public void LogTest2()
            ////public void Log(string message, int eventId, EventLogEntryType severity, string category)

            string strMessage = "Custom Message by Automation Test Code.EID>0. " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            EventLogEntryType Severity = EventLogEntryType.Error;
            int EID = DateTime.Now.Second;
            LogModule.Logging.EventLogLogger eLogger = new LogModule.Logging.EventLogLogger();
            eLogger.Log(strMessage, EID, EventLogEntryType.Error, "");

            bool isValid = LogUtils.ValidateEventLog(strEventSourceName, EID, strMessage, Severity);
            eLogger = null;

            Assert.IsTrue(isValid, "Message did not get logged in Eventlog");            
Beispiel #2
        public void LogTest()
            ////public void Log(string message, int eventId, EventLogEntryType severity, string category)
            //string strMess="Custom message from Nanda";
            string strMess = "Custom message from Test Automation";

            int EID = new Random().Next(1, 20);

            LogModule.Logging.EventLogLogger eLogger = new LogModule.Logging.EventLogLogger();
            eLogger.Log(strMess, EID, EventLogEntryType.Error, "");

            bool isValid = LogUtils.ValidateEventLog(strEventSourceName, EID, strMess);

            if (isValid)
                Assert.Fail("Message did not get logged in Eventlog, but entry is made");

            #region Old Commented Moved to logutils
            //using (EventLog log = new EventLog("Application", System.Environment.MachineName, strEventSourceName))
            //    foreach (EventLogEntry entry in log.Entries)
            //    {
            //        if (entry.EntryType == System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error)
            //        {
            //            //if (entry.Message == strMess && entry.EventID==5)
            //            if (entry.Source == strEventSourceName)
            //                if (entry.InstanceId == EID)
            //                    if (entry.Message == strMess)
            //                        Assert.IsTrue(true);
            //                    else
            //                        Assert.Fail("Message did not get logged in Eventlog, but entry is made");
            //        }
            //    }
Beispiel #3
        public void LogTestNegative()
            ////public void Log(string message, int eventId, EventLogEntryType severity, string category)
            // string strMess = "Custom message from Test Automation";

            int EID = new Random().Next(1, 20);

            LogModule.Logging.EventLogLogger eLogger = new LogModule.Logging.EventLogLogger();
            eLogger.Log(string.Empty, EID, EventLogEntryType.Warning, null);

            using (EventLog log = new EventLog("Application", System.Environment.MachineName, strEventSourceName))
                foreach (EventLogEntry entry in log.Entries)
                    if (entry.EntryType == System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error)
                        //if (entry.Message == strMess && entry.EventID==5)
                        if (entry.Source == strEventSourceName)
                            if (entry.InstanceId == EID)
                                if (entry.Message == string.Empty)
                                    Assert.Fail("There was an entry in Eventlog, which is not the expected one");