Beispiel #1
        public async Task <object> InvokeDispatcherAsync(MessageDispatchInfo dispatcher, IMessage message,
                                                         CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Check.NotNull(dispatcher, nameof(dispatcher));
            Check.NotNull(message, nameof(message));

            if (!message.GetType().CanAssignTo(dispatcher.MessageType))
                throw new ContainerException(
                          $"The message event type: {message.GetType()} being dispatched does not match or " +
                          $"derived from the dispatch information type of: {dispatcher.MessageType}.");

            // Invoke the message consumers in a new lifetime scope.  This is for the case where a message
            // is received outside of the normal lifetime scope such as the one associated with the current
            // web request.
            using (var scope = AppContainer.Instance.Services.BeginLifetimeScope())
                    // Resolve the component and call the message handler.
                    var consumer = (IMessageConsumer)scope.Resolve(dispatcher.ConsumerType);
                    return(await dispatcher.Dispatch(message, consumer, cancellationToken));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Context.Logger.LogError(MessagingLogEvents.MESSAGING_EXCEPTION, "Message Dispatch Error Details.", ex);
Beispiel #2
        private void RpcConsumerReplyReceived(BasicDeliverEventArgs deliveryEvent)

            // Determine the command type based on the type name stored in basic properties.  NOTE: a command type name is
            // just a value used to identify the type used to determine the C# class type on the receiving end corresponding
            // to the type on the caller's end.  They may or may not be the same physical C# type.
            string typeName    = deliveryEvent.BasicProperties.Type;
            Type   commandType = _brokerState.RpcTypes[typeName];

            // Dispatch the message the handler to obtain the result.
            MessageDispatchInfo dispatcher = _messagingModule.GetInProcessCommandDispatcher(commandType);
            IMessage            message    = _serializationMgr.Deserialize(commandType, deliveryEvent);
            object result = null;

                result = _messagingModule.InvokeDispatcherAsync(dispatcher, message).Result;

                // Publish the reply back to the publisher that made the request on the
                // queue specified by them in the message header on a new channel.
                PublishConsumerReply(result, deliveryEvent.BasicProperties);
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                PublishConsumerExceptionReply(ex.InnerException, deliveryEvent.BasicProperties);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PublishConsumerExceptionReply(ex, deliveryEvent.BasicProperties);
Beispiel #3
        public MessageQueueSubscriber(string hostId, MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(hostId));

            if (dispatchInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchInfo));

            _hostId = hostId;

            // Obtain the subscriber attribute so the definition metadata
            // can be retrieved.
            var queueAttribute = dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod
                                 .GetCustomAttribute <SubscriberQueueAttribute>();

            DispatchInfo           = dispatchInfo;
            QueueMeta              = queueAttribute.QueueFactory.CreateQueueMeta(queueAttribute);
            QueueMeta.QueueFactory = queueAttribute.QueueFactory;

        // Any dispatch corresponding to a method decorated with a
        // ChannelSubscriptionAttribute attribute will be bound to a channel.
        public static bool IsSubscriber(MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
            if (dispatchInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchInfo));

            return(dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.HasAttribute <ChannelSubscriptionAttribute>());
Beispiel #5
        // Any dispatch corresponding to a method decorated with a derived
        // HostItem attribute will be bound as a receiver.
        public static bool IsSubscriber(MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
            if (dispatchInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchInfo));

                (dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.HasAttribute <HostItemAttribute>() &&
                 dispatchInfo.ConsumerType.HasAttribute <HostAttribute>());
Beispiel #6
        private void LogMessageReceiveEx(Exception ex, IMessage message, MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
            var logger = LoggerFactory.CreateLogger <SubscriberLinkerBase>();

                            "Error handling received message of type: {MessageType} when calling " +
                            "the consumer: {Consumer} with handler: {Handler}.",
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatch Exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Dispatch error message.</param>
        /// <param name="dispatchInfo">Describes how the message is to be dispatched when published.</param>
        /// <param name="innerException">The source exception.  If the exception is derived from
        /// NetFusionException, the detail will be added to this exception's details.</param>
        public MessageDispatchException(string message, MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo, Exception innerException)
            : base(message, innerException)
            Check.NotNull(dispatchInfo, nameof(dispatchInfo));

            Details["DispatchInfo"] = new
                MessageType   = dispatchInfo.MessageType.FullName,
                ConsumerType  = dispatchInfo.ConsumerType.FullName,
                HandlerMethod = dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.Name
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatch Exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Dispatch error message.</param>
        /// <param name="dispatchInfo">Describes how the message is to be dispatched when published.</param>
        /// <param name="innerException">The source exception.  If the exception is derived from
        /// NetFusionException, the detail will be added to this exception's details.</param>
        public MessageDispatchException(string message, MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo, Exception innerException)
            : base(message, innerException)
            if (dispatchInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchInfo));

            Details["DispatchInfo"] = new
                MessageType   = dispatchInfo.MessageType.FullName,
                ConsumerType  = dispatchInfo.ConsumerType.FullName,
                HandlerMethod = dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.Name
        public MessageChannelSubscriber(MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
            if (dispatchInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchInfo));

            // Obtain the subscriber attribute so the metadata
            // can be retrieved.
            var channelAttrib = dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod
                                .GetCustomAttribute <ChannelSubscriptionAttribute>();

            DispatchInfo = dispatchInfo;
            DatabaseName = channelAttrib.DatabaseName;
            Channel      = channelAttrib.Channel;
Beispiel #10
        private void LogReceivedExchangeMessage(IMessage message,
                                                MessageConsumer messageConsumer)
            MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo = messageConsumer.DispatchInfo;

            _logger.LogTraceDetails(RabbitMqLogEvents.MESSAGE_CONSUMER, "Exchange Message Received",

                MethodName = dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.Name,
                Message    = message
Beispiel #11
        public MessageConsumer(
            BrokerAttribute brokerAttrib,
            QueueConsumerAttribute queueAttrib,
            MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
            Check.NotNull(brokerAttrib, nameof(brokerAttrib));
            Check.NotNull(queueAttrib, nameof(queueAttrib));
            Check.NotNull(dispatchInfo, nameof(dispatchInfo));

            _brokerAttrib = brokerAttrib;
            _queueAttrib  = queueAttrib;
            _queueName    = _queueAttrib.QueueName;
            _routeKeys    = _queueAttrib.RouteKeys ?? new string[] { };

            MessageHandlers = new List <MessageHandler>();

            DispatchInfo = dispatchInfo;
Beispiel #12
        public async Task <object> InvokeDispatcherInNewLifetimeScopeAsync(MessageDispatchInfo dispatcher,
                                                                           IMessage message,
                                                                           CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (dispatcher == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatcher));
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
            if (cancellationToken == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cancellationToken));

            if (!message.GetType().CanAssignTo(dispatcher.MessageType))
                throw new ContainerException(
                          $"The message event type: {message.GetType()} being dispatched does not match or " +
                          $"derive from the dispatch information type of: {dispatcher.MessageType}.");

            // Invoke the message consumers in a new lifetime scope.  This is for the case where a message
            // is received outside of the normal lifetime scope such as the one associated with the current
            // web request.

            using (var scope = CompositeApp.Instance.CreateServiceScope())
                    // Resolve the component and call the message handler.
                    var consumer = (IMessageConsumer)scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(dispatcher.ConsumerType);
                    return(await dispatcher.Dispatch(message, consumer, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Context.Logger.LogError(MessagingLogEvents.MessagingException, ex, "Message Dispatch Error Details.");
Beispiel #13
        // When a RPC style command message is received, it is dispatched to the in-process handler having the
        // matching queue name and action-namespace.  This is unlike the other message patterns where a queue
        // is associated directly with only a single handler.  This allows for several RPC style commands to
        // use the same queue.  This allows for more efficient use of queues.
        public async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(ConsumeContext context)
            MessageDispatchInfo rpcCommandHandler = GetDispatchInfoForRpcCommand(context);
            var message = context.DeserializeIntoMessage(rpcCommandHandler.MessageType);


                object response = await context.MessagingModule.InvokeDispatcherInNewLifetimeScopeAsync(

                await ReplyWithResponse(context, response);
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                await ReplyWithException(context, ex.InnerException);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await ReplyWithException(context, ex);
 // The criteria that determines if a given consumer message handler method
 // is bound to a queue.
 private bool IsQueueConsumer(MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
     return(dispatchInfo.ConsumerType.HasAttribute <BrokerAttribute>() &&
            dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.HasAttribute <QueueConsumerAttribute>());
Beispiel #15
 // Lookup the dispatch rules specified on the message consumer handler and
 // store a reference to the associated rule object.
 private void SetDispatchRule(MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
     dispatchInfo.DispatchRules = DispatchRules
                                  .Where(r => dispatchInfo.DispatchRuleTypes.Contains(r.GetType()))
Beispiel #16
 public HostItemSubscriber(MessageDispatchInfo dispatchInfo)
     DispatchInfo      = dispatchInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchInfo));
     HostAttribute     = dispatchInfo.ConsumerType.GetAttribute <HostAttribute>();
     HostItemAttribute = dispatchInfo.MessageHandlerMethod.GetAttribute <HostItemAttribute>();