private void MeshUpdateThread()
            Profiler.BeginThreadProfiling("Custom Threads", "Mesh Updater Thread");

            while (meshUpdaterThreadStopped == 0)
                MeshUpdateThreadStatus status = (MeshUpdateThreadStatus)meshUpdateThreadStatus;
                if (status == MeshUpdateThreadStatus.Updating)
                    // Main thread has requested mesh update
                    // Determine which tiles need updating
                    Debug.Log("Determining tiles to update");

                    // Update tile edge flags
                    Debug.Log("Updating tile edge transition flags");

                    // Update tile meshes
                    Debug.Log("Regenerating tile meshes");
                    foreach (var tileRequiringUpdate in tileRequiresUpdate)
                        if (tileRequiringUpdate.Value == true)
                            int        x            = tileRequiringUpdate.Key.x;
                            int        z            = tileRequiringUpdate.Key.y;
                            Vector2Int tileLocation = new Vector2Int(x, z);

                            // Don't generate meshes for unloaded tiles
                            if (map.tiles.ContainsKey(tileLocation))
                                TerrainMeshGenerator.GenerateTile(tileMeshes[x, z], tileRequiringUpdate.Key, tileSize, tileResolution, tileLODs[x, z], map.tiles[tileLocation].heightmap, tileEdgeTransitionFlags[x, z]);

                    // Combine tile meshes

                    // Set update thread status to finished
                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref meshUpdateThreadStatus, (int)MeshUpdateThreadStatus.Finished);
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            MeshUpdateThreadStatus updaterStatus = (MeshUpdateThreadStatus)meshUpdateThreadStatus;

            if (player)
                if (updaterStatus == MeshUpdateThreadStatus.Idle)
                    curPlayerTilePos = GetPlayerTilePos();

                    if (curPlayerTilePos != prevPlayerTilePos)
                        // Set updater thread status to updating
                        Debug.Log("Updating tiles");
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref meshUpdateThreadStatus, (int)MeshUpdateThreadStatus.Updating);

                        prevPlayerTilePos = curPlayerTilePos;
                else if (updaterStatus == MeshUpdateThreadStatus.Finished)
                    Debug.Log("Updating tiles finished");

                    // Apploy LOD meshes
                    meshFilters[0][0].sharedMesh = lodMeshes[0][0].mesh;
                    for (int i = 1; i < lodDistances.Length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            meshFilters[i][j].sharedMesh = lodMeshes[i][j].mesh;

                            /* Crest ocean depth buffer support
                             * if (oceanDepthCache != null)
                             * {
                             *      oceanDepthCache.PopulateCache();
                             * }*/

                    // Reset updater thread to idle status
                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref meshUpdateThreadStatus, (int)MeshUpdateThreadStatus.Idle);