public static void Begin(MessageGroup messageGroup)
            int beforeCount = 0;
            int afterCount  = 0;

            // MessageGroup API
            List <MessageGroup> messageGroups;

            // Get existing
            beforeCount = MessageGroupDAO.Get().Count;

            // Insert and Updating: if ID is included, it will update
            messageGroup = MessageGroupDAO.PostUpdate(messageGroup);

            // Reading: Use GetMessageGroups() to retrieve a list of obj
            messageGroups = MessageGroupDAO.Get();

            // get master item count
            afterCount = messageGroups.Count;

            // write
            MessageGroupTest.Write(messageGroups, "INSERT", beforeCount, afterCount, true);

            // make a soft update to some property (Optional)
            // messageGroup.<property> = 1;

            // re-assign the before count
            beforeCount = afterCount;

            // Insert and Updating: if ID is included, it will update
            messageGroup = MessageGroupDAO.PostUpdate(messageGroup);

            // Reading: Use GetMessageGroups() to retrieve a list of obj
            messageGroups = MessageGroupDAO.Get();

            // Get existing
            afterCount = MessageGroupDAO.Get().Count;

            // write
            MessageGroupTest.Write(messageGroups, "UPDATE", beforeCount, afterCount);

            // Reading: Use GetMessageGroups() to retrieve a list of obj w/ 1 item
            messageGroups = MessageGroupDAO.Get(messageGroup);

            // get count
            afterCount = messageGroups.Count;

            // reassign count
            beforeCount = afterCount;

            // write
            MessageGroupTest.Write(messageGroups, "Single", afterCount, 1);

            // Deleting - Send in the obj w/ at minimal the ID populated

            // Reading: Use GetMessageGroups() to retrieve a list of obj
            messageGroups = MessageGroupDAO.Get();

            // get count
            afterCount = messageGroups.Count;

            // write
            MessageGroupTest.Write(messageGroups, "Removed", beforeCount, afterCount, true);
Beispiel #2
        public static void makeNewMessageGroups()
            List <String> lines = new List <string>();

            lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\chrisb\Source\Repos\HL7Broker\HL7BrokerConsoleTest\NewMessageGroupForWebService.txt").ToList();

            lines.ForEach(delegate(String line) {
                // skip comments
                if (line.Contains("##"))

                string[] elementSplit = line.Split('|');

                // gives the first part
                string[] tempMessageGroupInstance = elementSplit[0].Split(',');

                Console.WriteLine("Inserting Message Group Instance");
                MessageGroupInstance messageGroupInstance
                    = MessageGroupInstanceDAO.PostUpdate(new MessageGroupInstance()
                    messageTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(tempMessageGroupInstance[0]),
                    segmentTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(tempMessageGroupInstance[1]),
                    description   = tempMessageGroupInstance[2]

                if ( != -1 || != 0)
                    List <String> tempMessageGroup = elementSplit[1].Split(',').ToList();

                    tempMessageGroup.ForEach(delegate(String tempElement) {
                        Console.WriteLine("Inserting Message Group");

                        string[] tempInnerElement = tempElement.Split('^');

                        MessageGroupDAO.PostUpdate(new MessageGroup()
                            messageGroupInstanceId =,
                            messagePartId          = Convert.ToInt32(tempInnerElement[0]),
                            position = Convert.ToInt32(tempInnerElement[1])

                    Console.WriteLine("Inserting Message Group Property or Column Set");

                    // gives the first part
                    string[] tempColumnSet = elementSplit[2].Split(',');

                     * ColumnSet columnSet = new ColumnSet()
                     * {
                     *  databaseTableId = Convert.ToInt32(tempColumnSet[0]),
                     *  name = tempColumnSet[1],
                     *  messageGroupInstanceId =,
                     *  isPrimaryKey = Convert.ToBoolean(tempColumnSet[2]),
                     *  columnDataType = tempColumnSet[3]
                     * };
                     * ColumnSetDAO.PostUpdate(columnSet);

                    WebservicePropertySet webservicePropertySet = new WebservicePropertySet()
                        webserviceObjectId = Convert.ToInt32(tempColumnSet[0]),
                        name = tempColumnSet[1],
                        messageGroupInstanceId =,
                        columnDataType         = tempColumnSet[2]
