Beispiel #1
        public void Prepare(bool generateDefaultLight = true, bool generateDefaultCamera = true)
            meshes = MeshesList.ToArray();
            sounds = SoundsList.ToArray();

            materials        = MaterialsList.ToArray();
            multiMaterials   = MultiMaterialsList.ToArray();
            shadowGenerators = ShadowGeneratorsList.ToArray();
            skeletons        = SkeletonsList.ToArray();
            if (MorphTargetManagersList.Count > 0)
                morphTargetManagers = MorphTargetManagersList.ToArray();

            if (CamerasList.Count == 0 && generateDefaultCamera)
                var camera = new BabylonCamera {
                    name = "Default camera", id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                // Default camera init gives infinit values
                // Indeed, float.MaxValue - float.MinValue always leads to infinity
                var distanceVector = MaxVector - MinVector;
                var midPoint       = MinVector + distanceVector / 2;
         = midPoint.ToArray();
                camera.position = (midPoint + distanceVector).ToArray();

                var distance = distanceVector.Length();
                camera.speed = distance / 50.0f;
                camera.maxZ  = distance * 4f;

                camera.minZ = distance < 100.0f ? 0.1f : 1.0f;


            if (LightsList.Count == 0 && generateDefaultLight)
                var light = new BabylonLight
                    name        = "Default light",
                    id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    type        = 3,
                    groundColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 },
                    direction   = new[] { 0, 1.0f, 0 },
                    intensity   = 1


            cameras = (CamerasList.Count > 0) ? CamerasList.ToArray() : null;
            lights  = (LightsList.Count > 0) ? LightsList.ToArray() : null;

            if (activeCameraID == null && CamerasList.Count > 0)
                activeCameraID = CamerasList[0].id;
Beispiel #2
        public void Prepare()

            // Do not export empty arrays
            if (NodesList.Count > 0)
                nodes = NodesList.ToArray();
                NodesList.ForEach(node => node.Prepare());
            if (CamerasList.Count > 0)
                cameras = CamerasList.ToArray();
            if (BuffersList.Count > 0)
                buffers = BuffersList.ToArray();
            if (BufferViewsList.Count > 0)
                bufferViews = BufferViewsList.ToArray();
            if (AccessorsList.Count > 0)
                accessors = AccessorsList.ToArray();
            if (MeshesList.Count > 0)
                meshes = MeshesList.ToArray();
            if (MaterialsList.Count > 0)
                materials = MaterialsList.ToArray();
            if (TexturesList.Count > 0)
                textures = TexturesList.ToArray();
            if (ImagesList.Count > 0)
                images = ImagesList.ToArray();
            if (SamplersList.Count > 0)
                samplers = SamplersList.ToArray();
            if (AnimationsList.Count > 0)
                animations = AnimationsList.ToArray();
                AnimationsList.ForEach(animation => animation.Prepare());
            if (SkinsList.Count > 0)
                skins = SkinsList.ToArray();
Beispiel #3
        public void Prepare(bool generateDefaultLight = true)
            meshes = MeshesList.ToArray();

            materials        = MaterialsList.ToArray();
            multiMaterials   = MultiMaterialsList.ToArray();
            shadowGenerators = ShadowGeneratorsList.ToArray();
            skeletons        = SkeletonsList.ToArray();

            if (CamerasList.Count == 0)
                var camera = new BabylonCamera {
                    name = "Default camera", id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                var distanceVector = MaxVector - MinVector;
                var midPoint       = MinVector + distanceVector / 2;
         = midPoint.ToArray();
                camera.position = (midPoint + distanceVector).ToArray();

                var distance = distanceVector.Length();
                camera.speed = distance / 50.0f;
                camera.maxZ  = distance * 4f;

                camera.minZ = distance < 100.0f ? 0.1f : 1.0f;


            if (LightsList.Count == 0 && generateDefaultLight)
                var light = new BabylonLight {
                    name = "Default light", id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                var midPoint = MinVector + (MaxVector - MinVector) / 2;
                light.type     = 0;
                light.position = (midPoint + (MaxVector - MinVector)).ToArray();

                light.diffuse  = new Vector3(1, 1, 1).ToArray();
                light.specular = new Vector3(1, 1, 1).ToArray();


            cameras = CamerasList.ToArray();
            lights  = LightsList.ToArray();

            if (activeCameraID == null)
                activeCameraID = CamerasList[0].id;
Beispiel #4
        public void Prepare()

            // Do not export empty arrays
            if (NodesList.Count > 0)
                nodes = NodesList.ToArray();
                NodesList.ForEach(node => node.Prepare());
            if (CamerasList.Count > 0)
                cameras = CamerasList.ToArray();
            if (BuffersList.Count > 0)
                buffers = BuffersList.ToArray();
            if (BufferViewsList.Count > 0)
                bufferViews = BufferViewsList.ToArray();
            if (AccessorsList.Count > 0)
                accessors = AccessorsList.ToArray();
            if (MeshesList.Count > 0)
                meshes = MeshesList.ToArray();
            if (MaterialsList.Count > 0)
                materials = MaterialsList.ToArray();
            if (TexturesList.Count > 0)
                textures = TexturesList.ToArray();
            if (ImagesList.Count > 0)
                images = ImagesList.ToArray();
            if (SamplersList.Count > 0)
                samplers = SamplersList.ToArray();
            if (AnimationsList.Count > 0)
                var animationsList = new List <GLTFAnimation>();
                AnimationsList.ForEach(animation =>
                    // Exclude empty animations
                    if (animation.channels != null)
                if (animationsList.Count > 0)
                    animations = animationsList.ToArray();
            if (SkinsList.Count > 0)
                skins = SkinsList.ToArray();
            if (extensionsUsed != null && extensionsUsed.Count == 0)
                extensionsUsed = null;
            if (extensionsRequired != null && extensionsRequired.Count == 0)
                extensionsRequired = null;
Beispiel #5
        //Made of shapes mode, generates multiple shapes alon path
        public void GenerateMadeOfShapes(List <Vector3> vertices, List <int> triangles, List <Vector3> normals)
            if (path.Length <= 1 || pathLength <= arrowHead.getLength() + arrowTail.getLength())
            if (customShapes == null || customShapes.meshesList == null || customShapes.meshesList.Count == 0)
                customShapes            = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MeshesList>();
                customShapes.meshesList = new List <SolidMesh>();
                customShapes.meshesList.Add(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SphereMesh>());
            //FIrst generate all shapes that will be used
            for (int i = 0; i < customShapes.meshesList.Count; i++)
            //Last point on path that was visited
            Vector3 currentShapeLocation = path[0];
            int     shapeIndex           = 0;
            int     currentPathIndex     = 1;

            //Whenver current distance passes the distanceBetweenShapes threshold add another shape to the mesh
            if (distanceBetweenShapes == null || distanceBetweenShapes.Count == 0)
                distanceBetweenShapes = new List <float>();
            while (distanceBetweenShapes.Count < customShapes.meshesList.Count)
            if (atPathPoints)
                distanceBetweenShapes = new List <float>();
                for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
                    distanceBetweenShapes.Add((path[currentPathIndex] - path[currentPathIndex - 1]).magnitude);
            for (int i = 0; i < distanceBetweenShapes.Count; i++)
                if (distanceBetweenShapes[i] < 0.05)
                    distanceBetweenShapes[i] = 1f;
            float currentDistance = distanceBetweenShapes[shapeIndex];
            float percentDistnace = 0;

            //Current used length for rotation function
            madeOfShapesColors = new List <Color32>();
            float currentLength = 0;

            shapeIndex = shapeIndex % customShapes.meshesList.Count;
            float magnitudeOfPathPart = (path[1] - path[0]).magnitude;

            // is expensive save it somewher temporarly
            Vector3[][] tempVerts       = new Vector3[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            int[][]     tempTris        = new int[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            Vector3[][] tempNormals     = new Vector3[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            Color32[][] tempShapeColors = new Color32[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            for (int i = 0; i < customShapes.meshesList.Count; i++)
                tempVerts[i]       = customShapes.meshesList[i].verts;
                tempNormals[i]     = customShapes.meshesList[i].normals;
                tempTris[i]        = customShapes.meshesList[i].tris;
                tempShapeColors[i] = customShapes.meshesList[i].colors;
            Vector3 pathDiff = (path[1] - path[0]);

            defaultRotateAngle           = 0;
            arrowTail.defaultRotateAngle = 0;
            Quaternion lastDirectionX = calculateUpDownQuaternion(pathDiff);
            Quaternion lastDirectionY = calculateLeftRightQuaternion(pathDiff);

            //Calculate when the next mesh at percent of path part needs to be placed, for each path part
            while (currentPathIndex < path.Length)
                while (currentDistance > magnitudeOfPathPart)
                    currentLength       += magnitudeOfPathPart;
                    currentShapeLocation = path[currentPathIndex];
                    currentDistance     -= magnitudeOfPathPart;
                    if (currentPathIndex >= path.Length)
                    magnitudeOfPathPart          = (path[currentPathIndex] - path[currentPathIndex - 1]).magnitude;
                    percentDistnace             += magnitudeOfPathPart;
                    pathDiff                     = (path[currentPathIndex] - path[currentPathIndex - 1]);
                    defaultRotateAngle           = 0;
                    arrowTail.defaultRotateAngle = 0;
                    lastDirectionX               = calculateUpDownQuaternion(pathDiff);
                    lastDirectionY               = calculateLeftRightQuaternion(pathDiff);
                if (currentPathIndex >= path.Length)
                while (currentDistance <= magnitudeOfPathPart)
                    int currentTriangleCount = vertices.Count;
                    currentLength   += currentDistance;
                    percentDistnace += currentDistance;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempVerts[shapeIndex].Length; i++)
                        vertices.Add(Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotateFunction.Evaluate(percentDistnace / pathLength * rotationFunctionLength) * 360, lastDirectionY * lastDirectionX * Vector2.up) * lastDirectionY * lastDirectionX * tempVerts[shapeIndex][i] + currentShapeLocation + (path[currentPathIndex] - path[currentPathIndex - 1]).normalized * currentDistance);
                        normals.Add(Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotateFunction.Evaluate(percentDistnace / pathLength * rotationFunctionLength) * 360, lastDirectionY * lastDirectionX * Vector2.up) * lastDirectionY * lastDirectionX * tempNormals[shapeIndex][i]);
                        if (useShapeColors)
                            madeOfShapesColors.Add(colorFunctions[0].Evaluate(percentDistnace / pathLength));
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempTris[shapeIndex].Length; i++)
                        triangles.Add(tempTris[shapeIndex][i] + currentTriangleCount);
                    currentDistance += distanceBetweenShapes[shapeIndex];
                    shapeIndex = shapeIndex % customShapes.meshesList.Count;
                currentShapeLocation = path[currentPathIndex];
        public override void generate()
            if (colorFunction == null)
                prepareGradient(ref colorFunction);
            List <Vector3> path = pathArray.path;

            mesh = new Mesh();
            List <Vector3> vertices  = new List <Vector3>();
            List <int>     triangles = new List <int>();

            if (customShapes == null || customShapes.meshesList == null || customShapes.meshesList.Count == 0)
                customShapes            = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MeshesList>();
                customShapes.meshesList = new List <ProceduralMesh>();
                customShapes.meshesList.Add(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SphereMesh>());
            for (int i = 0; i < customShapes.meshesList.Count; i++)
            //Whenver current distance passes the distanceBetweenShapes threshold add another shape to the mesh
            if (SpaceTakenByShape == null || SpaceTakenByShape.Count == 0)
                SpaceTakenByShape = new List <float>();
            while (SpaceTakenByShape.Count < customShapes.meshesList.Count)
            for (int i = 0; i < SpaceTakenByShape.Count; i++)
                if (SpaceTakenByShape[i] < 0.05)
                    SpaceTakenByShape[i] = 1f;
            float shapesMaxDistance = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < SpaceTakenByShape.Count; i++)
                shapesMaxDistance += SpaceTakenByShape[i];
            float pathLength = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                pathLength += (path[i] - path[i - 1]).magnitude;
            int   numberOfShapeInstances = Mathf.FloorToInt((pathLength / shapesMaxDistance));
            float maxBrakeDistance       = ((pathLength / shapesMaxDistance) - numberOfShapeInstances) * shapesMaxDistance;
            float brakeDistance          = maxBrakeDistance / (numberOfShapeInstances * customShapes.meshesList.Count);
            //Last point on path that was visited
            Vector3 currentShapeLocation = path[0];
            int     shapeIndex           = 0;
            int     lastShapeIndex       = 0;
            int     currentPathIndex     = 1;
            float   currentDistance      = SpaceTakenByShape[shapeIndex] / 2;
            float   percentDistnace      = 0;

            madeOfShapesColors = new List <Color32>();
            float currentLength       = 0;
            float magnitudeOfPathPart = (path[1] - path[0]).magnitude;

            // is expensive save it somewher temporarly
            Vector3[][] tempVerts       = new Vector3[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            int[][]     tempTris        = new int[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            Color32[][] tempShapeColors = new Color32[customShapes.meshesList.Count][];
            for (int i = 0; i < customShapes.meshesList.Count; i++)
                tempVerts[i]       = customShapes.meshesList[i].verts;
                tempTris[i]        = customShapes.meshesList[i].tris;
                tempShapeColors[i] = customShapes.meshesList[i].colors;
            //Calculate when the next mesh at percent of path part needs to be placed, for each path part
            while (currentPathIndex < path.Count)
                while (currentDistance > magnitudeOfPathPart)
                    currentLength       += magnitudeOfPathPart;
                    currentShapeLocation = path[currentPathIndex];
                    currentDistance     -= magnitudeOfPathPart;
                    if (currentPathIndex >= path.Count)
                    magnitudeOfPathPart = (path[currentPathIndex] - path[currentPathIndex - 1]).magnitude;
                    percentDistnace    += magnitudeOfPathPart;
                if (currentPathIndex >= path.Count)
                while (currentDistance <= magnitudeOfPathPart)
                    int currentTriangleCount = vertices.Count;
                    currentLength   += currentDistance;
                    percentDistnace += currentDistance;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempVerts[shapeIndex].Length; i++)
                        vertices.Add(tempVerts[shapeIndex][i] + currentShapeLocation + (path[currentPathIndex] - path[currentPathIndex - 1]).normalized * currentDistance);
                        if (useShapeColors)
                            madeOfShapesColors.Add(colorFunction.Evaluate(percentDistnace / pathLength));
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempTris[shapeIndex].Length; i++)
                        triangles.Add(tempTris[shapeIndex][i] + currentTriangleCount);
                    currentDistance += SpaceTakenByShape[lastShapeIndex] / 2 + SpaceTakenByShape[shapeIndex] / 2 + brakeDistance;
                    lastShapeIndex   = shapeIndex;
                    shapeIndex = shapeIndex % customShapes.meshesList.Count;
                currentShapeLocation = path[currentPathIndex];
            mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, 0);
            mesh.uv = uvs;
   = "MadeOfShapesSelectionPath";