/// <summary>
        /// Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Inserted record type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="target">Target table.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">Object with data to insert.</param>
        /// <param name="token">Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>Inserted record.</returns>
        public static Task <TTarget> InsertWithOutputAsync <TTarget>(
            this ITable <TTarget> target,
            [InstantHandle] TTarget obj,
            CancellationToken token = default)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target));
            if (obj == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj));

            IQueryable <TTarget> query = target;

            var items = query.Provider.CreateQuery <TTarget>(
                    MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(InsertWithOutput, target, obj),
                    new[] { query.Expression, Expression.Constant(obj) }));

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Route data for postcode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="postcode"></param>
        /// <param name="fields"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <DeliveryRouteDTO> > GetRouteData(string postcode, string fields)
            using (loggingHelper.RMTraceManager.StartTrace("Integration.GetRouteData"))
                string methodName = MethodHelper.GetActualAsyncMethodName();
                loggingHelper.Log(methodName + LoggerTraceConstants.COLON + LoggerTraceConstants.MethodExecutionStarted, TraceEventType.Verbose, null, LoggerTraceConstants.Category, LoggerTraceConstants.PostalAddressAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.PostalAddressIntegrationServiceMethodEntryEventId, LoggerTraceConstants.Title);

                ReferenceDataCategoryDTO referenceCategories = new ReferenceDataCategoryDTO();

                HttpResponseMessage result = await httpHandler.GetAsync(routeDataWebAPIName + "deliveryroute/postcode/" + postcode + "/" + fields);

                if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var responseContent = result.ReasonPhrase;
                    throw new ServiceException(responseContent);

                List <DeliveryRouteDTO> apiResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DeliveryRouteDTO> >(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

                loggingHelper.Log(methodName + LoggerTraceConstants.COLON + LoggerTraceConstants.MethodExecutionCompleted, TraceEventType.Verbose, null, LoggerTraceConstants.Category, LoggerTraceConstants.PostalAddressAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.PostalAddressIntegrationServiceMethodExitEventId, LoggerTraceConstants.Title);

        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns deleted records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">Source query record type.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TOutput">Output table record type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">Source query, that returns data for delete operation.</param>
        /// <param name="outputExpression">Output record constructor expression.
        /// Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers.</param>
        /// <param name="token">Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>Array of records.</returns>
        public static Task <TOutput[]> DeleteWithOutputAsync <TSource, TOutput>(
            this IQueryable <TSource> source,
            Expression <Func <TSource, TOutput> > outputExpression,
            CancellationToken token = default)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
            if (outputExpression == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputExpression));

            var currentSource = ProcessSourceQueryable?.Invoke(source) ?? source;

            return(currentSource.Provider.CreateQuery <TOutput>(
                           MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(DeleteWithOutput, source, outputExpression),
Beispiel #4
        private static Func <T, T, bool> CreateEqualsFunc(IEnumerable <LambdaExpression> membersToCompare, bool assertOnFail = false)
            var x = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
            var y = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "y");

            var expressions = membersToCompare.Select(me =>
                var arg0 = RemoveCastToObject(me.GetBody(x));
                var arg1 = RemoveCastToObject(me.GetBody(y));
                var eq   = GetEqualityComparer(arg1.Type);
                var pi   = eq.GetPropertyEx("Default");
                var mi   = eq.GetMethodsEx().Single(m => m.IsPublic && m.Name == "Equals" && m.GetParameters().Length == 2);

                Debug.Assert(pi != null, "pi != null");
                Expression expr = Expression.Call(Expression.Property(null, pi), mi, arg0, arg1);

                if (assertOnFail)
                    expr = Expression.Call(
                        MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Assert, true, (object)null, (object)null),
                        Expression.Convert(arg0, typeof(object)),
                        Expression.Convert(arg1, typeof(object)));


            var expression = expressions

                   .Lambda <Func <T, T, bool> >(expression, x, y)
        public static async Task <Document> FixInvocationWithParameters(Document document,
                                                                        IInvocation invocation,
                                                                        bool generateNamedParameters,
                                                                        SemanticModel semanticModel,
                                                                        IMappingSourceFinder mappingSourceFinder,
                                                                        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var syntaxGenerator       = SyntaxGenerator.GetGenerator(document);
            var overloadParameterSets = invocation.GetOverloadParameterSets(semanticModel);

            if (overloadParameterSets != null)
                var contextAssembly = semanticModel.FindContextAssembly(invocation.SourceNode);
                var mappingEngine   = new MappingEngine(semanticModel, syntaxGenerator, contextAssembly);
                var parametersMatch = MethodHelper.FindBestParametersMatch(mappingSourceFinder, overloadParameterSets);
                if (parametersMatch != null)
                    var argumentList = parametersMatch.ToArgumentListSyntax(mappingEngine, generateNamedParameters);
                    return(await document.ReplaceNodes(invocation.SourceNode, invocation.WithArgumentList(argumentList), cancellationToken));

Beispiel #6
        private string GetArgumentListWithLocalVariables(Document document, IInvocation invocation, bool generateNamedParameters, SemanticModel semanticModel)
            var mappingSourceFinder = LocalScopeMappingSourceFinder.FromScope(semanticModel, invocation.SourceNode, AllowedSymbolsForCompletion);

            mappingSourceFinder.AllowMatchOnlyByTypeWhenSingleCandidate = true;

            var syntaxGenerator       = SyntaxGenerator.GetGenerator(document);
            var overloadParameterSets = invocation.GetOverloadParameterSets(semanticModel);

            if (overloadParameterSets != null)
                var mappingEngine   = new MappingEngine(semanticModel, syntaxGenerator);
                var mappingContext  = new MappingContext(invocation.SourceNode, semanticModel);
                var parametersMatch = MethodHelper.FindBestParametersMatch(mappingSourceFinder, overloadParameterSets, mappingContext);
                if (parametersMatch != null)
                    var argumentList = parametersMatch.ToArgumentListSyntax(mappingEngine, mappingContext, generateNamedParameters);
                    var chunks       = argumentList.Arguments.Select(a => a.ToString());
                    return(string.Join(", ", chunks));

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Inserted record type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="target">Target table.</param>
        /// <param name="setter">Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers.</param>
        /// <param name="token">Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>Inserted record.</returns>
        public static Task <TTarget> InsertWithOutputAsync <TTarget>(
            this ITable <TTarget> target,
            [InstantHandle] Expression <Func <TTarget> > setter,
            CancellationToken token = default)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target));
            if (setter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(setter));

            IQueryable <TTarget> query = target;

            var items = query.Provider.CreateQuery <TTarget>(
                    MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(InsertWithOutput, target, setter),
                    query.Expression, Expression.Quote(setter)));

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get connection by Id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ConnectionModel GetConnectionById(int connectionId)
            log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution start.");
            ConnectionModel connectionModel = null;

                using (ConnectionDB connectionDB = new ConnectionDB())
                    connectionModel = connectionDB.GetConnectionById(connectionId);
                    connectionModel.ConnectionPassword = EncryptionHelper.Decrypt(connectionModel.ConnectionPassword);
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorLog.Fatal("Exception " + exception.Message + "\n" + exception.StackTrace);
                log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution end.");
Beispiel #9
        internal override void InitializeByRef(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, XBindingFlags flags)
            base.InitializeByRef(propertyInfo, flags);

            declaringType       = propertyInfo.DeclaringType;
            declaringTypeHandle = TypeHelper.GetTypeHandle(declaringType);

            var getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod((flags & XBindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);

            if (getMethod != null)
                var _ref = MethodHelper.CreateDelegate <XClassRefValueHandler <TValue> >(getMethod, SignatureLevels.Cast);

                _get = (obj) =>

                _set = (obj, value) =>
                    _ref(obj) = value;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds or updates connection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OperationDetails AddEditConnection(ConnectionModel connectionModel)
            log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution start.");
            OperationDetails operationDetails = null;

                using (ConnectionDB connectionDB = new ConnectionDB())
                    connectionModel.ConnectionPassword = EncryptionHelper.Encrypt(connectionModel.ConnectionPassword);
                    operationDetails = connectionDB.AddEditConnection(connectionModel);
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorLog.Fatal("Exception " + exception.Message + "\n" + exception.StackTrace);
                log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution end.");
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a sample query to test if database connection is successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int TestConnection(ConnectionModel connection)
            log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution start.");
                string connectionString = string.Format("Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = {0})(PORT = {1}))"
                                                        + "(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SID = {2})));User Id= {3};Password= {4};Persist Security Info=True;",
                                                        connection.IpAddress, connection.PortNumber, connection.SID, connection.ConnectionUsername, connection.ConnectionPassword);

                using (ConnectionDB connectionDB = new ConnectionDB(connectionString))
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorLog.Fatal("Exception " + exception.Message + "\n" + exception.StackTrace);
                log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution end.");
        private protected override void InitializeByRef(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, XBindingFlags flags)
            base.InitializeByRef(propertyInfo, flags);

            if (_get == null || _set == null)
                var getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod((flags & XBindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);

                if (getMethod != null)
                    var _ref = MethodHelper.CreateDelegate <XStaticRefValueHandler <TValue> >(getMethod, false);

                    _get = () =>

                    _set = (value) =>
                        _ref() = value;
        private protected override void InitializeByValue(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, XBindingFlags flags)
            base.InitializeByValue(propertyInfo, flags);

            if (_get == null)
                var getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod((flags & XBindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);

                if (getMethod != null)
                    _get = MethodHelper.CreateDelegate <XStaticGetValueHandler <TValue> >(getMethod, false);

            if (_set == null)
                var setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod((flags & XBindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);

                if (setMethod != null)
                    _set = MethodHelper.CreateDelegate <XStaticSetValueHandler <TValue> >(setMethod, false);
        public ActionResult Detail(string Account, string CompCd, string VenderCd, AuthNodeType mode)
                if (MethodHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(Account, CompCd, VenderCd))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"取得技師信息時,并没有给入对应的参数");

                var con = new Conditions <DataBase.TVenderTechnician>();

                con.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == CompCd);
                con.And(x => x.Vender_Cd == VenderCd);
                con.And(x => x.Account == Account);

                //con.Include(x => x.TVENDER.TCMPDAT);

                TvenderTechnician technician = _technicianRepo.Get(con);

                if (technician == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException($"取得不到技師信息,公司编号:{CompCd} , 厂商编号:{VenderCd} ,账号为:{Account}");

                return(View("Edit", new TechnicianListDetailViewModel(technician)
                    ActionType = mode
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Delivery Point details depending on the UDPRN
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addressId">Postal Address id</param>
        /// <returns>returns DeliveryPoint object</returns>
        public async Task <DeliveryPointDTO> GetDeliveryPointByPostalAddress(Guid addressId)
            using (loggingHelper.RMTraceManager.StartTrace("Integration.GetDeliveryPointByPostalAddress"))
                string method = typeof(ThirdPartyAddressLocationIntegrationService) + "." + nameof(GetDeliveryPointByPostalAddress);
                loggingHelper.LogMethodEntry(method, LoggerTraceConstants.ThirdPartyAddressLocationAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.ThirdPartyAddressLocationIntegrationServiceMethodEntryEventId);

                string methodName          = MethodHelper.GetActualAsyncMethodName();
                string serviceUrl          = configurationHelper.ReadAppSettingsConfigurationValues(DeliveryPointManagerDataWebAPIName);
                string route               = configurationHelper.ReadAppSettingsConfigurationValues(methodName);
                HttpResponseMessage result = await httpHandler.GetAsync(string.Format(serviceUrl + route, addressId));

                if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    // LOG ERROR WITH Statuscode
                    var responseContent = result.ReasonPhrase;
                    throw new ServiceException(responseContent);

                DeliveryPointDTO deliveryPointDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DeliveryPointDTO>(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
                loggingHelper.LogMethodExit(method, LoggerTraceConstants.ThirdPartyAddressLocationAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.ThirdPartyAddressLocationIntegrationServiceMethodExitEventId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new notification to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notificationDTO">NotificationDTO object</param>
        /// <returns>Task<int></returns>
        public async Task <int> AddNewNotification(NotificationDTO notificationDTO)
            using (loggingHelper.RMTraceManager.StartTrace("DataService.AddNewNotification"))
                int    saveChangesAsync = default(int);
                string methodName       = MethodHelper.GetActualAsyncMethodName();
                loggingHelper.Log(methodName + LoggerTraceConstants.COLON + LoggerTraceConstants.MethodExecutionStarted, TraceEventType.Verbose, null, LoggerTraceConstants.Category, LoggerTraceConstants.NotificationAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.NotificationDataServiceMethodEntryEventId, LoggerTraceConstants.Title);

                    Notification newNotification = new Notification();
                    GenericMapper.Map(notificationDTO, newNotification);
                    loggingHelper.Log(methodName + LoggerTraceConstants.COLON + LoggerTraceConstants.MethodExecutionCompleted, TraceEventType.Verbose, null, LoggerTraceConstants.Category, LoggerTraceConstants.NotificationAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.NotificationDataServiceMethodExitEventId, LoggerTraceConstants.Title);
                    saveChangesAsync = await DataContext.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException dbUpdateException)
                    loggingHelper.Log(dbUpdateException, TraceEventType.Error);
                    throw new DataAccessException(dbUpdateException, string.Format(ErrorConstants.Err_SqlAddException, string.Concat("notification for:", notificationDTO.NotificationActionLink)));
                catch (NotSupportedException notSupportedException)
                    loggingHelper.Log(notSupportedException, TraceEventType.Error);
                    notSupportedException.Data.Add(ErrorConstants.UserFriendlyErrorMessage, ErrorConstants.Err_Default);
                    throw new InfrastructureException(notSupportedException, ErrorConstants.Err_NotSupportedException);
                catch (ObjectDisposedException disposedException)
                    loggingHelper.Log(disposedException, TraceEventType.Error);
                    disposedException.Data.Add(ErrorConstants.UserFriendlyErrorMessage, ErrorConstants.Err_Default);
                    throw new ServiceException(disposedException, ErrorConstants.Err_ObjectDisposedException);
Beispiel #17
        [Pure]         // Methods.LinqToDB.ThenLoadFromManyManyFilter
        public static ILoadWithQueryable <TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad <TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
            this ILoadWithQueryable <TEntity, IEnumerable <TPreviousProperty> > source,
            [InstantHandle] Expression <Func <TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable <TProperty> > > selector,
            [InstantHandle] Expression <Func <IQueryable <TProperty>, IQueryable <TProperty> > > loadFunc)
            where TEntity : class
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
            if (selector == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selector));

            var currentSource = ProcessSourceQueryable?.Invoke(source) ?? source;

            var result = currentSource.Provider.CreateQuery <TEntity>(
                                MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(ThenLoad, source, selector, loadFunc),
                                currentSource.Expression, Expression.Quote(selector), Expression.Quote(loadFunc)));

            return(new LoadWithQueryable <TEntity, TProperty>(result));
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts single record into target table and returns inserted record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Inserted record type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="target">Target table.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">Object with data to insert.</param>
        /// <returns>Inserted record.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Supported Providers: MS SQL</remarks>
        public static TTarget InsertWithOutput <TTarget>(
            this ITable <TTarget> target,
            [InstantHandle] TTarget obj)
            where TTarget : notnull
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target));
            if (obj == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj));

            IQueryable <TTarget> query = target;

            var items = query.Provider.CreateQuery <TTarget>(
                    MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(InsertWithOutput, target, obj),
                    query.Expression, Expression.Constant(obj)));

Beispiel #19
        private void grv_dieuxe_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int i = e.RowIndex;

            if (e.RowIndex < 0)
            //if (e.RowIndex == grv_nhan_vien.Rows.Count-1)
            //    return;
            DTO_DieuXe dieuxe = grv_dieuxe.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem as DTO_DieuXe;

            txt_madieuxe.Text           = dieuxe.ma_dieu_xe;
            txt_noigiao.Text            = dieuxe.noi_giao;
            txt_noinhan.Text            = dieuxe.noi_nhan;
            txt_sotan.Text              = dieuxe.so_tan;
            cbb_khachhang.SelectedValue = dieuxe.ma_khach_hang.Trim();
            //cbb_soxe.SelectedValue = dieuxe.ma_so_xe.Trim();
            cbb_soxe.Text = grv_dieuxe.Rows[i].Cells["col_sx"].Value.ToString();
            // cbb_soxe.SelectedIndex = 3;
            // MessageBox.Show(dieuxe.ma_so_xe.Trim());
            data_ngaydieuxe.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dieuxe.ngay_dieu_xe);
            if (grv_dieuxe.Rows[i].Cells["ngay_ve"].Value.ToString().Trim() != "01/01/0001 12:00:00 SA")
                dtpngayve.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dieuxe.ngay_ve);
                //MessageBox.Show(grv_dieuxe.Rows[i].Cells["ngay_ve"].Value.ToString() );
            cbtinhtrangthanhtoan.SelectedValue = dieuxe.tinh_trang_thanh_toan == "Chưa Thanh Toán" ? 0 : 1;

            btn_luu.Enabled = false;
            btn_sua.Enabled = true;
            btn_xoa.Enabled = true;
Beispiel #20
        public static IEnumerable <MethodInfo> GetSupportedMethods()
            yield return(MethodHelper.GetMethodDefinition(() => Enumerable.Intersect <object>(null, null)));

            yield return(MethodHelper.GetMethodDefinition(() => Queryable.Intersect <object>(null, null)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that checks the signature of a TestMethod and
        /// any supplied parameters to determine if the test is valid.
        /// Currently, NUnitTestMethods are required to be public,
        /// non-abstract methods, either static or instance,
        /// returning void. They may take arguments but the _values must
        /// be provided or the TestMethod is not considered runnable.
        /// Methods not meeting these criteria will be marked as
        /// non-runnable and the method will return false in that case.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testMethod">The TestMethod to be checked. If it
        /// is found to be non-runnable, it will be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="parms">Parameters to be used for this test, or null</param>
        /// <returns>True if the method signature is valid, false if not</returns>
        private static bool CheckTestMethodSignature(TestMethod testMethod, ParameterSet parms)
            if (testMethod.Method.IsAbstract)
                return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method is abstract"));

            if (!testMethod.Method.IsPublic)
                return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method is not public"));

            // TODO: Get this to work
            if (testMethod.Method.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Generic test methods are not yet supported under .NET CF"));

            ParameterInfo[] parameters = testMethod.Method.GetParameters();
            int             argsNeeded = parameters.Length;

            object[] arglist      = null;
            int      argsProvided = 0;

            if (parms != null)
                testMethod.parms    = parms;
                testMethod.RunState = parms.RunState;

                arglist = parms.Arguments;

                if (arglist != null)
                    argsProvided = arglist.Length;

                if (testMethod.RunState != RunState.Runnable)

            Type returnType = testMethod.Method.ReturnType;
            if (returnType.Equals(typeof(void)))
                if (parms != null && parms.HasExpectedResult)
                    return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method returning void cannot have an expected result"));
#if NET_4_5
                if (MethodHelper.IsAsyncMethod(testMethod.Method))
                    bool returnsGenericTask = returnType.IsGenericType && returnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task <>);
                    if (returnsGenericTask && (parms == null || !parms.HasExpectedResult && !parms.ExceptionExpected))
                        return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Async test method must have Task or void return type when no result is expected"));
                    else if (!returnsGenericTask && parms != null && parms.HasExpectedResult)
                        return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Async test method must have Task<T> return type when a result is expected"));
                if (parms == null || !parms.HasExpectedResult && !parms.ExceptionExpected)
                    return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method has non-void return value, but no result is expected"));

            if (argsProvided > 0 && argsNeeded == 0)
                return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Arguments provided for method not taking any"));

            if (argsProvided == 0 && argsNeeded > 0)
                return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "No arguments were provided"));

            if (argsProvided != argsNeeded)
                return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Wrong number of arguments provided"));

#if !NETCF
            if (testMethod.Method.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                Type[] typeArguments = GetTypeArgumentsForMethod(testMethod.Method, arglist);
                foreach (object o in typeArguments)
                    if (o == null)
                        return(MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Unable to determine type arguments for method"));

                testMethod.Method = testMethod.Method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments);
                parameters        = testMethod.Method.GetParameters();

            if (arglist != null && parameters != null)
                TypeHelper.ConvertArgumentList(arglist, parameters);

        public override string ReceiveData()
            var funModel = this.FindFunModel(HeritageId, FunId);

            if (funModel == null)
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "找不到该功能对应的配置信息!")));
            var cListType     = MethodHelper.GetTypeList(GetModelName(funModel.TableName), "HPF_KGFJ_KGFJJL_XGWD");
            var ent           = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToDynamicObject(BusinessJsonStr, cListType);
            var entData       = ent.DATA as IList;
            var entDataDetail = ent.DATADETAIL as IList;
            var entPathList   = ent.FILEPATHLIST as List <FileInfoEx>;
            //if (entData.Count != entPathList.Count)
            //    return JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "文件个数与记录条数不符!"));//这个地方不能判断,因为无已发表的简报的情况就附件为空。
            var listSql   = new List <string>();
            var listYsjId = new List <string>();
            var kgfjjlid  = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var dbContext = DBHelperPool.Instance.GetDbHelper();

            if (dbContext == null)

            var receiveAllFileInfo = entPathList == null? null : CommonBusiness.GetFileListByFileID(entPathList.Select(e => e.FILEID));

            foreach (var item in entData)
                var nameToValue = item.GetNameToValueDic();
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("GLYCBTID"))
                    nameToValue["GLYCBTID"] = HeritageId;
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("ID"))
                    nameToValue["ID"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                    nameToValue.Add("ID", Guid.NewGuid());
                var ysjid = nameToValue["YCDSJID"] + "";
                kgfjjlid.Add(ysjid, nameToValue["ID"] + "");
                listSql.Add(dbContext.insertByParamsReturnSQL(GetModelName(funModel.TableName), nameToValue));
            if (entDataDetail != null)
                foreach (var item in entDataDetail)
                    var nameToValue = item.GetNameToValueDic();
                    if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("GLYCBTID"))
                        nameToValue["GLYCBTID"] = HeritageId;
                    if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("ID"))
                        nameToValue["ID"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                        nameToValue.Add("ID", Guid.NewGuid());
                    if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("FJJLID"))
                        nameToValue["FJJLID"] = kgfjjlid["FJJLID"];
                        nameToValue.Add("FJJLID", kgfjjlid["FJJLID"]);
                    var ysjid = nameToValue["YCDSJID"] + "";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ysjid))
                        return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "YCDSJID不能为空!")));
                    var fileIds      = entPathList.Where(e => e.YCDSJID == ysjid).Select(e => e.FILEID).ToList();
                    var filePathList = receiveAllFileInfo.Where(e => fileIds.Contains(e.FILEID)).ToList();
                    var file         = entPathList.FirstOrDefault(e => e.YCDSJID == ysjid);
                    if (file != null)
                        var filePath = receiveAllFileInfo.FirstOrDefault(e => e.FILEID == file.FILEID);
                        if (filePath != null)
                            nameToValue["WDMC"] = filePath.FILENAME;
                            nameToValue["WDLX"] = filePath.FILETYPE;
                            nameToValue["LJ"]   = filePath.RELATIVEPATH;
                    listSql.Add(dbContext.insertByParamsReturnSQL(GetModelName(funModel.TableName), nameToValue));
            if (!CheckIsDock(listSql, listYsjId, funModel.TableName, dbContext))
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "已经存在对接的数据")));
            return(GetExeListSQL(dbContext, listSql));
 public static IEnumerable <MethodInfo> GetSupportedMethods()
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// This Method is added in case we want JsonConverter to serialize only new data,
 /// be sure to Clear PropertyChanges before beginning to change the data
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetJsonForPropertyChangesOnly()
        public override string ReceiveData()
            var funModel = this.FindFunModel(HeritageId, FunId);

            if (funModel == null)
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "找不到该功能对应的配置信息")));
            //通过xml配置的表名 找到类的路径 反射成 list类 对象
            var cListType   = MethodHelper.GetTypeListFileEx(GetModelName(funModel.TableName));      //GCHeritagePlatform.Services.PublicMornitor.Model.HPF_RCXC_RCXCYCJL;
            var ent         = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToDynamicObject(BusinessJsonStr, cListType); //遗产地发过来的字符串(json格式)的项与我们在model中建的功能类的属性是一一对应的,这里进行赋值
            var entData     = ent.DATA as IList;
            var entPathList = ent.FILEPATHLIST as List <FileInfoEx>;

            //if (FunId=="1403"&&entData.Count != entPathList.Count) return JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "文件个数与记录条数不符!"));
            if (FunId == "1403" && (ent.FILEPATHLIST == null || ent.FILEPATHLIST.Count == 0))
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "缺少对接文档信息!")));
            var listSqlStr         = new List <string>();
            var listYSJID          = new List <string>();
            var dbContext          = DBHelperPool.Instance.GetDbHelper();
            var receiveAllFileInfo = entPathList == null? null : CommonBusiness.GetFileListByFileID(entPathList.Select(e => e.FILEID));

            if (FunId == "1403" && (receiveAllFileInfo.Count != entPathList.Count))
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "取得的文件与上传文件个数不匹配!")));
            foreach (var item in entData)
                var nameToValue = item.GetNameToValueDic();
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("GLYCBTID"))
                    nameToValue["GLYCBTID"] = HeritageId;
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("ID"))
                    nameToValue["ID"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                    nameToValue.Add("ID", Guid.NewGuid());
                var ysjid = nameToValue["YCDSJID"] + "";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ysjid))
                    return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "YCDSJID不能为空!")));
                if (entPathList != null)
                    var fileIDs = entPathList.Where(e => e.YCDSJID == ysjid).Select(e => e.FILEID).ToList();

                    var filePathList = receiveAllFileInfo.Where(e => fileIDs.Contains(e.FILEID)).ToList();

                    switch (FunId)
                    case "1401":    //考古报告信息
                        var file = entPathList.Where(e => e.YCDSJID == ysjid).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (file != null)
                            var filePath = receiveAllFileInfo.FirstOrDefault(e => e.FILEID == file.FILEID);
                            if (filePath != null)
                                nameToValue["XGWD"] = filePath.RELATIVEPATH;
                            //var kgxmjlid = nameToValue["KGXMID"] + "";
                            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kgxmjlid))
                            //    var dtForeignKeyTable = this.GetKGFJGZJZID(dbContext, kgxmjlid, "HPF_KGFJ_KGXM");
                            //    var entKGBGXXJL = DataTableToEnt<HPF_KGFJ_KGXM>.FillModel(dtForeignKeyTable);
                            //    //取出项目中的YCDSJID=外键ID的记录
                            //    var entKGXMJL = entKGBGXXJL.FirstOrDefault(e => e.YCDSJID == kgxmjlid);
                            //    //判断如果存在外键关联,则把外键进行赋值,目前由于鼓浪屿不存在关联,所以不进行关联。
                            //    nameToValue["KGXMID"] = entKGXMJL.ID;

                    case "1403":    //考古发掘照片
                        var kgfjgzjzid = nameToValue["KGFJJLID"] + "";
                        var dtForeignKeyTable = this.GetKGFJGZJZID(dbContext, kgfjgzjzid, "HPF_KGFJ_KGFJJL");
                        var entKGFJJZJL       = DataTableToEnt <HPF_KGFJ_KGFJJL> .FillModel(dtForeignKeyTable);

                        foreach (var fileinfo in filePathList)
                            nameToValue["TPLJ"] = fileinfo.RELATIVEPATH;
                            nameToValue["TPMC"] = fileinfo.FILENAME;
                            nameToValue["TPGS"] = fileinfo.FILETYPE;
                            var entKGFJGZJZ = entKGFJJZJL.FirstOrDefault(e => e.YCDSJID == kgfjgzjzid);
                            if (entKGFJGZJZ == null)
                                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "未找到考古发掘工作进展记录!")));
                            nameToValue["KGFJJLID"] = entKGFJGZJZ.ID;
                listSqlStr.Add(dbContext.insertByParamsReturnSQL(GetModelName(funModel.TableName), nameToValue));
            if (!CheckIsDock(listSqlStr, listYSJID, funModel.TableName, dbContext))
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "已经存在对接的数据")));
            return(GetExeListSQL(dbContext, listSqlStr));
        public override string ReceiveData()
            var dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass = GetTableName(FunId);
            var eType = MethodHelper.GetTypeList(dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.MainTableName, dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.SubordinateTableName);
            var ent = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToDynamicObject(this.BusinessJsonStr, eType);

            var entBHList   = ent.DATA as IList;
            var entBHJLList = ent.DATADETAIL as IList;
            var entPathList = ent.FILEPATHLIST as List <FileInfoEx>;
            var listSqlStr  = new List <string>();
            var listYSJID   = new List <string>();

            var dicOldToNew = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();
            var dbContext   = DBHelperPool.Instance.GetDbHelper();

            if (dbContext == null)
            foreach (var item in entBHList)
                var nameToValue = item.GetNameToValueDic();
                if (!nameToValue.ContainsKey("YCDSJID"))
                    return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "元数据ID不存在,对接失败!")));
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("BHBH"))
                    string newBHBH;
                    var bIsExistBHBH = GetBHBHByOldDataID(dbContext, nameToValue["BHBH"] + "", out newBHBH);
                    if (!bIsExistBHBH)
                        return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "请先对接病害的工作监测记录!")));
                    nameToValue["BHBH"] = newBHBH;
                var ysjid = nameToValue["YCDSJID"] + "";//元数据ID
                var guid  = Guid.NewGuid();
                dicOldToNew.Add(ysjid, guid);
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("GLYCBTID"))
                    nameToValue["GLYCBTID"] = HeritageId;
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("ID"))
                    nameToValue["ID"] = guid;
                    nameToValue.Add("ID", guid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ysjid)) //有可能对接过来就是 统计过得数据 例如景点日游客量
                    listYSJID.Add(ysjid);         //防止重复对接
                listSqlStr.Add(dbContext.insertByParamsReturnSQL(dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.MainTableName, nameToValue));
            var dicFileRelatedID = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();

            foreach (var item in entBHJLList)
                var nameToValue = item.GetNameToValueDic();
                if (!nameToValue.ContainsKey("YCDSJID"))
                    return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "元数据ID不存在,对接失败!")));
                var lfid = nameToValue[dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.RelatedID] + "";
                var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("GLYCBTID"))
                    nameToValue["GLYCBTID"] = HeritageId;
                if (nameToValue.ContainsKey("ID"))
                    nameToValue["ID"] = guid;
                    nameToValue.Add("ID", guid);
                nameToValue[dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.RelatedID] = dicOldToNew[lfid];
                var ysjid = nameToValue["YCDSJID"] + "";
                dicFileRelatedID.Add(ysjid, guid);
                listSqlStr.Add(dbContext.insertByParamsReturnSQL(dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.SubordinateTableName, nameToValue));

            if (entPathList != null && entPathList.Count > 0)
                var fileIds      = entPathList.Select(e => e.FILEID).ToList();
                var fileInfoList = CommonBusiness.GetFileListByFileID(fileIds);
                if (fileInfoList == null || fileInfoList.Count != fileIds.Count)
                    return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "文件信息不对应")));
                foreach (var item in fileInfoList)
                    var entFile = entPathList.FirstOrDefault(e => e.FILEID == item.FILEID);

                    //public string sqlInsertTP = "insert into {0} (ID,MC,TPLJ,{1},TPGS,YCDSJID,RKSJ)values ('{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}')";
                    var sql = string.Format(this.sqlInsertTP, dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.RelatedZPTableName, dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.RelatedJLID, Guid.NewGuid(), item.FILENAME, item.RELATIVEPATH, dicFileRelatedID[entFile.YCDSJID], item.FILETYPE, entFile.YCDSJID, DateTime.Now.ToString());
            if (!CheckIsDock(listSqlStr, listYSJID, dockBTYZTBHStructInitClass.MainTableName, dbContext))
                return(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new ResultModel(false, "已经存在对接的数据")));
            return(GetExeListSQL(dbContext, listSqlStr));
 // Calls method, Converts string data to parameters, as safely as possible.
 public void Invoke(string[] data)
     MethodHelper.Invoke(component, methodInfo, data);
Beispiel #28
 public static IEnumerable <MethodInfo> GetSupportedMethods()
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the effective Value of this ScriptValue instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arguments">indexer/method/constructor arguments</param>
        /// <returns>an object that represents the value of this ScriptValue</returns>
        public virtual object GetValue(ScriptValue[] arguments)
            if (!Getable)
                throw new ScriptException("Get is not supported for this member");

            if (creator != null)
                bool ok;
                object retVal = creator.InvokeExecutor(Value, arguments, bypassCompatibilityOnLazyInvokation, out ok);
                if (ok)
                    return retVal;

            if (ValueType == ValueType.Literal)
                return Value;

            object tmpValue = Value;
            if (ValueType == ValueType.PropertyOrField)
                if (arguments == null || arguments.Length == 0)
                    var invokationHelper = tmpValue as InvokationHelper;
                    if (invokationHelper != null)
                        bool ok;
                        object retVal = invokationHelper.Invoke(null, out ok);
                        if (ok)
                            return retVal;

                    FunctionLiteral fx = tmpValue as FunctionLiteral;
                    if (fx != null && fx.AutoInvokeEnabled)
                        return ((FunctionLiteral) tmpValue).Invoke(null);

                    return tmpValue;
                if (tmpValue == null)
                    throw new ScriptException("Indexer Failed for NULL - Value");

                if (tmpValue is Type)
                    throw new ScriptException("Indexer call for Types not supported");

                object[] parameters = (from t in arguments select t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                if (!(tmpValue is Array))
                    object[] args;
                    Type targetType = tmpValue.GetType();
                    if (ExplicitType != null)
                        if (!ExplicitType.IsAssignableFrom(targetType))
                            throw new ScriptException("Provided Type is not implemented by the target-object");

                        targetType = ExplicitType;
                    PropertyInfo pi = MethodHelper.GetCapableIndexer(targetType,
                                                                     out args);
                    if (pi == null)
                        throw new ScriptException("No capable Indexer found for the provided arguments");

                    if (creator != null)
                        creator.SetPreferredExecutor(new LazyIndexer(pi,parameters.Length != args.Length));

                    return pi.GetValue(tmpValue, args);

                Array arr = (Array)tmpValue;
                return arr.GetValue(parameters.Cast<int>().ToArray());

            if (ValueType == ValueType.Method)
                SequenceValue ta = (SequenceValue) arguments[0];
                SequenceValue a = (SequenceValue) arguments[1];
                ScriptValue et = arguments[2];
                Type explicitType = null;
                object[] parameters = (from t in a.Sequence select t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                Type[] typeParameters = Type.EmptyTypes;
                if (ta != null)
                    typeParameters = (from t in ta.Sequence select (Type) t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();

                if (et != null)
                    explicitType = et.GetValue(null) as Type;

                Type type;
                if (tmpValue == null)
                    ValueType = ValueType.PropertyOrField;

                if (Name == null)
                        if (tmpValue is Delegate)
                            Delegate dlg = (Delegate) tmpValue;
                            return dlg.DynamicInvoke(parameters);

                        if (tmpValue is InvokationHelper)
                            InvokationHelper ih = (InvokationHelper) tmpValue;
                            bool ok;
                            var retVal = ih.Invoke(parameters, out ok);
                            if (ok)
                                return retVal;

                            throw new ScriptException($"Failed to call method {Name}. Possible Arguments-mismatch.");

                        if (tmpValue is FunctionLiteral)
                            FunctionLiteral fl = (FunctionLiteral) tmpValue;
                            return fl.Invoke(parameters);
                        ValueType = ValueType.Method;

                if (tmpValue == null)
                    throw new Exception("Method call failed for NULL - Value");

                object target = tmpValue;
                bool isStatic = false;
                if (tmpValue is Type)
                    type = (Type)tmpValue;
                    target = null;
                    isStatic = true;
                else if (tmpValue is ObjectLiteral)
                    type = tmpValue.GetType();
                    ObjectLiteral ol = tmpValue as ObjectLiteral;
                    FunctionLiteral fl = ol[Name] as FunctionLiteral;
                    if (fl != null)
                        return fl.Invoke(parameters);
                    type = explicitType??tmpValue.GetType();

                object[] args;
#if UseDelegates
                MethodInvoker method = MethodHelper.GetCapableMethod(type, typeParameters, Name, Value is Type, parameters, out args);
                bool tmpStatic = isStatic;
                MethodInfo method = MethodHelper.GetCapableMethod(type, typeParameters, Name, ref isStatic, parameters,
                                                                  out args);
                if (!tmpStatic && isStatic)
                    args[0] = target;
                    target = null;
                if (method == null)
                    throw new ScriptException(string.Format("No capable Method found for {0}", Name));

                var writeBacks = MethodHelper.GetWritebacks(method, args, a.Sequence);
                if (creator != null)
                    creator.SetPreferredExecutor(new LazyMethod(method, tmpStatic, !tmpStatic && isStatic, args.Length != a.Sequence.Length));
#if UseDelegates
                if (target != null)
                    target = target.WrapIfValueType();

                return method(target, args);
                if (target != null)

                    /*object[] newArgs = new object[args.Length + 1];
                    newArgs[0] = target;
                    Array.Copy(args, 0, newArgs, 1, args.Length);*/
                    args[0] = target;
                    if (!(target is System.ValueType))
                        return method.FastDynamicInvoke(args);

                    return method.DynamicInvoke(args);
                    return method.Invoke(target, args);
                    foreach (var wb in writeBacks)
#if UseDelegates

                return method.FastDynamicInvoke(args);

            if (ValueType == ValueType.Constructor)
                if (tmpValue == null || !(tmpValue is Type))
                    throw new ScriptException("Require Type in order to create a new instance");

                ScriptValue[] ta = null;
                if (arguments[0] != null)
                    ta = ((SequenceValue)arguments[0]).Sequence;

                ScriptValue[] a = ((SequenceValue) arguments[1]).Sequence;
                object[] parameters = (from t in a select t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                Type[] typeParameters = ta == null
                                            ? Type.EmptyTypes
                                            : (from t in ta select (Type) t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                Type type = (Type)tmpValue;
                if (typeParameters.Length != 0)
                    //throw new ScriptException(string.Format("Unexpected usage of generic Type {0}", ((Type)Value).FullName));
                    type = type.MakeGenericType(typeParameters);

                object[] args;
                ConstructorInfo constructor = MethodHelper.GetCapableConstructor(type, parameters, out args);
                if (constructor == null)
                    throw new ScriptException(string.Format("No appropriate Constructor was found for {0}",

                if (creator != null)
                    creator.SetPreferredExecutor(new LazyConstructor(constructor, args.Length != a.Length));

                return constructor.Invoke(args);

            throw new ScriptException("Unexpected Value-Type");
Beispiel #30
        public bool CanGetValue(ScriptValue[] arguments)
            if (!Getable)
                throw new ScriptException("Get is not supported for this member");

            if (creator != null)
                bool ok = creator.CanInvokeExecutor(Value,arguments,bypassCompatibilityOnLazyInvokation);
                //object retVal = creator.InvokeExecutor(Value, arguments, bypassCompatibilityOnLazyInvokation, out ok);
                if (ok)
                    return true;

            if (ValueType == ValueType.Literal)
                return false;

            object tmpValue = Value;
            if (ValueType == ValueType.PropertyOrField)
                if (arguments == null || arguments.Length == 0)
                    return true;
                if (tmpValue == null)
                    return false;

                if (tmpValue is Type)
                    return false;

                object[] parameters = (from t in arguments select t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                if (!(tmpValue is Array))
                    object[] args;
                    PropertyInfo pi = MethodHelper.GetCapableIndexer(ExplicitType??tmpValue.GetType(),
                                                                     out args);
                    return pi != null;

                Array arr = (Array)tmpValue;
                int[] indices = parameters.Cast<int>().ToArray();
                bool retVal = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                    retVal &= arr.GetLength(i) > indices[i];

                return retVal;

            if (ValueType == ValueType.Method)
                SequenceValue ta = (SequenceValue)arguments[0];
                SequenceValue a = (SequenceValue)arguments[1];
                ScriptValue et = arguments[2];
                object[] parameters = (from t in a.Sequence select t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                Type[] typeParameters = Type.EmptyTypes;
                if (ta != null)
                    typeParameters = (from t in ta.Sequence select (Type)t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();

                Type type;

                if (tmpValue == null)
                    ValueType = ValueType.PropertyOrField;

                if (Name == null)
                        if (tmpValue is Delegate)
                            return true;

                        if (tmpValue is InvokationHelper)
                            return true;

                        if (tmpValue is FunctionLiteral)
                            return true;
                        ValueType = ValueType.Method;

                if (tmpValue == null)
                    return false;

                object target = tmpValue;
                bool isStatic = false;
                if (tmpValue is Type)
                    type = (Type)tmpValue;
                    target = null;
                    isStatic = true;
                else if (tmpValue is ObjectLiteral)
                    type = tmpValue.GetType();
                    ObjectLiteral ol = tmpValue as ObjectLiteral;
                    FunctionLiteral fl = ol[Name] as FunctionLiteral;
                    if (fl != null)
                        return true;
                    type = et?.GetValue(null) as Type ?? tmpValue.GetType();

                object[] args;
#if UseDelegates
                MethodInvoker method = MethodHelper.GetCapableMethod(type, typeParameters, Name, Value is Type, parameters, out args);
                bool tmpStatic = isStatic;
                MethodInfo method = MethodHelper.GetCapableMethod(type, typeParameters, Name, ref isStatic, parameters,
                                                                  out args);
                if (!tmpStatic && isStatic)
                    args[0] = target;
                    target = null;
                if (method == null)
                    return false;

                return true;

            if (ValueType == ValueType.Constructor)
                if (tmpValue == null || !(tmpValue is Type))
                    throw new ScriptException("Require Type in order to create a new instance");

                ScriptValue[] ta = null;
                if (arguments[0] != null)
                    ta = ((SequenceValue)arguments[0]).Sequence;

                ScriptValue[] a = ((SequenceValue)arguments[1]).Sequence;
                object[] parameters = (from t in a select t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                Type[] typeParameters = ta == null
                                            ? Type.EmptyTypes
                                            : (from t in ta select (Type)t.GetValue(null)).ToArray();
                Type type = (Type)tmpValue;
                if (typeParameters.Length != 0)
                    //throw new ScriptException(string.Format("Unexpected usage of generic Type {0}", ((Type)Value).FullName));
                    type = type.MakeGenericType(typeParameters);

                object[] args;
                ConstructorInfo constructor = MethodHelper.GetCapableConstructor(type, parameters, out args);
                if (constructor == null)
                    return false;

                return true;

            throw new ScriptException("Unexpected Value-Type");