Beispiel #1
        public static void CMain_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (Program.Form.ActiveControl is TextBox)
                MirTextBox textBox = Program.Form.ActiveControl.Tag as MirTextBox;

                if (textBox != null && textBox.CanLoseFocus)
                    Program.Form.ActiveControl = null;

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && (GameScene.SelectedCell != null || GameScene.PickedUpGold))
                GameScene.SelectedCell = null;
                GameScene.PickedUpGold = false;

                if (MirScene.ActiveScene != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #2
        public ReportDialog()
            Index    = 1633;
            Library  = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(336, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            ReportType = new MirDropDownBox()
                Parent     = this,
                Location   = new Point(12, 35),
                Size       = new Size(170, 14),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Visible    = true,
                Enabled    = true,
            ReportType.Items.Add("Select Report Type.");
            ReportType.Items.Add("Submit Bug");
            ReportType.Items.Add("Report Player");

            MessageArea = new MirTextBox
                Parent   = this,
                Location = new Point(12, 57),
                Size     = new Size(330, 150),
                Font     = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),


            SendButton = new MirButton
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Index        = 607,
                HoverIndex   = 608,
                PressedIndex = 609,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(260, 219)
            SendButton.Click += SendButton_Click;
Beispiel #3
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                CoordinateLabel  = null;
                CloseButton      = null;
                ScrollUpButton   = null;
                ScrollDownButton = null;
                ScrollBar        = null;
                WorldButton      = null;
                MyLocationButton = null;
                TeleportToButton = null;
                SearchButton     = null;
                SearchTextBox    = null;
                TitleLabel       = null;

Beispiel #4
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            Search = null;

            PageNumberLabel = null;
            totalGold       = null;
            totalCredits    = null;
            ALL             = null;
            War             = null;
            Sin             = null;
            Tao             = null;
            Wiz             = null;
            Arch            = null;
            allItems        = null;
            topItems        = null;
            Deals           = null;
            New             = null;

            CloseButton    = null;
            PreviousButton = null;
            NextButton     = null;

            UpButton    = null;
            DownButton  = null;
            PositionBar = null;

            Grid             = null;
            Filters          = null;
            FilterBackground = null;


Beispiel #5
        public GameShopDialog()
            Index    = 749;
            Library  = Libraries.Title;
            Movable  = true;
            Location = Center;
            Sort     = true;

            TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 26,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(18, 9),
                Parent   = this

            Grid = new GameShopCell[4 * 2];
            for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                    int idx = 4 * y + x;
                    Grid[idx] = new GameShopCell
                        Size    = new Size(125, 146),
                        Visible = true,
                        Parent  = this,

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(671, 4),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            totalGold = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(100, 20),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.RightToLeft | TextFormatFlags.Right,

                Location   = new Point(123, 449),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F),
            totalCredits = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(100, 20),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.RightToLeft | TextFormatFlags.Right,
                Location   = new Point(5, 449),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F)

            UpButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 197,
                HoverIndex   = 198,
                PressedIndex = 199,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Location     = new Point(120, 103),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = true
            UpButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (CStartIndex <= 0)



            DownButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 207,
                HoverIndex   = 208,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                PressedIndex = 209,
                Parent       = this,
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Location     = new Point(120, 421),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = true
            DownButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (CStartIndex + 22 >= CategoryList.Count)



            PositionBar = new MirButton
                Index        = 205,
                HoverIndex   = 206,
                PressedIndex = 206,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location     = new Point(120, 117),
                Parent       = this,
                Movable      = true,
                Sound        = SoundList.None,
                Visible      = true
            PositionBar.OnMoving += PositionBar_OnMoving;

            FilterBackground = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 769,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(11, 102),
                Parent   = this,
            FilterBackground.MouseWheel += FilterScrolling;

            Search = new MirTextBox
                BackColour   = Color.FromArgb(4, 4, 4),
                ForeColour   = Color.White,
                Parent       = this,
                Size         = new Size(140, 16),
                Location     = new Point(540, 69),
                Font         = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F),
                MaxLength    = 23,
                CanLoseFocus = true,
            Search.TextBox.KeyUp += (o, e) =>

            allItems = new MirButton
                Index    = 770,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(138, 68),
                Visible  = true,
                Parent   = this,
                Sound    = SoundList.ButtonA,
            allItems.Click += (o, e) =>
                SectionFilter = "显示所有";
            topItems = new MirButton
                Index    = 776,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(209, 68),
                Visible  = true,
                Parent   = this,
                Sound    = SoundList.ButtonA,
            topItems.Click += (o, e) =>
                SectionFilter = "热消";
            Deals = new MirButton
                Index    = 772,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(280, 68),
                Visible  = true,
                Parent   = this,
                Sound    = SoundList.ButtonA,
            Deals.Click += (o, e) =>
                SectionFilter = "打折";
            New = new MirButton
                Index    = 774,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(351, 68),
                Visible  = false,
                Parent   = this,
                Sound    = SoundList.ButtonA,
            New.Click += (o, e) =>
                SectionFilter = "新品";
                New.Index = 775;

            ALL = new MirButton
                Index        = 751,
                HoverIndex   = 752,
                PressedIndex = 753,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(539, 37),
                Visible      = true,
                Parent       = this,
            ALL.Click += (o, e) =>
                ClassFilter = "显示所有";
                TypeFilter  = "显示所有";
            War = new MirButton
                Index        = 754,
                HoverIndex   = 755,
                PressedIndex = 756,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(568, 38),
                Visible      = true,
                Parent       = this,
            War.Click += (o, e) =>
                ClassFilter = "战士";
                TypeFilter  = "显示所有";
            Sin = new MirButton
                Index        = 757,
                HoverIndex   = 758,
                PressedIndex = 759,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(591, 38),
                Visible      = true,
                Parent       = this,
            Sin.Click += (o, e) =>
                ClassFilter = "刺客";
                TypeFilter  = "显示所有";
            Tao = new MirButton
                Index        = 760,
                HoverIndex   = 761,
                PressedIndex = 762,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(614, 38),
                Visible      = true,
                Parent       = this,
            Tao.Click += (o, e) =>
                ClassFilter = "道士";
                TypeFilter  = "显示所有";
            Wiz = new MirButton
                Index        = 763,
                HoverIndex   = 764,
                PressedIndex = 765,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(637, 38),
                Visible      = true,
                Parent       = this,
            Wiz.Click += (o, e) =>
                ClassFilter = "法师";
                TypeFilter  = "显示所有";
            Arch = new MirButton
                Index        = 766,
                HoverIndex   = 767,
                PressedIndex = 768,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(660, 38),
                Visible      = true,
                Parent       = this,
            Arch.Click += (o, e) =>
                ClassFilter = "弓箭手";
                TypeFilter  = "显示所有";

            PageNumberLabel = new MirLabel
                Text       = "",
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new Size(83, 17),
                Location   = new Point(597, 446),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F),

            PreviousButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 240,
                HoverIndex   = 241,
                PressedIndex = 242,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Location     = new Point(600, 448),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            PreviousButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (Page < 0)
                    Page = 0;
                StartIndex = Grid.Length * Page;


            NextButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 243,
                HoverIndex   = 244,
                PressedIndex = 245,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Location     = new Point(660, 448),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            NextButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if ((Page + 1) > maxPage)
                StartIndex = Grid.Length * Page;

            for (int i = 0; i < Filters.Length; i++)
                Filters[i] = new MirLabel
                    Parent     = this,
                    Size       = new Size(90, 20),
                    Location   = new Point(15, 103 + (15 * i)),
                    Text       = "Testing - " + i.ToString(),
                    ForeColour = Color.Gray,
                    Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F),
                Filters[i].Click += (o, e) =>
                    MirLabel lab = (MirLabel)o;
                    TypeFilter = lab.Text;
                    Page       = 0;
                    StartIndex = 0;
                    for (int p = 0; p < Filters.Length; p++)
                        if (Filters[p].Text == lab.Text)
                            Filters[p].ForeColour = Color.FromArgb(230, 200, 160);
                            Filters[p].ForeColour = Color.Gray;
                Filters[i].MouseEnter += (o, e) =>
                    MirLabel lab = (MirLabel)o;
                    for (int p = 0; p < Filters.Length; p++)
                        if (Filters[p].Text == lab.Text && Filters[p].ForeColour != Color.FromArgb(230, 200, 160))
                            Filters[p].ForeColour = Color.FromArgb(160, 140, 110);
                Filters[i].MouseLeave += (o, e) =>
                    MirLabel lab = (MirLabel)o;
                    for (int p = 0; p < Filters.Length; p++)
                        if (Filters[p].Text == lab.Text && Filters[p].ForeColour != Color.FromArgb(230, 200, 160))
                            Filters[p].ForeColour = Color.Gray;
                Filters[i].MouseWheel += FilterScrolling;

            Viewer = new GameShopViewer();
        public TrustMerchantDialog()
            Index   = 670;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Sort    = true;

            TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 24,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(18, 9),
                Parent   = this

            SearchTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Location     = new Point(19, 329),
                Parent       = this,
                Size         = new Size(104, 15),
                MaxLength    = 20,
                CanLoseFocus = true
            SearchTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += SearchTextBox_KeyPress;
            SearchTextBox.TextBox.KeyUp    += SearchTextBox_KeyUp;
            SearchTextBox.TextBox.KeyDown  += SearchTextBox_KeyDown;

            FindButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 481,
                Index        = 480,
                Location     = new Point(130, 325),
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 482,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            FindButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchTextBox.Text))
                if (CMain.Time < SearchTime)
                    GameScene.Scene.ChatDialog.ReceiveChat(string.Format("You can search again after {0} seconds.", Math.Ceiling((SearchTime - CMain.Time) / 1000D)), ChatType.System);

                SearchTime = CMain.Time + Globals.SearchDelay;
                Network.Enqueue(new C.MarketSearch
                    Match = SearchTextBox.Text,

            RefreshButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 664,
                Index        = 663,
                Location     = new Point(190, 325),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 665,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            RefreshButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (CMain.Time < SearchTime)
                    GameScene.Scene.ChatDialog.ReceiveChat(string.Format("You can search again after {0} seconds.", Math.Ceiling((SearchTime - CMain.Time) / 1000D)), ChatType.System);
                SearchTime         = CMain.Time + Globals.SearchDelay;
                SearchTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
                Network.Enqueue(new C.MarketRefresh());

            MailButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 667,
                Index        = 666,
                Location     = new Point(225, 325),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 668,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = false

            BuyButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 484,
                Index        = 483,
                Location     = new Point(400, 325),
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 485,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            BuyButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (Selected == null || CMain.Time < MarketTime)

                if (UserMode)
                    if (Selected.Listing.Seller == "For Sale")
                        MirMessageBox box = new MirMessageBox(string.Format("{0} has not sold, Are you sure you want to get it back?", Selected.Listing.Item.FriendlyName), MirMessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                        box.YesButton.Click += (o1, e2) =>
                            MarketTime = CMain.Time + 3000;
                            Network.Enqueue(new C.MarketGetBack {
                                AuctionID = Selected.Listing.AuctionID
                        MarketTime = CMain.Time + 3000;
                        Network.Enqueue(new C.MarketGetBack {
                            AuctionID = Selected.Listing.AuctionID
                    MirMessageBox box = new MirMessageBox(string.Format("Are you sure you want to buy {0} for {1}?", Selected.Listing.Item.FriendlyName, Selected.Listing.Price), MirMessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    box.YesButton.Click += (o1, e2) =>
                        MarketTime = CMain.Time + 3000;
                        Network.Enqueue(new C.MarketBuy {
                            AuctionID = Selected.Listing.AuctionID

            BackButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 398,
                Location     = new Point(189, 298),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 399,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            BackButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (Page <= 0)


            NextButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 396,
                Location     = new Point(283, 298),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 397,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            NextButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (Page >= PageCount - 1)
                if (Page < (Listings.Count - 1) / 10)

                Network.Enqueue(new C.MarketPage {
                    Page = Page + 1

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(462, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            PageLabel = new MirLabel
                Location   = new Point(207, 298),
                Size       = new Size(70, 18),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = "0/0",

            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                Location   = new Point(20, 240),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
            TotalPriceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(20, 256),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
            SplitPriceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(20, 272),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,

            DateLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(250, 245),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = "Start Date:"

            ExpireLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(250, 265),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = "Expire Date:"

            ItemLabel = new MirLabel
                Location   = new Point(7, 32),
                Size       = new Size(142, 22),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = "Item",

            PriceLabel = new MirLabel
                Location   = new Point(148, 32),
                Size       = new Size(180, 22),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = "Price",

            SellerLabel = new MirLabel
                Location   = new Point(327, 32),
                Size       = new Size(150, 22),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = "Seller",

            for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Length; i++)
                Rows[i] = new AuctionRow
                    Location = new Point(8, 54 + i * 18),
                    Parent   = this
                Rows[i].Click += (o, e) =>
                    Selected = (AuctionRow)o;

            ItemCell = new MirItemCell
                ItemSlot = 0,
                GridType = MirGridType.TrustMerchant,
                Library  = Libraries.Items,
                Parent   = this,
                Location = new Point(195, 248),
Beispiel #7
        static LoginDialog()
            LoginWindow = new MirImageControl
                Index   = 1084,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent  = LoginScene.Background,
            LoginWindow.Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenSize.Width - LoginWindow.Size.Width) / 2,
                                             (Settings.ScreenSize.Height - LoginWindow.Size.Height) / 2);

            Title = new MirImageControl
                Index   = 30,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent  = LoginWindow,
            Title.Location = new Point((LoginWindow.Size.Width - Title.Size.Width) / 2, 5);

            NewAccountButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 324,
                Index        = 323,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(60, 163),
                Parent       = LoginWindow,
                PressedIndex = 325
            NewAccountButton.Click += NewAccountButton_Click;

            LoginButton = new MirButton
                Enabled      = false,
                HoverIndex   = 321,
                Index        = 320,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(227, 83),
                Parent       = LoginWindow,
                PressedIndex = 322,
            LoginButton.Click += new EventHandler(LoginButton_Click);

            ChangePasswordButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 327,
                Index        = 326,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(166, 163),
                Parent       = LoginWindow,
                PressedIndex = 328
            ChangePasswordButton.Click += ChangePasswordButton_Click;

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 330,
                Index        = 329,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(166, 189),
                Parent       = LoginWindow,
                PressedIndex = 331,
                Size         = new Size(100, 24)
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => SceneFunctions.QuitGame();

            AccountIDTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Location = new Point(85, 85),
                Parent   = LoginWindow,
                Size     = new Size(136, 15)
            AccountIDTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += AccountIDTextBox_TextChanged;
            AccountIDTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += TextBox_KeyPress;

            PasswordTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Location = new Point(85, 108),
                Parent   = LoginWindow,
                Password = true,
                Size     = new Size(136, 15)
            PasswordTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += PasswordTextBox_TextChanged;
            PasswordTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += TextBox_KeyPress;
        public KeyboardLayoutDialog()
            Index    = 119;
            Library  = Libraries.CustomTitle;
            Movable  = false;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 3,
                Library  = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location = new Point(207, 11),
                Parent   = this
            CharacterName = new MirLabel
                Text       = "Hotkey settings for",
                Location   = new Point(130, 39),
                Parent     = this,
                AutoSize   = true,
                DrawFormat = (TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter),
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 13f),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                NotControl = true
            PressKeyText = new MirLabel
                Text       = "Please enter the key to be assigned",
                Location   = new Point(25, 378),
                Parent     = this,
                AutoSize   = true,
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9f),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                NotControl = true,
                Visible    = false
            CloseButton = new MirButton
                Parent       = this,
                Index        = 361,
                PressedIndex = 363,
                HoverIndex   = 362,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomPrguse,
                Location     = new Point(485, 6),
                Hint         = "Exit"
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            NoticeButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 147,
                Index        = 146,
                Location     = new Point(35, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 148,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Key Info"
            NoticeButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ActiveKey != null;
                if (!flag)
                    MirMessageBox mirMessageBox = new MirMessageBox("The following keys can not be set with shortcut keys.\n[ Enter ] [ Tab ] [ Pause(break) ] [ Esc ]\nThe following keys can only be used in combination.\n[ Ctrl ] [ Alt ] [ Shift ]", MirMessageBoxButtons.OK);

            ResetButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 628,
                Index        = 627,
                Location     = new Point(120, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 629,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Reset Keys."
            ResetButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ActiveKey != null;
                if (!flag)
                    KeyBindObject[] keyBinds = KeyBinds;
                    for (int j = 0; j < keyBinds.Length; j++)
                        KeyBindObject keyBindObject = keyBinds[j];

            SaveButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 587,
                Index        = 586,
                Location     = new Point(430, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 588,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Save Changes."
            SaveButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Location     = new Point(360, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Cancel Changes."
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            CharacterCheckBox = new MirCheckBox
                Index       = 1346,
                TickedIndex = 1347,
                LabelText   = "By character\nkey settings",
                Library     = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent      = this,
                Location    = new Point(410, 40)
            MirControl arg_448_0 = CharacterCheckBox;

            //EventHandler arg_448_1;
            //if ((arg_448_1 = KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9__20_5) == null)
            //   arg_448_1 = (KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9__20_5 = new EventHandler(KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9.<.ctor > b__20_5));
            //arg_448_0.Click += arg_448_1;

            KeyPanel = new MirImageControl
                Parent   = this,
                Size     = new Size(500, 280),
                Location = new Point(13, 95),
                Visible  = true
            KeyPanel.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(KeyPanel_MouseWheel);

            UpButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 198,
                Index        = 197,
                Visible      = true,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location     = new Point(488, 92),
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 199,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA
            UpButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ScrollIndex == 0;
                if (!flag)

            DownButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 208,
                Index        = 207,
                Visible      = true,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location     = new Point(488, 363),
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 209,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA
            DownButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ScrollIndex == ShowCount - PageRows;
                if (!flag)

            PositionBar = new MirButton
                Index    = 206,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location = new Point(488, 108),
                Parent   = this,
                Movable  = true,
                Sound    = SoundList.None
            PositionBar.OnMoving += new MouseEventHandler(PositionBar_OnMoving);

            InputKey = new MirTextBox
                BackColour = Color.DarkGray,
                ForeColour = Color.Black,
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new Size(1, 1),
                Location   = new Point(0, 0),
                MaxLength  = 80,
                Visible    = false,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10f)
            InputKey.TextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(InputKey_KeyDown);
            KeyBinds  = new KeyBindObject[CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count];
            ShowCount = KeyBinds.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count; i++)
                KeyBinds[i] = new KeyBindObject
                    Parent   = KeyPanel,
                    Location = new Point(0, i * 22),
                    Size     = new Size(500, 20),
                    Key      = CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i]
                KeyBinds[i].MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(KeyPanel_MouseWheel);
Beispiel #9
            public NewCharacterDialog()
                Index    = 73;
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse;
                Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);
                Modal    = true;

                TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                    Index    = 20,
                    Library  = Libraries.Title,
                    Location = new Point(206, 11),
                    Parent   = this,

                CancelButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 281,
                    Index        = 280,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(425, 425),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 282
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

                OKButton = new MirButton
                    Enabled      = false,
                    HoverIndex   = 361,
                    Index        = 360,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(160, 425),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 362,
                OKButton.Click += (o, e) => CreateCharacter();

                NameTextBox = new MirTextBox
                    Location  = new Point(325, 268),
                    Parent    = this,
                    Size      = new Size(240, 20),
                    MaxLength = Globals.MaxCharacterNameLength
                NameTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += TextBox_KeyPress;
                NameTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += CharacterNameTextBox_TextChanged;

                CharacterDisplay = new MirAnimatedControl
                    Animated       = true,
                    AnimationCount = 16,
                    AnimationDelay = 250,
                    Index          = 20,
                    Library        = Libraries.ChrSel,
                    Location       = new Point(120, 250),
                    Parent         = this,
                    UseOffSet      = true,
                CharacterDisplay.AfterDraw += (o, e) =>
                    if (_class == MirClass.Wizard)
                        Libraries.ChrSel.DrawBlend(CharacterDisplay.Index + 560, CharacterDisplay.DisplayLocationWithoutOffSet, Color.White, true);

                WarriorButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2427,
                    Index        = 2427,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(323, 296),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2428,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                WarriorButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _class = MirClass.Warrior;

                WizardButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2430,
                    Index        = 2429,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(373, 296),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2431,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                WizardButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _class = MirClass.Wizard;

                TaoistButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2433,
                    Index        = 2432,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(423, 296),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2434,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                TaoistButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _class = MirClass.Taoist;

                AssassinButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2436,
                    Index        = 2435,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(473, 296),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2437,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                AssassinButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _class = MirClass.Assassin;

                ArcherButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2439,
                    Index        = 2438,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(523, 296),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2440,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                ArcherButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _class = MirClass.Archer;

                MaleButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2421,
                    Index        = 2421,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(323, 343),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2422,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                MaleButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _gender = MirGender.Male;

                FemaleButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 2424,
                    Index        = 2423,
                    Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location     = new Point(373, 343),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2425,
                    Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                FemaleButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _gender = MirGender.Female;

                Description = new MirLabel
                    Border   = true,
                    Location = new Point(279, 70),
                    Parent   = this,
                    Size     = new Size(278, 170),
                    Text     = WarriorDescription,
Beispiel #10
        public MailComposeLetterDialog()
            Index    = 671;
            Library  = Libraries.Title;
            Size     = new Size(236, 300);
            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = new Point(100, 100);

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 27, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            RecipientNameLabel = new MirLabel
                Text       = "",
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location   = new Point(70, 35),
                Size       = new Size(150, 15),
                NotControl = true,

            MessageTextBox = new MirTextBox
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location   = new Point(15, 92),
                Size       = new Size(202, 165),


            SendButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 607,
                HoverIndex   = 608,
                PressedIndex = 609,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(30, 265)
            SendButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                Network.Enqueue(new C.SendMail {
                    Name = RecipientNameLabel.Text, Message = MessageTextBox.Text

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 193,
                HoverIndex   = 194,
                PressedIndex = 195,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(135, 265)
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();
Beispiel #11
        public GuildReadLetterDialog()
            Index    = 689;
            Library  = Libraries.Prguse;
            Size     = new Size(296, 252);
            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = new Point(100, 100);

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 27, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            SenderNameLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 12f),
                ForeColour = Color.Goldenrod,
                Location   = new Point(10, 11),
                Size       = new Size(150, 20),
                NotControl = true

            DateSentLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8f),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location   = new Point(10, 35),
                Size       = new Size(150, 15),
                NotControl = true

            MessageTextBox = new MirTextBox
                ForeColour   = Color.White,
                Parent       = this,
                Font         = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8f),
                Location     = new Point(12, 55),
                Size         = new Size(265, 155),
                CanLoseFocus = true,
                ReadOnly     = true

            DeleteButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 540,
                HoverIndex   = 541,
                PressedIndex = 542,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(144, 223)
            DeleteButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = Info == null;
                if (!flag)
                    Network.Enqueue(new SendGuildHouseBoard
                        Mode = 2,
                        Info = Info

            ModifyButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 193,
                HoverIndex   = 194,
                PressedIndex = 195,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(214, 223)
            ModifyButton.Click += (o, e) =>
Beispiel #12
        public ChatDialog()
            Index       = Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 2221 : 2201;
            Library     = Libraries.Prguse;
            Location    = new Point(GameScene.Scene.MainDialog.Location.X + 230, Settings.ScreenHeight - 97);
            PixelDetect = true;

            KeyPress   += ChatPanel_KeyPress;
            KeyDown    += ChatPanel_KeyDown;
            MouseWheel += ChatPanel_MouseWheel;

            ChatTextBox = new MirTextBox
                BackColour = Color.DarkGray,
                ForeColour = Color.Black,
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new Size(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 627 : 403, 13),
                Location   = new Point(1, 54),
                MaxLength  = Globals.MaxChatLength,
                Visible    = false,
                Font       = ChatFont,
            ChatTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += ChatTextBox_KeyPress;
            ChatTextBox.TextBox.KeyDown  += ChatTextBox_KeyDown;
            ChatTextBox.TextBox.KeyUp    += ChatTextBox_KeyUp;

            HomeButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2018,
                HoverIndex   = 2019,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 618 : 394, 1),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2020,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            HomeButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (StartIndex == 0)
                StartIndex = 0;

            UpButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2021,
                HoverIndex   = 2022,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 618 : 394, 9),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2023,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            UpButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (StartIndex == 0)

            EndButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2027,
                HoverIndex   = 2028,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 618 : 394, 45),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2029,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            EndButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (StartIndex == History.Count - 1)
                StartIndex = History.Count - 1;

            DownButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2024,
                HoverIndex   = 2025,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 618 : 394, 39),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2026,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            DownButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (StartIndex == History.Count - 1)

            CountBar = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 2012,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 622 : 398, 16),
                Parent   = this,

            PositionBar = new MirButton
                Index        = 2015,
                HoverIndex   = 2016,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 619 : 395, 16),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2017,
                Movable      = true,
                Sound        = SoundList.None,
            PositionBar.OnMoving += PositionBar_OnMoving;
Beispiel #13
        static ChangePasswordDialog()
            ChangePasswordWindow = new MirImageControl
                Index   = 50,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent  = LoginScene.Background,
                Visible = false
            ChangePasswordWindow.Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenSize.Width - ChangePasswordWindow.Size.Width) / 2,
                                                      (Settings.ScreenSize.Height - ChangePasswordWindow.Size.Height) / 2);

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 111,
                Index        = 110,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(222, 236),
                Parent       = ChangePasswordWindow,
                PressedIndex = 112
            CancelButton.Click += CancelButton_Click;

            ConfirmButton = new MirButton
                Enabled      = false,
                HoverIndex   = 108,
                Index        = 107,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(80, 236),
                Parent       = ChangePasswordWindow,
                PressedIndex = 109,
            ConfirmButton.Click += ConfirmButton_Click;

            AccountIDTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(178, 76),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxAccountIDLength,
                Parent      = ChangePasswordWindow,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            AccountIDTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += AccountIDTextBox_TextChanged;

            CurrentPasswordTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(178, 114),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                Parent      = ChangePasswordWindow,
                Password    = true,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            CurrentPasswordTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += CurrentPasswordTextBox_TextChanged;

            NewPassword1TextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(178, 152),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                Parent      = ChangePasswordWindow,
                Password    = true,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            NewPassword1TextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += NewPassword1TextBox_TextChanged;

            NewPassword2TextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(178, 189),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                Parent      = ChangePasswordWindow,
                Password    = true,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            NewPassword2TextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += NewPassword2TextBox_TextChanged;
Beispiel #14
        public AssistDialog()
            Index   = 309;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            checkBoxSmartAttack = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(301, 69), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            //checkBoxSmartAttack.Checked =
            checkBoxSmartAttack.LabelText = "刀刀刺杀";
            checkBoxSmartAttack.Click    += CheckBoxSmartAttack;

            checkBoxSmartFire = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(301, 94), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxSmartFire.LabelText = "自动烈火";
            checkBoxSmartFire.Checked   = Settings.smartFireHit;
            checkBoxSmartFire.Click    += CheckBoxFireClick;

            checkBoxAutoEat = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(151, 69), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxAutoEat.LabelText = "自动吃药";
            checkBoxAutoEat.Checked   = Settings.smartFireHit;
            checkBoxAutoEat.Click    += CheckBoxAutoEatClick;

            checkBoxSmartSheild = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(301, 119), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxSmartSheild.LabelText = "自动开盾";
            checkBoxSmartSheild.Checked   = Settings.smartSheild;
            checkBoxSmartSheild.Click    += CheckBoxSheildClick;

            checkBoxChangePoison = new MirCheckBox
                Index  = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087,
                Parent = this, Location = new Point(301, 143), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxChangePoison.LabelText = "自动换毒";
            checkBoxChangePoison.Checked   = Settings.smartChangePoison;
            checkBoxChangePoison.Click    += CheckBoxChangePoisonClick;

            checkBoxAutoPick = new MirCheckBox {
                Index  = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087,
                Parent = this, Location = new Point(26, 69), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxAutoPick.LabelText = "自动拾取";
            checkBoxAutoPick.Checked   = Settings.autoPick;
            checkBoxAutoPick.Click    += CheckBoxAutoPick;

            textBoxPercentHpProtect = new MirTextBox {
                Location         = new Point(238, 95),
                Parent           = this,
                Size             = new Size(45, 15),
                MaxLength        = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                OnlyNumber       = true,
                CanLoseFocus     = true,
                FocusWhenVisible = false,
                Font             = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F)
            textBoxPercentHpProtect.TextBox.TextChanged += percentHpTextBox_changed;
            textBoxPercentHpProtect.Text = String.Format("{0}", Settings.percentHpProtect);

            textBoxEatItemName = new MirTextBox {
                Location         = new Point(189, 119),
                Parent           = this,
                Size             = new Size(93, 15),
                MaxLength        = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                CanLoseFocus     = true,
                FocusWhenVisible = false,
                Font             = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F)
            textBoxEatItemName.TextBox.TextChanged += eatHpItemTextBox_changed;
            textBoxEatItemName.Text = Settings.hpItemName;

            textBoxPercentMpProtect = new MirTextBox {
                Location     = new Point(238, 143),
                Parent       = this, Size = new Size(40, 15),
                MaxLength    = Globals.MaxPasswordLength, OnlyNumber = true,
                CanLoseFocus = true, FocusWhenVisible = false,
                Font         = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F)

            textBoxPercentMpProtect.TextBox.TextChanged += percentMpTextBox_changed;
            textBoxPercentMpProtect.Text = String.Format("{0}", Settings.percentHpProtect);

            textBoxEatMpName = new MirTextBox {
                Location     = new Point(189, 168), Parent = this,
                Size         = new Size(93, 15), MaxLength = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                CanLoseFocus = true, FocusWhenVisible = false,
                Font         = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F)
            textBoxEatMpName.TextBox.TextChanged += eatMpItemTextBox_changed;
            textBoxEatMpName.Text = Settings.mpItemName;

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(415, 4),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();
Beispiel #15
        static NewAccountDialog()
            NewAccountWindow = new MirImageControl
                Index   = 63,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent  = LoginScene.Background,
                Visible = false
            NewAccountWindow.Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenSize.Width - NewAccountWindow.Size.Width) / 2,
                                                  (Settings.ScreenSize.Height - NewAccountWindow.Size.Height) / 2);

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(409, 425),
                Parent       = NewAccountWindow,
                PressedIndex = 205
            CancelButton.Click += CancelButton_Click;

            ConfirmButton = new MirButton
                Enabled      = false,
                HoverIndex   = 201,
                Index        = 200,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(135, 425),
                Parent       = NewAccountWindow,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            ConfirmButton.Click += ConfirmButton_Click;

            AccountIDTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 104),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxAccountIDLength,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            AccountIDTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += AccountIDTextBox_TextChanged;
            AccountIDTextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += AccountIDTextBox_GotFocus;

            Password1TextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 130),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Password    = true,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            Password1TextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += Password1TextBox_TextChanged;
            Password1TextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += PasswordTextBox_GotFocus;

            Password2TextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 156),
                MaxLength   = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Password    = true,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            Password2TextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += Password2TextBox_TextChanged;
            Password2TextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += PasswordTextBox_GotFocus;

            UserNameTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 190),
                MaxLength   = 20,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            UserNameTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += UserNameTextBox_TextChanged;
            UserNameTextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += UserNameTextBox_GotFocus;

            BirthDateTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 216),
                MaxLength   = 10,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            BirthDateTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += BirthDateTextBox_TextChanged;
            BirthDateTextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += BirthDateTextBox_GotFocus;

            QuestionTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 251),
                MaxLength   = 30,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(190, 18),
            QuestionTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += QuestionTextBox_TextChanged;
            QuestionTextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += QuestionTextBox_GotFocus;

            AnswerTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 277),
                MaxLength   = 30,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(190, 18),
            AnswerTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += AnswerTextBox_TextChanged;
            AnswerTextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += AnswerTextBox_GotFocus;

            EMailTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(226, 312),
                MaxLength   = 50,
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(136, 18),
            EMailTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += EMailTextBox_TextChanged;
            EMailTextBox.TextBox.GotFocus    += EMailTextBox_GotFocus;

            Description = new MirLabel
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.Gray,
                Location    = new Point(15, 340),
                Parent      = NewAccountWindow,
                Size        = new Size(300, 70),
                Visible     = false
Beispiel #16
        public BigMapDialog()
            Index      = 820;
            Library    = Libraries.Title;
            Sort       = true;
            Location   = Center;
            NotControl = false;

            ScrollUpButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 197,
                HoverIndex   = 198,
                PressedIndex = 199,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 21, 48),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            ScrollUpButton.Click += (o, e) => ScrollUp();

            ScrollDownButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 207,
                HoverIndex   = 208,
                PressedIndex = 209,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 21, 417),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            ScrollDownButton.Click += (o, e) => ScrollDown();

            ScrollBar = new MirButton
                Index        = 205,
                HoverIndex   = 206,
                PressedIndex = 206,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 21, ScrollUpButton.Location.Y + 13),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Movable      = true,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            ScrollBar.OnMoving += (o, e) =>
                var y = ScrollBar.Location.Y;
                if (y < 61)
                    y = 61;
                if (y > 398)
                    y = 398;

                var row = (y - ScrollUpButton.Location.Y + 13) / GapPerRow;
                ScrollOffset = (int)row;

            WorldButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 827,
                HoverIndex   = 828,
                PressedIndex = 829,
                Location     = new Point(250, Size.Height - 33),
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            WorldButton.Click += (o, e) => OpenWorldMap();

            MyLocationButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 824,
                HoverIndex   = 825,
                PressedIndex = 826,
                Location     = new Point(400, Size.Height - 33),
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            MyLocationButton.Click += (o, e) => TargetMyLocation();

            TeleportToButton = new MirButton
                Index         = 821,
                HoverIndex    = 822,
                PressedIndex  = 823,
                DisabledIndex = 823,
                Enabled       = false,
                Location      = new Point(Size.Width - 122, 432),
                Library       = Libraries.Title,
                Parent        = this,
                Sound         = SoundList.ButtonA,
            TeleportToButton.Click += (o, e) => TeleportToNPC();

            SearchButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 1340,
                HoverIndex   = 1341,
                PressedIndex = 1342,
                Enabled      = false,
                Location     = new Point(23, Size.Height - 36),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            SearchButton.Click += (o, e) => Search();

            SearchTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Location  = new Point(59, Size.Height - 27),
                Parent    = this,
                Font      = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Size      = new Size(130, 10),
                MaxLength = Globals.MaxChatLength
            SearchTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += SearchTextBox_TextChanged;
            SearchTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += SearchTextBox_KeyPress;

            ViewPort = new BigMapViewPort()
                Parent = this

            CoordinateLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location   = new Point(519, 435),
                Parent     = this,

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Parent     = this,
                AutoSize   = false,
                Size       = new Size(699, 20),
                Location   = new Point(19, 6),
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F, FontStyle.Bold),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter

            WorldMap = new WorldMapImage()
                Parent   = this,
                Location = new Point(10, 0)

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 25, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();
Beispiel #17
        public MemoDialog()
            Index    = 209;
            Library  = Libraries.Title;
            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            MemoTextBox = new MirTextBox
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location   = new Point(15, 30),
                Size       = new Size(165, 100),

            OKButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 382,
                HoverIndex   = 383,
                PressedIndex = 384,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(30, 133)
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                Network.Enqueue(new C.AddMemo {
                    CharacterIndex = Friend.Index, Memo = MemoTextBox.Text

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 385,
                HoverIndex   = 386,
                PressedIndex = 387,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(115, 133)
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            #region Buttons

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(168, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

Beispiel #18
        public GuildLetterDialog()
            Index       = 671;
            Library     = Libraries.Title;
            Size        = new Size(236, 300);
            Movable     = true;
            Sort        = true;
            Location    = new Point(100, 100);
            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 27, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            RecipientNameLabel = new MirLabel
                Text       = "",
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8f),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location   = new Point(70, 33),
                Size       = new Size(150, 15),
                NotControl = true

            MessageTextBox = new MirTextBox
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8f),
                Location   = new Point(15, 92),
                Size       = new Size(202, 165)

            SendButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 190,
                HoverIndex   = 191,
                PressedIndex = 192,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(30, 265)
            SendButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                BoardInfo info = new BoardInfo();
                info.Name = RecipientNameLabel.Text;
                info.Text = MessageTextBox.Text;
                Network.Enqueue(new SendGuildHouseBoard
                    Mode = 0,
                    Info = info

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 193,
                HoverIndex   = 194,
                PressedIndex = 195,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(135, 265)
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) =>
Beispiel #19
        public MailComposeParcelDialog()
            Index    = 674;
            Library  = Libraries.Title;
            Size     = new Size(236, 384);
            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = new Point(GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Size.Width + 10, 0);

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 27, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            RecipientNameLabel = new MirLabel
                Text       = "",
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location   = new Point(70, 35),
                Size       = new Size(150, 15),
                NotControl = true,

            MessageTextBox = new MirTextBox
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Parent     = this,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location   = new Point(15, 98),
                Size       = new Size(202, 165),


            StampButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 203,
                HoverIndex   = 203,
                PressedIndex = 203,
                Location     = new Point(73, 56),
                Size         = new Size(20, 20),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            StampButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            ItemCover = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 676,
                Location = new Point(63, 310),
                Size     = new Size(144, 33),
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Parent   = this

            for (int i = 0; i < Cells.Length; i++)
                Cells[i] = new MirItemCell
                    BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                    Size         = new Size(35, 31),
                    GridType     = MirGridType.Mail,
                    Library      = Libraries.Items,
                    Parent       = this,
                    Location     = new Point(27 + (i * 36), 311),
                    ItemSlot     = i

            ParcelCostLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location   = new Point(63, 269),
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new Size(143, 15),

            GoldSendLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location   = new Point(63, 290),
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new Size(143, 15),
                Sound      = SoundList.Gold,
            GoldSendLabel.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.SelectedCell == null && GameScene.Gold > 0)
                    MirAmountBox amountBox = new MirAmountBox("Send Amount:", 116, GameScene.Gold);

                    amountBox.OKButton.Click += (c, a) =>
                        if (amountBox.Amount > 0)
                            GiftGoldAmount += amountBox.Amount;
                            GameScene.Gold -= amountBox.Amount;

                        GoldSendLabel.Text = GiftGoldAmount.ToString("###,###,##0");


                    GameScene.PickedUpGold = false;

            SendButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 607,
                HoverIndex   = 608,
                PressedIndex = 609,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(30, 350)
            SendButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                Network.Enqueue(new C.SendMail {
                    Name = RecipientNameLabel.Text, Message = MessageTextBox.Text, Gold = GiftGoldAmount, ItemsIdx = ItemsIdx, Stamped = Stamped

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 193,
                HoverIndex   = 194,
                PressedIndex = 195,
                Parent       = this,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Location     = new Point(135, 350)
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) =>
Beispiel #20
        static NewCharacterDialog()
            Reg = new Regex(@"^[A-Za-z0-9]{" + Globals.MinCharacterNameLength + "," + Globals.MaxCharacterNameLength + "}$");
            NewCharacterWindow = new MirImageControl
                Index   = 73,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent  = SelectScene.Background,
                Visible = false,
            NewCharacterWindow.Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenSize.Width - NewCharacterWindow.Size.Width) / 2,
                                                    (Settings.ScreenSize.Height - NewCharacterWindow.Size.Height) / 2);

            NewCharacterTitle = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 20,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(193, 7),
                Parent   = NewCharacterWindow,

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 364,
                Index        = 363,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(425, 425),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 365
            CancelButton.Click += CancelButton_Click;

            ConfirmButton = new MirButton
                Enabled      = false,
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(160, 425),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 362,
            ConfirmButton.Click += new EventHandler(ConfirmButton_Click);

            CharacterNameTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Location  = new Point(357, 269),
                Parent    = NewCharacterWindow,
                Size      = new Size(190, 15),
                MaxLength = Globals.MaxCharacterNameLength
            CharacterNameTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += TextBox_KeyPress;
            CharacterNameTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += CharacterNameTextBox_TextChanged;

            CharacterDisplay = new MirAnimatedControl
                Animated       = true,
                AnimationCount = 16,
                AnimationDelay = 250,
                Index          = 20,
                Library        = Libraries.ChrSel,
                Location       = new Point(120, 250),
                Parent         = NewCharacterWindow,
                UseOffSet      = true,
            CharacterDisplay.AfterDraw += SelectScene.CharacterDisplay_GlowEffect;

            WarriorButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2427,
                Index        = 2427,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(355, 296),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 2428,
                Sound        = SoundList.ClickA,
            WarriorButton.Click += new EventHandler(WarriorButton_Click);
            WizardButton         = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2430,
                Index        = 2429,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(405, 296),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 2431,
                Sound        = SoundList.ClickA,
            WizardButton.Click += new EventHandler(WizardButton_Click);
            TaoistButton        = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2433,
                Index        = 2432,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(455, 296),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 2434,
                Sound        = SoundList.ClickA,
            TaoistButton.Click += new EventHandler(TaoistButton_Click);
            AssassinButton      = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2436,
                Index        = 2435,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(505, 296),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 2437,
                Sound        = SoundList.ClickA,
            AssassinButton.Click += new EventHandler(AssassinButton_Click);

            MaleButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2421,
                Index        = 2421,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(355, 343),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 2422,
                Sound        = SoundList.ClickA,
            MaleButton.Click += new EventHandler(MaleButton_Click);
            FemaleButton      = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2424,
                Index        = 2423,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(405, 343),
                Parent       = NewCharacterWindow,
                PressedIndex = 2425,
                Sound        = SoundList.ClickA,
            FemaleButton.Click += new EventHandler(FemaleButton_Click);
            Description         = new MirLabel
                Border      = true,
                BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(53, 49, 41),
                DrawFormat  = DrawTextFormat.WordBreak,
                Location    = new Point(279, 70),
                Parent      = NewCharacterWindow,
                Size        = new Size(278, 170),
                Text        = Settings.WarriorDescription,
Beispiel #21
        public AssistDialog()
            Index   = 710;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            checkBoxSmartAttack = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(16, 16), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxSmartAttack.LabelText = "刀刀刺杀";
            checkBoxSmartAttack.Click    += CheckBoxClick;

            checkBoxSmartFire = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(16, 32), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxSmartFire.LabelText = "自动烈火";
            checkBoxSmartFire.Checked   = Settings.smartFireHit;
            checkBoxSmartFire.Click    += CheckBoxFireClick;

            checkBoxAutoEat = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(16, 48), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxAutoEat.LabelText = "自动吃药";
            checkBoxAutoEat.Checked   = Settings.smartFireHit;
            checkBoxAutoEat.Click    += CheckBoxAutoEatClick;

            checkBoxSmartSheild = new MirCheckBox {
                Index = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087, Parent = this, Location = new Point(206, 16), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxSmartSheild.LabelText = "自动开盾";
            checkBoxSmartSheild.Checked   = Settings.smartSheild;
            checkBoxSmartSheild.Click    += CheckBoxSheildClick;

            textBoxPercentHpProtect = new MirTextBox {
                Location         = new Point(16, 64),
                Parent           = this,
                Size             = new Size(136, 15),
                MaxLength        = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                OnlyNumber       = true,
                CanLoseFocus     = true,
                FocusWhenVisible = false
            textBoxPercentHpProtect.TextBox.TextChanged += percentHpTextBox_changed;
            textBoxPercentHpProtect.Text = String.Format("{0}", Settings.percentHpProtect);

            textBoxEatItemName = new MirTextBox {
                Location         = new Point(16, 90),
                Parent           = this,
                Size             = new Size(136, 15),
                MaxLength        = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                CanLoseFocus     = true,
                FocusWhenVisible = false
            textBoxEatItemName.TextBox.TextChanged += eatHpItemTextBox_changed;
            textBoxEatItemName.Text = Settings.hpItemName;

            textBoxPercentMpProtect = new MirTextBox {
                Location     = new Point(16, 120),
                Parent       = this, Size = new Size(136, 15),
                MaxLength    = Globals.MaxPasswordLength, OnlyNumber = true,
                CanLoseFocus = true, FocusWhenVisible = false
            textBoxPercentMpProtect.TextBox.TextChanged += percentMpTextBox_changed;
            textBoxPercentMpProtect.Text = String.Format("{0}", Settings.percentHpProtect);

            textBoxEatMpName = new MirTextBox {
                Location     = new Point(16, 150), Parent = this,
                Size         = new Size(136, 15), MaxLength = Globals.MaxPasswordLength,
                CanLoseFocus = true, FocusWhenVisible = false
            textBoxEatMpName.TextBox.TextChanged += eatMpItemTextBox_changed;
            textBoxEatMpName.Text = Settings.mpItemName;

            checkBoxSmartSheild = new MirCheckBox
                Index  = 2086, UnTickedIndex = 2086, TickedIndex = 2087,
                Parent = this, Location = new Point(206, 16), Library = Libraries.Prguse
            checkBoxSmartSheild.LabelText = "自动换毒";
            checkBoxSmartSheild.Checked   = Settings.smartSheild;
            checkBoxSmartSheild.Click    += CheckBoxSheildClick;
Beispiel #22
        public static void Create()
            Window = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 2201,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent   = GameScene.Scene,
                Location = new Point(230, 503),
                Visible  = true

            ChatTextBox = new MirTextBox
                BackColor = Color.LightGray,
                ForeColor = Color.Black,
                Parent    = Window,
                Size      = new Size(403, 13),
                Location  = new Point(1, 54),
                MaxLength = Globals.MaxChatLength,
                Visible   = false,
            ChatTextBox.TextBox.Font      = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8F);
            ChatTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += ChatTextBox_KeyPress;

            ControlBar = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 2035,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent   = GameScene.Scene,
                Location = new Point(230, 488),
                Visible  = true

            SizeButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2057,
                HoverIndex   = 2058,
                PressedIndex = 2059,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(350, 1),
                Visible      = true
            SizeButton.Click += SizeButton_Click;

            SettingsButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2060,
                HoverIndex   = 2061,
                PressedIndex = 2062,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(372, 1),
                Visible      = true
            SettingsButton.Click += SettingsButton_Click;

            NormalButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2037,
                HoverIndex   = 2037,
                PressedIndex = 2038,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(12, 1),
                Visible      = true
            NormalButton.Click += NormalButton_Click;

            ShoutButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2039,
                HoverIndex   = 2040,
                PressedIndex = 2041,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(34, 1),
                Visible      = true
            ShoutButton.Click += ShoutButton_Click;

            WhisperButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2042,
                HoverIndex   = 2043,
                PressedIndex = 2044,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(56, 1),
                Visible      = true
            WhisperButton.Click += WhisperButton_Click;

            LoverButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2045,
                HoverIndex   = 2046,
                PressedIndex = 2047,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(78, 1),
                Visible      = true
            LoverButton.Click += LoverButton_Click;

            MentorButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2048,
                HoverIndex   = 2049,
                PressedIndex = 2050,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(100, 1),
                Visible      = true
            MentorButton.Click += MentorButton_Click;

            GroupButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2051,
                HoverIndex   = 2052,
                PressedIndex = 2053,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(122, 1),
                Visible      = true
            GroupButton.Click += GroupButton_Click;

            GuildButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 2054,
                HoverIndex   = 2055,
                PressedIndex = 2056,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent       = ControlBar,
                Location     = new Point(144, 1),
                Visible      = true
            GuildButton.Click += GuildButton_Click;

            for (int I = 0; I < ChatLines.Length; I++)
                ChatLines[I] = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize  = true,
                    BackColor = Color.White,
                    ForeColor = Color.Black,
                    OutLine   = false,
                    // Size = new Size(403, 13),
                    Parent   = Window,
                    Location = new Point(1, 2 + I * 12),
                    Font     = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8F),
                    Visible  = I < LineCount,