Beispiel #1
        public virtual void TestInfoOverflow()
            MetricsInfo i0 = Interns.Info("m0", "m desc");

            for (int i = 0; i < MaxInfoNames + 1; ++i)
                Interns.Info("m" + i, "m desc");
                if (i < MaxInfoNames)
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame("m0 is still there", i0, Interns.Info("m0", "m desc"
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreNotSame("m0 is gone", i0, Interns.Info("m0", "m desc"));
            MetricsInfo i1 = Interns.Info("m1", "m desc");

            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < MaxInfoDescs; ++i_1)
                Interns.Info("m1", "m desc" + i_1);
                if (i_1 < MaxInfoDescs - 1)
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame("i1 is still there", i1, Interns.Info("m1", "m desc"
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreNotSame("i1 is gone", i1, Interns.Info("m1", "m desc"));
Beispiel #2
        public override T Register <T>(string name, string desc, T source)
            lock (this)
                MetricsSourceBuilder sb = MetricsAnnotations.NewSourceBuilder(source);
                MetricsSource        s  = sb.Build();
                MetricsInfo          si = sb.Info();
                string name2            = name == null?si.Name() : name;

                string finalDesc = desc == null?si.Description() : desc;

                string finalName = DefaultMetricsSystem.SourceName(name2, !monitoring);
                // be friendly to non-metrics tests
                allSources[finalName] = s;
                Log.Debug(finalName + ", " + finalDesc);
                if (monitoring)
                    RegisterSource(finalName, finalDesc, s);
                // We want to re-register the source to pick up new config when the
                // metrics system restarts.
                Register(finalName, new _AbstractCallback_238(this, finalName, finalDesc, s));
 // set to null as cannot figure out from Metric
 public virtual void Counter(MetricsInfo info, int value)
     // MetricCounterInt.class ==> "int32"
     type = Int32;
     // counters have positive slope
     slope = AbstractGangliaSink.GangliaSlope.positive;
 public virtual void Counter(MetricsInfo info, long value)
     // MetricCounterLong.class ==> "float"
     type = Float;
     // counters have positive slope
     slope = AbstractGangliaSink.GangliaSlope.positive;
Beispiel #5
        public static bool GetLastCalendarYearMetrics(MetricsInfo metricsInfo, int currentDate)
            var year = GetYear(currentDate);
            var date = metricsInfo.Date;

            return(date > year * 360 && date <= currentDate);
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a new
        /// <see cref="MutableQuantiles"/>
        /// for a metric that rolls itself
        /// over on the specified time interval.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">of the metric</param>
        /// <param name="description">long-form textual description of the metric</param>
        /// <param name="sampleName">type of items in the stream (e.g., "Ops")</param>
        /// <param name="valueName">type of the values</param>
        /// <param name="interval">rollover interval (in seconds) of the estimator</param>
        public MutableQuantiles(string name, string description, string sampleName, string
                                valueName, int interval)
            string ucName = StringUtils.Capitalize(name);
            string usName = StringUtils.Capitalize(sampleName);
            string uvName = StringUtils.Capitalize(valueName);
            string desc   = StringUtils.Uncapitalize(description);
            string lsName = StringUtils.Uncapitalize(sampleName);
            string lvName = StringUtils.Uncapitalize(valueName);

            numInfo = Interns.Info(ucName + "Num" + usName, string.Format("Number of %s for %s with %ds interval"
                                                                          , lsName, desc, interval));
            // Construct the MetricsInfos for the quantiles, converting to percentiles
            quantileInfos = new MetricsInfo[quantiles.Length];
            string nameTemplate = ucName + "%dthPercentile" + uvName;
            string descTemplate = "%d percentile " + lvName + " with " + interval + " second interval for "
                                  + desc;

            for (int i = 0; i < quantiles.Length; i++)
                int percentile = (int)(100 * quantiles[i].quantile);
                quantileInfos[i] = Interns.Info(string.Format(nameTemplate, percentile), string.Format
                                                    (descTemplate, percentile));
            estimator     = new SampleQuantiles(quantiles);
            this.interval = interval;
            scheduler.ScheduleAtFixedRate(new MutableQuantiles.RolloverSample(this), interval
                                          , interval, TimeUnit.Seconds);
 public override MetricsRecordBuilder Tag(MetricsInfo info, string value)
     if (acceptable)
         tags.AddItem(Interns.Tag(info, value));
 public override MetricsRecordBuilder AddCounter(MetricsInfo info, int value)
     if (acceptable && (metricFilter == null || metricFilter.Accepts(info.Name())))
         metrics.AddItem(new MetricCounterInt(info, value));
Beispiel #9
        public static void AddMetrics(GameContext context, GameEntity c, MetricsInfo metricsInfo)
            var metrics = c.metricsHistory;


        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a gauge with a name built by using the specified phase's name as prefix
        /// and then appending the specified suffix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">MetricsRecordBuilder to receive counter</param>
        /// <param name="phase">Phase to add</param>
        /// <param name="nameSuffix">String suffix of metric name</param>
        /// <param name="descSuffix">String suffix of metric description</param>
        /// <param name="value">float gauge value</param>
        private static void AddGauge(MetricsRecordBuilder builder, Phase phase, string nameSuffix
                                     , string descSuffix, float value)
            MetricsInfo metricsInfo = Interns.Info(phase.GetName() + nameSuffix, phase.GetDescription
                                                       () + descSuffix);

            builder.AddGauge(metricsInfo, value);
 public override MetricsRecordBuilder AddGauge(MetricsInfo info, long value)
     if (acceptable && (metricFilter == null || metricFilter.Accepts(info.Name())))
         metrics.AddItem(new MetricGaugeLong(info, value));
 /// <summary>Construct a metrics record</summary>
 /// <param name="info">
 /// <see cref="MetricInfo"/>
 /// of the record
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">of the record</param>
 /// <param name="tags">of the record</param>
 /// <param name="metrics">of the record</param>
 public MetricsRecordImpl(MetricsInfo info, long timestamp, IList <MetricsTag> tags
                          , IEnumerable <AbstractMetric> metrics)
     this.timestamp = Contracts.CheckArg(timestamp, timestamp > 0, "timestamp");      = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(info, "info");
     this.tags      = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(tags, "tags");
     this.metrics   = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(metrics, "metrics");
Beispiel #13
        public static bool GetLastCalendarQuarterMetrics(MetricsInfo metricsInfo, int currentDate)
            var year    = GetYear(currentDate);
            var quarter = (currentDate - year * 360) / 90;

            var date = metricsInfo.Date;

            return(date > year * 360 + quarter * 90 && date <= currentDate);
Beispiel #14
 internal MethodMetric(object obj, MethodInfo method, MetricsInfo info, Metric.Type
     this.obj    = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(obj, "object");
     this.method = Contracts.CheckArg(method, Runtime.GetParameterTypes(method
                                                                        ).Length == 0, "Metric method should have no arguments"); = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(info, "info");
     impl      = NewImpl(Preconditions.CheckNotNull(type, "metric type"));
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>Create a mutable integer counter</summary>
 /// <param name="info">metadata of the metric</param>
 /// <param name="iVal">initial value</param>
 /// <returns>a new counter object</returns>
 public virtual MutableCounterInt NewCounter(MetricsInfo info, int iVal)
     lock (this)
         MutableCounterInt ret = new MutableCounterInt(info, iVal);
         metricsMap[info.Name()] = ret;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>Create a mutable long integer gauge</summary>
 /// <param name="info">metadata of the metric</param>
 /// <param name="iVal">initial value</param>
 /// <returns>a new gauge object</returns>
 public virtual MutableGaugeLong NewGauge(MetricsInfo info, long iVal)
     lock (this)
         MutableGaugeLong ret = new MutableGaugeLong(info, iVal);
         metricsMap[info.Name()] = ret;
Beispiel #17
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is MetricsInfo)
         MetricsInfo other = (MetricsInfo)obj;
         return(Objects.Equal(name, other.Name()) && Objects.Equal(description, other.Description
 internal MetricsRecordBuilderImpl(MetricsCollector parent, MetricsInfo info, MetricsFilter
                                   rf, MetricsFilter mf, bool acceptable)
     this.parent     = parent;
     timestamp       = Time.Now();
     recInfo         = info;
     metrics         = Lists.NewArrayList();
     tags            = Lists.NewArrayList();
     recordFilter    = rf;
     metricFilter    = mf;
     this.acceptable = acceptable;
        public virtual MetricsRecordBuilderImpl AddRecord(MetricsInfo info)
            bool acceptable             = recordFilter == null || recordFilter.Accepts(info.Name());
            MetricsRecordBuilderImpl rb = new MetricsRecordBuilderImpl(this, info, recordFilter
                                                                       , metricFilter, acceptable);

            if (acceptable)
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>Add a tag to the metrics</summary>
 /// <param name="info">metadata of the tag</param>
 /// <param name="value">of the tag</param>
 /// <param name="override">existing tag if true</param>
 /// <returns>the registry (for keep adding tags etc.)</returns>
 public virtual Org.Apache.Hadoop.Metrics2.Lib.MetricsRegistry Tag(MetricsInfo info
                                                                   , string value, bool @override)
     lock (this)
         if (!@override)
         tagsMap[info.Name()] = Interns.Tag(info, value);
Beispiel #21
        internal virtual MutableMetric NewForField(FieldInfo field, Metric annotation, MetricsRegistry
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                Log.Debug("field " + field + " with annotation " + annotation);
            MetricsInfo   info   = GetInfo(annotation, field);
            MutableMetric metric = NewForField(field, annotation);

            if (metric != null)
                registry.Add(info.Name(), metric);
            Type cls = field.FieldType;

            if (cls == typeof(MutableCounterInt))
                return(registry.NewCounter(info, 0));
            if (cls == typeof(MutableCounterLong))
                return(registry.NewCounter(info, 0L));
            if (cls == typeof(MutableGaugeInt))
                return(registry.NewGauge(info, 0));
            if (cls == typeof(MutableGaugeLong))
                return(registry.NewGauge(info, 0L));
            if (cls == typeof(MutableRate))
                return(registry.NewRate(info.Name(), info.Description(), annotation.Always()));
            if (cls == typeof(MutableRates))
                return(new MutableRates(registry));
            if (cls == typeof(MutableStat))
                return(registry.NewStat(info.Name(), info.Description(), annotation.SampleName(),
                                        annotation.ValueName(), annotation.Always()));
            throw new MetricsException("Unsupported metric field " + field.Name + " of type "
                                       + field.FieldType.FullName);
Beispiel #22
        internal virtual MutableMetric NewForMethod(object source, MethodInfo method, Metric
                                                    annotation, MetricsRegistry registry)
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                Log.Debug("method " + method + " with annotation " + annotation);
            MetricsInfo   info   = GetInfo(annotation, method);
            MutableMetric metric = NewForMethod(source, method, annotation);

            metric = metric != null ? metric : new MethodMetric(source, method, info, annotation
            registry.Add(info.Name(), metric);
Beispiel #23
 private MetricsInfo[] GetGcInfo(string gcName)
     MetricsInfo[] gcInfo = gcInfoCache[gcName];
     if (gcInfo == null)
         gcInfo    = new MetricsInfo[2];
         gcInfo[0] = Interns.Info("GcCount" + gcName, "GC Count for " + gcName);
         gcInfo[1] = Interns.Info("GcTimeMillis" + gcName, "GC Time for " + gcName);
         MetricsInfo[] previousGcInfo = gcInfoCache.PutIfAbsent(gcName, gcInfo);
         if (previousGcInfo != null)
        private MetricsRegistry InitRegistry(object source)
            Type            cls = source.GetType();
            MetricsRegistry r   = null;

            // Get the registry if it already exists.
            foreach (FieldInfo field in ReflectionUtils.GetDeclaredFieldsIncludingInherited(cls
                if (field.FieldType != typeof(MetricsRegistry))
                    r           = (MetricsRegistry)field.GetValue(source);
                    hasRegistry = r != null;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Warn("Error accessing field " + field, e);
            // Create a new registry according to annotation
            foreach (Annotation.Annotation annotation in cls.GetAnnotations())
                if (annotation is Metrics)
                    Metrics ma = (Metrics)annotation;
                    info = factory.GetInfo(cls, ma);
                    if (r == null)
                        r = new MetricsRegistry(info);
            if (r == null)
                return(new MetricsRegistry(cls.Name));
Beispiel #25
 internal ContainerMetrics(MetricsSystem ms, ContainerId containerId, long flushPeriodMs
                           , long delayMs)
     // Use a multiplier of 1000 to avoid losing too much precision when
     // converting to integers
     // This tracks overall CPU percentage of the machine in terms of percentage
     // of 1 core similar to top
     // Thus if you use 2 cores completely out of 4 available cores this value
     // will be 200
     // Metrics publishing status
     // true if period elapsed
     // true if container finished
     // unregister
     // lazily initialized
     // Create a timer to unregister container metrics,
     // whose associated thread run as a daemon.
     this.recordInfo        = Interns.Info(SourceName(containerId), RecordInfo.Description());
     this.registry          = new MetricsRegistry(recordInfo);
     this.metricsSystem     = ms;
     this.containerId       = containerId;
     this.flushPeriodMs     = flushPeriodMs;
     this.unregisterDelayMs = delayMs < 0 ? 0 : delayMs;
     this.pMemMBsStat = registry.NewStat(PmemUsageMetricName, "Physical memory stats",
                                         "Usage", "MBs", true);
     this.cpuCoreUsagePercent = registry.NewStat(PhyCpuUsageMetricName, "Physical Cpu core percent usage stats"
                                                 , "Usage", "Percents", true);
     this.milliVcoresUsed = registry.NewStat(VcoreUsageMetricName, "1000 times Vcore usage"
                                             , "Usage", "MilliVcores", true);
     this.pMemLimitMbs = registry.NewGauge(PmemLimitMetricName, "Physical memory limit in MBs"
                                           , 0);
     this.vMemLimitMbs = registry.NewGauge(VmemLimitMetricName, "Virtual memory limit in MBs"
                                           , 0);
     this.cpuVcoreLimit = registry.NewGauge(VcoreLimitMetricName, "CPU limit in number of vcores"
                                            , 0);
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>Construct a sample statistics metric</summary>
        /// <param name="name">of the metric</param>
        /// <param name="description">of the metric</param>
        /// <param name="sampleName">of the metric (e.g. "Ops")</param>
        /// <param name="valueName">of the metric (e.g. "Time", "Latency")</param>
        /// <param name="extended">create extended stats (stdev, min/max etc.) by default.</param>
        public MutableStat(string name, string description, string sampleName, string valueName
                           , bool extended)
            string ucName = StringUtils.Capitalize(name);
            string usName = StringUtils.Capitalize(sampleName);
            string uvName = StringUtils.Capitalize(valueName);
            string desc   = StringUtils.Uncapitalize(description);
            string lsName = StringUtils.Uncapitalize(sampleName);
            string lvName = StringUtils.Uncapitalize(valueName);

            numInfo = Interns.Info(ucName + "Num" + usName, "Number of " + lsName + " for " +
            avgInfo = Interns.Info(ucName + "Avg" + uvName, "Average " + lvName + " for " + desc
            stdevInfo = Interns.Info(ucName + "Stdev" + uvName, "Standard deviation of " + lvName
                                     + " for " + desc);
            iMinInfo = Interns.Info(ucName + "IMin" + uvName, "Interval min " + lvName + " for "
                                    + desc);
            iMaxInfo = Interns.Info(ucName + "IMax" + uvName, "Interval max " + lvName + " for "
                                    + desc);
            minInfo       = Interns.Info(ucName + "Min" + uvName, "Min " + lvName + " for " + desc);
            maxInfo       = Interns.Info(ucName + "Max" + uvName, "Max " + lvName + " for " + desc);
            this.extended = extended;
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>Construct the tag with name, description and value</summary>
 /// <param name="info">of the tag</param>
 /// <param name="value">of the tag</param>
 public MetricsTag(MetricsInfo info, string value)
 {  = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(info, "tag info");
     this.value = value;
Beispiel #28
 Tag(MetricsInfo info, ContainerId containerId)
     registry.Tag(info, containerId.ToString());
 internal MutableCounterLong(MetricsInfo info, long initValue)
     : base(info)
Beispiel #30
        public virtual void TestInfo()
            MetricsInfo info = Interns.Info("m", "m desc");

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame("same info", info, Interns.Info("m", "m desc"));