Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// General table / gene symbol query builder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <param name="geneSymbol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static Query BuildTargetAssayQuery(
            string tableName,
            string geneSymbol)
            Query     q  = new Query();
            MetaTable mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(tableName);

            QueryTable qt = new QueryTable(q, mt);

            QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.GeneSymbol);

            qc.Criteria        = MultiDbAssayDataNames.GeneSymbol + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(geneSymbol);
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + geneSymbol;

            if (qc.IsKey)             // if key column store for that as well
                q.KeyCriteria        = " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(geneSymbol);
                q.KeyCriteriaDisplay = "= " + geneSymbol;

            //qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("top_lvl_rslt");
            //qc.Criteria = "top_lvl_rslt = 'Y'"; // only top level results
            //qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= Y";

Beispiel #2
/// <summary>
/// Build unpivoted subquery QueryManager including the DataTableManger,
/// ResultsFormat and ResultsFormatter.
/// Build empty DataTable
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        QueryManager InitializeUnpivotedSubqueryQm()
            Query                q2 = null;
            DataTableManager     dtm2;
            DataTableMx          dt2;
            ResultsFormat        rf2;
            ResultsFormatFactory rff;
            ResultsFormatter     rfmtr;

            QueryTable qt;
            MetaTable  mt;

            QueryManager qm2 = new QueryManager();             // build output query here

            // Setup unpivoted output query

            q2 = new Query(qm2);
            mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.CombinedNonSumTableName);
            qt = new QueryTable(q2, mt);             // be sure proper cols are selected

            dtm2 = new DataTableManager(qm2);
            dt2  = DataTableManager.BuildDataTable(qm2);

            rff = new ResultsFormatFactory(qm2, OutputDest.WinForms);

            rfmtr = new ResultsFormatter(qm2);

Beispiel #3
/// <summary>
/// Edit the Cids criteris
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        bool EditCids()
            Query       q;
            QueryTable  qt;
            MetaTable   mt;
            QueryColumn qc;

            mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(Tso.GetSummarizedMetaTableName());

            q  = new Query();
            qt = new QueryTable(q, mt);
            qc = qt.KeyQueryColumn;

            qc.Criteria        = Cids.Text;
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = Cids.Text;
            if (!CriteriaEditor.GetCompoundIdCriteria(qc))
            if (qc.Criteria.StartsWith(" = "))             // make equality look nice
                Cids.Text = qc.CriteriaDisplay;
                Cids.Text = qc.Criteria;

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build summarization detail query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <param name="mc"></param>
        /// <param name="level"></param>
        /// <param name="linkInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public override Query GetDrilldownDetailQuery(
            MetaTable mt,
            MetaColumn mc,
            int level,
            string linkInfo)
            QueryTable  qt, qt2;
            MetaTable   mt2;
            QueryColumn qc, qc2;
            MetaColumn  mc2;
            string      resultIdColName = "";

            Query q = new Query();

            // Summarized MdbAssay table drilling down to unsummarized MdbAssay table

            if (UnpivotedAssayResult.IsSummarizedMdbAssayTable(mt.Name))
                if (UnpivotedAssayResult.IsCombinedMdbAssayTable(mt.Name))                 // multiple tables
                    mt2             = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.CombinedNonSumTableName);
                    resultIdColName = MultiDbAssayDataNames.SumResultId;

                else                 // base unpivoted or pivoted by target
                    mt2             = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.BaseNonSumTableName);
                    resultIdColName = MultiDbAssayDataNames.BaseSumResultId;

                qt          = new QueryTable(q, mt2);
                qc          = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException(resultIdColName);
                qc.Criteria = resultIdColName + " = " + linkInfo;

// Drilling down from old all_bioassay_unpivoted to specific source data

            else if (Lex.Eq(mt.Name, UnpivotedAssayView.UnsummarizedMetaTableName))
            {             // ResultId is formatted by the source with the first item being the source name
                Match  m         = Regex.Match(linkInfo, @"(.*),(.*),(.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
                string mtName    = m.Groups[1].Value;
                string mcId      = m.Groups[2].Value;
                string linkInfo2 = m.Groups[3].Value;
                mt2 = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(mtName);
                IMetaBroker imb = MetaBrokerUtil.GlobalBrokers[(int)mt2.MetaBrokerType];
                q = imb.GetDrilldownDetailQuery(mt2, mcId, level, linkInfo2);

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid tableName: " + mt.Name);
Beispiel #5
/// <summary>
/// Check that each of the numbers in the list exist in the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">String form of list as entered by user</param>
/// <param name="rootTableName">Root table to check against</param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string ValidateList(
            string listText,
            string rootTableName)
            string cn, extCn, errorMsg;
            int    i1, i2;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rootTableName))
            MetaTable rootTable = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(rootTableName);

            string[] cna = listText.Split(new Char[] { '\n', '\r', ' ' });

            int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();

            for (i1 = 0; i1 < cna.Length; i1++)
                if (i1 > 1000 || TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0 > 3000)
                    return(null);                                                                   // limit size & time of check
                extCn = cna[i1].Trim();
                if (extCn == "" || extCn.StartsWith("("))

                i2 = extCn.IndexOf("(");                 // strip trailing text in parens
                if (i2 > 0)
                    extCn = extCn.Substring(0, i2);
                cn = CompoundId.BestMatch(extCn, rootTable);
                if (cn == "")
                    cn = extCn;                           // nothing found, use original text
                if (!CompoundIdUtil.Exists(cn, rootTable))

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get query to select all data.
        /// It consists of a single QueryTable with the CID and key table name
        /// This keeps the initial query sent to the client small which helps
        /// response time for users not on the same local network as the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyMtName"></param>
        /// <param name="cn"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static Query GetSelectAllDataQuery(
            string keyMtName,
            string cn)
            MetaTable mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MetaTable.AllDataQueryTable);

            Query      q  = new Query();
            QueryTable qt = new QueryTable(mt);


            MetaTable keyMt = null;

            if (Lex.IsDefined(keyMtName))
                keyMt = MetaTableCollection.Get(keyMtName);

            if (keyMt != null && keyMt.Root.IsUserDatabaseStructureTable) // if root metatable is user database then normalize based on key
                keyMt = keyMt.Root;                                       // be sure we have root
                cn    = CompoundId.Normalize(cn, keyMt);

                cn    = CompoundId.Normalize(cn);
                keyMt = CompoundId.GetRootMetaTableFromCid(cn, keyMt);
                keyMt = keyMt.Root;                 // be sure we have root (may not be structure table)

            if (keyMt == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to identify key MetaTable");

            q.KeyCriteria = q.KeyCriteriaDisplay = " = " + cn;

            QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("root_table");

            qc.Criteria = qc.CriteriaDisplay = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " = " + keyMt.Name;

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Do Generic display of a list of structures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="cidLabel"></param>
        /// <param name="structLabel"></param>
        /// <param name="structures"></param>

        public static void DisplayStructures(
            string title,
            string cidLabel,
            string structLabel,
            List <MoleculeMx> structures,
            MoleculeGridPanel gridPanel,
            bool embedDataInQuery)
            QueryManager qm = null;

            MetaTable mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("Generic_Structure_Table");

            mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.NoSql;

            Query      q  = ToolHelper.InitEmbeddedDataToolQuery(mt);
            QueryTable qt = q.Tables[0];

            qt.Label = title;
            qt.GetQueryColumnByName("CompoundId").Label = cidLabel;
            qt.GetQueryColumnByName("Structure").Label  = structLabel;

            DataTableMx dt = q.ResultsDataTable as DataTableMx;

            for (int mi = 0; mi < structures.Count; mi++)
                MoleculeMx cs  = structures[mi];
                DataRowMx  dr  = dt.NewRow();
                string     cid = cs.Id;
                if (Lex.IsUndefined(cid))
                    cid = (mi + 1).ToString();
                dr[qt.Alias + ".CompoundId"] = new CompoundId(cid);
                dr[qt.Alias + ".Structure"]  = cs;

            DisplayData(q, dt, gridPanel, embedDataInQuery);

Beispiel #8
/// <summary>
/// Build query table for decomposition & add to query
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        DialogResult ProcessInput()
            Query       q;
            MetaTable   mt;
            MetaColumn  mc;
            QueryTable  qt;
            QueryColumn qc;

            q = QbUtil.Query;
            if (q == null || q.Tables.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No current query.");

            qt = q.GetQueryTableByName("Rgroup_Decomposition");
            bool newTable = false;

            if (qt == null)
                mt       = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("Rgroup_Decomposition");
                qt       = new QueryTable(mt);
                newTable = true;

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Core");

            MoleculeMx core = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, QueryMolCtl.MolfileString);

            if (core.AtomCount == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A Core structure with R-groups must be defined.");

            qc.MolString       = core.GetMolfileString();       // put core structure into table criteria
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = "Substructure search (SSS)";
            qc.Criteria        = "CORE SSS SQUERY";

            if (!Structure.Checked && !Smiles.Checked && !Formula.Checked &&
                !Weight.Checked && !Index.Checked)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("At least one substituent display format must be selected.");

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("R1_Structure");
            if (ShowCoreStructure.Checked)
                qc.Label            = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + core.GetChimeString();      // reference core in query col header label
                qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25;

            SetSelected(qt, "R1_Structure", Structure.Checked);
            SetSelected(qt, "R1_Smiles", Smiles.Checked);
            SetSelected(qt, "R1_Formula", Formula.Checked);
            SetSelected(qt, "R1_Weight", Weight.Checked);
            SetSelected(qt, "R1_SubstNo", Index.Checked);

            string terminateOption = TerminateOption.Text;

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("Terminate_Option");
            if (qc != null && Lex.IsDefined(terminateOption))
                qc.Criteria        = qt.MetaTable.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption);
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption);

                qc.Criteria = qc.CriteriaDisplay = "";              // not defined
            if (newTable)
                q.AddQueryTable(qt);          // add to query if new
            QbUtil.RenderQuery();             // show it
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build metatable for a Spotfire analysis link
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public MetaTable GetMetaTable(
            string name)
            UserObject        uo;
            SpotfireViewProps sl;
            MetaTable         mt, mt2;
            MetaColumn        mc;
            int objectId;

            string prefix = "spotfirelink_";

            if (name.ToLower().IndexOf(prefix) != 0)
            string tok = name.Substring(prefix.Length);             // get the object id

            if (!int.TryParse(tok, out objectId))

            uo = UserObjectDao.Read(objectId);
            if (uo == null)
            if (!Permissions.UserHasReadAccess(Security.UserName, uo))

                sl = SpotfireViewProps.Deserialize(uo.Content);
                if (sl == null)
                    throw new Exception("Null Deserialize result for object " + uo.Id);
            catch (Exception ex)

            MetaTable root = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MetaTable.PrimaryRootTable);

            mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("SPOTFIRELINK_MODEL");
            mt = mt.Clone();             // build metatable here

            mt.Name = "SPOTFIRELINK_" + uo.Id;
            mt.Code = uo.Content;             // store serialized SpotfireLink content in Code field

            mt.Parent         = root;
            mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.SpotfireLink;
            mt.TableMap       = root.TableMap;       // allow searches on CorpId
            mt.Label          = uo.Name;

            foreach (MetaColumn mc0 in mt.MetaColumns)
                mc0.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Hidden;

            foreach (SpotfireLinkParameter sp in sl.SpotfireLinkParameters.Values)
                mc = mt.GetMetaColumnByName(sp.Name);
                if (mc == null)

                bool b = false;
                bool.TryParse(sp.Value, out b);

                mc.InitialSelection = b ? ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected : ColumnSelectionEnum.Hidden;

            if (mt.KeyMetaColumn.InitialSelection != ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected)
                mt.KeyMetaColumn.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected;

            mc = mt.GetMetaColumnByName("VISUALIZATION");
            if (mc != null)
                mc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected;

            SetAllInQueryInitialCriteria(mt, "invitro_assays", "invitro_assays_default_to_all", "in (ALL_ASSAY_INVITRO_ASSAYS_IN_THIS_QUERY)");
            SetAllInQueryInitialCriteria(mt, "insilico_models", "insilico_models_default_to_all", "in (ALL_SPM_INSILICO_MODELS_IN_THIS_QUERY)");

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// OK button clicked, process input
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        DialogResult ProcessInput()
            int           rgCount;                              // number of Rgroups
            List <Rgroup> rgList;                               // list of existing Rgroups

            bool[]        rgExists;                             // entry = true if rgroup exists in core
            Rgroup        rg;
            bool          oneD, twoD;                           // matrix dimensionality
            List <string> keys = null;
            Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> > mElem; // matrix element dictionary

            List <RgroupSubstituent>[] rSubs;                   // substituents seen for each Rgroup
            Query        q, q0, q2;
            QueryTable   qt, qt2;
            QueryColumn  qc, qc2;
            MetaTable    mt, mt2;
            MetaColumn   mc, mc2;
            DataTableMx  dt;
            DataRowMx    dr;
            DialogResult dlgRslt;
            string       tok;
            int          ri, rii, si, qti, qci, bi, bi2;

            // Get core structure & list of R-groups

            MoleculeMx core = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, SQuery.MolfileString);

            if (core.AtomCount == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A Core structure with R-groups must be defined");

            if (!Structure.Checked && !Smiles.Checked && !Formula.Checked &&
                !Weight.Checked && !Index.Checked)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("At least one substituent display format must be selected.");

            mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("Rgroup_Decomposition");
            qt = new QueryTable(mt);
            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Core");

            qc.MolString       = core.GetMolfileString();       // put core structure into table criteria
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = "Substructure search (SSS)";
            qc.Criteria        = "CORE SSS SQUERY";

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("R1_Structure");
            if (ShowCoreStructure.Checked)
                qc.Label            = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + core.GetChimeString();      // reference core in query col header label
                qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25;

            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Structure", Structure.Checked);             // select for retrieval if checked
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Smiles", Smiles.Checked);
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Formula", Formula.Checked);
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Weight", Weight.Checked);
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_SubstNo", Index.Checked);

            string terminateOption = "First mapping";             // terminate on first complete match

            qc                 = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Terminate_Option");
            qc.Criteria        = qt.MetaTable.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption);
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption);

            QueryTable rgdQt = qt;             // keep a ref to it

            if (QbUtil.Query == null || QbUtil.Query.Tables.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No current query.");

            q0 = QbUtil.Query;          // original query this analysis is based on
            q  = q0.Clone();            // make copy of source query we can modify
            q.SingleStepExecution = false;

            qti = 0;
            while (qti < q.Tables.Count)             // deselect query columns that we don't want
                qt = q.Tables[qti];
                if (Lex.Eq(qt.MetaTable.Name, "Rgroup_Decomposition"))
                {                 // remove any rgroup decomp table

                mt = qt.MetaTable;
                if (mt.MultiPivot ||                                 // check for tables not allowed in underlying query
                    mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.CalcField || // (called ShouldPresearchAndTransform previously)
                    mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.MultiTable ||
                    mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Multipivot/Rgroup table \"" + qt.ActiveLabel +
                                           "\" can't be included in an underlying Rgroup Matrix query");

                for (qci = 0; qci < qt.QueryColumns.Count; qci++)
                    qc = qt.QueryColumns[qci];
                    if (qc.MetaColumn == null)

                    switch (qc.MetaColumn.DataType)
                    case MetaColumnType.CompoundId:                             // keep only these
                    case MetaColumnType.Integer:
                    case MetaColumnType.Number:
                    case MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo:
                    case MetaColumnType.String:

                        qc.Selected = false;


            q.AddQueryTable(rgdQt);             // Add Rgroup decom table to end of cloned source query

            Progress.Show("Retrieving data...");
                dlgRslt = ToolHelper.ExecuteQuery(ref q, out keys);
                if (dlgRslt != DialogResult.OK)

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error executing query:\r\n" + ex.Message);

            if (keys == null || keys.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No results were returned by the query.");

// Scan modified query to get list of rgroup indexes that are present

            rgExists = new bool[32];
            rgList   = new List <Rgroup>();

            QueryTable rgQt = q.GetQueryTableByName("Rgroup_Decomposition");

            foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in rgQt.QueryColumns)
                mc = qc0.MetaColumn;
                if (!(mc.Name.StartsWith("R") && mc.Name.EndsWith("_STRUCTURE") && qc0.Selected))
                    continue;                     // skip if not a selected Rgroup structure
                int len = mc.Name.Length - ("R" + "_STRUCTURE").Length;
                tok = mc.Name.Substring(1, len);
                if (!int.TryParse(tok, out ri))
                rgExists[ri - 1] = true;
                rg        = new Rgroup();
                rg.RIndex = ri;
                rg.VoPos  = qc0.VoPosition;

            for (bi = 1; bi < rgList.Count; bi++)
            {             // sort by increasing R index
                rg = rgList[bi];
                for (bi2 = bi - 1; bi2 >= 0; bi2--)
                    if (rg.RIndex >= rgList[bi2].RIndex)
                    rgList[bi2 + 1] = rgList[bi2];

                rgList[bi2 + 1] = rg;

            rgCount = rgList.Count;

            twoD = TwoD.Checked;
            if (rgCount == 1)
                twoD = false;                           // if only 1 rgroup can't do as 2d
            oneD = !twoD;

// Read data into mElem and rgroup substituents into rSubs.
// Matrix mElem is keyed on [R1Smiles, R2Smiles,... RnSmiles, FieldName] for 1d and
// [R1Smiles, R2Smiles,... FieldName, RnSmiles] for 2d

            QueryManager     qm  = q.QueryManager as QueryManager;
            DataTableManager dtm = qm.DataTableManager;

            dt = qm.DataTable;

            mElem = new Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> >(); // matrix element dictionary
            rSubs = new List <RgroupSubstituent> [32];                  // list of substituents seen for each Rgroup
            for (rii = 0; rii < rgCount; rii++)                         // alloc substituent list for rgroup
                rSubs[rii] = new List <RgroupSubstituent>();

            int rowCount = 0;

            while (true)
            {             // scan data accumulating rgroup substituents and data values
                dr = dtm.FetchNextDataRow();
                if (dr == null)

                string cid = dr[dtm.KeyValueVoPos] as string;
                string lastMapCid = "", rgroupKey = "", rgroupKeyLast = "";
                int    mapCount = 0;
                for (rii = 0; rii < rgCount; rii++)                 // for
                    MoleculeMx rSub = dr[rgList[rii].VoPos] as MoleculeMx;
                    if (rSub == null || rSub.AtomCount == 0)

                    ri = rgList[rii].RIndex;                     // actual R index in query
                    int subIdx = RgroupSubstituent.Get(rSub, rSubs[rii]);
                    //					if (ri == 1 && subIdx != 0) subIdx = subIdx; // debug
                    if (subIdx < 0)
                    string rKey = "R" + ri.ToString() + "_" + (subIdx + 1).ToString();

                    if (oneD || rii < rgCount - 1)
                        if (rgroupKey != "")
                            rgroupKey += "\t";
                        rgroupKey += rKey;

                        rgroupKeyLast = rKey;
                    lastMapCid = cid;

                if (lastMapCid == cid)                 // add the data if compound has a mapping
                    AccumulateMatrixElements(mElem, q, dr, rgroupKey, rgroupKeyLast, cid);

                if (Progress.IsTimeToUpdate)
                    Progress.Show("Retrieving data: " + StringMx.FormatIntegerWithCommas(rowCount) + " rows...");
            if (rowCount == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No data rows retrieved");

            if (twoD && (rSubs[rgCount - 1] == null || rSubs[rgCount - 1].Count == 0))
            {             // if 2D be sure we have at least one substituent for the last Rgroup
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No substituents found for R" + rgCount.ToString());

            // Create a MetaTable & DataTable for matrix results

            Progress.Show("Analyzing data...");

            mt = new MetaTable();             // create output table
            mt.Name           = "RGROUPMATRIX_" + MatrixCount;
            mt.Label          = "R-group Matrix " + MatrixCount;
            mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp;

            mc =                       // use sequence for key
                 mt.AddMetaColumn("RgroupMatrixId", "No.", MetaColumnType.Integer, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 3);
            mc.ClickFunction = "None"; // avoid hyperlink on this key
            mc.IsKey         = true;

            int maxLeftR = rgCount;

            if (twoD)
                maxLeftR = rgCount - 1;
            for (ri = 0; ri < maxLeftR; ri++)
                string rStr = "R" + (ri + 1).ToString();
                if (Structure.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Str", rStr, MetaColumnType.Structure, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                    if (ri == 0 && ShowCoreStructure.Checked)                     // include core structure above R1 if requested
                        string chimeString = MoleculeMx.MolfileStringToSmilesString(SQuery.MolfileString);
                        mc.Label = "R1, Core\tChime=" + chimeString;
                        mc.Width = 25;
                if (Smiles.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Smi", rStr + " Smiles", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                if (Formula.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Mf", rStr + " Formula", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 8);
                if (Weight.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "MW", rStr + " Mol. Wt.", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 6, ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal, 2);

                if (Index.Checked)
                    mc        = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Index", rStr + " Subst. Idx.", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 4);
                    mc.Format = ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal;

            mc =             // add column to contain result type
                 mt.AddMetaColumn("ResultType", "Result Type", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);

            if (oneD)             // add just 1 column to contain results
                mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("Results", "Results", MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                mc.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp;                 // broker to do special col handling for cond formtting
                if (QbUtil.Query.UserObject.Id > 0)
                    mc.DetailsAvailable = true;

            else             // add col for each substituent for last rgroup
                string rStr = "R" + rgCount.ToString();
                for (si = 0; si < rSubs[rgCount - 1].Count; si++)
                    string            cName  = rStr + "_" + (si + 1).ToString();
                    string            cLabel = cName.Replace("_", ".");
                    RgroupSubstituent rgs    = rSubs[ri][si];  // get substituent info
                    if (Structure.Checked)                     // include structure
                        cLabel += "\tChime=" + rgs.Struct.GetChimeString();

                    else if (Smiles.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.GetSmilesString();

                    else if (Formula.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.MolFormula;

                    else if (Weight.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.MolWeight;

                    else if (Index.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + (si + 1).ToString();

                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(cName, cLabel, MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                    mc.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp;
                    if (QbUtil.Query.UserObject.Id > 0)
                        mc.DetailsAvailable = true;

            MetaTableCollection.UpdateGlobally(mt); // add as a known metatable

            if (mElem.Count == 0)                   // be sure we have a matrix
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No matrix can be created because insufficient data was found.");

            // Build the DataTable

            Progress.Show("Building data table...");

            q2  = new Query();            // build single-table query to hold matrix
            qt2 = new QueryTable(q2, mt);
            dt  = DataTableManager.BuildDataTable(q2);

            Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> > .KeyCollection kc = mElem.Keys;
            string[] rgKeys = new string[mElem.Count];
            kc.CopyTo(rgKeys, 0);

            string[] rgKey = null, lastRgKey = null;
            int      rki   = 0;

            for (rki = 0; rki < rgKeys.Length; rki++)
                rgKey = rgKeys[rki].Split('\t');

                int riTop = rgCount + 1;                 // all r substituents & field name on left
                if (twoD)
                    riTop = rgCount;

                for (ri = 0; ri < riTop; ri++)                 // see if any changes in left side substituents or field name
                    if (lastRgKey == null || rgKey[ri] != lastRgKey[ri])
                if (ri < riTop || oneD)                 // if 2d then new row only if some change before last R
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr[dtm.KeyValueVoPos + 1] = new NumberMx(dt.Rows.Count);                     // integer row key

                if (!HideRepeatingSubstituents.Checked)
                    ri = 0;                                                     // start at first if not hiding
                lastRgKey = rgKey;

                for (ri = ri; ri < riTop; ri++)                 // build row with these
                    string rgSub = rgKey[ri];                   // get substituent id or table.column name
                    if (rgSub == "")

                    if (ri < riTop - 1)
                    {                     // output substituent and/or smiles
                        string rStr = "R" + (ri + 1).ToString();
                        si = rgSub.IndexOf("_");
                        si = Int32.Parse(rgSub.Substring(si + 1)) - 1;                 // get substituent index
                        RgroupSubstituent rgs = rSubs[ri][si];                         // get substituent info

                        if (Structure.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Str");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = rgs.Struct;

                        if (Smiles.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Smi");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(rgs.Struct.GetSmilesString());

                        if (Formula.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Mf");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(rgs.Struct.MolFormula);

                        if (Weight.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Mw");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new NumberMx(rgs.Struct.MolWeight);

                        if (Index.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Index");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new NumberMx(si + 1);

                    else                                // output field name
                        string[] sa = rgSub.Split('.'); // get field name
                        qt = q.GetQueryTableByName(sa[0]);
                        qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(sa[1]);
                        string fieldName = qc.ActiveLabel;
                        if (q0.Tables.Count >= 3)                         // qualify by table if 3 or more tables in original query
                            fieldName = qt.ActiveLabel + " - " + fieldName;

                        qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName("ResultType");
                        dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(fieldName);

                // Output value

                string cName;
                if (oneD)
                    cName = "Results";
                    cName = rgKey[rgCount];                  // get key for this substituent (e.g. R2_1)
                if (Lex.IsUndefined(cName))
                    continue;                                         // may be no substituent match
                qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(cName);
                QualifiedNumber qn = SummarizeData(mElem[rgKeys[rki]]);                 // get summarized value
                dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = qn;

            ToolHelper.DisplayData(q2, dt, true);

Beispiel #11
/// <summary>
///  Setup/configure any needed secondary metabroker
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eqp"></param>
/// <param name="mpd"></param>
/// <param name="unpivotedTableIsFirst"></param>

        void SetupSecondaryMetaBroker(
            ExecuteQueryParms eqp,
            MultiTablePivotBrokerTypeData mpd,
            out bool unpivotedTableIsFirst)
            QueryEngine qe2;
            Query       q2;
            QueryTable  qt2;
            QueryColumn qc2;
            MetaTable   mt2;

            string    firstMtName = mpd.FirstTableName;
            MetaTable firstMt     = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(firstMtName);

            unpivotedTableIsFirst = UnpivotedAssayResult.IsUnpivotedSummarizedMdbAssayTable(firstMtName);

            if (unpivotedTableIsFirst) // just use unpivoted table as is
                SecondaryMetaBroker = this;
                Eqp2 = eqp;

            else // all pivoted tables, create secondary query on the summarized unpivoted table
                if (SecondaryMetaBroker == null)
                    MultiDbAssayMetaBroker mb2 = SecondaryMetaBroker = new MultiDbAssayMetaBroker();

                    if (UnpivotedAssayResult.IsCombinedMdbAssayTable(firstMtName))
                        mt2 = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.CombinedTableName);
                        mt2 = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.BaseTableName);

                    q2  = new Query();
                    qt2 = new QueryTable(mt2);

                    qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.GeneSymbol);
                    if (mpd.TableCodeCsvList.Length != 0) // limit by codes
                        qc2.Criteria = qc2.CriteriaDisplay = MultiDbAssayDataNames.GeneSymbol + " in (" + mpd.TableCodeCsvList + ")";


                    qe2       = new QueryEngine();
                    qe2.Query = q2;
                    Eqp2      = new ExecuteQueryParms(qe2, qt2);

                    mb2.Sql += " where " + qc2.Criteria;

                Eqp2.SearchKeySubset = eqp.SearchKeySubset;
