private void btnSavePoleArea_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkUseDefaultPnlProp.Checked) { project.PvHeightGlo = lblHeight2.Text; project.PvWidthGlo = lblWidth2.Text; project.HorzSpaceGlo = txtGridSpacingX.Text; project.VertSpaceGlo = txtGridSpacingY.Text; project.PvTiltGlo = lblTilt2.Text; project.PvAzimuthGlo = lblAzimuth2.Text; project.GridRotAngGlo = Convert.ToString(pvPanelPoleGridCtl1.RotationAngle); project.pvHeightEdit = lblHeight2.Text; project.pvWidthEdit = lblWidth2.Text; project.pvTiltEdit = lblTilt2.Text; project.pvAzimuthEdit = lblAzimuth2.Text; Michael.CreateGridPole(true, true); Michael.CreatePvPanel(); } else { project.HorzSpaceGlo = txtGridSpacingX.Text; project.VertSpaceGlo = txtGridSpacingY.Text; project.GridRotAngGlo = Convert.ToString(pvPanelPoleGridCtl1.RotationAngle); Michael.CreateGridPole(true, false); } Michael.propertyGrid1.Refresh(); Michael.cmdPvPanelAngle.Enabled = true; Michael.btnMovePanels.Enabled = true; Michael.cmdExportSketchUp.Enabled = true; this.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Joey joey = new Joey(); Karl malone = new Karl(); Larry bird = new Larry(); Magic johnson = new Magic(); Michael jordan = new Michael(); Patrick ewing = new Patrick(); List <IDreamteam> serverSide = new List <IDreamteam>(); serverSide.Add(joey); serverSide.Add(malone); serverSide.Add(bird); List <IDreamteam> clientSide = new List <IDreamteam>(); clientSide.Add(johnson); clientSide.Add(jordan); clientSide.Add(ewing); foreach (var server in serverSide) {; } foreach (var client in clientSide) {; } }
private void txtGridSpacingY_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { project.VertSpaceGlo = txtGridSpacingY.Text; Michael.propertyGrid1.Refresh(); if (FirstRefresh == false) { Michael.CreateGridPole(false); updateLblNumPanels(); //CreateGridPole(false); } }
private void pvPanelPoleGridCtl1_Paint_1(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (FirstRefresh == false) { project.GridRotAngGlo = Convert.ToString(pvPanelPoleGridCtl1.RotationAngle); Michael.propertyGrid1.Refresh(); Michael.CreateGridPole(false); updateLblNumPanels(); //CreateGridPole(false); } FirstRefresh = false; }
private void cmdApplyAllPanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { project.PvHeight = Convert.ToDouble(txtPvHeight.Text); project.PvWidth = Convert.ToDouble(txtPvWidth.Text); Michael.CreatePvPanel(); /* * List<IFeature> ls1 = new List<IFeature>(); * FeatureLayer fl1 = pvMap.Layers[project.LyrPole] as FeatureLayer; * ISelection il1 = fl1.Selection; * FeatureSet FeSet = il1.ToFeatureSet(); * * * for (int i = 0; i < FeSet.NumRows();i++ ) * { * IFeature fs = FeSet.GetFeature(i); * try * { * fs.DataRow.BeginEdit(); * fs.DataRow["H"] = Convert.ToDouble(txtPvHeight.Text); * fs.DataRow["W"] = Convert.ToDouble(txtPvWidth.Text); * fs.DataRow.EndEdit(); * } * catch { } * } */ if (Project.LyrPole != -1) { IMapFeatureLayer pvPositionFe = PvMap.Layers[Project.LyrPole] as IMapFeatureLayer; List <IFeature> lstFe = new List <IFeature>(); ISelection selFe = pvPositionFe.Selection; lstFe = selFe.ToFeatureList(); int iRow = 0; foreach (IFeature fs in lstFe) { try { fs.DataRow.BeginEdit(); fs.DataRow["h"] = Convert.ToDouble(txtPvHeight.Text); fs.DataRow["W"] = Convert.ToDouble(txtPvWidth.Text); fs.DataRow.EndEdit(); iRow++; } catch { } } this.Close(); } MessageBox.Show("Data updated successfully"); this.Close(); }
private void btnSaveBuilding_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (project.Path != "") { if (util.getLayerHdl("Solar Radiation Rose", pvMap) == -1) { Michael.CentroidAsSite(project.LyrBuildingName, pvMap); } } Michael.drawBuildingShadow(); Michael.ExportBldgAndTrr2SketchUp.Enabled = true; Michael.EnableBuildingEdit(); this.Close(); }
private void cmdUpdateShape_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { project.PvHeightEdit = lblPvHeight.Text; project.PvWidthEdit = lblPvWidth.Text; project.PvTiltEdit = lblTilt.Text; project.PvAzimuthEdit = lblAzimuth.Text; /* * try * { * tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage0; * for (int iRow = 0; iRow < grdPvPoleSelected.RowCount; iRow++) * { * grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["Ele_Angle"].Value = lblTilt.Text; * grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["Azimuth"].Value = lblAzimuth.Text; * grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["w"].Value = lblPvWidth.Text; * grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["h"].Value = lblPvHeight.Text; * } * } * catch { } */ if (Project.LyrPole != -1) { IMapFeatureLayer LocationFe = PvMap.Layers[Project.LyrPole] as IMapFeatureLayer; List <IFeature> lstFe = new List <IFeature>(); ISelection selFe = LocationFe.Selection; lstFe = selFe.ToFeatureList(); int iRow = 0; foreach (IFeature fs in lstFe) { try { fs.DataRow.BeginEdit(); fs.DataRow["Ele_Angle"] = grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["Ele_Angle"].Value; fs.DataRow["Azimuth"] = grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["Azimuth"].Value; fs.DataRow["h"] = grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["h"].Value; fs.DataRow["w"] = grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["w"].Value; fs.DataRow["x"] = grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["x"].Value; fs.DataRow["y"] = grdPvPoleSelected.Rows[iRow].Cells["y"].Value; fs.DataRow.EndEdit(); iRow++; } catch { } } this.Close(); } Michael.CreatePvPanel(); }
private void btnCloseDrawTree_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (project.Path != "") { if (util.getLayerHdl("Solar Radiation Rose", pvMap) == -1) { Michael.CentroidAsSite(project.LyrTreeName, pvMap); } } this.Close(); Michael.EnableTreeEditing(); //Michael.SolarObstuctionVerification(); //Draw tree shadows Michael.DrawTreeShadow(); Michael.ExportBldgAndTrr2SketchUp.Enabled = true; }
public static void Main(String[] args) { // one way to use them is to declare their full qualified name. // System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(); // alternatively, we can add using System.IO above, and use this: // StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(); // sometimes, however, there may be conflicting using statements, // i.e. two namespaces might have the same class defined. In that // case, user the full qualified name. // Refer to the class within the custom namespace. Michael mDLL = new Michael(); Console.WriteLine(mDLL.Lookup("")); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void cmdUpdateShape_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProjectFile.LyrTree != -1) { IMapFeatureLayer TreeFe = PvMap.Layers[ProjectFile.LyrTree] as IMapFeatureLayer; List <IFeature> lstFe = new List <IFeature>(); ISelection selFe = TreeFe.Selection; lstFe = selFe.ToFeatureList(); int iRow = 0; foreach (IFeature fs in lstFe) { try { fs.DataRow.BeginEdit(); fs.DataRow["Height"] = grdTreeAttribute.Rows[iRow].Cells["Height"].Value; fs.DataRow["Diameter"] = grdTreeAttribute.Rows[iRow].Cells["Diameter"].Value; fs.DataRow["Type"] = grdTreeAttribute.Rows[iRow].Cells["Type"].Value; fs.DataRow.EndEdit(); iRow++; double Radius = Convert.ToDouble(fs.DataRow["Diameter"]) / 2; //short numVertx = 36; //Michael.kDrawTreeCircle(Convert.ToDouble(fs.DataRow['X']), Convert.ToDouble(fs.DataRow['Y']), Convert.ToDouble(fs.DataRow["Diameter"]), numVertx, pvMap, Color.Green); } catch { } } if (Michael.SolarObstuctionVerification()) { TreeFe.Selection.Clear(); this.Close(); Michael.DrawTreeShadow(); } else { MessageBox.Show("There is an error in the edited properties."); } } }
private void pvPanelPoleGridCtl1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Michael.CreateGridPole(); }
private void cmdPole_in_Area_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Michael.CreateGridPole(true); updateLblNumPanels(); //CreateGridPole(true); }
private void btnCancelMove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Michael.resetMapAct(); this.Close(); }
private void btnRedrawAlignment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { util.removeDupplicateLyr(Michael.cmbAlignmentLyr.Text, pvMap); this.Close(); Michael.DrawAlignment(); }