Beispiel #1
        public void WriteRecordBatch(Message <TKey, TValue> message, IBufferWriter <byte> output)
            // baseOffset: int64
            // batchLength: int32
            // partitionLeaderEpoch: int32
            // magic: int8(current magic value is 2)
            // crc: int32
            // attributes: int16
            //     bit 0~2:
            //         0: no compression
            //         1: gzip
            //         2: snappy
            //         3: lz4
            //         4: zstd
            //     bit 3: timestampType
            //     bit 4: isTransactional(0 means not transactional)
            //     bit 5: isControlBatch(0 means not a control batch)
            //     bit 6~15: unused
            // lastOffsetDelta: int32
            // firstTimestamp: int64
            // maxTimestamp: int64
            // producerId: int64
            // producerEpoch: int16
            // baseSequence: int32
            // records: [Record]

            // crc
            using var buffer = new MemoryBufferWriter();

            buffer.WriteUShort(0b0000_0000_0000_0000); // attributes: int16
            buffer.WriteInt(0);                        // lastOffsetDelta: int32

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow.DateTimeToUnixTimestampMs();

            buffer.WriteLong(now); // firstTimestamp: int64
            buffer.WriteLong(now); // maxTimestamp: int64
            buffer.WriteLong(-1);  // producerId: int64
            buffer.WriteShort(-1); // producerEpoch: int16
            buffer.WriteInt(-1);   // baseSequence: int32

            buffer.WriteInt(1);    // one record in the batch

            WriteRecord(message, buffer);

            output.WriteInt(12 + 4 + 1 + 4 + buffer.Length); // size of records + "header" bytes (not documented)

            output.WriteLong(0);                             // baseOffset: int64
            output.WriteInt(4 + 1 + 4 + buffer.Length);      // batchLength: int32
            output.WriteInt(0);                              // partitionLeaderEpoch: int32
            output.WriteByte(2);                             // magic: int8(current magic value is 2)

            var crc = Hash.Crc32C.Compute(buffer);

            output.WriteUInt(crc);  // crc: int32