Beispiel #1
    // Build a path in an approximately straight line from start to destination by stringing together steps
    // This is NOT guaranteed to not get stuck in a local terrain feature
    // Returns the total normalized path time, or 'forever' if stuck
    public static float FindLocalPath(
        PathfinderData data,
        Vector3 start, Vector3 destination,
        MobilityType mobility,
        float radius)
        float   distance = (destination - start).magnitude;
        Vector3 waypoint = start;
        float   time     = 0f;

        while (distance > CompletionDist)
            Vector3 previous = waypoint;
            waypoint = TakeStep(data, waypoint, destination, mobility, radius);
            if (waypoint == NoPosition)
            time    += StepSize / mobility.GetUnitSpeed(data.terrain,, waypoint, radius, (waypoint - previous).normalized);
            distance = (destination - waypoint).magnitude;
        time += distance / mobility.GetUnitSpeed(data.terrain,, waypoint, radius, (destination - waypoint).normalized);

Beispiel #2
    public UnitData()
        weaponData = new List <WeaponData>();
        mobility   = MobilityType.MobilityTypes[0];

        radius           = Mathf.Sqrt(length * width) / 2;
        optimumTurnSpeed = Mathf.Sqrt(maxLateralAccel * minTurnRadius);

        suspensionForward = suspension * radius / length;
        suspensionSide    = suspension * radius / width;

        accelDampTime = 0.15f * movementSpeed / accelRate;
Beispiel #3
    // Finds an intermediate step along the way from start to destination
    // Returns 'NoPosition' if stuck
    private static Vector3 TakeStep(
        PathfinderData data,
        Vector3 start, Vector3 destination,
        MobilityType mobility,
        float radius)
        Vector3 straight = (destination - start).normalized;

        straightStep = false;

        // Fan out in a two-point horizontal pattern to find a way forward
        for (float ang1 = 0f; ang1 <= MaxAngle; ang1 += AngSearchInc)
            for (int direction = -1; direction <= 1; direction += 2)
                Vector3 direction1 = ang1 > 0f ? Quaternion.AngleAxis(ang1 * direction, Vector3.up) * straight : straight;
                Vector3 midpoint   = start + direction1 * StepSize;
                float   midspeed   = mobility.GetUnitSpeed(data.terrain,, midpoint, radius, direction1);

                if (midspeed > 0f)
                    for (float ang2 = 0f; ang2 <= ang1; ang2 += AngSearchInc)
                        Vector3 direction2 = ang2 > 0f ? Quaternion.AngleAxis(ang2 * direction, Vector3.up) * straight : straight;
                        Vector3 endpoint   = midpoint + straight * StepSize;
                        float   endspeed   = mobility.GetUnitSpeed(data.terrain,, endpoint, radius, direction2);

                        if (endspeed > 0f)
                            straightStep = ang1 == 0f && ang2 == 0f;
                            return(straightStep ? endpoint : midpoint);

        // No step was found
Beispiel #4
 private float TimeHeuristic(Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2, MobilityType mobility)
     return(Vector3.Distance(pos1, pos2) * 3 / 4);
Beispiel #5
    // Run the A* algorithm and put the result in path
    // If no path was found, return 'forever' and put only the destination in path
    // Returns the total path time
    public float FindPath(
        List <PathNode> path,
        Vector3 start, Vector3 destination,
        MobilityType mobility, float unitRadius,
        MoveCommandType command)
        path.Add(new PathNode(destination, false));

        PathNode cameFromDest = null;
        float    gScoreDest   = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, start, destination, mobility, unitRadius);

        if (gScoreDest < Pathfinder.Forever)
            if (command == MoveCommandType.Slow || command == MoveCommandType.Reverse)

        // Initialize with all nodes accessible from the starting point
        // (this can be optimized later by throwing out some from the start)
        foreach (PathNode neighbor in graph)
            neighbor.isClosed = false;
            neighbor.cameFrom = null;
            neighbor.gScore   = Pathfinder.Forever;
            Vector3 neighborPos = Position(neighbor);

            if ((start - neighborPos).magnitude < ArcMaxDist)
                float gScoreNew = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, start, neighborPos, mobility, unitRadius);
                if (gScoreNew < Pathfinder.Forever)
                    neighbor.gScore = gScoreNew;
                    float fScoreNew = gScoreNew + TimeHeuristic(neighborPos, destination, mobility);
                    openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fScoreNew);

        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            PathNode current = openSet.Dequeue();
            current.isClosed = true;

            if (gScoreDest < current.Priority)

            foreach (PathArc arc in current.arcs)
                PathNode neighbor = arc.node1 == current ? arc.node2 : arc.node1;

                if (neighbor.isClosed)

                float arcTime = arc.time[mobility.Index];
                if (arcTime >= Pathfinder.Forever)

                float gScoreNew = current.gScore + arcTime;
                if (gScoreNew >= neighbor.gScore)

                float fScoreNew = gScoreNew + TimeHeuristic(Position(neighbor), destination, mobility);

                if (!openSet.Contains(neighbor))
                    openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fScoreNew);
                    openSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, fScoreNew);
                neighbor.gScore   = gScoreNew;
                neighbor.cameFrom = current;

            float arcTimeDest = Pathfinder.Forever;
            if (Vector3.Distance(Position(current), destination) < ArcMaxDist)
                arcTimeDest = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, Position(current), destination, mobility, unitRadius);
            // Debug.Log(openSet.Count + " " + Position(current) + " " + current.isRoad + " " + Vector3.Distance(Position(current), destination) + " " + (current.gScore + arcTimeDest) + " " + gScoreDest);
            if (arcTimeDest >= Pathfinder.Forever)
            if (arcTimeDest < Pathfinder.Forever && command == MoveCommandType.Slow)
                arcTimeDest = 0f;

            float gScoreDestNew = current.gScore + arcTimeDest;
            if (gScoreDestNew < gScoreDest)
                gScoreDest   = gScoreDestNew;
                cameFromDest = current;

        // Reconstruct best path
        PathNode node = cameFromDest;

        while (node != null)
            node = node.cameFrom;