Beispiel #1
        internal void GetBeforeInterlude3(Clytemnestra clytemnestra, TrkDef wind1, TrkDef furies2, Palette cheepsPalette)
            int[]    cheepIndices    = { 4, 8, 2, 6, 10, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 };
            int[]    transpositions  = { 2, 1, 3, 0, 4, -3, 5, 10, 6, 9, 7, 8 };
            double[] velocityfactors = { 0.32, 0.31, 0.34, 0.3, 0.35, 0.37, 0.36, 0.43, 0.37, 0.42, 0.39, 0.4 };
            int[]    msPositions     =
                furies2[8].MsPosition + 200,
                furies2[12].MsPosition + 100,
                furies2[24].MsPosition + 300,
                furies2[30].MsPosition + 400,
                furies2[40].MsPosition + 500,
                clytemnestra[132].MsPosition + 110,
                clytemnestra[141].MsPosition + 220,
                clytemnestra[150].MsPosition + 330,
                clytemnestra[158].MsPosition + 440,
                clytemnestra[164].MsPosition + 550,
            for (int i = 0; i < cheepsPalette.Count; ++i)
                MidiChordDef cheep = cheepsPalette.UniqueDurationDef(cheepIndices[i]) as MidiChordDef;
                Debug.Assert(cheep != null);
                cheep.MsPosition  = msPositions[i];
                cheep.MsDuration *= 2;

            AlignObjectAtIndex(11, 12, 13, clytemnestra[123].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(21, 22, 23, clytemnestra[168].MsPosition);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Steals the ticks from furies 3, then agglommerates the remaining rests in furies3...
        /// </summary>
        private void GetFuries2Interlude2(Clytemnestra clytemnestra, TrkDef wind1, TrkDef furies3)
            List <int> furies3TickIndices = new List <int>()
                66, 70, 74, 81, 85, 89, 93,
                96, 100, 104, 109, 113, 117, 122,
                126, 130, 135, 139, 143, 148, 152

            for (int i = 0; i < furies3TickIndices.Count; ++i)
                int          f3Index    = furies3TickIndices[i];
                MidiChordDef ticksChord = furies3[f3Index] as MidiChordDef;
                Debug.Assert(ticksChord != null);
                RestDef ticksRest = new RestDef(ticksChord.MsPosition, ticksChord.MsDuration);
                furies3.Replace(f3Index, ticksRest);

            MidiChordDef lastTicksBeforeVerse3 = (MidiChordDef)((MidiChordDef)this[39]).DeepClone();

            lastTicksBeforeVerse3.MsPosition = furies3[155].MsPosition + furies3[155].MsDuration;
            lastTicksBeforeVerse3.MsDuration = clytemnestra[117].MsPosition - lastTicksBeforeVerse3.MsPosition;

        /// <summary>
        /// There is currently still one bar per system.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ReplaceConsecutiveRestsInBars(List <List <VoiceDef> > voicesPerStaffPerSystem)
            foreach (List <VoiceDef> voicesPerStaff in voicesPerStaffPerSystem)
                foreach (VoiceDef voice in voicesPerStaff)
                    // contains lists of consecutive rest indices
                    List <List <int> > restsToReplace = new List <List <int> >();
                    #region find the consecutive rests
                    List <int> consecRestIndices = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < voice.UniqueDefs.Count - 1; i++)
                        MidiChordDef mcd1 = voice.UniqueDefs[i] as MidiChordDef;
                        MidiChordDef mcd2 = voice.UniqueDefs[i + 1] as MidiChordDef;
                        if (mcd1 == null && mcd2 == null)
                            if (!consecRestIndices.Contains(i))
                            consecRestIndices.Add(i + 1);
                            if (consecRestIndices != null && consecRestIndices.Count > 0)
                                consecRestIndices = new List <int>();

                        if (i == voice.UniqueDefs.Count - 2 && consecRestIndices.Count > 0)
                    #region replace the consecutive rests
                    if (restsToReplace.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = restsToReplace.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            List <int> indToReplace = restsToReplace[i];
                            int        msDuration   = 0;
                            int        msPosition   = voice.UniqueDefs[indToReplace[0]].MsPosition;
                            for (int j = indToReplace.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                                IUniqueDef iumdd = voice.UniqueDefs[indToReplace[j]];
                                Debug.Assert(iumdd.MsDuration > 0);
                                msDuration += iumdd.MsDuration;
                            RestDef replacementLmdd = new RestDef(msPosition, msDuration);
                            voice.UniqueDefs.Insert(indToReplace[0], replacementLmdd);
Beispiel #4
        private List <IUniqueDef> GetTicksSequence(Palette ticksPalette)
            List <IUniqueDef> ticksSequence = new List <IUniqueDef>();
            int msPosition = 0;

            int[] transpositions = { 12, 14, 17 };

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int[] contour = K.Contour(7, 4, 10 - i);
                for (int j = 6; j >= 0; --j)
                    IUniqueDef ticks = ticksPalette.UniqueDurationDef(contour[j] - 1);
                    ticks.MsPosition = msPosition;
                    msPosition      += ticks.MsDuration;
                    MidiChordDef iumdd = ticks as MidiChordDef;
                    if (iumdd != null)
                        iumdd.Transpose(transpositions[i] + contour[j]);


Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Old constructor, currently not used (03.05.2020), but retained for future inspection
        /// </summary>
        public OutputChordSymbol(Voice voice, MidiChordDef umcd, int absMsPosition, PageFormat pageFormat)
            : base(voice, umcd.MsDuration, absMsPosition, pageFormat.MinimumCrotchetDuration, pageFormat.MusicFontHeight)
            M.Assert(false); // 03.05.2020: don't use this constructor (to be inspected once work on midi info begins).

            _midiChordDef = umcd;

            _msDurationToNextBarline = umcd.MsDurationToNextBarline;

            SetNoteheadPitchesAndVelocities(umcd.NotatedMidiPitches, umcd.NotatedMidiVelocities);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(umcd.OrnamentText))
                string ornamentString = null;
                if (Char.IsDigit(umcd.OrnamentText[0]))
                    // if umcd.OrnamentText is null or empty, there will be no ornamentString DrawObject
                    ornamentString = String.Concat('~', umcd.OrnamentText);
                    ornamentString = umcd.OrnamentText;
                OrnamentText ornamentText = new OrnamentText(this, ornamentString, pageFormat.OrnamentFontHeight);

            if (umcd.Lyric != null)
                LyricText lyric = new LyricText(this, umcd.Lyric, FontHeight);
Beispiel #6
        internal void GetChirpsInInterlude2AndVerse3(TrkDef furies1, TrkDef furies2, Clytemnestra clytemnestra, TrkDef wind1, Palette chirpsPalette)
            int[] chirpIndices   = { 4, 8, 2, 6, 10, 0 };
            int[] transpositions = { 2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 5 };
            //double[] velocityfactors = { 0.3, 0.31, 0.32, 0.34, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.39, 0.4, 0.42, 0.43, 0.45 };
            double[] velocityfactors = { 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.40, 0.42 };
            int[]    msPositions     =
                this[112].MsPosition + 200,
                this[129].MsPosition + 500,
                clytemnestra[138].MsPosition + 250,
            for (int i = 5; i >= 0; --i)
                MidiChordDef cheep = chirpsPalette.MidiChordDef(chirpIndices[i]);
                cheep.MsPosition = msPositions[i];

            AlignObjectAtIndex(25, 30, 31, clytemnestra[65].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(140, 141, 142, clytemnestra[119].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(142, 143, 144, clytemnestra[140].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(144, 145, 146, clytemnestra[152].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(146, 147, 148, furies1[23].MsPosition);

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets Clytamnestra's _uniqueMidiDurationDefs for the whole piece including rests.
        /// Barline positions are set later.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetUniqueMidiDurationDefs(TrkDef wind3)
            Debug.Assert(_momentDefsListPerVerse.Count == 5);

            List <int> verseMsPositions = new List <int>();


            int        currentVerseMsPosition = 0;
            int        currentEndMsPosition   = 0;
            IUniqueDef interludeRestDef       = null;

            for (int verseIndex = 0; verseIndex < 5; ++verseIndex)
                currentVerseMsPosition = verseMsPositions[verseIndex];

                interludeRestDef = new RestDef(currentEndMsPosition, currentVerseMsPosition - currentEndMsPosition);


                List <MomentDef> momentDefs = _momentDefsListPerVerse[verseIndex];

                for (int momentDefIndex = 0; momentDefIndex < momentDefs.Count; ++momentDefIndex)
                    MomentDef momentDef = momentDefs[momentDefIndex];
                    momentDef.MsPosition += currentVerseMsPosition;

                    int        restWidth = momentDef.MsWidth - momentDef.MaximumMsDuration;
                    IUniqueDef lmrd      = null;
                    if (restWidth > 0)
                        momentDef.MsWidth -= restWidth;
                        lmrd = new RestDef(momentDef.MsPosition + momentDef.MsWidth, restWidth);
                        Debug.Assert(lmrd.MsDuration > 0);

                    MidiChordDef mcd  = momentDef.MidiChordDefs[0];
                    IUniqueDef   lmcd = mcd.DeepClone();
                    lmcd.MsPosition = momentDef.MsPosition;
                    lmcd.MsDuration = momentDef.MsWidth;
                    Debug.Assert(lmcd.MsDuration > 0);


                    if (lmrd != null)
                    currentEndMsPosition = _uniqueDefs[_uniqueDefs.Count - 1].MsPosition +
                                           _uniqueDefs[_uniqueDefs.Count - 1].MsDuration;
            interludeRestDef = new RestDef(currentEndMsPosition, wind3.EndMsPosition - currentEndMsPosition);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a dictionary containing the current transposition per msPosition
        /// ( Dictionary[msPositon, transposition] )
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <int, int> SetFinalMelody(Krystal mod7krys, Krystal mod12krys)
            int f4Interlude4Index = 42;
            int f4PostludeIndex   = 59;
            int f4finalPhaseIndex = 73;

            List <int> mod7Values  = mod7krys.GetValues(1)[0];
            List <int> mod12Values = mod12krys.GetValues(1)[0];

            // circle of fifths hierarchy (mod 12): 0 7 4 2 10 9 3 4 8 11 1 6
            // rearranged for mod7krys hierarchy (4536271)
            int[] transpositionArray1 = { 3, -2, 4, 0, 4, 2, -3 };                  // 7 changed to 4 (was too high!)
            // circle of fifths hierarchy centred on 0:
            int[] transpositionArray2 = { 0, 4, 4, 2, -2, -3, 3, 4, -4, -1, 1, 6 }; // 7 changed to 4 (was too high!)
            // widened
            int[] transpositionArray3 = { 0, 9, 4, 4, -2, -5, 6, 8, -7, -2, 2, 11 };

            Dictionary <int, int> msPosTranspositionDict = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            int transposition;
            int valueIndex = 0;

            for (int i = f4Interlude4Index; i < f4PostludeIndex; ++i)
                MidiChordDef umcd = this[i] as MidiChordDef;
                if (umcd != null)
                    transposition = transpositionArray1[mod7Values[valueIndex++] - 1];
                    msPosTranspositionDict.Add(umcd.MsPosition, transposition);
            valueIndex = 0;
            for (int i = f4PostludeIndex; i < f4finalPhaseIndex; ++i)
                MidiChordDef umcd = this[i] as MidiChordDef;
                if (umcd != null)
                    transposition = transpositionArray2[mod12Values[valueIndex++] - 1];
                    msPosTranspositionDict.Add(umcd.MsPosition, transposition);
            valueIndex = 0;
            for (int i = f4finalPhaseIndex; i < this.Count; ++i)
                MidiChordDef umcd = this[i] as MidiChordDef;
                if (umcd != null)
                    transposition = transpositionArray3[mod12Values[valueIndex++] - 1];
                    msPosTranspositionDict.Add(umcd.MsPosition, transposition);

Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a MidiChordDef if the object at index is a MidiChordDef,
        /// otherwise throws an exception.
        /// </summary>
        public MidiChordDef MidiChordDef(int index)
            MidiChordDef midiChordDef = _durationDefs[index].DeepClone() as MidiChordDef;

            if (midiChordDef == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The indexed object was not a MidiChordDef.");

Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// A temporary measure while composing
 /// </summary>
 public override void SetLyricsToIndex()
     for (int index = 0; index < _uniqueDefs.Count; ++index)
         MidiChordDef lmcd = _uniqueDefs[index] as MidiChordDef;
         if (lmcd != null)
             lmcd.Lyric = index.ToString() + lmcd.Lyric;
Beispiel #11
        public MidiChord(int channel, MidiChordDef midiChordDef, OutputDevice midiOutputDevice)
            : base(channel, 0, midiChordDef.MsDuration)
            _midiOutputDevice = midiOutputDevice;

            List <BasicMidiChordDef> basicMidiChordDefs = midiChordDef.BasicMidiChordDefs;

            Debug.Assert(basicMidiChordDefs.Count > 0);
            List <int> realBasicMidiChordDurations = MidiChordDef.GetIntDurations(MsDuration, midiChordDef.BasicChordDurations, basicMidiChordDefs.Count);

            var notesToStop = new SortedSet <byte>();
            int i           = 0;

            foreach (BasicMidiChordDef basicMidiChordDef in midiChordDef.BasicMidiChordDefs)
                this._basicMidiChords.Add(new BasicMidiChord(channel, this, basicMidiChordDef, realBasicMidiChordDurations[i++]));
                if (basicMidiChordDef.HasChordOff)
                    foreach (byte note in basicMidiChordDef.Pitches)
                        if (!notesToStop.Contains(note))

            if (midiChordDef.Bank != null)
                _bank = new BankControl(channel, (byte)midiChordDef.Bank);
            if (midiChordDef.Patch != null)
                _patch = new PatchControl(channel, (byte)midiChordDef.Patch);

            // Moritz currently never repeats MidiChords, so the _repeat field is unnecessary.
            // However: the value of midiChordDef.Repeat is saved in SVG-MIDI files,
            // and may be used by the web AssistantPerformer.
            //_repeat = midiChordDef.Repeat;

            if (midiChordDef.PitchWheelDeviation != null)
                _pitchWheelDeviation = new PitchWheelDeviation(channel, (byte)midiChordDef.PitchWheelDeviation);
            if (midiChordDef.MidiChordSliderDefs != null)
                CreateSliders(channel, midiChordDef.MidiChordSliderDefs, MsDuration);

Beispiel #12
        public override NoteObject GetNoteObject(Voice voice, IUniqueDef iud, bool firstDefInVoice,
                                                 ref byte currentVelocity, float musicFontHeight)
            NoteObject         noteObject         = null;
            CautionaryChordDef cautionaryChordDef = iud as CautionaryChordDef;
            MidiChordDef       midiChordDef       = iud as MidiChordDef;
            InputChordDef      inputChordDef      = iud as InputChordDef;
            RestDef            restDef            = iud as RestDef;
            ClefChangeDef      clefChangeDef      = iud as ClefChangeDef;

            PageFormat pageFormat              = voice.Staff.SVGSystem.Score.PageFormat;
            float      cautionaryFontHeight    = pageFormat.CautionaryNoteheadsFontHeight;
            int        minimumCrotchetDuration = pageFormat.MinimumCrotchetDuration;

            if (cautionaryChordDef != null && firstDefInVoice)
                CautionaryChordSymbol cautionaryChordSymbol = new CautionaryChordSymbol(voice, cautionaryChordDef, cautionaryFontHeight);
                noteObject = cautionaryChordSymbol;
            else if (midiChordDef != null)
                OutputChordSymbol outputChordSymbol = new OutputChordSymbol(voice, midiChordDef, minimumCrotchetDuration, musicFontHeight);

                if (midiChordDef.MidiVelocity != currentVelocity)
                    outputChordSymbol.AddDynamic(midiChordDef.MidiVelocity, currentVelocity);
                    currentVelocity = midiChordDef.MidiVelocity;
                noteObject = outputChordSymbol;
            else if (inputChordDef != null)
                InputChordSymbol inputChordSymbol = new InputChordSymbol(voice, inputChordDef, minimumCrotchetDuration, musicFontHeight);
                noteObject = inputChordSymbol;
            else if (restDef != null)
                RestSymbol restSymbol = new RestSymbol(voice, iud, minimumCrotchetDuration, musicFontHeight);
                noteObject = restSymbol;
            else if (clefChangeDef != null)
                ClefChangeSymbol clefChangeSymbol = new ClefChangeSymbol(voice, clefChangeDef.ClefType, cautionaryFontHeight, ((IUniqueDef)iud).MsPosition);
                noteObject = clefChangeSymbol;

Beispiel #13
        public OutputChordSymbol(Voice voice, MidiChordDef umcd, int minimumCrotchetDurationMS, float fontSize)
            : base(voice, umcd.MsDuration, umcd.MsPosition, minimumCrotchetDurationMS, fontSize)
            _midiChordDef = umcd;

            _msDurationToNextBarline = umcd.MsDurationToNextBarline;


            if (umcd.OrnamentNumberSymbol != 0)
                OrnamentText ornamentText = new OrnamentText(this, "~" + umcd.OrnamentNumberSymbol.ToString(), FontHeight);

            if (umcd.Lyric != null)
                LyricText lyric = new LyricText(this, umcd.Lyric, FontHeight);
Beispiel #14
        private void AddGrowlsToInterlude2AndVerse3(Clytemnestra clytemnestra, Palette growlsPalette)
            int[] growlIndices = { 0, 2, 5, 1 };
            //int[] transpositions = { 0,0,0,0 };
            //double[] velocityfactors = { 1,1,1,1 };
            int[] msPositions =
                this[24].MsPosition + 200,
                this[26].MsPosition + 200,
                this[30].MsPosition + 200,
                this[32].MsPosition + 200,
            int[] msDurations =
                this[24].MsDuration / 2,
                this[26].MsDuration / 2,
                this[30].MsDuration / 2,
                this[32].MsDuration / 2

            for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i)
                MidiChordDef growl = growlsPalette.UniqueDurationDef(growlIndices[i]) as MidiChordDef;
                Debug.Assert(growl != null);
                growl.MsPosition = msPositions[i];
                growl.MsDuration = msDurations[i];


            AlignObjectAtIndex(34, 35, 36, clytemnestra[140].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(35, 36, 37, clytemnestra[141].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(38, 39, 40, clytemnestra[162].MsPosition);
Beispiel #15
        private void AddFuries2ChirpsForInterlude2AndVerse3(Clytemnestra clytemnestra, TrkDef wind1, Palette chirpsPalette)
            int[]      chirpIndices    = { 4, 6, 10, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 };
            int[]      transpositions  = { 2, 0, 4, 11, 5, 10, 6, 9, 7, 8 };
            double[]   velocityfactors = { 0.32, 0.3, 0.35, 0.45, 0.36, 0.43, 0.37, 0.42, 0.39, 0.4 };
            IUniqueDef c3 = chirpsPalette.UniqueDurationDef(chirpIndices[3]);
            IUniqueDef c7 = chirpsPalette.UniqueDurationDef(chirpIndices[7]);

            int[] msPositions =
                this[26].MsPosition + c3.MsDuration,
                clytemnestra[143].MsPosition + 110,
                clytemnestra[156].MsPosition + 220,
                clytemnestra[156].MsPosition + 220 + c7.MsDuration,
                clytemnestra[168].MsPosition + 330,
            for (int i = 9; i >= 0; --i)
                MidiChordDef cheep = chirpsPalette.MidiChordDef(chirpIndices[i]);
                cheep.MsPosition = msPositions[i];
                //cheep.MsDuration *= 2;

            AlignObjectAtIndex(50, 51, 52, clytemnestra[130].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(55, 56, 57, clytemnestra[159].MsPosition);

Beispiel #16
        private void MidiEventDemoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (M.HasError(_allTextBoxes))
                DoErrorMessage("Can't play because there is an error in one or more of the fields.");
                Button       midiEventDemoButton = sender as Button;
                DurationDef  durationDef         = GetDurationDef();
                MidiChordDef midiChordDef        = durationDef as MidiChordDef;
                RestDef      restDef             = durationDef as RestDef;

                if (midiChordDef != null)
                    int          midiChannel  = 0;
                    OutputDevice outputDevice = M.Preferences.CurrentMultimediaMidiOutputDevice;
                    if (_paletteForm.IsPercussionPalette)
                        midiChannel  = 9;
                        outputDevice = M.Preferences.GetMidiOutputDevice("Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth");
                    MidiChord midiChord = new MidiChord(midiChannel, midiChordDef, outputDevice);
                    midiChord.Send(); //sends in this thread (blocks the current thread -- keeping the button selected)
                    Refresh(); // shows "rest" behind button
                    Debug.Assert(restDef != null);
Beispiel #17
        private void AdjustWindPitchWheelDeviations(TrkDef wind)
            byte         versePwdValue = 3;
            double       windStartPwdValue = 6, windEndPwdValue = 28;
            double       pwdfactor = Math.Pow(windEndPwdValue / windStartPwdValue, (double)1 / 5); // 5th root of windEndPwdValue/windStartPwdValue -- the last pwd should be windEndPwdValue
            MidiChordDef umcd = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < wind.Count; ++i)
                if (i < 8) //prelude
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = M.MidiValue((int)windStartPwdValue);
                else if (i < 15) // verse 1
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = versePwdValue;
                else if (i < 20) // interlude 1
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = M.MidiValue((int)(windStartPwdValue * pwdfactor));
                else if (i < 24) // verse 2
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = versePwdValue;
                else if (i < 33) // interlude 2
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = M.MidiValue((int)(windStartPwdValue * (Math.Pow(pwdfactor, 2))));
                else if (i < 39) // verse 3
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = versePwdValue;
                else if (i < 49) // interlude 3
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = M.MidiValue((int)(windStartPwdValue * (Math.Pow(pwdfactor, 3))));
                else if (i < 57) // verse 4
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = versePwdValue;
                else if (i < 70) // interlude 4
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = M.MidiValue((int)(windStartPwdValue * (Math.Pow(pwdfactor, 4))));
                else if (i < 74) // verse 5
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = versePwdValue;
                else // postlude
                    umcd = wind[i] as MidiChordDef;
                    if (umcd != null)
                        umcd.PitchWheelDeviation = M.MidiValue((int)(windStartPwdValue * (Math.Pow(pwdfactor, 5))));
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets _momentDefsListPerVerse to contain a list of MomentDefs for each verse.
        /// Each MomentDef is positioned with respect to the beginning of its verse, and contains
        /// a single MidiChordDef in its MidiChordDefs list.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetMomentDefsListPerVerse()
            _momentDefsListPerVerse = new List <List <MomentDef> >();

            List <List <int> > momentDefMsWidthPerVerse  = MomentDefMsWidthPerVerse;
            List <List <int> > midiChordDefMsDurPerVerse = MidiChordDefMsDurationsPerVerse;

            CheckWidths(momentDefMsWidthPerVerse, midiChordDefMsDurPerVerse);

            List <List <string> > lyricsPerVerse  = LyricsPerVerse;
            List <byte>           verseVelocities = new List <byte>()
                (byte)64, (byte)75, (byte)90, (byte)105, (byte)120

            for (int verseIndex = 0; verseIndex < 5; ++verseIndex)
                int momentMsPos = 0;

                List <int>    momentMsWidth  = momentDefMsWidthPerVerse[verseIndex];
                List <int>    midiChordMsDur = midiChordDefMsDurPerVerse[verseIndex];
                List <string> lyrics         = lyricsPerVerse[verseIndex];

                List <MomentDef> momentDefs = new List <MomentDef>();

                byte        patch    = (byte)(123 + verseIndex); // top 5 patches in bank 0
                List <byte> velocity = new List <byte>()

                for (int syllableIndex = 0; syllableIndex < momentMsWidth.Count; ++syllableIndex)
                    Debug.Assert(midiChordMsDur[syllableIndex] <= momentMsWidth[syllableIndex]);

                    MomentDef momentDef = new MomentDef(momentMsPos);
                    momentDef.MsWidth = momentMsWidth[syllableIndex];

                    List <byte> pitch = new List <byte>()
                    };                                                           // the syllables are organised like this in the soundfont.
                    int msDuration = midiChordMsDur[syllableIndex];

                    MidiChordDef lmcd = new MidiChordDef();
                    lmcd.HasChordOff = true;
                    // Bank, and Patch are added to *every* chord so that performances can start anywhere.
                    // If the Assistant Performer is clever enough, repeated controls are not actually sent.
                    lmcd.Bank  = (byte)(0);
                    lmcd.Patch = patch;
                    lmcd.Lyric = lyrics[syllableIndex];

                    // the following determine what is actually heard
                    List <byte> expressionMsbs = new List <byte>()
                    lmcd.MidiChordSliderDefs = new MidiChordSliderDefs(null, null, null, expressionMsbs);
                    lmcd.BasicMidiChordDefs.Add(new BasicMidiChordDef(msDuration, 0, patch, true, pitch, velocity));

                    lmcd.MsDuration = msDuration;

                    // these two attributes determine the symbols in the score.
                    lmcd.NotatedMidiPitches = new List <byte>()
                    };                               // display middle G, even though "pitch" is different.
                    lmcd.MidiVelocity = velocity[0]; // determines the visible dynamic symbol


                    momentMsPos += momentDef.MsWidth;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns either a new RestDef or a new MidiChordDef
        /// In both cases, MsPosition is set to zero, Lyric is set to null.
        /// </summary>
        private DurationDef GetDurationDef(int index)
            DurationDef            rval = null;
            BasicChordMidiSettings bcms = _basicChordMidiSettings;

            if (bcms.MidiPitches[index].Count == 0)
                /// RestDefs are immutable, and have no MsPosition property.
                /// UniqueRestDefs are mutable RestDefs with both MsPositon and MsDuration properties.
                int restMsDuration = bcms.Durations[index];
                rval = new RestDef(0, restMsDuration);
                /// Create a new MidiChordDef (with msPosition=0, lyric=null)
                bool        hasChordOff        = BoolOrDefaultValue(bcms.ChordOffs, index, M.DefaultHasChordOff); // true
                int         duration           = bcms.Durations[index];
                List <byte> rootMidiPitches    = bcms.MidiPitches[index];
                List <byte> rootMidiVelocities = bcms.Velocities[index];

                byte?       bankIndex               = ByteOrNull(_bankIndices, index);
                byte?       patchIndex              = ByteOrNull(_patchIndices, index);
                byte        pitchwheelDeviation     = ByteOrDefaultValue(_pitchwheelDeviations, index, M.DefaultPitchWheelDeviation); // 2
                List <byte> pitchwheelEnvelope      = ListByte(_pitchwheelEnvelopes, index);
                List <byte> panEnvelope             = ListByte(_panEnvelopes, index);
                List <byte> modulationWheelEnvelope = ListByte(_modulationWheelEnvelopes, index);
                List <byte> expressionEnvelope      = ListByte(_expressionEnvelopes, index);

                MidiChordSliderDefs midiChordSliderDefs =
                    new MidiChordSliderDefs(pitchwheelEnvelope,

                OrnamentSettings         os = _ornamentSettings;
                List <BasicMidiChordDef> basicMidiChordDefs = new List <BasicMidiChordDef>();
                int ornamentNumber;
                if (os == null || _ornamentNumbers[index] == 0)
                    ornamentNumber = 0;
                    BasicMidiChordDef bmcd = new BasicMidiChordDef(duration, bankIndex, patchIndex, hasChordOff, rootMidiPitches, rootMidiVelocities);
                    ornamentNumber = _ornamentNumbers[index];
                    int ornamentMinMsDuration = IntOrDefaultValue(_ornamentMinMsDurations, index, M.DefaultOrnamentMinimumDuration); // 1

                    List <int> ornamentValues = os.OrnamentValues[_ornamentNumbers[index] - 1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ornamentValues.Count; ++i)
                        int         oIndex       = ornamentValues[i] - 1;
                        bool        oHasChordOff = BoolOrDefaultValue(os.BasicChordMidiSettings.ChordOffs, oIndex, M.DefaultHasChordOff);
                        int         oDuration    = os.BasicChordMidiSettings.Durations[oIndex];
                        List <byte> oMidiPitches = os.BasicChordMidiSettings.MidiPitches[oIndex];
                        List <byte> oVelocities  = os.BasicChordMidiSettings.Velocities[oIndex];
                        byte?       oBank        = ByteOrNull(os.BankIndices, oIndex);
                        byte?       oPatch       = ByteOrNull(os.PatchIndices, oIndex);

                        BasicMidiChordDef bmcd = new BasicMidiChordDef(oDuration, oBank, oPatch, oHasChordOff, oMidiPitches, oVelocities);

                    // The basicMidiChordDefs currently contain the values from the ornaments form.
                    // All oBank and oPatch values will be null if the corresponding field in the ornament form was empty.
                    // The durations, pitches and velocities are relative to the main palette's values.


                    if (basicMidiChordDefs[0].BankIndex == null)
                        basicMidiChordDefs[0].BankIndex = bankIndex; // can be null
                    if (basicMidiChordDefs[0].PatchIndex == null)
                        basicMidiChordDefs[0].PatchIndex = patchIndex;

                    Debug.Assert(basicMidiChordDefs[0].PatchIndex != null);

                    basicMidiChordDefs = Moritz.Spec.MidiChordDef.FitToDuration(basicMidiChordDefs, duration, ornamentMinMsDuration);

                    foreach (BasicMidiChordDef b in basicMidiChordDefs)
                        List <byte> combinedPitches = new List <byte>();
                        foreach (byte pitch in b.Pitches)
                            foreach (byte rootMidiPitch in rootMidiPitches)
                                combinedPitches.Add(M.MidiValue(rootMidiPitch + pitch));
                        b.Pitches = combinedPitches;

                        List <byte> combinedVelocities = new List <byte>();
                        foreach (byte velocity in b.Velocities)
                            foreach (byte rootMidiVelocity in rootMidiVelocities)
                                combinedVelocities.Add(M.MidiValue(rootMidiVelocity + velocity));
                        b.Velocities = combinedVelocities;

                rval = new MidiChordDef(
Beispiel #20
        private void GetSnores(int firstRestMsDuration, Clytemnestra clytemnestra, TrkDef wind1, Palette snoresPalette)
            List <IUniqueDef> snores = new List <IUniqueDef>();
            int msPosition           = 0;

            IUniqueDef firstRest = new RestDef(msPosition, firstRestMsDuration);

            msPosition += firstRestMsDuration;

            #region prelude + verse1
            int[] transpositions1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                IUniqueDef snore = snoresPalette.UniqueDurationDef(i);
                snore.MsPosition = msPosition;
                msPosition      += snore.MsDuration;
                MidiChordDef iumdd = snore as MidiChordDef;
                if (iumdd != null)
                    iumdd.PitchWheelDeviation = 3;

                RestDef rest = new RestDef(msPosition, 2500);
                msPosition += rest.MsDuration;

            double   factor;
            double   msDuration;
            double   restDuration;
            int[]    transpositions2 = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 };
            double[] factors         = { 0.93, 0.865, 0.804, 0.748, 0.696, 0.647, 0.602, 0.56, 0.52, 0.484 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                IUniqueDef snore = snoresPalette.UniqueDurationDef(i / 2);
                snore.MsPosition = msPosition;
                factor           = factors[i];
                msDuration       = snore.MsDuration * factor;
                snore.MsDuration = (int)msDuration;
                msPosition      += snore.MsDuration;
                MidiChordDef iumdd = snore as MidiChordDef;
                if (iumdd != null)
                    iumdd.PitchWheelDeviation = 20;
                //iumdd.MidiVelocity = (byte)((double)snore.MidiVelocity * factor * factor);

                restDuration = 2500 / factor;
                RestDef rest = new RestDef(msPosition, (int)restDuration);
                msPosition += rest.MsDuration;

            snores[snores.Count - 1].MsDuration = clytemnestra.EndMsPosition - snores[snores.Count - 1].MsPosition;

            this._uniqueDefs = snores;

            AdjustVelocitiesHairpin(13, Count, 0.25);

            #region alignments before Interlude3
            AlignObjectAtIndex(7, 8, 9, clytemnestra[3].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(8, 9, 10, clytemnestra[7].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(9, 10, 11, clytemnestra[16].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(10, 11, 12, clytemnestra[24].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(11, 12, 13, clytemnestra[39].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(12, 13, 14, clytemnestra[42].MsPosition);
            AlignObjectAtIndex(14, 34, Count, wind1[38].MsPosition); // rest at start of Interlude3

            RemoveScorePitchWheelCommands(0, 13); // pitchwheeldeviation is 20 for R2M
        List <VoiceDef> CreateBar1()
            List <VoiceDef> bar = new List <VoiceDef>();

            byte channel = 0;

            foreach (Palette palette in _palettes)
                TrkDef trkDef = new TrkDef(channel, new List <IUniqueDef>());
                WriteVoiceMidiDurationDefs1(trkDef, palette);

            InputVoiceDef inputVoiceDef     = new InputVoiceDef();
            VoiceDef      bottomOutputVoice = bar[0];

            foreach (IUniqueDef iud in bottomOutputVoice.UniqueDefs)
                MidiChordDef mcd = iud as MidiChordDef;
                RestDef      rd  = iud as RestDef;
                if (mcd != null)
                    List <IUniqueDef> iuds = new List <IUniqueDef>()

                    // Note that the msPosition of the trkDef is trkDef.StartMsPosition (= iuds[0].msPosition),
                    // which may be greater than the InputChordDef's msPosition
                    TrkDef trkDef = new TrkDef(bottomOutputVoice.MidiChannel, iuds);

                    // If non-null, arg2 overrides the inputControls attached to the InputNote or InputChord.
                    TrkOn        trkRef  = new TrkOn(trkDef, null);
                    List <TrkOn> trkRefs = new List <TrkOn>()
                    TrkOns trkOns = new TrkOns(trkRefs, null);

                    byte      displayPitch = (byte)(mcd.NotatedMidiPitches[0] + 36);
                    Pressure  pressure     = new Pressure(0, null);
                    Pressures pressures    = new Pressures(new List <Pressure>()
                    }, null);
                    TrkOff        trkOff         = new TrkOff(trkRef.TrkMidiChannel, mcd.MsPosition, null);
                    List <TrkOff> noteOffTrkOffs = new List <TrkOff>()
                    TrkOffs trkOffs = new TrkOffs(noteOffTrkOffs, null);

                    InputNoteDef inputNoteDef = new InputNoteDef(displayPitch,
                                                                 trkOns, null,
                                                                 null, trkOffs,

                    List <InputNoteDef> inputNoteDefs = new List <InputNoteDef>()

                    // The InputChordDef's msPosition must be <= the msPosition of any of the contained trkRefs
                    InputChordDef icd = new InputChordDef(mcd.MsPosition, mcd.MsDuration, inputNoteDefs);

                else if (rd != null)
                    RestDef newRest = new RestDef(rd.MsPosition, rd.MsDuration);

            #region set cascading inputControls on the first InputChordDef  (for testing)
            InputChordDef inputChordDef1 = inputVoiceDef.UniqueDefs[0] as InputChordDef;             // no need to check for null here.

            InputControls chordInputControls = new InputControls();

            chordInputControls.VelocityOption  = VelocityOption.overridden;
            chordInputControls.MinimumVelocity = 19;
            inputChordDef1.InputControls       = chordInputControls;

            InputControls noteInputControls = new InputControls();
            noteInputControls.VelocityOption              = VelocityOption.scaled;
            noteInputControls.MinimumVelocity             = 20;
            inputChordDef1.InputNoteDefs[0].InputControls = noteInputControls;


