Beispiel #1
        static void writeObjects(String serverUrl, String username, String password, String orgId, MetadataServiceReference.Metadata[] mdt)
            // establish session
            SoapClient client = new SoapClient();
            var        res    = client.login(new PartnerServiceReference.LoginScopeHeader {
                organizationId = orgId
            }, null, username, password);
            var sessionId = res.sessionId;

            Console.WriteLine("Session ID: " + sessionId);

            // get object metadata, including fieldsets
            MetadataPortTypeClient mclient = new MetadataPortTypeClient(MetadataPortTypeClient.EndpointConfiguration.Metadata, res.metadataServerUrl);
            var response = mclient.updateMetadata(new MetadataServiceReference.SessionHeader {
                sessionId = sessionId
            }, null, null, mdt);

            // close session
            client = new SoapClient(SoapClient.EndpointConfiguration.Soap, res.serverUrl);
            client.logout(new PartnerServiceReference.SessionHeader {
                sessionId = sessionId
            }, null);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the visibility of a tab for a given profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverUrl">URL to SF server</param>
        /// <param name="username">Login username</param>
        /// <param name="password">Login password</param>
        /// <param name="orgId">Organization ID found at settings/company settings/company information/ organization id</param>
        /// <param name="profileName">API name of profile to update</param>
        /// <param name="tabName">SF name of the tab whose visiblity status to update.  Note this is not the same as the label given in the SF CRM.  For instance,
        /// the standard objects such as 'Account' will have the name 'standard-Account'.</param>
        /// <param name="tabVisibility">The visibility status to be assigned for the given tab for the given profile.</param>
        static void setTabVisibility(String serverUrl, String username, String password, String orgId, String profileName, String tabName, TabVisibility tabVisibility)
            // establish session
            SoapClient  client = new SoapClient();
            LoginResult res    = client.login(new PartnerServiceReference.LoginScopeHeader {
                organizationId = orgId
            }, null, username, password);
            var sessionId = res.sessionId;

            // Console.WriteLine("Session ID: " + sessionId);

                // get the profile and the tabs
                MetadataPortTypeClient mclient  = new MetadataPortTypeClient(MetadataPortTypeClient.EndpointConfiguration.Metadata, res.metadataServerUrl);
                Metadata[]             profiles = mclient.readMetadata(new MetadataServiceReference.SessionHeader {
                    sessionId = sessionId
                }, null, "Profile", new String[] { profileName });
                if (profiles.Length != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to locate profile");

                // set the visiblity for the tab
                Profile profile        = (Profile)profiles[0];
                Profile updatedProfile = null;
                foreach (ProfileTabVisibility tabVisibilityField in profile.tabVisibilities)
                    // Console.WriteLine(;
                    if ( == tabName)
                        updatedProfile = new Profile()
                            fullName = profile.fullName
                        updatedProfile.tabVisibilities = new ProfileTabVisibility[] {
                            new ProfileTabVisibility()
                                tab        = tabName,
                                visibility = tabVisibility
                if (null == updatedProfile)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to locate tab");

                // update the profile
                MetadataServiceReference.SaveResult[] response = mclient.updateMetadata(new MetadataServiceReference.SessionHeader {
                    sessionId = sessionId
                }, null, null, new Metadata[] { updatedProfile });
                if (response.Length != 1 || !response[0].success)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to update profile");
                // close session
                client = new SoapClient(SoapClient.EndpointConfiguration.Soap, res.serverUrl);
                client.logout(new PartnerServiceReference.SessionHeader {
                    sessionId = sessionId
                }, null);