Beispiel #1
        public void TestMerge6()
            var source0 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source1 = new InMemoryLogFile();

            var merged  = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source0, source1);
            var data    = Listen(merged);
            var changes = ListenToChanges(merged, 1);

            merged.OnLogFileModified(source0, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source0, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source0, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source0, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source0, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source0, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source1, LogFileSection.Reset);

            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            source1.AddEntry("Hello World", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp);


            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(1), "Hello World", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp)

            int count = changes.Count;

            changes.ElementAt(count - 2).Should().Equal(LogFileSection.Reset);
            changes.ElementAt(count - 1).Should().Equal(new LogFileSection(0, 1));
Beispiel #2
        public void TestMergeMultiline3()
            var source1   = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source1Id = new LogLineSourceId(0);
            var source2   = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source2Id = new LogLineSourceId(1);
            var merged    = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source1, source2);

            var t1 = new DateTime(2017, 11, 26, 11, 45, 0);

            source1.AddEntry("Foo", LevelFlags.Info, t1);

            var t3 = new DateTime(2017, 11, 26, 11, 45, 2);

            source1.AddEntry("bar", LevelFlags.Warning, t3);

            var t2 = new DateTime(2017, 11, 26, 11, 45, 1);

            source2.AddMultilineEntry(LevelFlags.Debug, t2, "Hello,", "World!");

            merged.GetLine(0).Should().Be(new LogLine(0, 0, source1Id, "Foo", LevelFlags.Info, t1));
            merged.GetLine(1).Should().Be(new LogLine(1, 1, source2Id, "Hello,", LevelFlags.Debug, t2));
            merged.GetLine(2).Should().Be(new LogLine(2, 1, source2Id, "World!", LevelFlags.Debug, t2));
            merged.GetLine(3).Should().Be(new LogLine(3, 2, source1Id, "bar", LevelFlags.Warning, t3));
Beispiel #3
        public void TestGetLineNumbersByIndices()
            var source1 = new InMemoryLogFile();

            source1.Add(new LogEntry2 {
                Timestamp = new DateTime(2017, 12, 20, 23, 1, 0)

            var source2 = new InMemoryLogFile();

            source1.Add(new LogEntry2 {
                Timestamp = new DateTime(2017, 12, 20, 23, 0, 0)

            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source1, source2);


            var lineNumbers = logFile.GetColumn(new LogLineIndex[] { 1, 0 }, LogFileColumns.LineNumber);


            lineNumbers = logFile.GetColumn(new LogLineIndex[] { 1, 0 }, LogFileColumns.OriginalLineNumber);
Beispiel #4
        public void TestMerge5()
            var source0 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source1 = new InMemoryLogFile();

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source0, source1);
            var data   = Listen(merged);

            var later   = new DateTime(2016, 2, 16);
            var earlier = new DateTime(2016, 2, 15);

            source0.AddEntry("a", LevelFlags.Warning, later);


            source1.AddEntry("c", LevelFlags.Error, earlier);

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(1), "c", LevelFlags.Error, earlier),
                new LogLine(1, 1, new LogLineSourceId(0), "a", LevelFlags.Warning, later)
Beispiel #5
        public void TestGetTimestampsOneSource2([Range(0, 3)] int offset)
            var source  = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source);

            source.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Other, new DateTime(2017, 12, 14, 23, 27, 0));
            source.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Other, new DateTime(2017, 12, 14, 23, 28, 23));
            source.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Other, new DateTime(2017, 12, 14, 23, 29, 1));
            int count = source.Count;


            var buffer = new DateTime?[offset + count];

            for (int i = 0; i < offset + count; ++i)
                buffer[i] = DateTime.MinValue;

            logFile.GetColumn(new LogLineIndex[] { 2, 1 }, LogFileColumns.Timestamp, buffer, offset);

            for (int i = 0; i < offset; ++i)
                buffer[i].Should().Be(DateTime.MinValue, "because we've specified an offset and thus values before that offset shouldn't have been touched");
            buffer[offset + 0].Should().Be(source.GetLine(2).Timestamp);
            buffer[offset + 1].Should().Be(source.GetLine(1).Timestamp);
Beispiel #6
        public void TestMerge3()
            var source0 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source1 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var merged  = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source0, source1);
            var data    = Listen(merged);

            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            source0.AddEntry("a", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp);


            source1.AddEntry("b", LevelFlags.Debug, timestamp);

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(0, 0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(0), "a", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp),
                new LogLine(1, 1, 1, new LogLineSourceId(1), "b", LevelFlags.Debug, timestamp)
Beispiel #7
        public void Test2SmallSources()
            using (var source0 = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.File2Entries))
                using (var source1 = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.File2Lines))
                    using (var multi0 = new MultiLineLogFile(_scheduler, source0, TimeSpan.Zero))
                        using (var multi1 = new MultiLineLogFile(_scheduler, source1, TimeSpan.Zero))
                            using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, multi0, multi1))
                                source0.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();
                                source1.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();

                                multi0.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();
                                multi1.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();

                                merged.Property(x => x.Count).ShouldEventually().Be(8, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                                                                                    "Because the merged file should've been finished");
                                merged.Property(x => x.GetValue(LogFileProperties.Size)).ShouldEventually().Be(source0.GetValue(LogFileProperties.Size) + source1.GetValue(LogFileProperties.Size));
                                merged.Property(x => x.GetValue(LogFileProperties.StartTimestamp)).ShouldEventually().Be(source1.GetValue(LogFileProperties.StartTimestamp));

                                LogLine[] source0Lines = multi0.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, source0.Count));
                                LogLine[] source1Lines = multi1.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, source1.Count));
                                LogLine[] mergedLines  = merged.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, merged.Count));

                                mergedLines[0].Should().Be(new LogLine(0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(1), source1Lines[0]));
                                mergedLines[1].Should().Be(new LogLine(1, 1, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0Lines[0]));
                                mergedLines[2].Should().Be(new LogLine(2, 1, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0Lines[1]));
                                mergedLines[3].Should().Be(new LogLine(3, 1, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0Lines[2]));
                                mergedLines[4].Should().Be(new LogLine(4, 2, new LogLineSourceId(1), source1Lines[1]));
                                mergedLines[5].Should().Be(new LogLine(5, 3, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0Lines[3]));
                                mergedLines[6].Should().Be(new LogLine(6, 3, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0Lines[4]));
                                mergedLines[7].Should().Be(new LogLine(7, 3, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0Lines[5]));
        public void TestMerge3()
            var             source0  = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> logFile0 = CreateLogFile(source0);

            var             source1  = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> logFile1 = CreateLogFile(source1);

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), logFile0.Object, logFile1.Object);
            var data   = Listen(merged);

            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            source0.Add(new LogLine(0, "a", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

            source1.Add(new LogLine(1, "b", LevelFlags.Debug, timestamp));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(new LogLineSourceId(0), source0[0]),
                new LogLine(new LogLineSourceId(1), source1[0])
        public void TestMerge6()
            var             source0  = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> logFile0 = CreateLogFile(source0);

            var      source1   = new List <LogLine>();
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            source1.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "Hello World", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp));
            Mock <ILogFile> logFile1 = CreateLogFile(source1);

            var merged  = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), logFile0.Object, logFile1.Object);
            var data    = Listen(merged);
            var changes = ListenToChanges(merged, 1);

            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile0.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));


            data.Should().Equal(new LogLine(new LogLineSourceId(1), source1[0]));

            int count = changes.Count;

            changes.ElementAt(count - 2).Should().Equal(LogFileSection.Reset);
            changes.ElementAt(count - 1).Should().Equal(new LogFileSection(0, 1));
Beispiel #10
        public void TestMerge5()
            var             source0  = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> logFile1 = CreateLogFile(source0);

            var             source1  = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> logFile2 = CreateLogFile(source1);

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), logFile1.Object, logFile2.Object);
            var data   = Listen(merged);

            var later   = new DateTime(2016, 2, 16);
            var earlier = new DateTime(2016, 2, 15);

            source0.Add(new LogLine(0, "a", LevelFlags.Warning, later));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));


            source1.Add(new LogLine(0, "c", LevelFlags.Error, earlier));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile2.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(1), source1[0]),
                new LogLine(1, 1, new LogLineSourceId(0), source0[0])
        public void Test2SmallSources()
            using (var source1 = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.File2Entries))
            using (var source2 = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.File2Lines))
            using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source1, source2))
                source1.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();

                source2.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();

                merged.Property(x => x.Count).ShouldEventually().Be(8, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                                                                    "Because the merged file should've been finished");
                merged.Property(x => x.FileSize).ShouldEventually().Be(source1.FileSize + source2.FileSize);
                merged.Property(x => x.StartTimestamp).ShouldEventually().Be(source1.StartTimestamp);

                LogLine[] source1Lines = source1.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, source1.Count));
                LogLine[] source2Lines = source2.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, source2.Count));
                LogLine[] mergedLines = merged.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, merged.Count));

                mergedLines[0].Should().Be(new LogLine(0, 0, source1Lines[0]));
                mergedLines[1].Should().Be(new LogLine(1, 0, source1Lines[1]));
                mergedLines[2].Should().Be(new LogLine(2, 0, source1Lines[2]));
                mergedLines[3].Should().Be(new LogLine(3, 1, source2Lines[0]));
                mergedLines[4].Should().Be(new LogLine(4, 2, source1Lines[3]));
                mergedLines[5].Should().Be(new LogLine(5, 2, source1Lines[4]));
                mergedLines[6].Should().Be(new LogLine(6, 2, source1Lines[5]));
                mergedLines[7].Should().Be(new LogLine(7, 3, source2Lines[1]));
Beispiel #12
        public void TestMergeMultiline4()
            var source = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source);

            source.AddMultilineEntry(LevelFlags.Other, new DateTime(2017, 12, 3, 11, 59, 30), new []
                "2017-12-03 11:59:30 Hello, ",


            var entries = merged.GetEntries(new[] { new LogLineIndex(0), new LogLineIndex(1) },
                                            new ILogFileColumn[]
                LogFileColumns.LineNumber, LogFileColumns.LogEntryIndex, LogFileColumns.Timestamp,
            var line = entries[0];

            line.RawContent.Should().Be("2017-12-03 11:59:30 Hello, ");

            line = entries[1];
Beispiel #13
        public void TestCtor2()
            var sources = Enumerable.Range(0, LogLineSourceId.MaxSources)
                          .Select(unused => new Mock <ILogFile>().Object).ToArray();
            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), sources);

Beispiel #14
        private void UpdateProxy()
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler,

            _logFile.InnerLogFile = merged;
Beispiel #15
        protected override ILogFile CreateFromContent(IReadOnlyLogEntries content)
            var source = new InMemoryLogFile(content);
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source);

        public void TestDispose1()
            var source1 = new Mock<ILogFile>();
            var source2 = new Mock<ILogFile>();

            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);
            new Action(logFile.Dispose).ShouldNotThrow();
 public void TestEndOfSourceReached1()
     var source = new Mock<ILogFile>();
     var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source.Object);
     source.Verify(x => x.EndOfSourceReached, Times.Never);
     logFile.EndOfSourceReached.Should().BeFalse("because the original source hasn't reached its end");
     source.Verify(x => x.EndOfSourceReached, Times.Once);
Beispiel #18
        public void TestEndOfSourceReached1()
            var source  = new Mock <ILogFile>();
            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source.Object);

            source.Verify(x => x.EndOfSourceReached, Times.Never);
            logFile.EndOfSourceReached.Should().BeFalse("because the original source hasn't reached its end");
            source.Verify(x => x.EndOfSourceReached, Times.Once);
Beispiel #19
        public void TestDispose1()
            var source1 = new Mock <ILogFile>();
            var source2 = new Mock <ILogFile>();

            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);

            new Action(logFile.Dispose).Should().NotThrow();
        public void TestCtor1()
            var source1 = new Mock<ILogFile>();
            var source2 = new Mock<ILogFile>();

            MergedLogFile logFile = null;
            new Action(() => logFile = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object))
Beispiel #21
        public void TestCtor1()
            var source1 = new Mock <ILogFile>();
            var source2 = new Mock <ILogFile>();

            MergedLogFile logFile = null;

            new Action(() => logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object))
Beispiel #22
        public void TestDispose2()
            var source1 = new Mock <ILogFile>();
            var source2 = new Mock <ILogFile>();

            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);

            source1.Verify(x => x.AddListener(logFile, It.IsAny <TimeSpan>(), It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);
            source2.Verify(x => x.AddListener(logFile, It.IsAny <TimeSpan>(), It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);

            source1.Verify(x => x.RemoveListener(logFile), Times.Once, "because a merged log file is supposed to remove itself as a listener from its sources when its being disposed of");
            source2.Verify(x => x.RemoveListener(logFile), Times.Once, "because a merged log file is supposed to remove itself as a listener from its sources when its being disposed of");
        public void TestMerge1()
            var source = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> source1 = CreateLogFile(source);
            var source2 = new Mock<ILogFile>();
            source2.Setup(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).Returns(true);
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);
            IEnumerable<LogLine> data = Listen(merged);

            source.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "foobar", LevelFlags.Info, DateTime.Now));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

 public void Test()
     using (var source1 = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.File2Entries))
     using (var source2 = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.File2Lines))
         var sources = new List<ILogFile> {source1, source2};
         using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), sources))
             var filter = new SubstringFilter("foo", true);
             using (var filtered = new FilteredLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), merged, filter))
                 filtered.Property(x => x.Count).ShouldEventually().Be(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Beispiel #25
        public void TestMerge1()
            var source1 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source2 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var merged  = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source1, source2);
            IEnumerable <LogLine> data = Listen(merged);

            source1.AddEntry("foobar", LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2019, 5, 28, 20, 31, 1));

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(0, 0, "foobar", LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2019, 5, 28, 20, 31, 1))
Beispiel #26
        public void TestMerge1()
            var             source  = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> source1 = CreateLogFile(source);
            var             source2 = new Mock <ILogFile>();

            source2.Setup(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).Returns(true);
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);
            IEnumerable <LogLine> data = Listen(merged);

            source.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "foobar", LevelFlags.Info, DateTime.Now));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

Beispiel #27
        public void TestGetDeltaTimesOneSource2()
            var source  = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source);

            source.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Other, new DateTime(2017, 12, 14, 23, 27, 0));
            source.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Other, new DateTime(2017, 12, 14, 23, 28, 23));

            var deltaTimes = logFile.GetColumn(new LogLineIndex[] { 1, 0 }, LogFileColumns.DeltaTime);

            deltaTimes.Should().Equal(new object[]
 public void Test()
     using (var source1 = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.File2Entries))
         using (var source2 = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.File2Lines))
             var sources = new List <ILogFile> {
                 source1, source2
             using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), sources))
                 var filter = new SubstringFilter("foo", true);
                 using (var filtered = new FilteredLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), merged, null, filter))
                     filtered.Property(x => x.Count).ShouldEventually().Be(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Beispiel #29
        public void TestMerge4()
            var source1 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var source2 = new InMemoryLogFile();
            var merged  = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source1, source2);
            var data    = Listen(merged);

            source1.AddEntry("a", LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2019, 5, 28, 22, 40, 0));
            source1.AddEntry("b", LevelFlags.Info);
            source1.AddEntry("c", LevelFlags.Error, new DateTime(2019, 5, 28, 22, 41, 0));

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogLine(0, 0, 0, "a", LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2019, 5, 28, 22, 40, 0)),
                new LogLine(1, 1, 1, "c", LevelFlags.Error, new DateTime(2019, 5, 28, 22, 41, 0))
Beispiel #30
        public void TestMerge4()
            var             source1Lines = new List <LogLine>();
            Mock <ILogFile> source1      = CreateLogFile(source1Lines);
            var             source2      = new Mock <ILogFile>();

            source2.Setup(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).Returns(true);
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);
            var data   = Listen(merged);

            source1Lines.Add(new LogLine(0, "a", LevelFlags.Warning, DateTime.Now));
            source1Lines.Add(new LogLine(1, "b", LevelFlags.Info));
            source1Lines.Add(new LogLine(2, "c", LevelFlags.Error, DateTime.Now));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 3));

            data.Should().Equal(new LogLine(0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(0), source1Lines[0]),
                                new LogLine(1, 1, new LogLineSourceId(0), source1Lines[2]));
Beispiel #31
        public void TestManySources2()
            const int sourceCount = 100;
            var       sources     = new InMemoryLogFile[sourceCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
                sources[i] = new InMemoryLogFile();

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, sources);
            var end    = new DateTime(2017, 11, 26, 17, 56, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
                // Sources are modified in  reverse order: This is the worst case.
                // Reality is somewhere in between...
                sources[i].AddEntry(i.ToString(), LevelFlags.Info, end - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i));

            var changes = ListenToChanges(merged, sourceCount);


            // For once, we expect the content of the merged data source to be as expected...
            merged.Count.Should().Be(sourceCount, "because every source added one line");
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
                int idx = sourceCount - i - 1;
                merged.GetLine(i).Should().Be(new LogLine(i, i, new LogLineSourceId((byte)idx),
                                                          idx.ToString(), LevelFlags.Info,
                                                          end - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(idx)));

            // But then it should also have fired as few changes as possible!
            changes.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogFileSection(0, sourceCount)
Beispiel #32
        public void TestStart1()
            var source    = new Mock <ILogFile>();
            var listeners = new List <Tuple <ILogFileListener, TimeSpan, int> >();

            source.Setup(x => x.AddListener(It.IsAny <ILogFileListener>(), It.IsAny <TimeSpan>(), It.IsAny <int>()))
                (ILogFileListener listener, TimeSpan maximumWaitTime, int maximumLineCount) =>
                listeners.Add(Tuple.Create(listener, maximumWaitTime, maximumLineCount)));

            TimeSpan waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            var      logFile  = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), source.Object);

            .Be(1, "Because the merged file should have registered exactly 1 listener with the source file");

Beispiel #33
        private void UpdateUnfilteredLogFile()

            OriginalSources = _dataSources.ToList();
            IReadOnlyList <ILogFile> logFiles;

            if (IsSingleLine)
                logFiles = OriginalSources.Select(x => x.OriginalLogFile).ToList();
                logFiles = OriginalSources.Select(x => x.UnfilteredLogFile).ToList();

            _unfilteredLogFile = new MergedLogFile(TaskScheduler,
Beispiel #34
        public void TestManySources1()
            const int sourceCount = 100;
            var       sources     = new InMemoryLogFile[sourceCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
                sources[i] = new InMemoryLogFile();

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, sources);
            var start  = new DateTime(2017, 11, 26, 17, 56, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
                // Sources are modified in order with perfectly ascending timestamps:
                // This is a rather unrealistic scenario...
                sources[i].AddEntry(i.ToString(), LevelFlags.Info, start + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i));

            var changes = ListenToChanges(merged, sourceCount);


            // For once, we expect the content of the merged data source to be as expected...
            merged.Count.Should().Be(sourceCount, "because every source added one line");
            for (byte i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
                merged.GetLine(i).Should().Be(new LogLine(i, i, new LogLineSourceId(i),
                                                          i.ToString(), LevelFlags.Info,
                                                          start + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i)));

            // But then it should also have fired as few changes as possible!
            changes.Should().Equal(new object[]
                new LogFileSection(0, sourceCount)
        public void Test20Mb()
            using (var source = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.File20Mb))
            using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source))
                source.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();

                merged.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();


                LogLine[] sourceLines = source.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, source.Count));
                LogLine[] mergedLines = merged.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, merged.Count));
                for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; ++i)
                    LogLine mergedLine = mergedLines[i];
                    LogLine sourceLine = sourceLines[i];
Beispiel #36
        public void Test20Mb()
            using (var source = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.File20Mb))
                using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source))
                    source.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();

                    merged.Property(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).ShouldEventually().BeTrue();


                    LogLine[] sourceLines = source.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, source.Count));
                    LogLine[] mergedLines = merged.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, merged.Count));
                    for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; ++i)
                        LogLine mergedLine = mergedLines[i];
                        LogLine sourceLine = sourceLines[i];
        public void TestMerge4()
            var source = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> source1 = CreateLogFile(source);
            var source2 = new Mock<ILogFile>();
            source2.Setup(x => x.EndOfSourceReached).Returns(true);
            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), source1.Object, source2.Object);
            var data = Listen(merged);

            source.Add(new LogLine(0, "a", LevelFlags.Warning, DateTime.Now));
            source.Add(new LogLine(1, "b", LevelFlags.Info));
            source.Add(new LogLine(2, "c", LevelFlags.Error, DateTime.Now));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(source1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 3));

                    new LogLine(0, 0, source[0]),
                    new LogLine(1, 1, source[2])
        public void TestLive1And2()
            using (var source1 = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.FileTestLive1))
            using (var source2 = new LogFile(_scheduler, LogFileTest.FileTestLive2))
            using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source1, source2))
                merged.Property(x => x.Count).ShouldEventually().Be(19, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                                                                    "Because the merged file should've been finished");
                merged.Property(x => x.FileSize).ShouldEventually().Be(source1.FileSize + source2.FileSize);
                merged.Property(x => x.StartTimestamp).ShouldEventually().Be(source1.StartTimestamp);

                LogLine[] mergedLines = merged.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, merged.Count));

                              .Be(new LogLine(0, 0,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:51,449 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - Test",
                                              LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 449)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(1, 1,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:51,559 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - Hello",
                                              LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 559)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(2, 2,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:51,560 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - Hello",
                                              LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 560)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(3, 3,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:51,664 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - world!",
                                              LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 664)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(4, 4,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:51,665 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - world!",
                                              LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 665)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(5, 5,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:59,284 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                              LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 284)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(6, 6,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:59,284 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                              LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 284)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(7, 7,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:59,299 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                              LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 299)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(8, 8,
                                              "2016-02-17 22:57:59,299 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                              LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 299)));
                              .Be(new LogLine(9, 9,
                                              @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,302 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear1.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: b62ea0a3-c495-4f3f-b7c7-d1a0a66e361e",
                                              LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 302)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(10, 10,
                                               @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,303 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear1.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: b62ea0a3-c495-4f3f-b7c7-d1a0a66e361e",
                                               LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 303)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(11, 11,
                                               @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,304 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear2.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: 0ff1c032-0754-405f-8193-2fa4dbfb7d07",
                                               LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 304)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(12, 12,
                                               @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,305 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear2.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: 0ff1c032-0754-405f-8193-2fa4dbfb7d07",
                                               LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 305)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(13, 13,
                                               "2016-02-17 22:57:59,306 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                               LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 306)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(14, 14,
                                               "2016-02-17 22:57:59,307 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                               LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 307)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(15, 15,
                                               "2016-02-17 22:57:59,310 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                               LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 310)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(16, 16,
                                               "2016-02-17 22:57:59,311 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                               LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 311)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(17, 17,
                                               @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,863 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.BusinessLogic.DataSources - DataSource 'foo (ec976867-195b-4adf-a819-a1427f0d9aac)' is assigned a parent 'f671f235-7084-4e57-b06a-d253f750fae6' but we don't know that one",
                                               LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 863)));
                               .Be(new LogLine(18, 18,
                                               @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,864 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.BusinessLogic.DataSources - DataSource 'foo (ec976867-195b-4adf-a819-a1427f0d9aac)' is assigned a parent 'f671f235-7084-4e57-b06a-d253f750fae6' but we don't know that one",
                                               LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 864)));
        public void TestMerge3()
            var source1 = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> logFile1 = CreateLogFile(source1);

            var source2 = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> logFile2 = CreateLogFile(source2);

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), logFile1.Object, logFile2.Object);
            var data = Listen(merged);

            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            source1.Add(new LogLine(0, "a", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

            source2.Add(new LogLine(1, "b", LevelFlags.Debug, timestamp));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile2.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

            data.Should().Equal(new object[] {source1[0], source2[0]});
Beispiel #40
        public void TestLive1And2()
            using (var source0 = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.FileTestLive1))
                using (var source1 = new TextLogFile(_scheduler, TextLogFileAcceptanceTest.FileTestLive2))
                    using (var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, source0, source1))
                        merged.Property(x => x.Count).ShouldEventually().Be(19, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                                                                            "Because the merged file should've been finished");
                        merged.Property(x => x.GetValue(LogFileProperties.Size)).ShouldEventually().Be(source0.GetValue(LogFileProperties.Size) + source1.GetValue(LogFileProperties.Size));
                        merged.Property(x => x.GetValue(LogFileProperties.StartTimestamp)).ShouldEventually().Be(source0.GetValue(LogFileProperties.StartTimestamp));

                        LogLine[] mergedLines = merged.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, merged.Count));

                        .Be(new LogLine(0, 0,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:51,449 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - Test",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 449)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(1, 1,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:51,559 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - Hello",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 559)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(2, 2, 2, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:51,560 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - Hello",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 560)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(3, 3,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:51,664 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - world!",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 664)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(4, 4, 4, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:51,665 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Test.BusinessLogic.LogFileTest - world!",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 51, 665)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(5, 5,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,284 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 284)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(6, 6, 6, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,285 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 285)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(7, 7,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,298 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 298)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(8, 8, 8, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,299 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 299)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(9, 9,
                                        @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,302 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear1.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: b62ea0a3-c495-4f3f-b7c7-d1a0a66e361e",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 302)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(10, 10, 10, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,303 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear1.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: b62ea0a3-c495-4f3f-b7c7-d1a0a66e361e",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 303)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(11, 11,
                                        @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,304 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear2.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: 0ff1c032-0754-405f-8193-2fa4dbfb7d07",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 304)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(12, 12, 12, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,305 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] INFO  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSource - Data Source 'E:\Code\Tailviewer\bin\Debug\TestClear2.log' doesn't have an ID yet, setting it to: 0ff1c032-0754-405f-8193-2fa4dbfb7d07",
                                        LevelFlags.Info, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 305)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(13, 13,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,306 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 306)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(14, 14, 14, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,307 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 307)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(15, 15, 15, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,310 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 310)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(16, 16,
                                        "2016-02-17 22:57:59,311 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.Settings.DataSources - Selected item '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' not found in data-sources, ignoring it...",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 311)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(17, 17,
                                        @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,863 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.BusinessLogic.DataSources - DataSource 'foo (ec976867-195b-4adf-a819-a1427f0d9aac)' is assigned a parent 'f671f235-7084-4e57-b06a-d253f750fae6' but we don't know that one",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 863)));
                        .Be(new LogLine(18, 18, 18, new LogLineSourceId(1),
                                        @"2016-02-17 22:57:59,864 [CurrentAppDomainHost.ExecuteNodes] WARN  Tailviewer.BusinessLogic.DataSources - DataSource 'foo (ec976867-195b-4adf-a819-a1427f0d9aac)' is assigned a parent 'f671f235-7084-4e57-b06a-d253f750fae6' but we don't know that one",
                                        LevelFlags.Warning, new DateTime(2016, 2, 17, 22, 57, 59, 864)));
        public void TestMerge5()
            var source1 = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> logFile1 = CreateLogFile(source1);

            var source2 = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> logFile2 = CreateLogFile(source2);

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), logFile1.Object, logFile2.Object);
            var data = Listen(merged);

            var later = new DateTime(2016, 2, 16);
            var earlier = new DateTime(2016, 2, 15);

            source1.Add(new LogLine(0, "a", LevelFlags.Warning, later));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));


            source2.Add(new LogLine(0, "c", LevelFlags.Error, earlier));
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile2.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

            data.Should().Equal(new object[]
                    new LogLine(0, 0, source2[0]),
                    new LogLine(1, 1, source1[0])
        public void TestMerge6()
            var source1 = new List<LogLine>();
            Mock<ILogFile> logFile1 = CreateLogFile(source1);

            var source2 = new List<LogLine>();
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            source2.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "Hello World", LevelFlags.Info, timestamp));
            Mock<ILogFile> logFile2 = CreateLogFile(source2);

            var merged = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), logFile1.Object, logFile2.Object);
            var data = Listen(merged);
            var changes = ListenToChanges(merged);

            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile1.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile2.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);
            merged.OnLogFileModified(logFile2.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));



            int count = changes.Count;
            changes.ElementAt(count - 2).Should().Be(LogFileSection.Reset);
            changes.ElementAt(count - 1).Should().Be(new LogFileSection(0, 1));
        public void TestStart1()
            var source = new Mock<ILogFile>();
            var listeners = new List<Tuple<ILogFileListener, TimeSpan, int>>();
            source.Setup(x => x.AddListener(It.IsAny<ILogFileListener>(), It.IsAny<TimeSpan>(), It.IsAny<int>()))
                      (ILogFileListener listener, TimeSpan maximumWaitTime, int maximumLineCount) =>
                      listeners.Add(Tuple.Create(listener, maximumWaitTime, maximumLineCount)));

            TimeSpan waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            var logFile = new MergedLogFile(_scheduler, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), source.Object);

                     .Be(1, "Because the merged file should have registered exactly 1 listener with the source file");