public void ProcessCommandImportTest()
            var mockContactOperations = new MockDb();
            var mockXmlReader = new MockXmlReader();
            string output;
            ContactImporter.ContactOperations = mockContactOperations;
            ContactImporter.XmlContactReader = mockXmlReader;
            ContactImporter.ProcessCommand("Import mock", out output);

            var expectedOutput = $"Inserted Contacts : {3}. Duplicate Contacts : {1}";
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output);

        public void ProcessCommandReadTest()
            var mockContactOperations = new MockDb();
            mockContactOperations.ContactsList.AddRange(new List<Contact>()
            {       new Contact() { Id = new ObjectId(), PhoneNumbers = { "02163162577", "05367369622" }, FirstName = "Kyle", LastName = "Katarn" },
                    new Contact() { Id = new ObjectId(), PhoneNumbers = { "02163162577", "12321415" }, FirstName = "R2", LastName = "D2" },
                    new Contact() { Id = new ObjectId(), PhoneNumbers = { "0", "1" }, FirstName = "Jon", LastName = "Osterman" }}
            string output;
            ContactImporter.ContactOperations = mockContactOperations;

            ContactImporter.ProcessCommand("Read R2", out output);

            var expectedOutput = "";
            ContactImporter.CreateContactText(mockContactOperations.ContactsList[1], ref expectedOutput);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output);

        public override MyEntityResponse <bool> DeleteById(int id)
            var myEntityResponse = GetById(id);

            //   db.Set<T>().Attach(myEntityResponse.Single);

            //  db.Entry(myEntityResponse.Single).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            //  db.SaveChanges();

            var em = GetQuery().First(e => e.Id == id);

            var l = GetQuery().ToList();

            MockDb.SetNewList <T>(l);

            return(new MyEntityResponse <bool>
                Single = true
Beispiel #4
        public async void Test_Create_Invalid_Visitor_TimeOut()
            var db = MockDb.CreateMockDb();
            var c  = new VisitorsController(db);

            var visitor = new Visitor {
                FirstName = "Alex", LastName = "Coa", PhoneNumber = "6476666888", ParkingId = 5, TimeOfEntry = System.DateTime.Today

            c.ModelState.AddModelError("Description", "MaxWords(4)");

            var r = await c.Create(visitor);

            var result = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(r);
            var model  = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <Visitor>(result.ViewData.Model);

            Assert.Equal(visitor, model);
            Assert.IsType <SelectList>(result.ViewData["parkingId"]);
Beispiel #5
        public void PostNews_ThatIsIncorrect_ShouldThorw400BadRequeis()
            var news = MockDb.News();

            var mockRepo = new Mock <IRepository <News> >();

            mockRepo.Setup(n => n.Add(It.IsAny <News>())).Callback((News n) => news.Add(n));

            var controller = new NewsController(mockRepo.Object);

            SetupController(controller, "news");

            var bindigModel = new NewsBindingModel()
                Content       = "...",
                PublishedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("D")

            var result = controller.PostNews(bindigModel).ExecuteAsync(new CancellationToken()).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, result.StatusCode);
Beispiel #6
        public void EditNews_ThatDoesNotExists_ShouldReturn400BadRequest()
            var news = MockDb.News();

            var mockRepo = new Mock <IRepository <News> >();

            mockRepo.Setup(n => n.Update(It.IsAny <News>())).Callback((News n) => news[IncorrectNewsId - 1] = n);

            var controller = new NewsController(mockRepo.Object);

            SetupController(controller, "news");

            var bindigModel = new NewsBindingModel()
                Title         = "Vremeto",
                Content       = "...",
                PublishedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("D")

            var result = controller.EditMock(IncorrectNewsId, bindigModel).ExecuteAsync(new CancellationToken()).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, result.StatusCode);
Beispiel #7
        public void ShouldMapTableNameForChild()
            // db config
            var conn = new MockDb()

            using (conn)
                using (var db = new DbManager(conn))
                    // fluent config
                    new FluentMap <TableNameDbo>()

                    // when
                    db.GetTable <TableNameChildDbo>().ToArray();

                    // then
                    .Assert().AreTable("TableNameDboT1", "Fail mapping");
Beispiel #8
        public void ShouldMapNonUpdatableForChild()
            // db config
            var conn = new MockDb()

            using (conn)
                using (var db = new DbManager(conn))
                    // fluent config
                    new FluentMap <NonUpdatableDbo>()
                    .NonUpdatable(_ => _.Field1)

                    // when
                    new SqlQuery <NonUpdatableChildDbo>(db).Insert(new NonUpdatableChildDbo {
                        Field1 = 10, Field2 = 1

                    // then
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, conn.Commands[0].Parameters.Count, "Fail params");
Beispiel #9
        public void Initialize()
            var db = new MockDb(new[]
                new Node(1, "Varna"),
                new Node(2, "Sofia"),
                new Node(3, "Plovdiv"),
            }, new[]
                new Edge(1, 2),
                new Edge(2, 3),
                new Edge(3, 1),

            this.controller = new NodesController(
                new MockGetNodesQuery(db),
                new MockCreateNodeCommand(),
                new MockGetNodeByIdQuery(db),
                new MockUpdateNodeCommand(),
                new MockDeleteNodeCommand(),
                new MockGetLogisticCenterIdQuery()
Beispiel #10
        public ContactForSponsorEdit_Tests()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

            _config = builder.Build();
            var testLibrary = _config.GetValue <string>("TestLibrary");

            if (testLibrary == "Mock")
                if (!IsDatabaseBuilt)
                    var adoDb = new ADODb();
                    IsDatabaseBuilt = true;
        public override MyEntityResponse <int> Save(T model)
            var entities = GetQuery().ToList();

            T newEntity;

            if (model.Id == 0)
                model.Id = new Random().Next();
                newEntity = model;
                var entity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == model.Id);
                if (entity == null)
                    throw new Exception("رکورد یافت نشد");


            MockDb.SetNewList <T>(entities);

            //  db.SaveChanges();
            //  db.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Detached;

            return(new MyEntityResponse <int>
                Single = model.Id
Beispiel #12
        public void ShouldMapField()
            // db config
            var conn = new MockDb()

            using (conn)
                using (var db = new DbManager(conn))
                    // fluent config
                    new FluentMap <MapFieldDbo>()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Field1, "f1")

                    // when
                    db.GetTable <MapFieldDbo>().Insert(() => new MapFieldDbo {
                        Field1 = 1

                    // then
                    .Assert().AreField("f1", "Fail mapping");
Beispiel #13
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())


            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Beispiel #14
        public void ShouldMapTrimmableForChild()
            // db config
            var conn = new MockDb()
                       .NewRow("test     ");

            using (conn)
                using (var db = new DbManager(conn))
                    // fluent config
                    new FluentMap <TrimmableDbo>()
                    .Trimmable(_ => _.Field1)

                    var table = db.GetTable <TrimmableChildDbo>();

                    // when
                    var dbo = (from t in table select t).First();

                    // then
                    Assert.AreEqual("test", dbo.Field1, "Not trimmable");
Beispiel #15
 public void SetupTests()
     _Adapter = new MockCustomerDataAdapter();
Beispiel #16
 public void Retrieve_Database()
 public override IQueryable <T> GetQuery()
     return(MockDb.MyDb <T>().AsQueryable());
 public EmployeesController()
     db = PopulateDb();
Beispiel #19
        public void Initialize()
            MockDb mock = new MockDb();

            #region Records
            #region User
            mock.UserList.Add(new User(true, "Hrafn", "Hrafn Orri Hrafnkelsson", 1994, Gender.MALE, "*****@*****.**", 1));
            mock.UserList.Add(new User(true, "Gudni", "Gudni Fannar Kristjánsson", 1994, Gender.MALE, "*****@*****.**", 2));
            mock.UserList.Add(new User(false, "Kristinn", "Kristinn Þorri Þrastarsson", 1989, Gender.MALE, "*****@*****.**", 3));
            mock.UserList.Add(new User(true, "Helgi", "Helgi Rúnar Einarsson", 1989, Gender.MALE, "*****@*****.**", 4));
            mock.UserList.Add(new User(true, "Fanney", "Fanney Sigurðardóttir", 1985, Gender.FEMALE, "*****@*****.**", 5));
            #region Group
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(true, 1, "Lan Group", 1));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(true, 1, "MVC Project", 2));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(true, 2, "Bobby Tables", 3));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(false, 1, "HearthStone For Live", 4));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(true, 2, "Runescape fanatics", 5));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(true, 3, "Ghost in the machine", 6));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(false, 3, "Ghost birthdays", 7));
            mock.Groups.Add(new Group(false, 4, "Sports for live", 8));
            #region Event
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, null, 5, "Sund", "Non", "FAra í sund og fá okkur ís", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Kópavogi", 1, 2, 1));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 8, 3, "Fotbolti", "Non1", "Taka smá fótbolta með Braga", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Garðabæ", 1, 2, 2));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 1, 1, "Lan", "Non2", "Taka nokkra aom heima hjá hrafni", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Kópavogi", 1, 2, 3));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 1, 2, "RuneScape", "Non3", "Mine some ores", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Akureyri", 1, 2, 4));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 1, 2, "League Of Legends", "Non4", "Taka ap darius", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Kópavogi", 1, 2, 5));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(false, 1, 1, "HearthStone", "Non5", "Spila smá aggro warrior", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Kópavogi", 1, 2, 6));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 1, 5, "Heroes of the storm", "Non6", "Feed Lili", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Hafnafyrði", 1, 2, 7));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 8, 4, "Korfubolti", "Non7", "Shoot some hoops", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Kópavogi", 1, 2, 8));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(false, 8, 4, "Golf", "Non8", "Spila 18 holur", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Garðabæ", 1, 2, 9));
            mock.Events.Add(new Event(true, 2, 3, "Database", "Non9", "Halda áfram með databasið", new DateTime(), new DateTime(), 30, "Kópavogi", 1, 2, 10));
            #region Comment
            mock.Comments.Add(new Comment(true, 1, "First1", new DateTime(1,1,1), 1));
            mock.Comments.Add(new Comment(true, 1, "First2", new DateTime(1,1,1), 2));
            mock.Comments.Add(new Comment(true, 1, "First3", new DateTime(1,1,1), 3));
            mock.Comments.Add(new Comment(false, 2, "Second", new DateTime(2, 2, 2), 4));
            #region Relations
            #region UserToUser
            mock.UserToUserRelations.Add(new UserToUserRelation(true, 1, 2, true, 1));
            mock.UserToUserRelations.Add(new UserToUserRelation(true, 1, 3, true, 2));
            mock.UserToUserRelations.Add(new UserToUserRelation(true, 1, 4, true, 3));
            mock.UserToUserRelations.Add(new UserToUserRelation(false, 1, 5, false, 4));
            mock.UserToUserRelations.Add(new UserToUserRelation(true, 1, 5, false, 4));
            mock.UserToUserRelations.Add(new UserToUserRelation(true, 2, 3, null, 5));
            #region GroupToUserRelation
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 1, 1, 1));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 1, 2, 2));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 1, 5, 2));

            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 2, 1, 3));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 2, 2, 4));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 2, 3, 5));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 2, 4, 6));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 2, 5, 7));

            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 3, 1, 8));

            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(false, 4, 1, 9));

            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 5, 2, 10));

            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 6, 3, 11));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 6, 1, 12));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 6, 2, 13));

            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(false, 7, 2, 14));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(false, 7, 2, 15));
            mock.GroupToUserRelations.Add(new GroupToUserRelation(true, 7, 2, 16));
            #region GroupToEventRelation
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 8, 2, 1));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 1, 3, 2));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 1, 4, 3));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 1, 5, 4));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 1, 6, 5));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 1, 7, 6));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 8, 8, 7));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 8, 9, 8));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(false, 2, 10, 1));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 2, 10, 9));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 0, 0, 1));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 1, 1, 1));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, 88, 90, 1));
            mock.GroupToEventRelations.Add(new GroupToEventRelation(true, -1, 2, 1));
            #region EventToUserRelation
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 3, 1, true, 1));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(false, 4, 1, true, 2));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 4, 1, false, 3));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 6, 1, true, 4));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 5, 1, true, 5));

            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 1, 2, null, 1));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 3, 2, true, 1));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 4, 2, true, 1));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 5, 2, false, 1));
            mock.EventToUserRelations.Add(new EventToUserRelation(true, 7, 2, true, 1));
            #region EventToCommentRelation
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(false, 1, 2, 1));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(true, 1, 2, 2));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(true, 6, 1, 3));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(true, 1, 2, 4));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(true, 1, 2, 5));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(false, 10, 1, 6));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(false, 9, 3, 7));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(false, 9, 4, 8));
            mock.EventToCommentRelations.Add(new EventToCommentRelation(false, 9, 5, 9));

            db = new Database(mock);
Beispiel #20
 public void SetupTests()
     _Adapter = new MockReviewDataAdapter();
Beispiel #21
 public PieRepository(MockDb mockDb)
     _mockDb = mockDb;
 public static AssertDb Assert(this MockDb db)
     return(new AssertDb(db));
 public MockImp(ServiceType service) : base(null)
     MockDb.GetTypeTable <T>(service.GetMocklist());
Beispiel #24
 public void SetUp()
     _target = new MockDb();
Beispiel #25
        public void Initialize()
            MockDb mock = new MockDb();

            #region Users
            User user1 = new User
                UserID = 1,
                Active = true,
                UserName = "******",
                DisplayName = "xXx$w4gM4$t3r420xXx",
                BirthYear = 9000,
                Gender = Gender.MALE,
                Email = "[email protected]"
            User user2 = new User
                UserID = 2,
                Active = true,
                UserName = "******",
                DisplayName = "Sultumenni500",
                BirthYear = 1337,
                Gender = Gender.MALE,
                Email = "*****@*****.**"
            User user3 = new User
                UserID = 3,
                Active = true,
                UserName = "******",
                DisplayName = "Pulsmeister99",
                BirthYear = 9000,
                Gender = Gender.FEMALE,
                Email = "*****@*****.**"
            #region Groups

            Group group1 = new Group
                GroupID = 1,
                Active = true,
                OwnerId = 1,
                Name = "Team Gulli"
            Group group2 = new Group
                GroupID = 2,
                Active = true,
                OwnerId = 3,
                Name = "Pulsuvagninn"
            #region Events
            Event event1 = new Event
                EventID = 1,
                Active = true,
                GroupId = null,
                OwnerId = 1,
                Name = "Lan",
                Photo = "",
                Description = "Quake 4 lyfe",
                CreationTime = new DateTime(2015, 5, 6, 12, 30, 1),
                TimeOfEvent = new DateTime(2015, 5, 9, 12, 30, 0),
                Minutes = 60,
                Location = "the internet",
                Min = 0,
                Max = 5,

            Event event2 = new Event
                EventID = 2,
                Active = true,
                GroupId = 2,
                OwnerId = 3,
                Name = "Pulsuparty",
                Photo = "",
                Description = "pulsulíf",
                CreationTime = new DateTime(2015, 5, 6, 12, 30, 1),
                TimeOfEvent = new DateTime(2015, 5, 9, 12, 30, 0),
                Minutes = 60,
                Location = "bæjarins bestu",
                Min = 0,
                Max = 5,

            #region Comments
            Comment comment1 = new Comment
                CommentID = 1,
                Active = true,
                OwnerId = 2,
                Content = "FOKK PULSUR, SULTA IS SUPERIOR",
                CreationTime = new DateTime(2015, 5, 6, 12, 35, 1)

            #region GroupToUserRelations
            GroupToUserRelation groupUser1 = new GroupToUserRelation
                GroupToUserRelationID = 1,
                Active = true,
                GroupId = 1,
                MemberId = 1

            GroupToUserRelation groupUser2 = new GroupToUserRelation
                GroupToUserRelationID = 2,
                Active = true,
                GroupId = 2,
                MemberId = 3

            GroupToUserRelation groupUser3 = new GroupToUserRelation
                GroupToUserRelationID = 3,
                Active = true,
                GroupId = 2,
                MemberId = 2

            GroupToUserRelation groupUser4 = new GroupToUserRelation
                GroupToUserRelationID = 4,
                Active = true,
                GroupId = 1,
                MemberId = 2

            #region GroupsToEventRelations
            GroupToEventRelation groupEvent1 = new GroupToEventRelation
                GroupToEventRelationID = 1,
                Active = true,
                EventId = 2,
                GroupId = 2

            #region UserToUserRelations

            UserToUserRelation friendship1 = new UserToUserRelation
                UserToUserRelationID = 1,
                Active = true,
                SenderId = 2,
                ReceiverId = 3,
                Answer = true

            UserToUserRelation friendship2 = new UserToUserRelation
                UserToUserRelationID = 2,
                Active = true,
                SenderId = 1,
                ReceiverId = 2,
                Answer = true


            #region EventToUserRelations

            EventToUserRelation eventUser1 = new EventToUserRelation
                EventToUserRelationID = 1,
                Active = true,
                EventId = 1,
                AttendeeId = 1,
                Answer = true

            EventToUserRelation eventUser2 = new EventToUserRelation
                EventToUserRelationID = 2,
                Active = true,
                EventId = 1,
                AttendeeId = 2,
                Answer = null

            EventToUserRelation eventUser3 = new EventToUserRelation
                EventToUserRelationID = 3,
                Active = true,
                EventId = 2,
                AttendeeId = 3,
                Answer = true

            EventToUserRelation eventUser4 = new EventToUserRelation
                EventToUserRelationID = 4,
                Active = true,
                EventId = 2,
                AttendeeId = 2,
                Answer = false


            #region EventToCommentRelations

            EventToCommentRelation eventComment1 = new EventToCommentRelation
                EventToCommentRelationID = 1,
                EventId = 2,
                CommentId = 1,
                Active = true



            DbTest = new Database(mock);
            ServiceTest = new Service(DbTest);
Beispiel #26
        public void ShouldMapRelation()
            // given
            List <Parent> parents = new List <Parent>();

            MapResultSet[] sets = new MapResultSet[3];

            sets[0] = new MapResultSet(typeof(Parent), parents);
            sets[1] = new MapResultSet(typeof(Child));
            sets[2] = new MapResultSet(typeof(Grandchild));

            // db config
            var conn = new MockDb()
                       .NextResult("ChildID", "ParentID")
                       .NewRow(4, 1)
                       .NewRow(5, 2)
                       .NewRow(6, 2)
                       .NewRow(7, 1)
                       .NextResult("GrandchildID", "ChildID")
                       .NewRow(1, 4)
                       .NewRow(2, 4)
                       .NewRow(3, 5)
                       .NewRow(4, 5)
                       .NewRow(5, 6)
                       .NewRow(6, 6)
                       .NewRow(7, 7)
                       .NewRow(8, 7);

            using (conn)
                using (var db = new DbManager(conn))
                    // fluent config
                    new FluentMap <Parent>()
                    .MapField(_ => _.ID, "ParentID").PrimaryKey()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Children).Relation()
                    new FluentMap <Child>()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Parent.ID, "ParentID")
                    .MapField(_ => _.ID, "ChildID").PrimaryKey()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Parent).Relation()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Grandchildren).Relation()
                    new FluentMap <Grandchild>()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Child.ID, "ChildID")
                    .MapField(_ => _.ID, "GrandchildID").PrimaryKey()
                    .MapField(_ => _.Child).Relation()

                    // when
                    db.SetCommand("select *").ExecuteResultSet(sets);

            // then

            foreach (Parent parent in parents)

                foreach (Child child in parent.Children)
                    Assert.AreEqual(parent, child.Parent);

                    foreach (Grandchild grandchild in child.Grandchildren)
                        Assert.AreEqual(child, grandchild.Child);
                        Assert.AreEqual(parent, grandchild.Child.Parent);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // loop to continue until user is done - key q
            string  _input = "";
            UserDTO user   = new UserDTO();
            //bool IsFound = false;
            MockDb db          = new MockDb();
            string _connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBCONN"].ToString();
            string _database   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MOCKORDB"].ToString();
            DbAdo  ado         = new DbAdo(_connection);

            _input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                // enter app as a guest
                if (_input.ToLower() == "g")
                    user = new UserDTO(RoleType.Guest);

                if (_input.ToLower() == "pp")

                if (_input.ToLower() == "pu")
                    List <UserDTO> _users = new List <UserDTO>();;
                    if (_database == DBType.Mock.ToString())
                        _users = db.GetUsers();
                        // database version
                        _users = ado.GetUsers();
                    Printer.Users(_users); // TODO: implement this

                if (_input.ToLower() == "pr")
                    // TODO: can I make the configurable??
                    List <RoleDTO> _roles;

                    if (_database == DBType.Mock.ToString())
                        _roles = db.GetRoles();
                        _roles = ado.GetRoles();
                    Printer.Roles(_roles); // TODO: implement this

                if (_input.ToLower() == "pm")

                if (_input.ToLower() == "r") // REGISTER
                    UserDTO u = Printer.CollectAddUserData();
                    if (_database == DBType.Mock.ToString())
                        // database version

                //    else if(input.ToLower() == "l") // LOGIN
                //    {
                //        // login method and , where to go next ??

                //        // WHAT ARE THE LOGICAL STEPS FOR LOGGING IN?

                //        // step 1: prompt for username and password
                //        // step 2a: retrieve all users and put that in variable - GetUsers()
                //        // step 2b: loop thru the users list, checking username/password from the list
                //        // step 2c: compare username and password for current element in the loop
                //        // step 2d: if match, log them in and save the info
                //        // step 2f: error message, bad login and prompt to enter again

                //        Console.WriteLine("Enter your username: "******"Enter your password: "******"Match found. Welcome {0} {1}. Your Role is {2}.", loginInUser.FirstName,
                //                    loginInUser.LastName, loginInUser.Role.RoleName);
                //                IsFound = true;
                //            }
                //        }

                //        if (IsFound == false) {
                //            Console.WriteLine("User incorrect. Try again.");
                //        }

                //        // depending on the Role, we will want to provide a custom set of menu options
                //        // PATRON - least privileges
                //        // CHECKOUT STUFF
                //        // menu - search, update my profile, logout
                //        if (loginInUser.RoleID_FK == (int)Roles.Patron) // PATRON ROLE
                //        {
                //            Console.WriteLine("MENU: S - Search, P - My Profile, O - Logout");
                //            string inputPatron = Console.ReadLine();
                //            if (inputPatron.ToLower() == "o")
                //            {
                //                IsFound = false; // without this - a bug that caused an infinite loop
                //                Console.WriteLine("Logging out .... Bye {0} {1}", loginInUser.FirstName, loginInUser.LastName);
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                Printer.PatronOptions(inputPatron, loginInUser);
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else if(loginInUser.RoleID_FK == (int)Roles.Librarian) // LIBRARIAN ROLE
                //        {

                //            Console.WriteLine("MENU: S - Search, P - My Profile,  B - Book, A - Author, " +
                //                " P - Publisher, G - Genre, O - Logout");
                //            string inputLibrarian = Console.ReadLine();
                //            if (inputLibrarian.ToLower() == "o")
                //            {
                //                IsFound = false; // without this - a bug that caused an infinite loop
                //                Console.WriteLine("Logging out .... Bye {0} {1}", loginInUser.FirstName, loginInUser.LastName);
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                Printer.LibrarianOptions(inputLibrarian, loginInUser);
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else if (loginInUser.RoleID_FK == (int)Roles.Administrator) // ADMINISTRATOR ROLE
                //        {
                //            Console.WriteLine("MENU: S - Search, P - My Profile,  B - Book, A - Author, " +
                //                " P - Publisher, G - Genre, U - User, O - Logout");
                //            string inputAdmin = Console.ReadLine();
                //            if (inputAdmin.ToLower() == "o")
                //            {
                //                IsFound = false; // without this - a bug that caused an infinite loop
                //                Console.WriteLine("Logging out .... Bye {0} {1}", loginInUser.FirstName, loginInUser.LastName);
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                Printer.AdminOptions(inputAdmin, loginInUser);
                //            }
                //        }

                //        // ADMINSTRATOR - most privieges
                //        // CHANGE PASSWORD, RESETTING STUFF
                //        // menu - search, update my profile, Book, Publisher, Genre, Users  logout
                //    }

                _input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            } while (_input.ToLower() != "q");

            Console.ReadLine();     // stop program