public void Indexing_HandlingGap()
            //if (MissingActivityHandler.GetGap().Count != 0)
            //    Assert.Inconclusive("This test cannot run correctly with any gap.");

            MissingActivityHandler.SetGap(new List <int>());
            var savedMaxActivityId = MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId;

            MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i <= MissingActivityHandler.GapSegments * 2; i++)
                    var currentActivityId = i * 3;
                    Assert.IsTrue(MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId == currentActivityId, String.Format("MaxActivityId is {0}, expected: {1}", MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId, currentActivityId));

                    if (i % 2 == 0)

                var expectedGapSize = MissingActivityHandler.GetGap().Count;
                for (int i = 1; i <= MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId; i += 3)
                    var gapSize = MissingActivityHandler.GetGap().Count;
                    Assert.IsTrue(gapSize == expectedGapSize, String.Format("Gap size is {0}, expected: {1}", gapSize, expectedGapSize));

                var gap = MissingActivityHandler.GetGap();
                Assert.IsTrue(gap.Count == MissingActivityHandler.GapSegments * 2, "");
                var expectedGap = "2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35,38,41,44,47,50,53,56,59";
                var gapstring   = String.Join(",", gap);
                Assert.IsTrue(gapstring == expectedGap, String.Format("Gap size is {0}, expected: {1}", gapstring, expectedGap));
                MissingActivityHandler.SetGap(new List <int>());
                MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId = savedMaxActivityId;
        public void Indexing_ExecuteLostIndexingActivities()
            lock (LuceneManager._executingUnprocessedIndexingActivitiesLock)    // make sure indexhealthmonitor will not overlap
                var initInfo               = InitCarsForUnprocessedTests();
                var carlist                = initInfo.Item1;
                var lastActivityId         = initInfo.Item2;
                var expectedLastActivityId = initInfo.Item3;

                // generate a gap and delete corresponding documents from index
                var activities         = GetCarActivities(lastActivityId);
                var activitiesToDelete = new IndexingActivity[] { activities[0], activities[2], activities[5], activities[7], activities[8] };

                MissingActivityHandler.SetGap(activitiesToDelete.Select(a => a.IndexingActivityId).ToList());   // 0,2,5,7,8 will be missing

                // commit gap and maxactivityid to the index

                foreach (var activity in activitiesToDelete)

                // check: cars deleted can NOT be found in the index
                for (var i = 0; i < carlist.Count; i++)
                    var id = carlist[i].Id;
                    if (activitiesToDelete.Select(a => a.NodeId).Contains(id))
                        Assert.IsFalse(CheckCarInIndex(id), "Deleted car can still be found in the index.");    // deleted car should not be in index
                        Assert.IsTrue(CheckCarInIndex(id), "Untouched car can not be found in the index.");     // untouched car should still be in index

                // make sure to move current gap to oldest gap, since always the oldest gap will get processed
                for (var i = 0; i < MissingActivityHandler.GapSegments - 1; i++)

                // execute unprocessed indexing tasks

                // check: all cars can be found in the index again
                for (var i = 0; i < carlist.Count; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(CheckCarInIndex(carlist[i].Id), "ExecuteLostIndexingActivities did not repair lost document.");

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedLastActivityId, MissingActivityHandler.MaxActivityId, "Maxtaskid is not what is expected.");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, MissingActivityHandler.GetGap().Count, "Gap size is not 0.");