public FormMain()

            //make buffer that will be drawn on screen
            screenMain = pictureBoxMain.CreateGraphics();

            //test camera
            cameraTest = new Camera(new Position3D(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), GlobalConstants.SCREEN_WIDTH, GlobalConstants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, GlobalConstants.FAR_CLIPPING_PLANE, GlobalConstants.CAMERA_FOV);

            //test terrain
            testT = new Terrain(new DepthTexture(@"SceneData\bin\bumpMapColor.png"), new DepthTexture(@"SceneData\bin\bumpMapTest.png"), hs, xys);

            //models test
            mopos = new Position3D(0, 0, 0, 0, 180, 0);
            mot   = new DepthTexture(@"SceneData\bin\testImage.png");

            mo = new ModelAnimationManager(mot, false, true, 1.7f, mopos);
            mo.AddAnimationFolder(@"SceneData\bin\Run\run", 0, 110);
            mo.AddAnimationFolder(@"SceneData\bin\Walk\walk", 1, 110);
Beispiel #2
 public Map(string mapFileObj, string textureFile)
     graphic = new ModelAnimationManager(new Graphics.FundamentalGraphics.DepthTexture(textureFile), false, true, 1, new Position3D(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));