning up the leaves, mow the lawn", 3);

