Beispiel #1
    private void Start()
        string fileName = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, objFile);

        if (!File.Exists(fileName))
            Debug.LogError("FILE COULD NOT BE FOUND!");

        string objData = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
        int    objLen  = (int)(objData.Split('o').Length * 1.2f);

        debugMeshes = new List <Mesh>(objLen);
        gameWorld   = new world(objLen);
        Raycast.InitRaycastData(ref gameWorld);

        //Generate Ground plane.
        bounds ground = new bounds();

        ground.minPoints = new float3(-1000, -.1f, -1000);
        ground.maxPoints = new float3(1000, .1f, 1000);

        groundMesh = MeshHelpers.MakeCubeFromBounds(ground);
        entity groundEntity = new entity();

        groundEntity.bounds.minPoints = groundMesh.bounds.min;
        groundEntity.bounds.maxPoints = groundMesh.bounds.max;             = "Ground";
        GameWorld.AddEntity(ref gameWorld, ref groundEntity);
Beispiel #2
        private void BuildScene03()
            var mesh   = SurfaceExamples.NonConvexPlanar();
            var sphere = MeshHelpers.Sphere(1);
            var meshes = new List <Mesh> {
                mesh, sphere

            Camera = new ArcBallCamera(new Vector3(20, 20, 20), Vector3.Zero, -MathHelper.Pi * 100, MathHelper.Pi * 100, 1, 1000, GraphicsDevice);
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize
    /// </summary>
    public void Awake()
        // build the hashtable of targets
        foreach (BlendShape.Target t in targets)
            _targetsByName.Add(, t);

        // acquire the _outMesh based on the type of renderer
        bool isSkin = renderer.GetType() == typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer);

        if (_outMesh == null)
            if (isSkin)
                _outMesh = (meshRenderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer).sharedMesh;
                _outMesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

        // duplicate _outMesh to avoid modifying source asset
        _outMesh = MeshHelpers.DuplicateMesh(_outMesh, string.Format("{0} (Duplicate)",;
        if (isSkin)
            (meshRenderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer).sharedMesh = _outMesh;
            GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = _outMesh;
        // duplicate seamlessBaseMesh to avoid modifying source asset
        seamlessBaseMesh = MeshHelpers.DuplicateMesh(seamlessBaseMesh, string.Format("{0} (Duplicate)",;

        // store necessary vertex and normal arrays
        _defaultNormals   = _outMesh.normals;
        _seamlessNormals  = seamlessBaseMesh.normals;
        _seamlessVertices = seamlessBaseMesh.vertices;
        _outNormals       = _outMesh.normals;
        _outVertices      = _outMesh.vertices;
Beispiel #4
        private void BuildScene01()
            MeshGeometries = new List <MeshGeometry>();
            Random rand      = new Random();
            int    size      = 10;
            int    num       = 10;
            int    maxHeight = 100;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                    var box       = MeshHelpers.Box(size, size, rand.Next(maxHeight / 20, maxHeight));
                    var translate = Matrix4.Translation(i * 1.5 * size, j * 1.5 * size, 0);
                    var mg = new MeshGeometry(this, box);
Beispiel #5
        public static List <List <Point> > Tessellate(List <Surface> surfaces, double tolerance, int maxGridLines)
            var rpfactory = new DefaultRenderPackageFactory();
            var rp        = rpfactory.CreateRenderPackage();
            var tp        = new TessellationParameters();

            tp.MaxTessellationDivisions = maxGridLines;
            tp.Tolerance = tolerance;

            foreach (var surface in surfaces)
                surface.Tessellate(rp, tp);
            //grab double components from rp and subset them into points and further into triangles
            List <List <double> > pointdata = MeshHelpers.Split(rp.MeshVertices.ToList(), 3);

            List <Point> points = pointdata.Select(x => Point.ByCoordinates(x[0], x[1], x[2])).ToList();

            List <List <Point> > tris = MeshHelpers.Split(points, 3);

Beispiel #6
    public static Mesh MakePlanetaryMesh(Vector2 start, Vector2 sweep, float minRadius, int meshSegments = 32)
        int neededVerts = (int)Pow(meshSegments * 2, 2);
        int neededTris  = 2 * (int)Pow(meshSegments, 2);

        Vector3[] vertices  = new Vector3[neededVerts];
        Vector3[] normals   = new Vector3[neededVerts];
        Vector2[] uv        = new Vector2[neededVerts];
        int[]     triangles = new int[neededTris * 3];

        Vector2 sweepPer = sweep / meshSegments;
        int     cnt = meshSegments * meshSegments;
        float   xx, yy;

        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
            xx = Floor(i % meshSegments) / meshSegments;
            yy = Floor(i / meshSegments) / meshSegments;

        return(MeshHelpers.MakeMesh(vertices, uv, triangles, normals));
Beispiel #7
        private void ReadFaceMeshes(MDLParser mdl, VVDParser vvd, VTXParser vtx, BSPParser bspParser, VPKParser vpkParser)
            int textureIndex = 0;

            if (mdl.bodyParts.Length == vtx.bodyParts.Length)
                for (int bodyPartIndex = 0; bodyPartIndex < mdl.bodyParts.Length; bodyPartIndex++)
                    for (int modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models.Length; modelIndex++)
                        //int currentPosition = 0;
                        for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes.Length; meshIndex++)
                            int rootLodIndex = mdl.header1.rootLod;
                            //int rootLodIndex = 0;
                            //int rootLodCount = 1;
                            //if (mdl.header1.numAllowedRootLods == 0)
                            //    rootLodCount = vtx.header.numLODs;

                            FaceMesh currentFace = new FaceMesh();

                            int verticesStartIndex = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexIndexStart;
                            int vertexCount        = 0;
                            //int vertexCount = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexCount;
                            //int vertexCount = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexData.lodVertexCount[rootLodIndex];
                            //int vertexCount = 0;
                            //for (int i = 0; i <= rootLodIndex; i++)
                            //    vertexCount += mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexData.lodVertexCount[i];

                            int trianglesCount = 0;
                            for (int stripGroupIndex = 0; stripGroupIndex < vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].stripGroupCount; stripGroupIndex++)
                                var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[stripGroupIndex];
                                for (int stripIndex = 0; stripIndex < currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips.Length; stripIndex++)
                                    var currentStrip = currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips[stripIndex];
                                    if (((StripHeaderFlags_t)currentStrip.flags & StripHeaderFlags_t.STRIP_IS_TRILIST) > 0)
                                        trianglesCount += currentStrip.indexCount;

                            //List<int> triangles = new List<int>();
                            int[] triangles      = new int[trianglesCount];
                            int   trianglesIndex = 0;
                            //for (int countUpLodIndex = 0; countUpLodIndex <= rootLodIndex; countUpLodIndex++)
                            for (int stripGroupIndex = 0; stripGroupIndex < vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].stripGroupCount; stripGroupIndex++)
                                //var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[0];
                                var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[stripGroupIndex];
                                //int trianglesCount = currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices.Length;
                                //int[] triangles = new int[trianglesCount];

                                for (int stripIndex = 0; stripIndex < currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips.Length; stripIndex++)
                                    var currentStrip = currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips[stripIndex];

                                    if (((StripHeaderFlags_t)currentStrip.flags & StripHeaderFlags_t.STRIP_IS_TRILIST) > 0)
                                        for (int indexIndex = 0; indexIndex < currentStrip.indexCount; indexIndex += 3)
                                            int vertexIndexA = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex]].originalMeshVertexIndex;
                                            int vertexIndexB = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex + 2]].originalMeshVertexIndex;
                                            int vertexIndexC = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex + 1]].originalMeshVertexIndex;

                                            vertexCount = Mathf.Max(vertexCount, vertexIndexA, vertexIndexB, vertexIndexC);
                                            //if (vertexIndexA < vertices.Length && vertexIndexB < vertices.Length && vertexIndexC < vertices.Length)
                                            triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexA;
                                            triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexB;
                                            triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexC;

                            vertexCount += 1;
                            //vertexCount = vvd.vertices.Length;
                            //vertexCount = vvd.header.numLODVertices[rootLodIndex];

                            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
                            Vector3[] normals  = new Vector3[vertexCount];
                            Vector2[] uv       = new Vector2[vertexCount];

                            for (int verticesIndex = 0; verticesIndex < vertices.Length; verticesIndex++)
                                vertices[verticesIndex] = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecPosition;
                                normals[verticesIndex]  = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecNormal;
                                uv[verticesIndex]       = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecTexCoord;

                            Debug.Assert(triangles.Length % 3 == 0, "SourceModel: Triangles not a multiple of three for " + modelPath);
                            if (mdl.header1.includemodel_count > 0)
                                Debug.LogWarning("SourceModel: Include model count greater than zero (" + mdl.header1.includemodel_count + ", " + mdl.header1.includemodel_index + ") for " + modelPath);
                            if (vvd.header.numFixups > 0)
                                Debug.LogWarning("SourceModel: " + vvd.header.numFixups + " fixups found for " + modelPath);

                            MeshHelpers.MeshData meshData;

                            //var outcome = MeshHelpers.GenerateConvexHull(vertices, out meshData, 0.2);
                            //if (outcome != MIConvexHull.ConvexHullCreationResultOutcome.Success)
                            //    Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Convex hull error " + outcome + " for " + modelPath);

                            if (decimationPercent > 0)
                                meshData    = MeshHelpers.DecimateByTriangleCount(vertices, triangles, normals, 1 - decimationPercent);
                                meshData.uv = new Vector2[meshData.vertices.Length];
                                System.Array.Copy(uv, meshData.uv, meshData.vertices.Length);
                                meshData           = new MeshHelpers.MeshData();
                                meshData.vertices  = vertices;
                                meshData.triangles = triangles;
                                meshData.normals   = normals;
                                meshData.uv        = uv;

                            currentFace.meshData = meshData;

                            string textureName = "";
                            string texturePath = mdl.texturePaths[0].Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
                            if (textureIndex < mdl.textures.Length)
                                textureName = mdl.textures[textureIndex].name.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
                            //textureName = mdl.textures[textureIndex].name.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
                            if (textureName.IndexOf(texturePath) > -1)
                                texturePath = "";
                            string textureLocation = texturePath + textureName;
                            //if (modelTextures != null && textureIndex < modelTextures.Length) //Should not have this line
                            //    textureLocation = modelTextures[textureIndex]?.location;

                            currentFace.faceName = textureLocation;
                            currentFace.material = VMTData.GrabVMT(bspParser, vpkParser, textureLocation);
                            //if (!excludeTextures)
                            //    currentFace.texture = SourceTexture.GrabTexture(bspParser, vpkParser, textureLocation);

                Debug.LogError("SourceModel: MDL and VTX body part count doesn't match (" + modelPath + ")");