Beispiel #1
        public void SetPlusValues()
                //DataTable metaFields = new SGBD().Cmd("select *, JSON_VALUE(JSON_DATA,'$.DEFAULT') as 'DEFAULT' from META_FIELD where META_BO_ID = " + this.MetaBoID
                //                    + " AND JSON_VALUE(JSON_DATA,'$.DEFAULT') like '%[+%]%'");

                DataTable metaFields = new SGBD().Cmd("select * from META_FIELD where META_BO_ID = " + this.MetaBoID
                                                      + " AND   JSON_DATA like '%\"DEFAULT\":%[+%]%' ");

                foreach (DataRow mf in metaFields.Rows)
                    if (this.Items.ContainsKey(mf["DB_NAME"].ToString()))
                        var jsonData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(mf["JSON_DATA"].ToString());

                        var df = new MetaFieldRepo().GetDefaultValue(jsonData["DEFAULT"].ToString(), this.MetaBO.BO_DB_NAME, 1);
                        if (df.type != "error")
                            this.Items[mf["DB_NAME"].ToString()] = df.value;
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetDefaultValue(string format, string boName)
            //string cle = "", formule = "", step = "", type = "";
            //bool inFomule = false;
            //int count = 0;

            //foreach (char car in format)
            //    if (car == '[')
            //    {
            //        formule += car;
            //        inFomule = true;
            //        continue;
            //    }
            //    if (car == ']')
            //    {
            //        formule += car;
            //        inFomule = false;
            //        continue;
            //    }

            //    if (inFomule)
            //    {
            //        formule += car;
            //        count++;
            //        if (count == 1)
            //        {
            //            switch (car)
            //            {
            //                case '+':
            //                    type = "plus";
            //                    break;
            //                case 'd':
            //                    type = "date";
            //                    break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            step += car;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        cle += car;
            //    }

            //switch (type)
            //    case "plus":
            //        var rst = db.PlusSequenceNextID(cle, boName, int.Parse(step), 0).ToList()[0];
            //        return Ok(new { type, value = format.Replace(formule, rst.ToString()) });
            //    case "date":
            //        return Ok(new { type, value = step == "" ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(step)) });
            //    default:
            //        return BadRequest("Formule non prise en charge !");
            var df = new MetaFieldRepo().GetDefaultValue(format, boName, 0);

            if (df.type == "error")