Beispiel #1
 public static MethodInfo ResolveEntryPoint(Assembly assembly, Cci.IMethodReference method, EmitContext context)
     var containingType = method.GetContainingType(context);
     Debug.Assert(containingType is Cci.INamespaceTypeReference);
     var type = ResolveType(assembly, (Cci.INamespaceTypeReference)containingType);
     return type.GetMethod(method.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
Beispiel #2
        private MethodRef MakeMethodRef(Cci.IMethodReference methodRef, Cci.ISpecializedMethodReference specializedRef, bool isConstructor)
            Type declaringType = ResolveType(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context));

            MethodBase unspecializedDefinition = null;
            if (specializedRef != null)
                // resolvemethod
                unspecializedDefinition = isConstructor ? ResolveConstructor(specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion) : ResolveMethod(specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion);

            var m = new MethodRef(declaringType, methodRef.Name, GetManagedCallingConvention(methodRef.CallingConvention), unspecializedDefinition, GetExtraParameterTypes(methodRef));

            Type[] genericParameters;
            ParameterInfo[] parameters;
            ParameterInfo returnParameter;

            if (unspecializedDefinition != null)
                if (isConstructor)
                    returnParameter = new SimpleParameterInfo(unspecializedDefinition, 0, typeof(void));
                    returnParameter = ((MethodInfo)unspecializedDefinition).ReturnParameter;

                // TODO(tomat): change containing method?
                genericParameters = unspecializedDefinition.GetGenericArguments();
                parameters = unspecializedDefinition.GetParameters();
                MakeMethodParameters(m, methodRef, out genericParameters, out parameters, out returnParameter);

            m.InitializeParameters(genericParameters, parameters, returnParameter);

            return m;
Beispiel #3
        private MethodBase ResolveConstructor(Cci.IMethodReference methodRef)

            // A method ref to a varargs method is always resolved as an entry in the method
            // ref table, never in the method def table, *even if the method is locally declared.*
            // (We could in theory resolve it as a method def if there were no extra arguments,
            // but in practice we do not.)

            var methodDef = (Cci.IMethodDefinition)methodRef.AsDefinition(_context);
            if (methodDef != null && IsLocal(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context)) && !methodRef.AcceptsExtraArguments)
                return _constructorBuilders[methodDef];

            MethodBase result;
            if (_methodRefs.TryGetValue(methodRef, out result))
                return result;

            Debug.Assert(methodRef.AsGenericMethodInstanceReference == null);

            Cci.ISpecializedMethodReference specializedRef = methodRef.AsSpecializedMethodReference;

            if (specializedRef != null &&
                // get declaring type (TypeBuilder or TypeBuilderInstantiation since it's defined in the module being built):
                Type declaringType = ResolveType(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context));
                ConstructorBuilder ctorBuilder = _constructorBuilders[(Cci.IMethodDefinition)specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion.AsDefinition(_context)];
                result = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor(declaringType, ctorBuilder);
                result = MakeMethodRef(methodRef, specializedRef, isConstructor: true);

            _methodRefs.Add(methodRef, result);
            return result;
Beispiel #4
        private MethodInfo ResolveMethod(Cci.IMethodReference methodRef)
            var methodDef = (Cci.IMethodDefinition)methodRef.AsDefinition(_context);

            // A method ref to a varargs method is always resolved as an entry in the method
            // ref table, never in the method def table, *even if the method is locally declared.*
            // (We could in theory resolve it as a method def if there were no extra arguments,
            // but in practice we do not.)

            if (methodDef != null && IsLocal(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context)) && !methodRef.AcceptsExtraArguments)
                return _methodBuilders[methodDef];

            MethodBase methodBase;
            if (_methodRefs.TryGetValue(methodRef, out methodBase))
                return (MethodInfo)methodBase;

            MethodInfo result;

            Cci.ISpecializedMethodReference specializedRef = methodRef.AsSpecializedMethodReference;
            Cci.IGenericMethodInstanceReference genericRef = methodRef.AsGenericMethodInstanceReference;

            if (specializedRef != null &&
                // get declaring type (TypeBuilder or TypeBuilderInstantiation since it's defined in the module being built):
                Type type = ResolveType(specializedRef.GetContainingType(_context));
                MethodBuilder methodBuilder = _methodBuilders[(Cci.IMethodDefinition)specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion.AsDefinition(_context)];
                MethodInfo methodOnTypeBuilder = TypeBuilder.GetMethod(type, methodBuilder);

                if (genericRef != null)
                    Type[] typeArgs = genericRef.GetGenericArguments(_context).Select(arg => ResolveType(arg)).ToArray();
                    result = methodOnTypeBuilder.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
                    result = methodOnTypeBuilder;
            else if (genericRef != null)
                MethodInfo genericMethod = ResolveMethod(genericRef.GetGenericMethod(_context));
                Type[] typeArgs = genericRef.GetGenericArguments(_context).Select((arg) => ResolveType(arg)).ToArray();

                if (genericMethod is MethodRef)
                    result = new MethodSpec(genericMethod, typeArgs);
                    result = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
                result = MakeMethodRef(methodRef, specializedRef, isConstructor: false);

            _methodRefs.Add(methodRef, result);
            return result;
Beispiel #5
        private FieldInfo ResolveField(Cci.IFieldReference fieldRef)
            var fieldDef = fieldRef.GetResolvedField(_context);
            if (fieldDef != null && IsLocal(fieldRef.GetContainingType(_context)))
                return _fieldBuilders[fieldDef];

            FieldInfo result;
            if (_fieldRefs.TryGetValue(fieldRef, out result))
                return result;

            Type declaringType = ResolveType(fieldRef.GetContainingType(_context));
            Cci.ISpecializedFieldReference specializedRef = fieldRef.AsSpecializedFieldReference;

            if (specializedRef != null)
                if (IsLocal(specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion.GetContainingType(_context)))
                    // declaring type is TypeBuilder or TypeBuilderInstantiation since it's defined in the module being built:
                    FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = _fieldBuilders[(Cci.IFieldDefinition)specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion.AsDefinition(_context)];
                    result = TypeBuilder.GetField(declaringType, fieldBuilder);
                    FieldInfo unspecializedDefinition = ResolveField(specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion);
                    result = new FieldRef(declaringType, fieldRef.Name, unspecializedDefinition.FieldType);
                GenericContext genericContext;
                if (declaringType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                    genericContext = new GenericContext(declaringType.GetGenericArguments(), Type.EmptyTypes);
                    genericContext = default(GenericContext);

                // TODO: modifiers?
                Type fieldType = ResolveType(fieldRef.GetType(_context), genericContext);
                result = new FieldRef(declaringType, fieldRef.Name, fieldType);

            _fieldRefs.Add(fieldRef, result);
            return result;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The main worker. Emits all types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">An entry point to resolve and return. This could be an arbitrary method, not just PE entry point.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">Token used to cancel the operation.</param>
        /// <returns>The entry point or null if there is none.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Reflection.Emit doesn't support the feature being emitted.</exception>
        private MethodInfo EmitWorker(Cci.IMethodReference entryPoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // types and nesting:
            foreach (var typeDef in _module.GetTopLevelTypes(_context))
                // global type (TODO: detect properly)
                if (typeDef.Name == "<Module>")

                DefineTypeRecursive(typeDef, containingTypeBuilder: null);


            // Base types: we need to define them before defining fields.
            // Field definition creates a signature, which might ask whether a type builder is a value type.
            // The implementation of Type.IsValueType calls IsSubclassOf(System.ValueType).
            foreach (var definedType in _typeBuilders)
                var typeDef = definedType.Key;
                var typeBuilder = definedType.Value;

                var baseClass = typeDef.GetBaseClass(_context);
                if (baseClass != null)
                    // base type must be loaded before the type:
                    typeBuilder.SetParent(ResolveType(baseClass, dependentType: typeBuilder, valueTypeDependency: false));

            foreach (var genericParameter in _genericParameterBuilders)
                var gpBuilder = genericParameter.Value;
                var typeParameter = (Cci.IGenericTypeParameter)genericParameter.Key;

                if (typeParameter.AsGenericTypeParameter != null)
                    DefineGenericParameterConstraints(gpBuilder, typeParameter);

            // inheritance, generic type parameters, fields, methods, constructors (need types, base types):
            foreach (var definedType in _typeBuilders)
                DefineFieldsAndMethods(definedType.Value, definedType.Key);

            // TODO: define methods and fields of global type

            // parameter names and custom attributes (needs all members and types):
            foreach (var method in _methodBuilders)
                var methodDef = method.Key;
                var methodBuilder = method.Value;

                DefineParameters(methodBuilder, null, methodDef);
                EmitCustomAttributes(methodBuilder, methodDef.GetAttributes(_context));

            foreach (var ctor in _constructorBuilders)
                var ctorDef = ctor.Key;
                var ctorBuilder = ctor.Value;

                DefineParameters(null, ctorBuilder, ctorDef);
                EmitCustomAttributes(ctorBuilder, ctorDef.GetAttributes(_context));

            foreach (var field in _fieldBuilders)
                var fieldDef = field.Key;
                var fieldBuilder = field.Value;

                // Constant: Assign field literals after all fields have been defined. 
                // TypeBuilder that represents an enum determines its underlying type based upon the first (and only) instance field type (__value).
                // So we need to define all the fields first and then assign their literal values.
                var constant = fieldDef.GetCompileTimeValue(_context);
                if (constant != null)
                    // TODO(tomat): This fails for enum fields if the enum is a nested type in a generic type (TypeBuilderInstantiation throws in IsSubclassOf)

                EmitCustomAttributes(fieldBuilder, fieldDef.GetAttributes(_context));

            // define generic parameter custom attributes (needs all types, methods and constructors defined):
            foreach (var genericParameter in _genericParameterBuilders)
                EmitCustomAttributes(genericParameter.Value, ((Cci.IGenericParameter)genericParameter.Key).GetAttributes(_context));


            // bodies (IL may need a method token of a generic method, which bakes its generic parameters -> we need to emit generic parameters first)
            foreach (var method in _methodBuilders)
                if (Cci.Extensions.HasBody(method.Key))
                    EmitMethodBody(method.Value, null, method.Key.GetBody(_context));

            foreach (var ctor in _constructorBuilders)
                if (Cci.Extensions.HasBody(ctor.Key))
                    EmitMethodBody(null, ctor.Value, ctor.Key.GetBody(_context));

            // base type, implemented interfaces, generic parameters
            // member relationships, properties, events, custom attributes (needs attribute constructors, all members):
            foreach (var definedType in _typeBuilders)
                FinishType(definedType.Value, definedType.Key);

            // module and assembly attributes:
            EmitCustomAttributes(_builder, _module.ModuleAttributes);
            EmitCustomAttributes((AssemblyBuilder)_builder.Assembly, _module.AssemblyAttributes);


            // order types to satisfy dependencies:
            IEnumerable<TypeBuilder> orderedTypeBuilders = OrderTypeBuilders();
            if (orderedTypeBuilders == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Ref.Emit limitation: cycle in type dependencies");

            // create types and entry point:
            MethodInfo resolvedEntryPoint = null;
            Type entryPointType = null;
            if (entryPoint != null)
                entryPointType = ResolveType(entryPoint.GetContainingType(_context));

            foreach (var typeBuilder in orderedTypeBuilders)
                Type type = null;

                // TODO (tomat): we should test for features not allowed in a collectible assembly upfront
                // rather than waiting for an exception to happen.
                    type = typeBuilder.CreateType();

                    // TODO (tomat): this is very strange, the TypeLoadException is swallowed when VS debugger is attached
                    // and the execution continues with type == null. See bug DevDiv2\DevDiv bug 391550.
                    if (type == null)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Ref.Emit limitation");
                catch (TypeLoadException e)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Ref.Emit limitation: " + e.Message);

                if (typeBuilder == entryPointType)
                    resolvedEntryPoint = (MethodInfo)ResolveRuntimeMethodOrConstructor(type, entryPoint, isConstructor: false);


            // PE entry point:
            if (_module.EntryPoint != null)
                Debug.Assert(_module.EntryPoint == entryPoint);

            Debug.Assert(entryPoint == null || resolvedEntryPoint != null);
            return resolvedEntryPoint;