Beispiel #1
 public async Task <EmptyResponseDto> SetAsCurrentUser(string email)
     return(await Task.Run(async() =>
         _logger.Information("SetAsCurrentUser: Trying to get the current active user");
         var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleUser>
             Succeed = false,
             Message = string.Empty
         using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
             var user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email);
             if (user is null)
                 response.Message = $"Email = {email} does not exists in db";
                 return response;
             var activeUser = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsActive);
             if (activeUser != null)
                 activeUser.IsActive = false;
             user.IsActive = true;
             response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
         _logger.Information("SetAsCurrentUser: Completed successfully");
         return response;
Beispiel #2
 public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleUser> > AddAsync(GoogleUser entity)
     return(await Task.Run(async() =>
         _logger.Information($"AddAsync: Trying to add a new user {entity.ID}");
         var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleUser>
             Message = string.Empty,
             Succeed = false
         using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                 await context.AddAsync(entity);
                 response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                 response.Result = entity;
                 _logger.Information("AddAsync: Completed successfully");
             catch (Exception e)
                 _logger.Error(e, "AddAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                 response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
         return response;
Beispiel #3
 public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleTask> > UpdateAsync(GoogleTask entity)
     return(await Task.Run(async() =>
         _logger.Information($"UpdateAsync: Trying to update taskId = {entity.ID}");
         var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleTask>
             Message = string.Empty,
             Succeed = false
         using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                 context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
                 response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                 response.Result = entity;
                 _logger.Information("UpdateAsync: Completed successfully");
             catch (Exception e)
                 _logger.Error(e, "UpdateAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                 response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
         return response;
Beispiel #4
 public async Task <EmptyResponseDto> RemoveRangeAsync(IEnumerable <GoogleTask> entities)
     return(await Task.Run(async() =>
         _logger.Information($"RemoveRangeAsync: Trying to delete {entities.Count()} tasks");
         var response = new EmptyResponseDto
             Message = string.Empty,
             Succeed = false
         using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                 response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                 _logger.Information("RemoveRangeAsync: Completed successfully");
             catch (Exception e)
                 _logger.Error(e, "RemoveRangeAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                 response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
         return response;
Beispiel #5
        public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleTask> > AddNotificationDate(string taskID, TaskNotificationDateType dateType, DateTimeOffset remindOn, string remindOnGuid)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"AddReminderNotificationDate: Trying to add a reminder date for taskID = {taskID}");
                var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleTask>
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var taskToUpdate = await context
                                           .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.GoogleTaskID == taskID);

                        if (taskToUpdate == null)
                            response.Message = $"Could not find the task with taskID = {taskID}";
                            _logger.Warning($"AddReminderNotificationDate: Could not find a task with taskID = {taskID}");
                            return response;

                        switch (dateType)
                        case TaskNotificationDateType.TO_BE_COMPLETED_DATE:
                            taskToUpdate.ToBeCompletedOn = remindOn;

                        case TaskNotificationDateType.REMINDER_DATE:
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(remindOnGuid))
                                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(remindOnGuid), "If the date type is reminder, then you must provide a valid guid");

                            taskToUpdate.RemindOn = remindOn;
                            taskToUpdate.RemindOnGUID = remindOnGuid;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dateType), dateType, "Provided google task date type does not exists");

                        response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                        response.Result = taskToUpdate;
                        _logger.Information("AddReminderNotificationDate: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "AddReminderNotificationDate: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleTask> > RemoveNotificationDate(int taskID, TaskNotificationDateType dateType)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                string dateToRemoveType = dateType == TaskNotificationDateType.REMINDER_DATE ?
                                          "reminder" : "completition";
                _logger.Information($"RemoveDate: Trying to remove the {dateToRemoveType} date of taskID = {taskID}");
                var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleTask>
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var taskToUpdate = await context
                                           .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.ID == taskID);

                        if (taskToUpdate == null)
                            response.Message = $"Could not find the task with taskID = {taskID} to remove its {dateToRemoveType} date";
                            _logger.Warning($"RemoveDate: Could not find a task with taskID = {taskID}");
                            return response;

                        switch (dateType)
                        case TaskNotificationDateType.TO_BE_COMPLETED_DATE:
                            taskToUpdate.ToBeCompletedOn = null;

                        case TaskNotificationDateType.REMINDER_DATE:
                            taskToUpdate.RemindOn = null;
                            taskToUpdate.RemindOnGUID = null;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dateType), dateType, "Provided google task date type does not exists");


                        response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                        response.Result = taskToUpdate;
                        _logger.Information("RemoveDate: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "RemoveDate: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #7
        public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleTask> > ChangeTaskStatusAsync(string taskID, GoogleTaskStatus taskStatus)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"ChangeTaskStatusAsync: Trying to change the status of taskID = {taskID} to {taskStatus}");
                var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleTask>
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var taskToUpdate = await context
                                           .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.GoogleTaskID == taskID);

                        if (taskToUpdate == null)
                            response.Message = $"Could not find the task with taskID = {taskID} to change their status";
                            _logger.Warning($"ChangeTaskStatusAsync: Could not find a task with taskID = {taskID}");
                            return response;

                        taskToUpdate.CompletedOn = taskStatus == GoogleTaskStatus.COMPLETED ?
                                                   DateTimeOffset.UtcNow : (DateTimeOffset?)null;
                        taskToUpdate.Status = taskStatus.GetString();
                        taskToUpdate.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                        if (taskToUpdate.LocalStatus != LocalStatus.CREATED)
                            taskToUpdate.LocalStatus = LocalStatus.UPDATED;
                        taskToUpdate.ToBeSynced = true;


                        response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                        response.Result = taskToUpdate;
                        _logger.Information("ChangeTaskStatusAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "ChangeTaskStatusAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #8
        public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleTask> > AddAsync(string taskListID, GoogleTask task)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"AddAsync: Trying to add a new task into taskListId = {taskListID}");
                var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleTask>
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var taskList = await context.TaskLists
                                       .FirstOrDefaultAsync(tl => tl.GoogleTaskListID == taskListID);

                        if (taskList == null)
                            response.Message = $"Couldn't find the tasklist where {task.Title} is going to be saved";
                            _logger.Warning($"AddAsync: Couldn't find a tasklist with id = {taskListID}");
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.Position))
                                string position = await GetLastestPosition(context, taskList.GoogleTaskListID, task.ParentTask);
                                task.Position = position;
                            task.TaskList = taskList;

                            await context.AddAsync(task);
                            response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                            response.Result = task;
                        _logger.Information("AddAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "AddAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <ResponseDto <IEnumerable <GoogleTask> > > AddRangeAsync(string taskListID, IEnumerable <GoogleTask> tasks)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"AddRangeAsync: Trying to add {tasks.Count()} tasks to tasklist = {taskListID}");
                var response = new ResponseDto <IEnumerable <GoogleTask> >
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var taskList = await context.TaskLists
                                       .FirstOrDefaultAsync(tl => tl.GoogleTaskListID == taskListID);

                        if (taskList == null)
                            _logger.Warning($"AddRangeAsync: Couldn't find a tasklist with id = {taskListID}");
                            response.Message = $"Couldn't find the tasklist where all the tasks will be saved in the db";
                            var entities = tasks.ToList();
                            entities.ForEach(t => t.TaskList = taskList);

                            await context.AddRangeAsync(entities);
                            response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                            response.Result = entities;
                        _logger.Information("AddRangeAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "AddRangeAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <ResponseDto <IEnumerable <GoogleTaskList> > > AddRangeAsync(IEnumerable <GoogleTaskList> entities)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"AddRangeAsync: Trying to add {entities.Count()} task lists");
                var response = new ResponseDto <IEnumerable <GoogleTaskList> >
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var currentUser = await context.Users
                                          .FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.IsActive);

                        if (currentUser == null)
                            response.Message = "Couldn't find the current active user in the db";
                            _logger.Warning("AddRangeAsync: Couldn't find the current active user in the db");
                            var e = entities.ToList();
                            e.ForEach(tl => tl.User = currentUser);

                            await context.AddRangeAsync(e);
                            response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                            response.Result = entities;
                        _logger.Information("AddRangeAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "AddRangeAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #11
        public async Task <EmptyResponseDto> RemoveAsync(Expression <Func <GoogleTask, bool> > filter)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"RemoveAsync: Trying to delete tasks that matches filter");
                var response = new EmptyResponseDto
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var entitiesToDelete = context

                        if (entitiesToDelete.Count() > 0)
                            response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                            response.Succeed = true;
                        _logger.Information("RemoveAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "RemoveAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #12
 public async Task <EmptyResponseDto> RemoveAsync(object id)
     return(await Task.Run(async() =>
         _logger.Information($"RemoveAsync: Trying to delete user with id {id}");
         var response = new EmptyResponseDto
             Message = string.Empty,
             Succeed = false
         using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                 var entity = await context.Users.FindAsync(id);
                 if (entity == null)
                     response.Message = "Entity couldn't be removed cause it wasnt found";
                     _logger.Warning("RemoveAsync: Task list couldn't be removed cause it wasnt found");
                     response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                 _logger.Information("RemoveAsync: Completed successfully");
             catch (Exception e)
                 _logger.Error(e, "RemoveAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                 response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
         return response;
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <EmptyResponseDto> RemoveTaskAsync(IEnumerable <string> taskIds)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"RemoveTaskAsync: Trying to remove following taskIDs = {string.Join(",", taskIds)}");
                var response = new EmptyResponseDto
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var entities = context
                                       .Where(t => taskIds.Any(a => a == t.GoogleTaskID));

                        if (entities.Count() == 0)
                            response.Message = "Couldn't find the tasks to delete";
                            _logger.Warning($"RemoveTaskAsync: Couldn't find any of the taskIDs = {string.Join(",", taskIds)}");
                            return response;

                        if (entities.Any(t => t.LocalStatus == LocalStatus.CREATED))
                            var tasksToDelete = entities.Where(t => t.LocalStatus == LocalStatus.CREATED);
                            var subTasks = context
                                           .Where(st => tasksToDelete.Any(t => st.ParentTask == t.GoogleTaskID));
                            if (subTasks.Count() > 0)

                        if (entities.Any(t => t.LocalStatus != LocalStatus.CREATED))
                            var tasksToUpdate = entities.Where(t => t.LocalStatus != LocalStatus.CREATED);
                            var subTasks = context
                                           .Where(st => tasksToUpdate.Any(t => st.ParentTask == t.GoogleTaskID));

                            await tasksToUpdate.ForEachAsync(t =>
                                t.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                                t.LocalStatus = LocalStatus.DELETED;
                                t.ToBeSynced = true;

                            await subTasks.ForEachAsync(t =>
                                t.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                                t.LocalStatus = LocalStatus.DELETED;
                                t.ToBeSynced = true;

                            if (subTasks.Count() > 0)
                        response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                        _logger.Information("RemoveTaskAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "RemoveTaskAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #14
        public async Task <EmptyResponseDto> RemoveTaskAsync(string taskID)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"RemoveTaskAsync: Trying to remove taskID = {taskID}");
                var response = new EmptyResponseDto
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false
                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var entity = await context
                                     .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.GoogleTaskID == taskID);

                        if (entity == null)
                            response.Message = "Couldn't find the task to delete";
                            _logger.Warning($"RemoveTaskAsync: Couldn't find the task with taskID = {taskID}");
                            return response;

                        var subTasks = context
                                       .Where(t => t.ParentTask == entity.GoogleTaskID);

                        if (entity.LocalStatus == LocalStatus.CREATED)
                            if (subTasks.Count() > 0)
                            entity.LocalStatus = LocalStatus.DELETED;
                            entity.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                            entity.ToBeSynced = true;


                            if (subTasks.Count() > 0)
                                await subTasks.ForEachAsync(st =>
                                    st.LocalStatus = LocalStatus.DELETED;
                                    st.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                                    st.ToBeSynced = true;
                        response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                        _logger.Information("RemoveTaskAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "RemoveTaskAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;
Beispiel #15
        public async Task <ResponseDto <GoogleTask> > MoveAsync(string selectedTaskListID, string taskID, string parentTask, string previous)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                _logger.Information($"MoveAsync: Trying to move the taskID = {taskID} to tasklistID {selectedTaskListID} with parentTask = {parentTask} and previousTaskID = {previous}");
                var response = new ResponseDto <GoogleTask>
                    Message = string.Empty,
                    Succeed = false

                using (var context = new MiraiNotesContext())
                        var taskList = await context
                                       .FirstOrDefaultAsync(tl => tl.GoogleTaskListID == selectedTaskListID);

                        if (taskList == null)
                            response.Message = $"Couldn't find the selected task list in db";
                            _logger.Warning($"MoveAsync: Couldn't find the selected task list id = {selectedTaskListID}");
                            return response;

                        var oldEntity = await context
                                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.GoogleTaskID == taskID);

                        if (oldEntity == null)
                            response.Message = $"Couldn't find the task to be moved in db";
                            _logger.Warning($"MoveAsync: Couldn't find the task to be moved. TaskID = {taskID}");
                            return response;

                        string position = await GetLastestPosition(context, taskList.GoogleTaskListID, parentTask);

                        var entity = new GoogleTask
                            CompletedOn = oldEntity.CompletedOn,
                            CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                            GoogleTaskID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                            IsDeleted = oldEntity.IsDeleted,
                            IsHidden = oldEntity.IsHidden,
                            LocalStatus = LocalStatus.CREATED,
                            Notes = oldEntity.Notes,
                            ParentTask = parentTask,
                            Position = position,
                            RemindOn = oldEntity.RemindOn,
                            RemindOnGUID = oldEntity.RemindOnGUID,
                            Status = oldEntity.Status,
                            TaskList = taskList,
                            Title = oldEntity.Title,
                            ToBeCompletedOn = oldEntity.ToBeCompletedOn,
                            ToBeSynced = true,
                            UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

                        if (oldEntity.LocalStatus == LocalStatus.CREATED)
                            oldEntity.LocalStatus = LocalStatus.DELETED;
                            oldEntity.ToBeSynced = true;
                            oldEntity.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

                        await context.Tasks.AddAsync(entity);

                        response.Succeed = await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
                        response.Result = entity;
                        _logger.Information("MoveAsync: Completed successfully");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "MoveAsync: An unknown error occurred");
                        response.Message = GetExceptionMessage(e);
                return response;