Beispiel #1
         * @function GetRelativeTo
         * @brief Computes the valid dates relative to the relativeDate parameter taking
         *        in account the delta parameter (-1 or 1). This function is called from the
         *        GetNext and GetPrevious functions inherited from MonthDataSource class.
         * @param1 relativeDate DateTime represents the date taken in account for the
         *        computations involving the previous/next elements inside a looping selector
         * @param2 delta int represents the delta for the calculus, -1 implies the computations
         *        for a previous date and 1 for a next date.
         * @return DateTime object relative to the value given as param1 regarding param2
        protected override DateTime?GetRelativeTo(DateTime relativeDate, int delta)
            Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Primitives.DateTimeWrapper currentDate = (Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Primitives.DateTimeWrapper) this.SelectedItem;

            int currentYear  = currentDate.DateTime.Year;
            int monthsInYear = 12;

            // If the currentYear has the same value as the MaxDate.Year then the number of months inside this year
            // will be equal to the month number of the MaxDate.Year

            if (currentYear == MaxDate.Year)
                monthsInYear = MaxDate.Month;

            // Computing the nextMonth, taking in acount the delta (-1 or 1)
            int nextMonth = ((monthsInYear + relativeDate.Month - 1 + delta) % monthsInYear) + 1;

            // If our month makes the return date to out of bounds (regarding the Min and Max Dates
            // we return null instead of the new date; this will make the looping stop at this certain value
            if (MaxDate.Year == currentYear &&
                MaxDate.Year == MinDate.Year &&
                (nextMonth < MinDate.Month || nextMonth > MaxDate.Month))

            // Compute the next day
            int nextDay = Math.Min(relativeDate.Day, DateTime.DaysInMonth(relativeDate.Year, nextMonth));

            // Return the newly calculated DateTime object
            return(new DateTime(relativeDate.Year, nextMonth, nextDay, relativeDate.Hour, relativeDate.Minute, relativeDate.Second));
Beispiel #2
         * @function GetRelativeTo
         * @brief Computes the valid dates relative to the relativeDate parameter taking
         *        in account the delta parameter (-1 or 1). This function is called from the
         *        GetNext and GetPrevious functions inherited from DayDataSource class.
         * @param1 relativeDate DateTime represents the date taken in account for the
         *        computations involving the previous/next elements inside a looping selector
         * @param2 delta int represents the delta for the calculus, -1 implies the computations
         *        for a previous date and 1 for a next date.
         * @return DateTime object relative to the value given as param1 regarding param2
        protected override DateTime?GetRelativeTo(DateTime relativeDate, int delta)
            Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Primitives.DateTimeWrapper currentDate = (Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Primitives.DateTimeWrapper) this.SelectedItem;

            int currentMonth = currentDate.DateTime.Month;
            int currentYear  = currentDate.DateTime.Year;

            // If the date that we try to compute will be larger than the max date.
            if ((MaxDate.Day == relativeDate.Day) && (MaxDate.Month == currentMonth) &&
                (MaxDate.Year == currentYear) && (delta > 0))

            // If the date we try to compute will be smaller than the min date.
            if ((MinDate.Day == relativeDate.Day) && (MinDate.Month == currentMonth) &&
                (MinDate.Year == currentYear) && (delta < 0))

            // Compute the days in month value.
            int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(currentYear, currentMonth);

            // Compute the next day value.
            int nextDay = ((((daysInMonth + relativeDate.Day) - 1) + delta) % daysInMonth) + 1;

            // The special case in which we have the max year / monthe equal with the min year / month and basically
            // we have just a day range
            if (MaxDate.Year == currentYear && MaxDate.Month == currentMonth &&
                MaxDate.Year == MinDate.Year && MaxDate.Month == MinDate.Month &&
                (nextDay < MinDate.Day || nextDay > MaxDate.Day))

            if ((MaxDate.Year == currentYear && MaxDate.Month == currentMonth && nextDay > MaxDate.Day) || (MinDate.Year == currentYear && MinDate.Month == currentMonth && nextDay < MinDate.Day))

            return(new DateTime(currentYear, currentMonth, nextDay, relativeDate.Hour, relativeDate.Minute, relativeDate.Second));