public static bool Prefix(PlayerControlGizmo __instance, EObjectType tarType, int tarId) { if (__instance.mouseOverTargetType == tarType && __instance.mouseOverTargetId == tarId) { return(true); } if (tarId == 0 || tarType != EObjectType.Entity) { return(true); } PlanetFactory factory = __instance.player.factory; EntityData entityData = factory.entityPool[tarId]; if ( == 0) { return(true); } ItemProto itemProto = LDB.items.Select(entityData.protoId); if (itemProto.ModelCount > 1) { __instance.mouseOverTargetType = tarType; __instance.mouseOverTargetId = tarId; if (__instance.mouseOverTargetGizmo != null) { __instance.mouseOverTargetGizmo.Close(); __instance.mouseOverTargetGizmo = null; } if (__instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo != null) { __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.Close(); __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo = null; } if (__instance.mouseOverMinerGizmo != null) { __instance.mouseOverMinerGizmo.Close(); __instance.mouseOverMinerGizmo = null; } ModelProto proto = LDB.models.modelArray[entityData.modelIndex]; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo = BoxGizmo.Create(entityData.pos, entityData.rot, proto.prefabDesc.selectCenter, proto.prefabDesc.selectSize); __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.multiplier = 1f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.alphaMultiplier = proto.prefabDesc.selectAlpha; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.fadeInScale = 1.3f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.fadeInTime = 0.05f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.fadeInFalloff = 0.5f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.fadeOutScale = 1.3f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.fadeOutTime = 0.05f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.fadeOutFalloff = 0.5f; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.color = Color.white; __instance.mouseOverBuildingGizmo.Open(); return(false); } return(true); }
// Asset importer callback public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx) { var onnxModel = new ModelProto(); using (var readStream = new FileStream(ctx.assetPath, FileMode.Open)) using (var inputStream = new CodedInputStream(readStream)) onnxModel.MergeFrom(inputStream); var model = ConvertOnnxModel(onnxModel); D.Log($"ONNX v{model.IrVersion}. Producer: {model.ProducerName}. Asset path: {ctx.assetPath}"); D.Log($"Barracuda model: {model}"); NNModelData assetData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <NNModelData>(); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { ModelWriter.Save(writer, model); assetData.Value = memoryStream.ToArray(); } = "Data"; assetData.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; NNModel asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <NNModel>(); asset.modelData = assetData; ctx.AddObjectToAsset("main obj", asset, LoadIconTexture()); ctx.AddObjectToAsset("model data", assetData); ctx.SetMainObject(asset); }
// Call to set all tensors with raw data as external data. This call should preceed 'save_model'. // 'save_model' saves all the tensors data as external data after calling this function. // @params // model: ModelProto to be converted. // all_tensors_to_one_file: If true, save all tensors to one external file specified by location. // If false, save each tensor to a file named with the tensor name. // location: specify the external file that all tensors to save to. // If not specified, will use the model name. // size_threshold: Threshold for size of data. Only when tensor's data is >= the size_threshold // it will be converted to external data. To convert every tensor with raw data to external data set size_threshold=0. // public static void ConvertModelToExternalData(ModelProto model, bool all_tensors_to_one_file = true, string location = null, int size_threshold = 1024) { if (all_tensors_to_one_file) { var file_name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (location != null) { file_name = location; } foreach (var tensor in _get_all_tensors(model)) { if (tensor.RawData != null && tensor.RawData.Length >= size_threshold) { SetExternalData(tensor, file_name); } } } else { foreach (var tensor in _get_all_tensors(model)) { if (tensor.RawData != null && tensor.RawData.Length >= size_threshold) { var tensor_location = tensor.Name; if (!_is_valid_filename(tensor_location)) { tensor_location = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } SetExternalData(tensor, tensor_location); } } } }
private static List <TensorProto> _get_all_tensors(ModelProto onnx_model_proto) { List <TensorProto> result = _get_initializer_tensors(onnx_model_proto).ToList(); result.AddRange(_get_attribute_tensors(onnx_model_proto)); return(result); }
public static ModelProto ConvertVersion(ModelProto model, int target_version) { var model_str = model.ToByteArray(); var converted_model_str = C.convert_version(model_str, target_version); return(onnx.LoadModelFromString(converted_model_str)); }
public Extractor(ModelProto model) { this.model = ShapeInference.infer_shapes(model); this.graph = this.model.Graph; this.wmap = this._build_name2obj_dict(this.graph.Initializer.ToArray()); this.vimap = this._build_name2obj_dict(this.graph.ValueInfo.ToArray()); }
private void SaveOnnxModel(ModelProto model, string binaryFormatPath, string textFormatPath) { DeleteOutputPath(binaryFormatPath); // Clean if such a file exists. DeleteOutputPath(textFormatPath); if (binaryFormatPath != null) { using (var file = Env.CreateOutputFile(binaryFormatPath)) using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream()) model.WriteTo(stream); } if (textFormatPath != null) { using (var file = Env.CreateOutputFile(textFormatPath)) using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { var parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(model.ToString()); writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented)); } // Strip the version information. var fileText = File.ReadAllText(textFormatPath); fileText = Regex.Replace(fileText, "\"producerVersion\": \".*\"", "\"producerVersion\": \"##VERSION##\""); File.WriteAllText(textFormatPath, fileText); } }
private ModelProto ToProto(string[] parameters) { int modelId = int.Parse(parameters[0]); int inputTensorId = int.Parse(parameters[1]); Debug.Log("<color=yellow>Serialize to ONNX, modelId:" + modelId.ToString() + ", inputTensorId:" + inputTensorId.ToString() + "</color>"); Model model = this.GetModel(modelId); ModelProto m = new ModelProto { IrVersion = 2, OpsetImport = { new OperatorSetIdProto { Domain = "", // operator set that is defined as part of the ONNX specification Version = 2 } }, ProducerName = "openmined", ProducerVersion = "0.0.2", Domain = "org.openmined", ModelVersion = 0, DocString = "", Graph = model.GetProto(inputTensorId, this), }; return(m); }
private static bool PreloadPatch(ItemProto __instance, int _index) { ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.modelArray[__instance.ModelIndex]; if (modelProto != null) { Vector3 lapJoint =; if (__instance.ID == 2303 || __instance.ID == 2304 || __instance.ID == 2305) { lapJoint = new Vector3(0, 5.1f, 0); } else if (__instance.ID == 2302) { lapJoint = new Vector3(0, 4.3f, 0); } else if (__instance.ID == 2309) { lapJoint = new Vector3(0, 7.0f, 0); } else if (__instance.ID == 2308) { lapJoint = new Vector3(0, 16.0f, 0); } if (lapJoint != { LDB.models.modelArray[__instance.ModelIndex].prefabDesc.multiLevel = true; LDB.models.modelArray[__instance.ModelIndex].prefabDesc.multiLevelAllowInserter = true; LDB.models.modelArray[__instance.ModelIndex].prefabDesc.lapJoint = lapJoint; } } return(true); }
public static ModelProto infer_shapes(ModelProto model, bool check_type = false, bool strict_mode = false) { var model_str = model.ToByteArray(); var inferred_model_str = C.infer_shapes(model_str, check_type, strict_mode); return(onnx.LoadModelFromString(inferred_model_str)); }
public static ModelProto MakeModel(List <NodeProto> nodes, string producerName, string name, string domain, string producerVersion, long modelVersion, List <ModelArgs> inputs, List <ModelArgs> outputs, List <ModelArgs> intermediateValues, List <TensorProto> initializers) { Contracts.CheckValue(nodes, nameof(nodes)); Contracts.CheckValue(inputs, nameof(inputs)); Contracts.CheckValue(outputs, nameof(outputs)); Contracts.CheckValue(intermediateValues, nameof(intermediateValues)); Contracts.CheckValue(initializers, nameof(initializers)); Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(producerName, nameof(producerName)); Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(name, nameof(name)); Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(domain, nameof(domain)); Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(producerVersion, nameof(producerVersion)); var model = new ModelProto(); model.Domain = domain; model.ProducerName = producerName; model.ProducerVersion = producerVersion; model.IrVersion = (long)UniversalModelFormat.Onnx.Version.IrVersion; model.ModelVersion = modelVersion; model.OpsetImport.Add(new OperatorSetIdProto() { Domain = "", Version = 1 }); model.OpsetImport.Add(new OperatorSetIdProto() { Domain = "", Version = 7 }); model.Graph = new GraphProto(); var graph = model.Graph; graph.Node.Add(nodes); graph.Name = name; foreach (var arg in inputs) { var val = new ValueInfoProto(); graph.Input.Add(val); MakeValue(val, arg.Name, arg.DataType, arg.Dims, arg.DimParams); } foreach (var arg in outputs) { var val = new ValueInfoProto(); graph.Output.Add(val); MakeValue(val, arg.Name, arg.DataType, arg.Dims, arg.DimParams); } foreach (var arg in intermediateValues) { var val = new ValueInfoProto(); graph.ValueInfo.Add(val); MakeValue(val, arg.Name, arg.DataType, arg.Dims, arg.DimParams); } graph.Initializer.AddRange(initializers); return(model); }
public void AddBPGPUIModel(BuildPreview preview) { if (preview == null || preview.bpgpuiModelId <= 0) { return; } if (!preview.needModel) { return; } ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.Select(preview.desc.modelIndex); Color32 color = Configs.builtin.copyErrorColor; if (modelProto.RendererType == 2) { GetInserterT1T2(preview.objId, out bool flag, out bool flag2); if (preview.objId > 0) { animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId] = factory.entityAnimPool[preview.objId]; } animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId].state = (uint)((color.r << 24) + (color.g << 16) + (color.b << 8) + color.a); planet.factoryModel.bpgpuiManager.AddBuildPreviewModel(preview.desc.modelIndex, out preview.bpgpuiModelInstIndex, preview.bpgpuiModelId, preview.lpos, preview.lrot, preview.lpos2, preview.lrot2, flag ? 1 : 0, flag2 ? 1 : 0, false); return; } if (modelProto.RendererType == 3) { factory.ReadObjectConn(preview.objId, 14, out bool _, out int num, out int _); if (preview.objId > 0) { animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId] = factory.entityAnimPool[preview.objId]; } animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId].state = (uint)((color.r << 24) + (color.g << 16) + (color.b << 8) + color.a); planet.factoryModel.bpgpuiManager.AddBuildPreviewModel(preview.desc.modelIndex, out preview.bpgpuiModelInstIndex, preview.bpgpuiModelId, preview.lpos, preview.lrot, num != 0 ? 1U : 0U, false); return; } if (preview.objId > 0) { animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId] = factory.entityAnimPool[preview.objId]; } animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId].state = (uint)((color.r << 24) + (color.g << 16) + (color.b << 8) + color.a); if (preview.objId > 0 && preview.desc.isEjector) { animPool[preview.bpgpuiModelId].power = factory.factorySystem.ejectorPool[factory.entityPool[preview.objId].ejectorId].localDir.z; } planet.factoryModel.bpgpuiManager.AddBuildPreviewModel(preview.desc.modelIndex, out preview.bpgpuiModelInstIndex, preview.bpgpuiModelId, preview.lpos, preview.lrot, false); }
static void AssertModelBytesEqualToEmbeddedExpected(ModelProto model, string expectedName) { var actualBytes = model.ToByteArray(); //model.WriteToFile(expectedName); var expectedBytes = AssemblyResourceLoader.GetBytes(expectedName); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedBytes, actualBytes); }
protected override void Run(ModelProto model) { var writer = _console.Out; writer.WriteLine($"# {Input}"); writer.WriteLine(); model.Graph.Info(writer); }
public static ModelProto WriteFile(this ModelProto Model, string filename) { using (var output = File.Create(filename)) { Model.WriteTo(output); } return(Model); }
public void Init(ModelProto model, NodeProto proto, GraphNode gnode) { this.model = model; Text = "Edit node: " + proto.Name; this.node = proto; updateList(); textBox3.Text = proto.Name; this.gnode = gnode; }
protected override void Run(ModelProto model) { // Should this not be before loading input? Is the abstract base really that good? var dimParamOrValue = int.TryParse(Dim, out var dimValue) ? DimParamOrValue.New(dimValue) : DimParamOrValue.New(Dim); _console.WriteLine($"Setting dimension at {Index} to '{dimParamOrValue}'"); model.Graph.SetDim(Index, dimParamOrValue); }
public static ModelProto WriteExternalDataTensors(ModelProto model, string filepath) { foreach (var tensor in _get_all_tensors(model)) { if (UsesExternalData(tensor)) { SaveExternalData(tensor, filepath); tensor.RawData = null; } } return(model); }
public void AfterLoad() { ItemProto item = LDB.items.Select(2212); item.ModelIndex = firstSubstationId; item.ModelCount = 3; ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.modelArray[item.ModelIndex]; if (modelProto != null) { item.prefabDesc = modelProto.prefabDesc; } }
public static PrefabDesc GetPrefabDesc(BuildingCopy copiedBuilding) { ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.Select(copiedBuilding.modelIndex); if (modelProto != null) { return(modelProto.prefabDesc); } else { return(copiedBuilding.itemProto.prefabDesc); } }
public static void LoadExternalDataForModel(ModelProto model, string base_dir) { foreach (var tensor in _get_all_tensors(model)) { if (UsesExternalData(tensor)) { LoadExternalDataForTensor(tensor, base_dir); // After loading raw_data from external_data, change the state of tensors tensor.DataLocation = TensorProto.Types.DataLocation.Default; // and remove external data tensor.ExternalData.Remove(tensor.ExternalData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == ":")); } } }
public static void SaveModel(ModelProto proto, string f, object format = null) { var model_filepath = _get_file_path(f); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model_filepath)) { var basepath = Path.GetDirectoryName(model_filepath); proto = ExternalDataInfo.WriteExternalDataTensors(proto, basepath); } var s = _serialize(proto); _save_bytes(s, f); }
//All of these register a specified proto in LDBTool public static int registerModel(String prefabPath) { int id = findAvailableID(100, LDB.models, models); ModelProto proto = new ModelProto { Name = id.ToString(), PrefabPath = prefabPath, ID = id }; LDBTool.PreAddProto(ProtoType.Model, proto); models.Add(proto.ID, proto); return(proto.ID); }
public static void ConvertModelFromExternalData(ModelProto model) { foreach (var tensor in _get_all_tensors(model)) { if (UsesExternalData(tensor)) { if (tensor.RawData == null) { throw new Exception("raw_data field doesn't exist."); } tensor.ExternalData.Remove(tensor.ExternalData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == ":")); tensor.DataLocation = TensorProto.Types.DataLocation.Default; } } }
public static ModelProto Initialize(this ModelProto Model, List <NodeProto> nodes, string name, List <ValueInfoProto> inputs, List <ValueInfoProto> outputs) { Model.IrVersion = 3; Model.OpsetImport.Add(new OperatorSetIdProto() { Domain = "", Version = 9 }); Model.ProducerName = "C# OnnxProtoBuf"; Model.ProducerVersion = ""; Model.Graph = new GraphProto(); Model.Graph = MakeGraph(nodes, name, inputs, outputs); Model.Graph.DocString = ""; Model.Graph.Name = name; return(Model); }
//All of these register a specified proto in LDBTool /// <summary> /// Registers a ModelProto /// </summary> /// <param name="id">UNIQUE id of your model</param> /// <param name="prefabPath">Path to the prefab, starting from asset folder in your unity project</param> /// <param name="mats">List of materials to use</param> public static ModelProto registerModel(int id, string prefabPath, Material[] mats) { //int id = findAvailableID(100, LDB.models, models); ModelProto proto = new ModelProto { Name = id.ToString(), PrefabPath = prefabPath, ID = id }; LDBTool.PreAddProto(ProtoType.Model, proto); models.Add(proto.ID, proto); modelMats.Add(prefabPath, mats); return(proto); }
private static IEnumerable <TensorProto> _get_attribute_tensors(ModelProto onnx_model_proto) { foreach (var node in onnx_model_proto.Graph.Node) { foreach (var attribute in node.Attribute) { if (attribute.T != null) { yield return(attribute.T); } foreach (var tensor in attribute.Tensors) { yield return(tensor); } } } }
static float Run(ModelProto model) { model.WriteFile(model.Graph.Name); SessionOptions options = new SessionOptions(); options.SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(2); using (var session = new InferenceSession(model.Graph.Name, options)) { var inputMeta = session.InputMetadata; var container = new List <NamedOnnxValue>(); foreach (var key in inputMeta.Keys) { if (inputMeta[key].ElementType == typeof(Int64)) { container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor <Int64>(key, GetIntTensor(inputMeta[key].Dimensions, key))); } else if (inputMeta[key].ElementType == typeof(double)) { container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor <double>(key, GetRandomDoubleTensor(inputMeta[key].Dimensions))); } else { container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor <float>(key, GetRandomTensor(inputMeta[key].Dimensions))); } } if (!warmed.Contains(model.Graph.Name)) { session.Run(container); warmed.Add(model.Graph.Name); } stopWatch.Reset(); stopWatch.Start(); var results = session.Run(container); stopWatch.Stop(); results.Dispose(); return ((float)stopWatch.Elapsed.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond); } }
public static void WriteIndentedJsonToFile(this ModelProto model, string filePath) { var jsonText = JsonFormatter.Default.Format(model); var jsonElement = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <JsonElement>(jsonText); var options = new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true }; var jsonTextPretty = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonElement, options); File.WriteAllText(filePath, jsonTextPretty); // Below does not indent //using var stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Create); //using var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream); //JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, jsonElement, options); }
private static void GenerateUndoData(PlanetFactory factory, List <int> targetIds) { if (NebulaModAPI.IsMultiplayerActive) { if (NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.LocalPlayer.IsClient) { return; } } try { List <int> filteredIds = targetIds.Where(objId => { if (objId < 0) { int modelIndex = factory.prebuildPool[-objId].modelIndex; ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.Select(modelIndex); return(modelProto != null); } if (objId > 0) { int modelIndex = factory.entityPool[objId].modelIndex; ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.Select(modelIndex); return(modelProto != null); } return(false); }).ToList(); BlueprintData blueprint = UndoUtils.GenerateBlueprint(filteredIds, out Vector3 position); if (blueprint.buildings.Length > 0 && !position.Equals( { PlayerUndo data = UndoManager.GetCurrentPlayerData(); data.AddUndoItem(new UndoDismantle(data, filteredIds, blueprint, new[] { position }, 0)); } } catch (Exception e) { BlueprintTweaksPlugin.logger.LogWarning($"Failed to generate undo for drag dismantle: {e.Message}, stacktrace:\n{e.StackTrace}"); } }