/// <summary>
        /// Handles the NodeConfiguration packet.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleNodeConfiguration(NodeConfiguration configuration)
            // Set the culture.
            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture   = configuration.BuildParameters.Culture;
            CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = configuration.BuildParameters.UICulture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = configuration.BuildParameters.Culture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = configuration.BuildParameters.UICulture;

            // Snapshot the initial environment.
            _savedEnvironment = CommunicationsUtilities.GetEnvironmentVariables();

            // Save the current directory.
            _savedCurrentDirectory = NativeMethodsShared.GetCurrentDirectory();

            // Set the node id.
            _componentHost.BuildParameters.NodeId = configuration.NodeId;
            _shutdownException = null;

            // And the AppDomainSetup
            _componentHost.BuildParameters.AppDomainSetup = configuration.AppDomainSetup;

            // Declare in-proc
            _componentHost.BuildParameters.IsOutOfProc = false;

            // Set the logging exception handler
            ILoggingService loggingService = _componentHost.LoggingService;
            loggingService.OnLoggingThreadException += new LoggingExceptionDelegate(OnLoggingThreadException);

            // Now prep the buildRequestEngine for the build.
            _loggingContext = new NodeLoggingContext(loggingService, configuration.NodeId, true /* inProcNode */);

            _buildRequestEngine.OnEngineException         += _engineExceptionEventHandler;
            _buildRequestEngine.OnNewConfigurationRequest += _newConfigurationRequestEventHandler;
            _buildRequestEngine.OnRequestBlocked          += _requestBlockedEventHandler;
            _buildRequestEngine.OnRequestComplete         += _requestCompleteEventHandler;

            if (_shutdownException != null)
                Exception exception;
                HandleShutdown(out exception);
                throw exception;


            // Finally store off this configuration packet.
            _currentConfiguration = configuration;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 internal QAMockHost(GetComponentDelegate getComponentCallback)
     this.buildParameters          = new BuildParameters();
     this.getComponentCallback     = getComponentCallback;
     this.engineStatusChangedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     this.lastEngineStatus         = BuildRequestEngineStatus.Shutdown;
     this.loggingService           = this;
     this.requestEngine            = null;
     this.testDataProvider         = null;
     this.buildComponents          = new Queue <IBuildComponent>();
     this.legacyThreadingData      = new LegacyThreadingData();
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component. First shutdown the request engine. Then shutdown the remaining of the component.
        /// Check if the test data provider exists before shutting it down as it may not have been registered yet because this is also
        /// called in TearDown and teardown is called if an exception is received.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            if (this.testDataProvider != null)

            this.loggingService = null;
            this.requestEngine  = null;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component. First shutdown the request engine. Then shutdown the remaining of the component.
        /// Check if the test data provider exists before shutting it down as it may not have been registered yet because this is also
        /// called in TearDown and teardown is called if an exception is received.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            if (_testDataProvider != null)

            _loggingService = null;
            _requestEngine  = null;
Beispiel #5
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor
            /// UNDONE: Refactor this, and the other MockHosts, to use a common base implementation.  The duplication of the
            /// logging implementation alone is unfortunate.
            /// </summary>
            public MockHost()
                _buildParameters     = new BuildParameters();
                _legacyThreadingData = new LegacyThreadingData();

                _configCache = new ConfigCache();

                _loggingService = this;

                _resultsCache = new ResultsCache();

                _requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder();

                _targetBuilder = new TargetBuilder();

                _sdkResolverService = new MockSdkResolverService();
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a task registry for the override tasks in the *.overridetasks file for this toolset         
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="loggingServices">The logging services used to log during task registration.</param>
 /// <param name="buildEventContext">The build event context used to log during task registration.</param>
 /// <returns>The task registry</returns>
 internal TaskRegistry GetOverrideTaskRegistry(ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache)
     RegisterOverrideTasks(loggingServices, buildEventContext, projectRootElementCache);
     return _overrideTaskRegistry;
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a task registry stub for the tasks in the *.tasks file for this toolset         
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="loggingServices">The logging services used to log during task registration.</param>
 /// <param name="buildEventContext">The build event context used to log during task registration.</param>
 /// <returns>The task registry</returns>
 internal TaskRegistry GetTaskRegistry(ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache)
     RegisterDefaultTasks(loggingServices, buildEventContext, projectRootElementCache);
     return _defaultTaskRegistry;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a search path and a task pattern get a list of task or override task files.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string[] GetTaskFiles(DirectoryGetFiles getFiles, ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, string taskPattern, string searchPath, string taskFileWarning)
            string[] defaultTasksFiles = { };

                if (null != getFiles)
                    defaultTasksFiles = getFiles(searchPath, taskPattern);
                    // The order of the returned file names is not guaranteed per msdn
                    defaultTasksFiles = Directory.GetFiles(searchPath, taskPattern);

                if (defaultTasksFiles.Length == 0)
                        new BuildEventFileInfo(/* this warning truly does not involve any file */ String.Empty),
            catch (Exception e)
                // handle problems when reading the default tasks files
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                    // Catching Exception, but rethrowing unless it's an IO related exception.

                    new BuildEventFileInfo(/* this warning truly does not involve any file */ String.Empty),

            // Sort the file names to give a deterministic order
            Array.Sort<string>(defaultTasksFiles, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            return defaultTasksFiles;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the actual loading of the tasks or override tasks file and register the tasks in the task registry
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadAndRegisterFromTasksFile(string searchPath, string[] defaultTaskFiles, ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, string defaultTasksFilePattern, string taskFileError, ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache, TaskRegistry registry)
            foreach (string defaultTasksFile in defaultTaskFiles)
                    // Important to keep the following line since unit tests use the delegate.
                    ProjectRootElement projectRootElement;
                    if (_loadXmlFromPath != null)
                        XmlDocumentWithLocation defaultTasks = _loadXmlFromPath(defaultTasksFile);
                        projectRootElement = ProjectRootElement.Open(defaultTasks);
                        projectRootElement = ProjectRootElement.Open(defaultTasksFile, projectRootElementCache, false /*The tasks file is not a explicitly loaded file*/);

                    foreach (ProjectElement elementXml in projectRootElement.Children)
                        ProjectUsingTaskElement usingTask = elementXml as ProjectUsingTaskElement;

                        if (null == usingTask)

                        TaskRegistry.RegisterTasksFromUsingTaskElement<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>
                catch (XmlException e)
                    // handle XML errors in the default tasks file
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProjectFile(false, new BuildEventFileInfo(e), taskFileError, e.Message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                        // Catching Exception, but rethrowing unless it's an IO related exception.

                    loggingServices.LogError(buildEventContext, new BuildEventFileInfo(defaultTasksFile), taskFileError, e.Message);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component. First shutdown the request engine. Then shutdown the remaining of the component.
        /// Check if the test data provider exists before shutting it down as it may not have been registered yet because this is also
        /// called in TearDown and teardown is called if an exception is received.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            if (this.testDataProvider != null)

            this.loggingService = null;
            this.requestEngine = null;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to load information about MSBuild override tasks i.e. tasks that override tasks declared in tasks or project files.
        /// </summary>
        private void RegisterOverrideTasks(ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache)
            if (!_overrideTasksRegistrationAttempted)
                    _overrideTaskRegistry = new TaskRegistry(projectRootElementCache);
                    bool overrideDirectoryExists = false;

                        // Make sure the override directory exists and is not empty before trying to find the files
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_overrideTasksPath))
                            if (Path.IsPathRooted(_overrideTasksPath))
                                if (null != _directoryExists)
                                    overrideDirectoryExists = _directoryExists(_overrideTasksPath);
                                    overrideDirectoryExists = Directory.Exists(_overrideTasksPath);

                            if (!overrideDirectoryExists)
                                string rootedPathMessage = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("OverrideTaskNotRootedPath", _overrideTasksPath);
                                loggingServices.LogWarning(buildEventContext, null, new BuildEventFileInfo(String.Empty /* this warning truly does not involve any file*/), "OverrideTasksFileFailure", rootedPathMessage);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                            // Catching Exception, but rethrowing unless it's an IO related exception.

                        string rootedPathMessage = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("OverrideTaskProblemWithPath", _overrideTasksPath, e.Message);
                        loggingServices.LogWarning(buildEventContext, null, new BuildEventFileInfo(String.Empty /* this warning truly does not involve any file*/), "OverrideTasksFileFailure", rootedPathMessage);

                    if (overrideDirectoryExists)
                        InitializeProperties(loggingServices, buildEventContext);
                        string[] overrideTasksFiles = GetTaskFiles(_getFiles, loggingServices, buildEventContext, OverrideTasksFilePattern, _overrideTasksPath, "OverrideTasksFileLoadFailureWarning");

                        // Load and register any override tasks
                        LoadAndRegisterFromTasksFile(_overrideTasksPath, overrideTasksFiles, loggingServices, buildEventContext, OverrideTasksFilePattern, "OverrideTasksFileFailure", projectRootElementCache, _overrideTaskRegistry);
                    _overrideTasksRegistrationAttempted = true;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively dumps the build information for the specified hierarchy
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteRecursiveSummary(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, int submissionId, SchedulableRequest request, int level, bool useConfigurations, bool isLastChild)
            int postPad = Math.Max(20 /* field width */ - (2 * level) /* spacing for hierarchy lines */ - 3 /* length allocated for config/request id */, 0);

            StringBuilder prePadString = new StringBuilder(2 * level);
            if (level != 0)
                int levelsToPad = level;
                if (isLastChild)

                while (levelsToPad > 0)
                    prePadString.Append("| ");

                if (isLastChild)
                    prePadString.Append(@". ");

                useConfigurations ? request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId : request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId,
                new String(' ', postPad),
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalSeconds),
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalSeconds + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Blocked).TotalSeconds + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Ready).TotalSeconds),
                String.Join(", ", request.BuildRequest.Targets.ToArray())

            List<SchedulableRequest> childRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request));
            childRequests.Sort(delegate (SchedulableRequest left, SchedulableRequest right)
                if (left.StartTime < right.StartTime)
                    return -1;
                else if (left.StartTime > right.StartTime)
                    return 1;

                return 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < childRequests.Count; i++)
                SchedulableRequest childRequest = childRequests[i];
                WriteRecursiveSummary(loggingService, context, submissionId, childRequest, level + 1, useConfigurations, i == childRequests.Count - 1);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a single line of node utilization information.
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteNodeUtilizationGraphLine(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, int[] currentWork, int[] previousWork, DateTime currentEventTime, DateTime previousEventTime, int invalidWorkId, ref double accumulatedDuration)
            if (currentEventTime == DateTime.MinValue)

            bool haveNonIdleNode = false;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(64);
            stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}:   ", previousEventTime.Ticks);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentWork.Length; i++)
                if (currentWork[i] == invalidWorkId)
                    stringBuilder.Append("x       "); // Idle
                else if (currentWork[i] == previousWork[i])
                    stringBuilder.Append("|       "); // Continuing the work from the previous time.
                    haveNonIdleNode = true;
                    stringBuilder.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0,-5}   ", currentWork[i]));
                    haveNonIdleNode = true;

            double duration = 0;
            if (previousEventTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                duration = (currentEventTime - previousEventTime).TotalSeconds;
                accumulatedDuration += duration;

            string durationBar = new String('#', (int)(duration / 0.05));
            if (haveNonIdleNode)
                loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "NodeUtilizationEntry", stringBuilder, duration, accumulatedDuration, durationBar);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the graph representation of how the nodes were utilized.
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteNodeUtilizationGraph(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, bool useConfigurations)
            int[] currentWork = new int[_availableNodes.Count];
            int[] previousWork = new int[currentWork.Length];
            HashSet<int>[] runningRequests = new HashSet<int>[currentWork.Length];
            DateTime currentEventTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime previousEventTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            double accumulatedDuration = 0;

            TimeSpan[] nodeActiveTimes = new TimeSpan[_availableNodes.Count];
            DateTime[] nodeStartTimes = new DateTime[_availableNodes.Count];
            int eventIndex = 0;

            Dictionary<int, int> availableNodeIdsToIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>(_availableNodes.Count);
            int[] indexToAvailableNodeId = new int[_availableNodes.Count];
            int indexIntoArrays = 0;

            foreach (int availableNodeId in _availableNodes.Keys)
                availableNodeIdsToIndex[availableNodeId] = indexIntoArrays;
                indexToAvailableNodeId[indexIntoArrays] = availableNodeId;

            // Prepare the arrays and headers.
            StringBuilder nodeIndices = new StringBuilder();
            int invalidWorkId = useConfigurations ? BuildRequestConfiguration.InvalidConfigurationId : BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId;
            for (int i = 0; i < currentWork.Length; i++)
                currentWork[i] = invalidWorkId;
                previousWork[i] = invalidWorkId;
                runningRequests[i] = new HashSet<int>();
                nodeIndices.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0,-5}   ", indexToAvailableNodeId[i]));

            loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "NodeUtilizationHeader", nodeIndices.ToString());

            // Walk through each of the events and grab all of the events which have the same timestamp to determine what occurred.
            foreach (SchedulingData.SchedulingEvent buildEvent in _schedulingData.BuildEvents)
                int workId = useConfigurations ? buildEvent.Request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId : buildEvent.Request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId;

                if (buildEvent.EventTime > currentEventTime)
                    WriteNodeUtilizationGraphLine(loggingService, context, currentWork, previousWork, buildEvent.EventTime, currentEventTime, invalidWorkId, ref accumulatedDuration);

                    if (currentEventTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                        // Accumulate time for nodes which were not idle.
                        for (int i = 0; i < currentWork.Length; i++)
                            if (currentWork[i] != invalidWorkId)
                                for (int x = 0; x < runningRequests[i].Count; x++)
                                    nodeActiveTimes[i] += buildEvent.EventTime - currentEventTime;

                    currentWork.CopyTo(previousWork, 0);
                    previousEventTime = currentEventTime;
                    currentEventTime = buildEvent.EventTime;

                // The assigned node may be invalid if the request was completed from the cache.
                // In that case, just skip assessing it -- it did effectively no work.
                if (buildEvent.Request.AssignedNode != InvalidNodeId)
                    int nodeForEvent = availableNodeIdsToIndex[buildEvent.Request.AssignedNode];

                    switch (buildEvent.NewState)
                        case SchedulableRequestState.Executing:
                        case SchedulableRequestState.Yielding:
                            currentWork[nodeForEvent] = workId;
                            if (!runningRequests[nodeForEvent].Contains(workId))

                            if (nodeStartTimes[nodeForEvent] == DateTime.MinValue)
                                nodeStartTimes[nodeForEvent] = buildEvent.EventTime;


                            if (runningRequests[nodeForEvent].Contains(workId))

                            if (previousWork[nodeForEvent] == workId)
                                // The previously executing request is no longer executing here.
                                if (runningRequests[nodeForEvent].Count == 0)
                                    currentWork[nodeForEvent] = invalidWorkId; // Idle
                                    currentWork[nodeForEvent] = runningRequests[nodeForEvent].First();


            WriteNodeUtilizationGraphLine(loggingService, context, currentWork, previousWork, currentEventTime, previousEventTime, invalidWorkId, ref accumulatedDuration);

            // Write out the node utilization percentage.
            double utilizationAverage = 0;
            StringBuilder utilitzationPercentages = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeActiveTimes.Length; i++)
                TimeSpan totalDuration = currentEventTime - nodeStartTimes[i];
                double utilizationPercent = (double)nodeActiveTimes[i].TotalMilliseconds / (double)totalDuration.TotalMilliseconds;

                utilitzationPercentages.AppendFormat("{0,-5:###.0}   ", utilizationPercent * 100);
                utilizationAverage += utilizationPercent;

            loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "NodeUtilizationSummary", utilitzationPercentages.ToString(), (utilizationAverage / (double)_availableNodes.Count) * 100);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a ProjectRootElement representing a file, where the file may be a .sln instead of
        /// an MSBuild format file.
        /// Assumes path is already normalized.
        /// If the file is in MSBuild format, may throw InvalidProjectFileException.
        /// If the file is a solution, will throw an IO-related exception if the file cannot be read.
        /// </summary>
        private static ProjectRootElement CreateProjectFromPath
                string projectFile,
                IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
                string toolsVersion,
                ILoggingService loggingService,
                ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache,
                BuildEventContext buildEventContext

                if (FileUtilities.IsVCProjFilename(projectFile))
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(projectFile), "ProjectUpgradeNeededToVcxProj", projectFile);

                // OK it's a regular project file, load it normally.
                return new ProjectRootElement(projectFile, projectRootElementCache, buildEventContext);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(ex))
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(projectFile), ex, "InvalidProjectFile", ex.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a ProjectRootElement representing an MSBuild file.
        /// Path provided must be a canonicalized full path.
        /// May throw InvalidProjectFileException or an IO-related exception.
        /// </summary>
        internal static ProjectRootElement OpenProjectOrSolution(string fullPath, IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, string toolsVersion, ILoggingService loggingService, ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, bool isExplicitlyLoaded)

            ProjectRootElement projectRootElement = projectRootElementCache.Get(
                (path, cache) => CreateProjectFromPath(path, globalProperties, toolsVersion, loggingService, cache, buildEventContext),

            return projectRootElement;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to load information about default MSBuild tasks i.e. tasks that do not need to be explicitly declared in projects
        /// with the &lt;UsingTask&gt; element. Default task information is read from special files, which are located in the same
        /// directory as the MSBuild binaries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 1) a default tasks file needs the &lt;Project&gt; root tag in order to be well-formed
        /// 2) the XML declaration tag &lt;?xml ...&gt; is ignored
        /// 3) comment tags are always ignored regardless of their placement
        /// 4) the rest of the tags are expected to be &lt;UsingTask&gt; tags
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="loggingServices">The logging services to use to log during this registration.</param>
        /// <param name="buildEventContext">The build event context to use to log during this registration.</param>
        private void RegisterDefaultTasks(ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache)
            if (!_defaultTasksRegistrationAttempted)
                    _defaultTaskRegistry = new TaskRegistry(projectRootElementCache);

                    InitializeProperties(loggingServices, buildEventContext);

                    string[] defaultTasksFiles = GetTaskFiles(_getFiles, loggingServices, buildEventContext, DefaultTasksFilePattern, ToolsPath, "DefaultTasksFileLoadFailureWarning");
                    LoadAndRegisterFromTasksFile(ToolsPath, defaultTasksFiles, loggingServices, buildEventContext, DefaultTasksFilePattern, "DefaultTasksFileFailure", projectRootElementCache, _defaultTaskRegistry);
                    _defaultTasksRegistrationAttempted = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 private SolutionProjectGenerator
     SolutionFile solution,
     IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
     string toolsVersionOverride,
     BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext,
     ILoggingService loggingService
     _solutionFile = solution;
     _globalProperties = globalProperties ?? new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     _toolsVersionOverride = toolsVersionOverride;
     _projectBuildEventContext = projectBuildEventContext;
     _loggingService = loggingService;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the properties which are used to evaluate the tasks files.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeProperties(ILoggingService loggingServices, BuildEventContext buildEventContext)
                if (_propertyBag == null)
                    List<ProjectPropertyInstance> reservedProperties = new List<ProjectPropertyInstance>();

                    reservedProperties.Add(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(ReservedPropertyNames.binPath, EscapingUtilities.Escape(ToolsPath), mayBeReserved: true));
                    reservedProperties.Add(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(ReservedPropertyNames.toolsVersion, ToolsVersion, mayBeReserved: true));

                    reservedProperties.Add(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(ReservedPropertyNames.toolsPath, EscapingUtilities.Escape(ToolsPath), mayBeReserved: true));
                    reservedProperties.Add(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(ReservedPropertyNames.assemblyVersion, Constants.AssemblyVersion, mayBeReserved: true));

                    // Add one for the subtoolset version property -- it may or may not be set depending on whether it has already been set by the 
                    // environment or global properties, but it's better to create a dictionary that's one too big than one that's one too small.  
                    int count = _environmentProperties.Count + reservedProperties.Count + Properties.Values.Count + _globalProperties.Count + 1;

                    // GenerateSubToolsetVersion checks the environment and global properties, so it's safe to go ahead and gather the 
                    // subtoolset properties here without fearing that we'll have somehow come up with the wrong subtoolset version. 
                    string subToolsetVersion = this.GenerateSubToolsetVersion();
                    SubToolset subToolset;
                    ICollection<ProjectPropertyInstance> subToolsetProperties = null;

                    if (subToolsetVersion != null)
                        if (SubToolsets.TryGetValue(subToolsetVersion, out subToolset))
                            subToolsetProperties = subToolset.Properties.Values;
                            count += subToolsetProperties.Count;

                    _propertyBag = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(count);

                    // Should be imported in the same order as in the evaluator:  
                    // - Environment
                    // - Toolset
                    // - Subtoolset (if any) 
                    // - Global



                    if (subToolsetVersion != null)
                        _propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(Constants.SubToolsetVersionPropertyName, subToolsetVersion));

                    if (subToolsetProperties != null)


                if (_expander == null)
                    _expander = new Expander<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(_propertyBag);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                    // Catching Exception, but rethrowing unless it's an IO related exception.

                loggingServices.LogError(buildEventContext, new BuildEventFileInfo(/* this warning truly does not involve any file it is just gathering properties */String.Empty), "TasksPropertyBagError", e.Message);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a ProjectRootElement representing a file, where the file may be a .sln instead of
        /// an MSBuild format file.
        /// Assumes path is already normalized.
        /// If the file is in MSBuild format, may throw InvalidProjectFileException.
        /// If the file is a solution, will throw an IO-related exception if the file cannot be read.
        /// </summary>
        private static ProjectRootElement CreateProjectFromPath
                string projectFile,
                IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
                string toolsVersion,
                ILoggingService loggingService,
                ProjectRootElementCache projectRootElementCache,
                BuildEventContext buildEventContext,
                bool preserveFormatting

                if (FileUtilities.IsVCProjFilename(projectFile))
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(projectFile), "ProjectUpgradeNeededToVcxProj", projectFile);

                // OK it's a regular project file, load it normally.
                return new ProjectRootElement(projectFile, projectRootElementCache, buildEventContext, preserveFormatting);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException)
            catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(projectFile), ex, "InvalidProjectFile", ex.Message);
                throw; // Without this there's a spurious CS0161 because csc can't see that the above is an unconditional throw.
Beispiel #21
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor
            /// UNDONE: Refactor this, and the other MockHosts, to use a common base implementation.  The duplication of the
            /// logging implementation alone is unfortunate.
            /// </summary>
            public MockHost()
                _buildParameters = new BuildParameters();
                _legacyThreadingData = new LegacyThreadingData();

                _configCache = new ConfigCache();

                _loggingService = this;

                _resultsCache = new ResultsCache();

                _requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder();

                _targetBuilder = new TargetBuilder();
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor 
 /// </summary>
 internal QAMockHost(GetComponentDelegate getComponentCallback)
     this.buildParameters = new BuildParameters();
     this.getComponentCallback = getComponentCallback;
     this.engineStatusChangedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     this.lastEngineStatus = BuildRequestEngineStatus.Shutdown;
     this.loggingService = this;
     this.requestEngine = null;
     this.testDataProvider = null;
     this.buildComponents = new Queue<IBuildComponent>();
     this.legacyThreadingData = new LegacyThreadingData();
        /// <summary>
        /// This method generates an MSBuild project file from the list of projects and project dependencies 
        /// that have been collected from the solution file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution">The parser which contains the solution file.</param>
        /// <param name="globalProperties">The global properties.</param>
        /// <param name="toolsVersionOverride">Tools Version override (may be null).  This should be any tools version explicitly passed to the command-line or from an MSBuild ToolsVersion parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="projectBuildEventContext">The logging context for this project.</param>
        /// <param name="loggingService">The logging service.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of ProjectInstances.  The first instance is the traversal project, the remaining are the metaprojects for each project referenced in the solution.</returns>
        internal static ProjectInstance[] Generate
            SolutionFile solution,
            IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
            string toolsVersionOverride,
            BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext,
            ILoggingService loggingService
            SolutionProjectGenerator projectGenerator = new SolutionProjectGenerator

            return projectGenerator.Generate();
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component. First shutdown the request engine. Then shutdown the remaining of the component.
        /// Check if the test data provider exists before shutting it down as it may not have been registered yet because this is also
        /// called in TearDown and teardown is called if an exception is received.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            if (_testDataProvider != null)

            _loggingService = null;
            _requestEngine = null;