public static bool UpdateSortMenu(dynamic parameters) { string MenuGroupID = parameters["GroupID"]; dynamic[] d = (dynamic[])parameters["arraied"]; Model_Menu cm = new Model_Menu(); int x = 0; int count = 1; string arrId = string.Empty; foreach (dynamic i in d) { if (x > 0) { string p = (i["parent_id"] == null ?"0" : (string)i["parent_id"]); string ii = (i["id"] == null? "0":(string)i["id"]); cm.UpdateSort(int.Parse(ii), int.Parse(p), count); count = count + 1; arrId = arrId + "," + ii; } x = x + 1; } //cm.DeleteArr(arrId.Substring(1)); return(true); }
public static bool DeleteMenu(dynamic parameters) { int MID = int.Parse((string)parameters); Model_Menu m = new Model_Menu(); m = m.GetMenuByID(MID); //Check Archive MAp if (m.MCategory == 2 && m.PostTypeID.HasValue || m.GetMenuAll_byMCat(m.MCategory).Count() == 0) { Model_Archive mc = new Model_Archive(); mc.DeleteARchive((byte)m.PostTypeID); } if (m.DeleteMenu(MID)) { List <Model_Menu> reflist = m.GetMenuAll_byRefID(MID); if (reflist.Count() > 0) { foreach (Model_Menu mr in reflist) { m.UpdateTOParent(mr.MID); } } } return(true); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MID = Request.Form["menu_checked"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MID)) { Model_Menu m = new Model_Menu(); string[] arrArg = MID.Split(','); foreach (string ar in arrArg) { string Url = Request.Form["custom_url_" + ar]; string Title = Request.Form["label_" + ar]; string TitleTag = Request.Form["TagTitle_" + ar]; string[] d = ar.Split('_'); int intMID = int.Parse(d[0]); byte bytCat = byte.Parse(d[1]); m.Title = Title; m.TitleTag = TitleTag; m.MID = intMID; m.CustomUrl = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url)?string.Empty: Url); m.Update(m); } } Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Response.Write(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Url.AbsolutePath)));Response.End(); if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { string Pagetitle = string.Empty; string Pagedescription = string.Empty; string canonical = string.Empty; string fb_localte = string.Empty; string fb_type = string.Empty; string fb_title = string.Empty; string fb_des = string.Empty; string fb_url = string.Empty; string fb_site_name = string.Empty; string fb_image = string.Empty; string tw_card = string.Empty; string tw_title = string.Empty; string tw_des = string.Empty; string tw_image = string.Empty; string analytic = string.Empty; bool Metarobotfollow = false; Model_SiteInfo st = new Model_SiteInfo(); Model_MainSetting setting = new Model_MainSetting(); setting = setting.GetMainSetting(); Model_PageEngine PageEngine = new Model_PageEngine(); PageEngine.SiteInfo = st.GetSiteInfo(); PageEngine.MainSetting = setting; Model_PostType cPostType = new Model_PostType(); Model_Post post = new Model_Post(); Model_Menu m = new Model_Menu(); Model_PostTaxonomy tax = new Model_PostTaxonomy(); List <Model_Post> postArchive = new List <Model_Post>(); Model_Archive archive = new Model_Archive(); PageEngine.NavMenu = m.GetMenuAll(1); PageEngine.FooterMenu = m.GetMenuAll(2); //string[] dd = { "fixed-sidebar", "no-skin-config", "full-height-layout" }; //StyleCore dd = new StyleCore(); //StyleCore.arrayClass = dd; //Set Setting to MasterPage Class Master.PageEngine = PageEngine; byte bytPostTypeID = 0; string StrPost_slug = string.Empty; int intPostID = 0; string RouteSlug_1 = Page.RouteData.Values["Param1"] as string; string RouteSlug_2 = Page.RouteData.Values["Param2"] as string; string RouteSlug_3 = Page.RouteData.Values["Param3"] as string; string RouteSlug_4 = Page.RouteData.Values["Param4"] as string; string RouteSlug_5 = Page.RouteData.Values["Param5"] as string; Model_PostCustomItem pct = new Model_PostCustomItem(); //Case Route Slug if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RouteSlug_1)) { //1. Check Is Archive archive = archive.GetPostArchive(RouteSlug_1); if (archive != null) { //Is Archive bytPostTypeID = archive.PostTypeID; StrPost_slug = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(archive.Slug) ? archive.PostTypeSlug : archive.Slug); //postArchive = CmsController.GetPostArchive(bytPostTypeID); //Check PostType Archive switch (StrPost_slug) { case "hotelworld-products": //check Route Param2 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RouteSlug_2)) { //Case Product Page Archive SectionProductArchive.Visible = true; cPostType = cPostType.GetPostTypeBySlug(StrPost_slug); if (cPostType != null) { //product-type = 24 this.TaxForPostType = tax.FrontGetTaxonomyByID(24); if (this.TaxForPostType != null) { this.TaxList = tax.FrontGetTaxonomyByRefID(24); } } } else { //check Is Paging of Product Page Archive if (RouteSlug_2 == "page") { //Case Archive Paging SectionProductArchive.Visible = true; string pageno = RouteSlug_3; } else if (RouteSlug_2 == "category" || RouteSlug_2 == "tag") { //Tax Archive tax = tax.GetTaxBySlugAndPostType(RouteSlug_3, bytPostTypeID); if (tax != null) { //case Tax approve SectionProductTaxArchive.Visible = true; this.TaxForPostType = tax; this.TaxList = tax.GetTaxonomyTaxTypeAndPostType_withcountpost(bytPostTypeID, (byte)PostTaxonomyType.Categories); this.ContentBody = tax.BodyContent; //Case tax Archive Paging if (RouteSlug_4 == "page") { string pageno = RouteSlug_5; //Do something with paging } } } else { //Check Product SinglePage post = CmsController.GetPostSlug(RouteSlug_2, PostType.Products); if (post != null) { SectionProductSingle.Visible = true; this.PostDataUI = post; this.ContentBody = post.BodyContent; this.PageContentTitle = post.Title; this.CTF = pct.GetItemCustomByPostID(post.PostID); } } } break; case "ข่าวสาร": //check Route Param2 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RouteSlug_2)) { //Case Product Page Archive SectionBlogPageArchive.Visible = true; } else { //check Is Paging of Product Page Archive if (RouteSlug_2 == "page") { //Case Archive Paging SectionBlogPageArchive.Visible = true; string pageno = RouteSlug_3; } else if (RouteSlug_2 == "category" || RouteSlug_2 == "tag") { //Tax Archive tax = tax.GetTaxBySlugAndPostType(RouteSlug_3, bytPostTypeID); if (tax != null) { //case Tax approve //Same layout with blog archive // SectionBlogPageTaxArchive.Visible = true; SectionBlogPageArchive.Visible = true; //Case tax Archive Paging if (RouteSlug_4 == "page") { string pageno = RouteSlug_5; //Do something with paging } } } else { //Check Product SinglePage post = CmsController.GetPostSlug(RouteSlug_2, PostType.Blog); if (post != null) { SectionBlogPageSingle.Visible = true; } } } break; } HeaderSection.Text = GenerateHeaderBannerAndSlider(post, tax); } else { //Case PostType Page StrPost_slug = RouteSlug_1; post = CmsController.GetPostSlug(StrPost_slug, PostType.Pages); if (post != null) { bytPostTypeID = post.PostTypeID; intPostID = post.PostID; //page_header.Visible = true; if (StrPost_slug == "checkout") { section_checkout_page.Visible = true; } else { page_content.Visible = true; } HeaderSection.Text = GenerateHeaderBannerAndSlider(post); this.PostDataUI = post; this.ContentBody = post.BodyContent; this.PageContentTitle = post.Title; } } // content.Text = post.BodyContent; } else { //Case HomePage No Slug //Get PostID From Setting HomePage Slug intPostID = setting.HomePagePostID; post = CmsController.GetPostByID(intPostID); if (post != null) { StrPost_slug = post.Slug; bytPostTypeID = post.PostTypeID; HeaderSection.Text = GenerateHeaderBannerAndSlider(post); this.CTF = pct.GetItemCustomByPostID(intPostID); // content.Text = post.BodyContent; this.PostDataUI = post; this.ContentBody = post.BodyContent; this.PageContentTitle = post.Title; section_page_home.Visible = true; home_content.Text = this.ContentBody; } } //= null; Model_PostSeo posttype_postseo = new Model_PostSeo(); Model_PostSeo tax_postseo = new Model_PostSeo(); Model_PostSeo post_postseo = new Model_PostSeo(); if (bytPostTypeID != 0) { cPostType = cPostType.GetPostTypeByID(bytPostTypeID); posttype_postseo = cPostType.PosTypetSEO; } if (tax != null) { tax_postseo = tax.TaxSEO; } if (post != null) { post_postseo = post.PostSEO; } Pagetitle = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "SEOTitle"); Pagedescription = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "MetaDescription"); canonical = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "CanonicalUrl"); fb_localte = setting.htmlTagSiteLang; fb_type = "website"; fb_title = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "FaceBookTitle"); fb_des = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "FacebookDescription"); fb_url = Request.Url.ToString(); fb_site_name = PageEngine.SiteInfo.Slogan; fb_image = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "FacebookImage"); tw_card = "summary"; tw_title = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "TwitterTitle"); tw_des = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "TwitterDescription"); tw_image = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "TwitterImages"); analytic = checklv(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "GoogleAnalytic"); Metarobotfollow = checklv_bool(posttype_postseo, tax_postseo, post_postseo, "Metarobotsfollow"); this.Page.Title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pagetitle) ? setting.WebSiteTitle : Pagetitle; var MetaDescription = new HtmlMeta { Name = "description", Content = Pagedescription }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaDescription); var MetaFB_locate = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:locale", Content = fb_localte }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_locate); var MetaFB_Type = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:type", Content = fb_type }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_Type); var MetaFB_title = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:title", Content = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb_title)? fb_title : string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pagetitle) ? setting.WebSiteTitle : Pagetitle }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_title); var MetaFB_Des = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:description", Content = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb_des) ? fb_des: Pagedescription }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_Des); var MetaFB_Url = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:url", Content = fb_url }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_Url); var MetaFB_SiteName = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:site_name", Content = fb_site_name }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_SiteName); var MetaFB_image = new HtmlMeta { Name = "og:image", Content = fb_image }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaFB_image); var MetaTW_Card = new HtmlMeta { Name = "twitter:card", Content = tw_card }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaTW_Card); var MetaTW_Des = new HtmlMeta { Name = "twitter:description", Content = tw_des }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaTW_Des); var MetaTW_Title = new HtmlMeta { Name = "twitter:title", Content = tw_title }; Header.Controls.Add(MetaTW_Title); var Meta_Image = new HtmlMeta { Name = "twitter:image", Content = tw_image }; Header.Controls.Add(Meta_Image); } }
public static bool InsertMenu(dynamic parameters) { string cmd = parameters["cmd"]; // int cmdarg = (int)parameters["cmdarg"]; string strpost = parameters["strpost"]; string strarch = parameters["strarch"]; string strtax = parameters["strtax"]; string CustomURl = parameters["url"]; string CustomURlTxt = parameters["txt"]; string MenuGroupID = parameters["GroupID"]; Model_PostType cpt = new Model_PostType(); string Title = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd)) { switch (cmd) { case "menu_post": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strarch)) { byte PostTypeID = byte.Parse(strarch); Model_PostType cPt = new Model_PostType(); cpt = cpt.GetPostTypeByID(PostTypeID); Model_Menu cme = new Model_Menu(); cme.MGID = int.Parse(MenuGroupID); cme.Title = "All " + cpt.Title; cme.TitleOrigin = cpt.Slug; cme.Slug = cpt.Slug; cme.CustomUrl = ""; cme.Status = true; cme.MenuRefID = 0; cme.Lv = 1; cme.Priority = 1; cme.MCategory = (byte)MenuCategory.Archive; cme.PostTypeID = cpt.PostTypeID; cme.InsertMenuFirst(cme); Model_Archive ma = new Model_Archive(); ma.inSertArchiveMap(cpt.PostTypeID, cpt.Slug); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strpost)) { foreach (string post in strpost.Split(',')) { int postID = int.Parse(post); Model_Post cP = new Model_Post(); cP = cP.GetPostByID(postID); Model_Menu cme = new Model_Menu(); cme.MGID = int.Parse(MenuGroupID); cme.Title = cP.Slug; cme.TitleOrigin = cP.Slug; cme.Slug = cP.Slug; cme.CustomUrl = ""; cme.Status = true; cme.MenuRefID = 0; cme.Lv = 1; cme.Priority = 1; cme.MCategory = (byte)MenuCategory.Post; cme.PostID = cP.PostID; cme.InsertMenuFirst(cme); } } break; case "menu_Tax": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strtax)) { foreach (string tax in strtax.Split(',')) { int TaxId = int.Parse(tax); Model_PostTaxonomy mp = new Model_PostTaxonomy(); mp = mp.GetTaxonomyByID(TaxId); //if Tax Need to Check PostypeParent and Make Defaul Archive Page as well Model_PostType cPt = new Model_PostType(); cpt = cpt.GetPostTypeByID(mp.PostTypeID); Model_Menu cme = new Model_Menu(); cme.MGID = int.Parse(MenuGroupID); cme.Title = mp.Slug; cme.TitleOrigin = mp.Slug; cme.Slug = mp.Slug; cme.CustomUrl = ""; cme.Status = true; cme.MenuRefID = 0; cme.Lv = 1; cme.Priority = 1; cme.MCategory = (byte)MenuCategory.Taxonomy; cme.TaxID = mp.TaxID; cme.PostTypeID = mp.PostTypeID; cme.InsertMenuFirst(cme); Model_Archive ma = new Model_Archive(); ma.inSertArchiveMap(cpt.PostTypeID, cpt.Slug); } } // mCat = MenuCategory.Taxonomy; break; case "menu_custom": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomURl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomURlTxt)) { Model_Menu cme = new Model_Menu(); cme.MGID = int.Parse(MenuGroupID); cme.Title = CustomURlTxt; cme.TitleOrigin = CustomURlTxt; cme.Slug = CustomURlTxt; cme.CustomUrl = CustomURl; cme.Status = true; cme.MenuRefID = 0; cme.Lv = 1; cme.Priority = 1; cme.MCategory = (byte)MenuCategory.CustomLink; cme.PostTypeID = cpt.PostTypeID; cme.InsertMenuFirst(cme); } // mCat = MenuCategory.CustomLink; break; } } //Model_Menu cme = new Model_Menu //{ // Title = "", // TitleOrigin = "", // Slug="", // CustomUrl = "", // Status = true, // MenuRefID= 0, // Lv = 1, // IsCustomUrl = true, // Priority=1, // MCategory = (byte)mCat, // TaxID=1, // PostTypeID=1, // PostID = 1 //}; return(true); }