private object DeserializeObject(JObject jsonObj, Metadata.Entity entity)
            if (jsonObj == null)
                throw new SerializationException("Object type expected");
            object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(entity.Type);
            var    handled  = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var prop in jsonObj.Properties())
                if (entity.Properties.TryGetValue(prop.Name, out Metadata.Property propMeta))
                    object value = Deserialize(prop.Value, propMeta.PropertyType);
                    propMeta.PropertyInfo.SetValue(instance, value);
            // Check IsRequired
            var missing = entity.Properties.Values.Where(it => it.IsRequired && !handled.Contains(it.Name)).ToList();

            if (missing.Any())
                string props = (missing.Count == 1 ? "property " : "properties ") +
                               String.Join(", ", missing.Select(it => it.Name));
                throw new SerializationException($"Missing required {props} on {entity.Name}");
        private JToken SerializeEntity(object value, Metadata.Entity entity, Metadata.TypeInfo typeInfo)
            var jObject = new JObject();

            // Different type: this should be a derived type
            Type realType = value.GetType();

            var allProps = entity.Properties;

            if (realType != typeInfo.Type)
                allProps = new Dictionary <string, Metadata.Property>();
                if (!typeInfo.Type.IsAssignableFrom(realType))
                    throw new SerializationException($"Type mismatch: {realType.Name} is not a {typeInfo.Type}");
                entity = metadata.Entities.Values.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Type == realType);
                if (entity == null)
                    throw new SerializationException($"Type {realType.Name} is not supported in this version ({metadata.CurVersion})");

                jObject["$type"] = entity.Name;

                // Get all properties of base and derived types
                    foreach (var pair in entity.Properties)
                        allProps[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
                    entity = entity.Parent;
                }while (entity != null);
            foreach (var propMeta in allProps.Values)
                object propValue = propMeta.PropertyInfo.GetValue(value, null);
                if (!propMeta.IsOptional || !IsDefaultValue(propValue, propMeta.PropertyInfo.PropertyType))
                    JToken token = Serialize(propValue, propMeta.PropertyType);
                    jObject[propMeta.Name] = token;