Beispiel #1
 public static bool SaveUncompressed(IObject3D item, string fileName, MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = null)
     using (var file = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
         return(Save(item, file, outputInfo));
Beispiel #2
        static public void SaveToLibraryFolder(PrintItemWrapper printItemWrapper, List <MeshGroup> meshGroups, bool AbsolutePositioned)
            string[] metaData = { "Created By", "MatterControl" };
            if (AbsolutePositioned)
                metaData = new string[] { "Created By", "MatterControl", "BedPosition", "Absolute" };
            if (printItemWrapper.FileLocation.Contains(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath))
                MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, metaData);
                MeshFileIo.Save(meshGroups, printItemWrapper.FileLocation, outputInfo);
            else             // save a copy to the library and update this to point at it
                string fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), ".amf");
                printItemWrapper.FileLocation = Path.Combine(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath, fileName);

                MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, metaData);
                MeshFileIo.Save(meshGroups, printItemWrapper.FileLocation, outputInfo);


                // let the queue know that the item has changed so it load the correct part

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the mesh to disk in a zip container
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The object to save</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">The location to save to</param>
        /// <param name="outputInfo">Extra meta data to store in the file</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the save operation</returns>
        public static bool Save(IObject3D item, string fileName, MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = null)
                var forceAscii = false;
                if (forceAscii || outputInfo?.OutputTypeSetting == MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Ascii)
                    SaveUncompressed(item, fileName, outputInfo);
                    using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
                        using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
                            ZipArchiveEntry zipEntry = archive.CreateEntry(Path.GetFileName(fileName));
                            using (var entryStream = zipEntry.Open())
                                Save(item, entryStream, outputInfo);

            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #4
        private static string SaveAndGetFilenameForMaterial(MeshGroup extruderMeshGroup, List <int> materialIndexsToSaveInThisSTL)
            string fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), ".stl");
            string applicationUserDataPath = ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationUserDataPath;
            string folderToSaveStlsTo      = Path.Combine(applicationUserDataPath, "data", "temp", "amf_to_stl");

            if (!Directory.Exists(folderToSaveStlsTo))
            MeshOutputSettings settings = new MeshOutputSettings();

            settings.MaterialIndexsToSave = materialIndexsToSaveInThisSTL;
            string extruder1StlFileToSlice = Path.Combine(folderToSaveStlsTo, fileName);

            MeshFileIo.Save(extruderMeshGroup, extruder1StlFileToSlice, settings);
        protected static void SaveToLibraryFolder(PrintItemWrapper printItemWrapper, List <MeshGroup> meshGroups, bool AbsolutePositioned)
            string[] metaData = { "Created By", "MatterControl" };
            if (AbsolutePositioned)
                metaData = new string[] { "Created By", "MatterControl", "BedPosition", "Absolute" };

            // if it is not already in the right location
            if (!printItemWrapper.FileLocation.Contains(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath))
                // save a copy to the library and update this to point at it
                string fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), ".amf");
                printItemWrapper.FileLocation = Path.Combine(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath, fileName);

                MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, metaData);
                MeshFileIo.Save(meshGroups, printItemWrapper.FileLocation, outputInfo);
        static public void SaveToLibraryFolder(PrintItemWrapper printItemWrapper, List <MeshGroup> meshGroups)
            if (printItemWrapper.FileLocation.Contains(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath))
                MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, new string[] { "Created By", "MatterControl" });
                MeshFileIo.Save(meshGroups, printItemWrapper.FileLocation, outputInfo);
            else // save a copy to the library and update this to point at it
                string fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), ".amf");
                printItemWrapper.FileLocation = Path.Combine(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath, fileName);

                MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, new string[] { "Created By", "MatterControl" });
                MeshFileIo.Save(meshGroups, printItemWrapper.FileLocation, outputInfo);


Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the mesh to disk in a zip container
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The mesh to save</param>
 /// <param name="fileName">The file path to save at</param>
 /// <param name="outputInfo">Extra meta data to store in the file</param>
 /// <returns>The results of the save operation</returns>
 public static bool Save(IObject3D item, string fileName, MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = null)
         using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
             using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
                 ZipArchiveEntry zipEntry = archive.CreateEntry(Path.GetFileName(fileName));
                 using (var entryStream = zipEntry.Open())
                     return(Save(item, entryStream, outputInfo));
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #8
 public static bool Save(IObject3D item, Stream stream, MeshOutputSettings outputInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override IEnumerable <PrintItemAction> GetMenuItems()
            return(new List <PrintItemAction>()
                new PrintItemAction()
                    SingleItemOnly = false,
                    Title = "Merge".Localize() + "...",
                    Action = (items, queueDataWidget) =>
                        List <QueueRowItem> allRowItems = new List <QueueRowItem>(items);
                        if (allRowItems.Count > 1)
                            RenameItemWindow renameItemWindow = new RenameItemWindow(allRowItems[0].PrintItemWrapper.Name, (returnInfo) =>
                                Task.Run(() =>
                                    List <MeshGroup> combinedMeshes = new List <MeshGroup>();

                                    // Load up all the parts and merge them together
                                    foreach (QueueRowItem item in allRowItems)
                                        List <MeshGroup> loadedMeshGroups = MeshFileIo.Load(item.PrintItemWrapper.FileLocation);

                                    // save them out
                                    string[] metaData = { "Created By", "MatterControl", "BedPosition", "Absolute" };
                                    MeshOutputSettings outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, metaData);
                                    string libraryDataPath = ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath;
                                    if (!Directory.Exists(libraryDataPath))

                                    string tempFileNameToSaveTo = Path.Combine(libraryDataPath, Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), "amf"));
                                    bool savedSuccessfully = MeshFileIo.Save(combinedMeshes, tempFileNameToSaveTo, outputInfo);

                                    // Swap out the files if the save operation completed successfully
                                    if (savedSuccessfully && File.Exists(tempFileNameToSaveTo))
                                        // create a new print item
                                        // add it to the queue
                                        PrintItemWrapper newPrintItem = new PrintItemWrapper(new PrintItem(returnInfo.newName, tempFileNameToSaveTo));
                                        QueueData.Instance.AddItem(newPrintItem, 0);

                                        // select the part we added, if possible
                                        QueueData.Instance.SelectedIndex = 0;

                            }, "Set Name".Localize())
                                Title = "MatterHackers - Set Name".Localize(),
                                ElementHeader = "Set Name".Localize(),
Beispiel #10
        public static void Save(IObject3D itemToSave, Stream stream, MeshOutputSettings outputInfo)
            TextWriter amfFile = new StreamWriter(stream);

            amfFile.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
            amfFile.WriteLine("<amf unit=\"millimeter\" version=\"1.1\">");
            if (outputInfo != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> metaData in outputInfo.MetaDataKeyValue)
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "<metadata type=\"{0}\">{1}</metadata>".FormatWith(metaData.Key, metaData.Value));

                var visibleMeshes = itemToSave.VisibleMeshes();
                int totalMeshes   = visibleMeshes.Count();

                double ratioPerMesh = 1d / totalMeshes;
                double currentRatio = 0;

                var groupedByNameColorMaterial = visibleMeshes
                                                 .GroupBy(i => (i.Name, i.Color, i.WorldMaterialIndex(), i.WorldOutputType()));

                int objectId = 0;
                foreach (var group in groupedByNameColorMaterial)
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "<object id=\"{0}\">".FormatWith(objectId));
                        int vertexCount     = 0;
                        var meshVertexStart = new List <int>();
                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + "<mesh>");
                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "<vertices>");
                                foreach (var item in group)
                                    var    matrix        = item.WorldMatrix();
                                    var    mesh          = item.Mesh;
                                    double meshVertCount = (double)mesh.Vertices.Count;

                                    for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < meshVertCount; vertexIndex++)
                                        var position = mesh.Vertices[vertexIndex].Transform(matrix);
                                        outputInfo?.ReportProgress?.Invoke(currentRatio + vertexIndex / meshVertCount * ratioPerMesh * .5, "");

                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "<vertex>");
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "<coordinates>");
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(6) + "<x>{0}</x>".FormatWith(position.X));
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(6) + "<y>{0}</y>".FormatWith(position.Y));
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(6) + "<z>{0}</z>".FormatWith(position.Z));
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "</coordinates>");

                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "</vertex>");

                                    currentRatio += ratioPerMesh * .5;

                            int meshIndex = 0;
                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "</vertices>");
                            foreach (var item in group)
                                var mesh             = item.Mesh;
                                int firstVertexIndex = meshVertexStart[meshIndex++];
                                amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "<volume materialid=\"{0}\">".FormatWith(objectId));

                                double faceCount = (double)mesh.Faces.Count;
                                for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < faceCount; faceIndex++)
                                    outputInfo?.ReportProgress?.Invoke(currentRatio + faceIndex / faceCount * ratioPerMesh * .5, "");

                                    Face face = mesh.Faces[faceIndex];

                                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "<triangle>");
                                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + $"<v1>{firstVertexIndex + face.v0}</v1>");
                                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + $"<v2>{firstVertexIndex + face.v1}</v2>");
                                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + $"<v3>{firstVertexIndex + face.v2}</v3>");
                                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "</triangle>");

                                currentRatio += ratioPerMesh * .5;
                                amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "</volume>");

                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + "</mesh>");

                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "</object>");

                var nameColorMaterials = new HashSet <(string name, Color c, int material, PrintOutputTypes output)>();
                foreach (var group in groupedByNameColorMaterial)
                    foreach (var item in group)
                        nameColorMaterials.Add((item.Name, item.WorldColor(), item.WorldMaterialIndex(), item.WorldOutputType()));

                int id = 1;
                foreach (var ncm in nameColorMaterials)
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "<material id=\"{0}\">".FormatWith(id++));
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + $"<metadata type=\"Name\">{}</metadata>");
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + $"<metadata type=\"MaterialIndex\">{ncm.material}</metadata>");
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + $"<color><r>{ncm.c.Red0To1}</r><g>{ncm.c.Green0To1}</g><b>{ncm.c.Blue0To1}</b></color>");
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + $"<metadata type=\"OutputType\">{ncm.output}</metadata>");
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "</material>");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a database PrintItem entity, if forceAMF is set, converts to AMF otherwise just copies
        /// the source file to a new library path and updates the PrintItem to point at the new target
        /// </summary>
        private void AddItem(Stream stream, string extension, string displayName, bool forceAMF = true)
            // Create a new entity in the database
            PrintItem printItem = new PrintItem();

            printItem.Name = displayName;
            printItem.PrintItemCollectionID = this.baseLibraryCollection.Id;

            // Special load processing for mesh data, simple copy below for non-mesh
            if (forceAMF &&
                (extension != "" && MeshFileIo.ValidFileExtensions().Contains(extension.ToUpper())))
                    // Load mesh
                    List <MeshGroup> meshToConvertAndSave = MeshFileIo.Load(stream, extension);

                    // Create a new PrintItemWrapper

                    if (!printItem.FileLocation.Contains(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationLibraryDataPath))
                        string[] metaData = { "Created By", "MatterControl" };
                        if (false)                         //AbsolutePositioned
                            metaData = new string[] { "Created By", "MatterControl", "BedPosition", "Absolute" };

                        // save a copy to the library and update this to point at it
                        printItem.FileLocation = CreateLibraryPath(".amf");
                        var outputInfo = new MeshOutputSettings(MeshOutputSettings.OutputType.Binary, metaData);
                        MeshFileIo.Save(meshToConvertAndSave, printItem.FileLocation, outputInfo);
                catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    UiThread.RunOnIdle(() =>
                        //Do something special when unauthorized?
                        StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(null, "Oops! Unable to save changes, unauthorized access", "Unable to save");
                    UiThread.RunOnIdle(() =>
                        StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(null, "Oops! Unable to save changes.", "Unable to save");
            else             // it is not a mesh so just add it
                // Non-mesh content - copy stream to new Library path
                printItem.FileLocation = CreateLibraryPath(extension);
                using (var outStream = File.Create(printItem.FileLocation))
Beispiel #12
        public static bool Save(IObject3D itemToSave, Stream stream, MeshOutputSettings outputInfo)
            TextWriter amfFile = new StreamWriter(stream);

            amfFile.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
            amfFile.WriteLine("<amf unit=\"millimeter\" version=\"1.1\">");
            if (outputInfo != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> metaData in outputInfo.MetaDataKeyValue)
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "<metadata type=\"{0}\">{1}</metadata>".FormatWith(metaData.Key, metaData.Value));
                int objectId = 1;

                var visibleMeshes = itemToSave.VisibleMeshes();
                int totalMeshes   = visibleMeshes.Count();

                double ratioPerMesh  = 1d / totalMeshes;
                double currentRation = 0;

                var groupedByExtruder = from item in visibleMeshes
                                        group item.Mesh by item.WorldMaterialIndex() into g
                                        select new { Extruder = g.Key, Meshes = g.ToList() };

                foreach (var meshForExtruder in groupedByExtruder)
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "<object id=\"{0}\">".FormatWith(objectId++));
                        int        vertexCount     = 0;
                        List <int> meshVertexStart = new List <int>();
                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + "<mesh>");
                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "<vertices>");
                                foreach (var mesh in meshForExtruder.Meshes)
                                    double vertCount = (double)mesh.Vertices.Count;

                                    for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < mesh.Vertices.Count; vertexIndex++)
                                        IVertex vertex = mesh.Vertices[vertexIndex];
                                        outputInfo.ReportProgress?.Invoke(currentRation + vertexIndex / vertCount * ratioPerMesh * .5, "");

                                        Vector3 position = vertex.Position;
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "<vertex>");
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "<coordinates>");
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(6) + "<x>{0}</x>".FormatWith(position.X));
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(6) + "<y>{0}</y>".FormatWith(position.Y));
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(6) + "<z>{0}</z>".FormatWith(position.Z));
                                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "</coordinates>");
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "</vertex>");
                                    currentRation += ratioPerMesh * .5;

                            int meshIndex = 0;
                            amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "</vertices>");
                            foreach (var mesh in meshForExtruder.Meshes)
                                int firstVertexIndex = meshVertexStart[meshIndex++];
                                amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "<volume>");

                                double faceCount = (double)mesh.Faces.Count;
                                for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < mesh.Faces.Count; faceIndex++)
                                    outputInfo.ReportProgress?.Invoke(currentRation + faceIndex / faceCount * ratioPerMesh * .5, "");

                                    Face           face         = mesh.Faces[faceIndex];
                                    List <IVertex> positionsCCW = new List <IVertex>();
                                    foreach (FaceEdge faceEdge in face.FaceEdges())

                                    int numPolys    = positionsCCW.Count - 2;
                                    int secondIndex = 1;
                                    int thirdIndex  = 2;
                                    for (int polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < numPolys; polyIndex++)
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "<triangle>");
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "<v1>{0}</v1>".FormatWith(firstVertexIndex + mesh.Vertices.IndexOf(positionsCCW[0])));
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "<v2>{0}</v2>".FormatWith(firstVertexIndex + mesh.Vertices.IndexOf(positionsCCW[secondIndex])));
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(5) + "<v3>{0}</v3>".FormatWith(firstVertexIndex + mesh.Vertices.IndexOf(positionsCCW[thirdIndex])));
                                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(4) + "</triangle>");

                                        secondIndex = thirdIndex;

                                currentRation += ratioPerMesh * .5;
                                amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(3) + "</volume>");
                        amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(2) + "</mesh>");
                    amfFile.WriteLine(Indent(1) + "</object>");