public async Task <IActionResult> Create(
            string category,
            string collection,
            string key,
            [FromBody] MetadataModelContract model)
            await _service.Add(category, collection, key, model.Data, model.Keywords);

            return(Created(Request.GetRelativeUrl($"api/v2/{category}/{collection}/{key}"), model));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Update(
            string category,
            string collection,
            string key,
            [FromBody] MetadataModelContract model)
            await _service.Upsert(category, collection, key, model.Data, model.Keywords);

            return(Ok(new { Message = "Updated successfully" }));
Beispiel #3
        public void CanDeleteMetadata()
            // arrange
            var client     = GetClient();
            var category   = "Integration";
            var collection = "Tests";
            var key        = "486987";

            var expected = new MetadataModelContract
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "accountNumber", key },
                    { "marginAccount", "MA01" },
                    { "referenceAccount", "RF11" },
                    { "bankIdentificationReference", "BIR11" },

            MetadataModelContract actual        = null;
            ApiException          httpException = null;

            $"Given the metadata for category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                await client.Create(category, collection, key, expected);

            $"When try to delete metadata for the category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                await client.Delete(category, collection, key);

            $"And try to get the metadata for the category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                    actual = await client.Get(category, collection, key);
                catch (ApiException exp)
                    httpException = exp;

            "Then the fetched metadata should be null"
            .x(() =>
Beispiel #4
        public void CanUpdateMetadata()
            // arrange
            var client     = GetClient();
            var category   = "Integration";
            var collection = "Tests";
            var key        = "456988";

            var expected = new MetadataModelContract
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "accountNumber", key },
                    { "marginAccount", "MA02" },
                    { "referenceAccount", "RF12" },
                    { "bankIdentificationReference", "BIR12" },

            MetadataModelContract actual = null;

            $"Given the metadata for category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                await client.Create(category, collection, key, expected);

            $"When try to update metadata for the category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                expected.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "accountNumber", key },
                    { "referenceAccount", "SomeNewRef" }

                await client.Update(category, collection, key, expected);

            $"And try to get metadata for the category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                actual = await client.Get(category, collection, key);

            "Then the fetched metadata should be same as updated metadata"
            .x(() =>
Beispiel #5
        public void ShouldNotAddKeyMultipleTimesEvenInDifferentCase()
            var client     = GetClient();
            var category   = "Integration";
            var collection = "Tests";
            var key        = "Case-Sensitive-Key";

            var expected = new MetadataModelContract
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "accountNumber", key },
                    { "marginAccount", "MA03" },
                    { "referenceAccount", "RF13" },
                    { "bankIdentificationReference", "BIR13" },

            ApiException httpException = null;

            $"Given the metadata for category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                await client.Create(category, collection, key, expected);

#pragma warning disable CA1308 // Normalize strings to uppercase
            key = key.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
#pragma warning restore CA1308 // Normalize strings to uppercase

            $"When try to add metadata again for same category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key} but in different case"
            .x(async() =>
                    await client.Create(category, collection, key, expected);
                catch (ApiException exp)
                    httpException = exp;

            $"Then system should return 409 Conflict"
            .x(() =>
                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, httpException.StatusCode);
Beispiel #6
        public void ShouldNotAddKeyMultipleTimes()
            var client     = GetClient();
            var category   = "Integration";
            var collection = "Tests";
            var key        = "Some-Unique-Key";

            var expected = new MetadataModelContract
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "accountNumber", key },
                    { "marginAccount", "MA02" },
                    { "referenceAccount", "RF12" },
                    { "bankIdentificationReference", "BIR12" },

            ApiException httpException = null;

            $"Given the metadata for category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                await client.Create(category, collection, key, expected);

            $"When try to add metadata again for category: {category} collection: {collection} key: {key}"
            .x(async() =>
                    await client.Create(category, collection, key, expected);
                catch (ApiException exp)
                    httpException = exp;

            $"Then system should return 409 Conflict"
            .x(() =>
                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, httpException.StatusCode);
Beispiel #7
 public static (T metadata, IList <string> keywords) GetWithKeywords <T>(this MetadataModelContract metadata)
 => (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(metadata.Data),
Beispiel #8
 public static T Get <T>(this MetadataModelContract metadata)
 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(metadata.Data);
 public static MetadataModel Map(MetadataModelContract model)
 => new MetadataModel
     Data     = model.Data,
     Keywords = model.Keywords,