Beispiel #1
            public static int TestGetRanges(string formula)
                // mock workbook object
                var mwb = new MockWorkbook();

                Excel.Workbook  wb   = mwb.GetWorkbook();
                Excel.Worksheet ws   = mwb.GetWorksheet(1);
                var             path = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string> .None;

                var ranges = ExcelParserUtility.GetRangeReferencesFromFormulaRaw(formula, path, wb, ws, ignore_parse_errors: false);

        public void TestGetFormulaRanges()
            var mwb = new MockWorkbook();

            // rnd, for random formulae assignment
            Random rand = new Random();

            // gin up some formulae
            Tuple<string, string>[] fs = {new Tuple<string,string>("B4", "=COUNT(A1:A5)"),
                                         new Tuple<string,string>("A6", "=SUM(B5:B40)"),
                                         new Tuple<string,string>("Z2", "=AVERAGE(A1:E1)"),
                                         new Tuple<string,string>("B44", "=MEDIAN(D4:D9)")};

            // to keep track of what we did
            var d = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Excel.Worksheet, System.Collections.Generic.List<Tuple<string, string>>>();

            // add the formulae to the worksheets, randomly
            foreach (Excel.Worksheet w in mwb.GetWorksheets())
                // init list for each worksheet
                d[w] = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Tuple<string, string>>();

                // add the formulae, randomly
                foreach (var f in fs)
                    if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                        w.Range[f.Item1, f.Item1].Formula = f.Item2;
                        // keep track of what we did
                // we need at least one formula, so add one if the above procedure did not
                if (d[w].Count() == 0)
                    w.Range[fs[0].Item1, fs[0].Item1].Formula = fs[0].Item2;

            // init DAG
            var dag = new DAG(mwb.GetWorkbook(), mwb.GetApplication(), false);

            // get the formulas; 1 formula per worksheet
            var formulas = dag.getAllFormulaAddrs();

            // there should be e.Count + 3 entries
            // don't forget: workbooks have 3 blank worksheets by default
            var expected = d.Values.Select(v => v.Count).Aggregate((acc, c) => acc + c);
            if (formulas.Length != expected)
                throw new Exception("DAG.getAllFormulaAddrs() should return " + expected + " elements but instead returns " + formulas.Length + ".");

            bool all_ok = true;

            // make sure that each worksheet's range has the formulas that it should
            var f_wsgroups = formulas.GroupBy(f => f.GetCOMObject(mwb.GetApplication()).Worksheet);

            foreach (var pair in f_wsgroups)
                // get formulas in this worksheet
                var r = pair.Key.UsedRange.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeFormulas);

                // check that all formulae for this worksheet are accounted for
                bool r_ok = d[r.Worksheet].Aggregate(true, (bool acc, Tuple<string, string> f) =>
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (Excel.Range cell in r)
                        if (String.Equals((string)cell.Formula, f.Item2))
                            found = true;
                    return acc && found;

                all_ok = all_ok && r_ok;

            if (!all_ok)
                throw new Exception("ConstructTree.GetFormulaRanges() failed to return all of the formulae that were added.");
            public static int TestGetRanges(string formula)
                // mock workbook object
                var mwb = new MockWorkbook();
                Excel.Workbook wb = mwb.GetWorkbook();
                Excel.Worksheet ws = mwb.GetWorksheet(1);
                var path = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>.None;

                var ranges = ExcelParserUtility.GetRangeReferencesFromFormulaRaw(formula, path, wb, ws, ignore_parse_errors: false);

                return ranges.Count();
Beispiel #4
        public void TestGetFormulaRanges()
            var mwb = new MockWorkbook();

            // rnd, for random formulae assignment
            Random rand = new Random();

            // gin up some formulae
            Tuple <string, string>[] fs = { new Tuple <string, string>("B4",  "=COUNT(A1:A5)"),
                                            new Tuple <string, string>("A6",  "=SUM(B5:B40)"),
                                            new Tuple <string, string>("Z2",  "=AVERAGE(A1:E1)"),
                                            new Tuple <string, string>("B44", "=MEDIAN(D4:D9)") };

            // to keep track of what we did
            var d = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <Excel.Worksheet, System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <string, string> > >();

            // add the formulae to the worksheets, randomly
            foreach (Excel.Worksheet w in mwb.GetWorksheets())
                // init list for each worksheet
                d[w] = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <string, string> >();

                // add the formulae, randomly
                foreach (var f in fs)
                    if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                        w.Range[f.Item1, f.Item1].Formula = f.Item2;
                        // keep track of what we did
                // we need at least one formula, so add one if the above procedure did not
                if (d[w].Count() == 0)
                    w.Range[fs[0].Item1, fs[0].Item1].Formula = fs[0].Item2;

            // init DAG
            var dag = new DAG(mwb.GetWorkbook(), mwb.GetApplication(), false);

            // get the formulas; 1 formula per worksheet
            var formulas = dag.getAllFormulaAddrs();

            // there should be e.Count + 3 entries
            // don't forget: workbooks have 3 blank worksheets by default
            var expected = d.Values.Select(v => v.Count).Aggregate((acc, c) => acc + c);

            if (formulas.Length != expected)
                throw new Exception("DAG.getAllFormulaAddrs() should return " + expected + " elements but instead returns " + formulas.Length + ".");

            bool all_ok = true;

            // make sure that each worksheet's range has the formulas that it should
            var f_wsgroups = formulas.GroupBy(f => f.GetCOMObject(mwb.GetApplication()).Worksheet);

            foreach (var pair in f_wsgroups)
                // get formulas in this worksheet
                var r = pair.Key.UsedRange.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeFormulas);

                // check that all formulae for this worksheet are accounted for
                bool r_ok = d[r.Worksheet].Aggregate(true, (bool acc, Tuple <string, string> f) =>
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (Excel.Range cell in r)
                        if (String.Equals((string)cell.Formula, f.Item2))
                            found = true;
                    return(acc && found);

                all_ok = all_ok && r_ok;

            if (!all_ok)
                throw new Exception("ConstructTree.GetFormulaRanges() failed to return all of the formulae that were added.");
        } // end test