private string SystemPropertiesValues(MobileServiceSystemProperty systemProperties)
     if (systemProperties == MobileServiceSystemProperty.nil)
     return(systemProperties.ToString().Replace(" ", ""));              // remove spaces from string
 public CustomQuery(string filter = "", string orderBy = null, uint top = 0, uint skip = 0, string select = null, MobileServiceSystemProperty systemProperties = MobileServiceSystemProperty.nil, bool includeDeleted = false)
     this.Filter           = filter;           // return only rows that satisfy the specified filter predicate
     this.OrderBy          = orderBy;          // sort column by one or more columns: order can be specified in 'desc' or 'asc' order ('asc' is default)
     this.Top              = top;              // return the top n entities for any query
     this.Skip             = skip;             // the n of records to skip (used for paging results)
     this.Select           = select;           // defines new projection of data by specifying the columns
     this.SystemProperties = systemProperties; // list of system properties to be included in the response
     this.IncludeDeleted   = includeDeleted;   // if table has soft delete enabled then deleted records will be included in the results
 public CustomQuery(string filter = "", string orderBy = null, uint top = 0, uint skip = 0, string select = null, MobileServiceSystemProperty systemProperties = MobileServiceSystemProperty.nil, bool includeDeleted = false)
     this.Filter = filter; // return only rows that satisfy the specified filter predicate
     this.OrderBy = orderBy; // sort column by one or more columns: order can be specified in 'desc' or 'asc' order ('asc' is default)
     this.Top = top; // return the top n entities for any query
     this.Skip = skip; // the n of records to skip (used for paging results)
     this.Select = select; // defines new projection of data by specifying the columns
     this.SystemProperties = systemProperties; // list of system properties to be included in the response
     this.IncludeDeleted = includeDeleted; // if table has soft delete enabled then deleted records will be included in the results
 private string SystemPropertiesValues(MobileServiceSystemProperty systemProperties)
     if (systemProperties == MobileServiceSystemProperty.nil) {
         return "";
     return systemProperties.ToString ().Replace (" ", ""); // remove spaces from string