Beispiel #1
        void SOPDocumentSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            // Run this code only if the Visual Studio Tools add-in opened the lookup.
            if (GPAddIn.ReturnToLookup == true)
                // Retrieve the SOP Document number of the row selected in the scrolling window
                // of the SOP document lookup.
                Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.SopDocumentLookupForm sopLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.SopDocumentLookup;
                string sopNumber = sopLookupForm.SopDocumentLookup.DocumentScroll.SopNumber;

                // Display the value retrieved
                LookupsWindow.SOPDocumentNumber.Text = sopNumber;

                // Clear the flag that indicates a value is to be retrieved from the lookup.
                GPAddIn.ReturnToLookup = false;
Beispiel #2
        public void Initialize()
            // Menu to open Lookups form
            Dynamics.Forms.AboutBox.AddMenuHandler(OpenLookupWindow, "Lookups", "");

            // Select button on the Customers lookup window
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.CustomerLookupForm customerLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.CustomerLookup;
            customerLookupForm.CustomerLookup.SelectButton.ClickBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(CustomerSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal);

            // Select button on the Vendors lookup window
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.VendorLookupForm vendorLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.VendorLookup;
            vendorLookupForm.VendorLookup.SelectButton.ClickBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(VendorSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal);

            // Select button on the Items lookup window
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.IvItemNumberLookupForm itemNumberLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.IvItemNumberLookup;
            itemNumberLookupForm.IvItemNumberLookup.SelectButton.ClickBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(ItemSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal);

            // Select button on the GL Account lookup window
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.AccountLookupForm accountLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.AccountLookup;
            accountLookupForm.AccountLookup.SelectButton.ClickBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(AccountSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal);

            // Select button on the SOP Document lookup window
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.SopDocumentLookupForm sopLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.SopDocumentLookup;
            sopLookupForm.SopDocumentLookup.SelectButton.ClickBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(SOPDocumentSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal);

            // Select button on the POP Document lookup window
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.PopDocumentLookupForm popLookupForm = SmartList.Forms.PopDocumentLookup;
            popLookupForm.PopDocumentLookup.SelectButton.ClickBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(POPDocumentSelectButton_ClickBeforeOriginal);

            // Validate script that prevents the POP Document lookup window from being displayed
            popLookupForm.PopDocumentLookup.PopPoLookup.ValidateBeforeOriginal += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(PopPoLookup_ValidateBeforeOriginal);
Beispiel #3
        private void SOPDocumentLookup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create an empty date value for Microsoft Dynamics GP
            DateTime emptyDate = new DateTime();

            emptyDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");

            // Create a reference to the SopDocumentLookup form
            Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.SmartListDictionary.SopDocumentLookupForm sopLookup = SmartList.Forms.SopDocumentLookup;

            // Set the flag indicating that we opened the lookup
            GPAddIn.ReturnToLookup = true;

            //Open the lookup form

            // The parameters for the Open procedure are:
            //  1 - Sort by
            //      1 = SOP Number
            //      2 = Customer
            //      3 = Doc Date
            //      4 = Batch ID
            //      5 = Doc Type
            //  2 - What to show
            //      0 = SHOW_ALL
            //      1 = SHOW_SHIPDOC_EXCLUDED
            //      2 = SHOW_SHIPDOC_ONLY
            //      3 = SHOW_ORDERS_BACKORDERS
            //      5 = SHOW_BACKORDERS
            //  3 - Table type
            //      0 = Work
            //      1 = History
            //  4 - Lock status
            //      0 = Unlocked
            //      1 = Locked
            //  5 - Seed for Sop Type
            //  6 - Seed for Sop Number
            //  7 - Seed for Customer Number
            //  8 - Seed for Batch Number - Empty for historical docs
            //  9 - Seed for Trx Source - Empty for work docs
            // 10 - Seed value for Doc Date
            // 11 - Seed value for master number
            // 12 - Always pass in false
            // 13 - Restrict by document type
            //      1 = Quote
            //      2 = Order
            //      3 = Invoice
            //      4 = Return
            //      5 = Back Order
            //      6 = Fullfillment Order
            //      0 = All documents

            // Sort by SOP Number, Showing all documents, from the History table
            Dynamics.Forms.SopDocumentLookup.Procedures.Open.Invoke(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, SOPDocumentNumber.Text, "",
                                                                    "", "", emptyDate, 0, false, 0);