/// <summary>
        ///     Creates tool buttons to the bottom right of the screen.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateToolButtons()
            const int targetY       = -5;
            const int animationTime = 1100;

            PowerButton = new ToolButton(FontAwesome.Get(FontAwesomeIcon.fa_power_button_off), (o, e) => DialogManager.Show(new QuitDialog()))
                Alignment = Alignment.BotRight,

            PowerButton.Y = PowerButton.Height;

            // Add Animation to move it up.
            PowerButton.Animations.Add(new Animation(AnimationProperty.Y, Easing.OutQuint,
                                                     PowerButton.Y, targetY, animationTime));


            // Create settings button
            SettingsButton = new ToolButton(FontAwesome.Get(FontAwesomeIcon.fa_settings), (o, e) => DialogManager.Show(new SettingsDialog()))
                Parent     = MiddleContainer,
                Alignment  = Alignment.BotRight,
                Y          = PowerButton.Y,
                X          = PowerButton.X - PowerButton.Width - 5,
                Animations =
                    new Animation(AnimationProperty.Y, Easing.OutQuint, PowerButton.Y, targetY, animationTime)

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates tool buttons to the bottom right of the screen.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateToolButtons()
            const int targetY       = -5;
            const int animationTime = 1100;

            PowerButton = new ToolButton(FontAwesome.Get(FontAwesomeIcon.fa_power_button_off), (o, e) =>
                DialogManager.Show(new ConfirmCancelDialog("Are you sure you want to exit Quaver?", (sender, args) =>
                    var game = GameBase.Game as QuaverGame;
                Alignment = Alignment.BotRight,

            PowerButton.Y = PowerButton.Height;

            // Add Animation to move it up.
            PowerButton.Animations.Add(new Animation(AnimationProperty.Y, Easing.OutQuint,
                                                     PowerButton.Y, targetY, animationTime));


            // Create settings button
            SettingsButton = new ToolButton(FontAwesome.Get(FontAwesomeIcon.fa_settings), (o, e) => DialogManager.Show(new SettingsDialog()))
                Parent     = MiddleContainer,
                Alignment  = Alignment.BotRight,
                Y          = PowerButton.Y,
                X          = PowerButton.X - PowerButton.Width - 5,
                Animations =
                    new Animation(AnimationProperty.Y, Easing.OutQuint, PowerButton.Y, targetY, animationTime)

        private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Initialize Composition UI infrastructure.
            _leftRoot   = LeftContainer.GetVisual();
            _middleRoot = MiddleContainer.GetVisual();
            _rightRoot  = RightContainer.GetVisual();
            _compositor = _leftRoot.Compositor;

            _imageFactory = CompositionImageFactory.CreateCompositionImageFactory(_compositor);

            // Hook the sprite visuals into the XAML visual tree.
            _leftSpriteVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            var side = (float)Math.Min(LeftPresenter.ActualWidth, LeftPresenter.ActualHeight);

            _leftSpriteVisual.Size = new Vector2(side, side);
            _middleSpriteVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            side = (float)Math.Min(MiddlePresenter.ActualWidth, MiddlePresenter.ActualHeight);
            _middleSpriteVisual.Size = new Vector2(side, side);
            _rightSpriteVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            side = (float)Math.Min(RightPresenter.ActualWidth, RightPresenter.ActualHeight);
            _rightSpriteVisual.Size = new Vector2(side, side);

            // Create CompositionSurfaceBrush
            _imageBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush();

            // Create an image source to load
            var imageSource = _imageFactory.CreateImageFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/flowers.jpg"));

            _imageBrush.Surface = imageSource.Surface;

            // Create and apply the first effect.
            _firstEffect = new SaturationEffect
                Name   = "firstEffect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source")
            var firstEffectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(_firstEffect, new[] { "firstEffect.Saturation" });

            _effectBrush1           = firstEffectFactory.CreateBrush();
            _leftSpriteVisual.Brush = _effectBrush1;

            // Create and apply the second effect.
            var secondEffect = new InvertEffect
                Name   = "secondEffect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source")
            var secondEffectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(secondEffect);

            _effectBrush2             = secondEffectFactory.CreateBrush();
            _middleSpriteVisual.Brush = _effectBrush2;

            // Create and apply the combined effect.
            _combinedEffect = new InvertEffect
                Name   = "chained",
                Source = _firstEffect
            var combinedEffectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(_combinedEffect, new[] { "firstEffect.Saturation" });

            _combinedBrush           = combinedEffectFactory.CreateBrush();
            _rightSpriteVisual.Brush = _combinedBrush;

            // Chain the brushes
            _effectBrush1.SetSourceParameter("source", _imageBrush);
            _effectBrush2.SetSourceParameter("source", _imageBrush);
            _combinedBrush.SetSourceParameter("source", _imageBrush);