/// <summary>
 /// This method is used to assign traits to our missle assigned from the launcher.
 /// </summary>
 public void AssignMissleRules(Missile_Launcher.MissileType missileType, Transform target, float launchSpeed, float power, float fuseDelay, float destroyTimer)
     _missileType = missileType;             //assign the missle type
     _target      = target;                  //Who should the rocket follow?
     _launchSpeed = launchSpeed;             //set the launch speed
     _power       = power;                   //set the power
     _fuseDelay   = fuseDelay;               //set the fuse delay
     Destroy(this.gameObject, destroyTimer); //destroy the rocket after destroyTimer
        // Update is called once per frame
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (_fuseOut == false) //check if fuseOut is false

            if (_launched == true)                                     //check if launched is true
                _rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * _launchSpeed); //add force to the rocket in the forward direction

                if (Time.time > _initialLaunchTime + _fuseDelay)       //check if the initial launch + fuse delay has passed
                    _launched = false;                                 //launched bool goes false
                    _thrust   = true;                                  //thrust bool goes true

            if (_thrust == true)                                    //if thrust is true
                _rigidbody.useGravity = true;                       //enable gravity
                _rigidbody.velocity   = transform.forward * _power; //set velocity multiplied by the power variable
                _thrust        = false;                             //set thrust bool to false
                _trackRotation = true;                              //track rotation bool set to true

            if (_trackRotation == true)                                                 //check track rotation bool
                if (_missileType == Missile_Launcher.MissileType.Normal)                //checking for normal missile
                    _rigidbody.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_rigidbody.velocity); // adjust rotation of rocket based on velocity
                    _rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * 100f);                      //add force to the rocket
                else if (_missileType == Missile_Launcher.MissileType.Homing)           //if missle is homing
                    if (_target == null)                                                //checking if the target is null
                        _missileType = Missile_Launcher.MissileType.Normal;             //assign back to normal

                    Vector3 direction = _target.position - transform.position;        //calculate direciton for rocket to face
                    direction.Normalize();                                            //set the magnitude of the vector to 1
                    Vector3 turnAmount = Vector3.Cross(transform.forward, direction); //using cross product, we multiply our forward vector of the rocket by the direction vector, to create a perpendular vector, which specifies the turn amount

                    _rigidbody.angularVelocity = turnAmount * _power;                 //apply angular velocity
                    _rigidbody.velocity        = transform.forward * _power;          //apply forward velocity