DeviceMemory BindBuffer(Buffer buffer, MemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo)
            var bufferMem = device.AllocateMemory(allocInfo);

            device.BindBufferMemory(buffer, bufferMem, 0);
        protected unsafe void AllocateMemory(MemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperties, MemoryRequirements memoryRequirements)
            if (NativeMemory != DeviceMemory.Null)

            if (memoryRequirements.Size == 0)

            var allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                StructureType = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                AllocationSize = memoryRequirements.Size,

            PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties physicalDeviceMemoryProperties;
            GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.GetMemoryProperties(out physicalDeviceMemoryProperties);
            var typeBits = memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits;
            for (uint i = 0; i < physicalDeviceMemoryProperties.MemoryTypeCount; i++)
                if ((typeBits & 1) == 1)
                    // Type is available, does it match user properties?
                    var memoryType = *((MemoryType*)&physicalDeviceMemoryProperties.MemoryTypes + i);
                    if ((memoryType.PropertyFlags & memoryProperties) == memoryProperties)
                        allocateInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = i;
                typeBits >>= 1;

            NativeMemory = GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.AllocateMemory(ref allocateInfo);
Beispiel #3
        public void AllocateMemory()
            var allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo(32, 0);

            using (Device.AllocateMemory(allocateInfo)) { }
            using (Device.AllocateMemory(allocateInfo, CustomAllocator)) { }
Beispiel #4
        protected unsafe DeviceMemory AllocateMemory(MemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperties, MemoryRequirements memoryRequirements)
            var allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                StructureType  = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                AllocationSize = memoryRequirements.Size,

            PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties physicalDeviceMemoryProperties;

            physicalDevice.GetMemoryProperties(out physicalDeviceMemoryProperties);

            var typeBits = memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits;

            for (uint i = 0; i < physicalDeviceMemoryProperties.MemoryTypeCount; i++)
                if ((typeBits & 1) == 1)
                    // Type is available, does it match user properties?
                    var memoryType = *((MemoryType *)&physicalDeviceMemoryProperties.MemoryTypes + i);
                    if ((memoryType.PropertyFlags & memoryProperties) == memoryProperties)
                        allocateInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = i;
                typeBits >>= 1;

            return(device.AllocateMemory(ref allocateInfo));
Beispiel #5
        public void CreateDepth()
            ImageCreateInfo imageInfo = new ImageCreateInfo
                ImageType = ImageType.Image2D,
                Format    = Format.D16Unorm,
                Extent    = new Extent3D
                    Width  = BackBufferWidth,
                    Height = BackBufferHeight,
                    Depth  = 1,
                MipLevels   = 1,
                ArrayLayers = 1,
                Samples     = (uint)SampleCountFlags.Count1,
                Tiling      = ImageTiling.Optimal,
                Usage       = (uint)ImageUsageFlags.DepthStencilAttachment,
                Flags       = 0,

            Image image = Device.CreateImage(imageInfo, null);
            MemoryRequirements memReq = Device.GetImageMemoryRequirements(image);

            uint memTypeIndex;

            if (!TryGetMemoryTypeFromProperties(memReq.MemoryTypeBits, 0, out memTypeIndex))
                throw new Exception("Failed to create back buffer");

            MemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                AllocationSize  = 0,
                MemoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex,

            DeviceMemory imageMem = Device.AllocateMemory(allocInfo, null);

            Device.BindImageMemory(image, imageMem, 0);

            SetImageLayout(image, ImageAspectFlags.Depth, ImageLayout.Undefined, ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal, 0);

            ImageViewCreateInfo imageViewInfo = new ImageViewCreateInfo
                Image            = image,
                Format           = imageInfo.Format,
                SubresourceRange = new ImageSubresourceRange
                    AspectMask     = (uint)ImageAspectFlags.Depth,
                    BaseMipLevel   = 0,
                    LevelCount     = 1,
                    BaseArrayLayer = 0,
                    LayerCount     = 1,
                Flags    = 0,
                ViewType = ImageViewType.View2D,

            ImageView imageView = Device.CreateImageView(imageViewInfo, null);
Beispiel #6
        private unsafe IntPtr SetupCopy <T>(int mySize)
            if (SizeOfBuffer == 0)
                SizeOfInternalStructure = mySize;
                var memoryReq = myActiveDevice.LogicalDevice.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(this);
                SizeOfBuffer = memoryReq.Size;
                allocInfo    = new MemoryAllocateInfo {
                    AllocationSize = memoryReq.Size
                var  memoryProperties = myActiveDevice.GetMemoryProperties();
                bool heapIndexSet     = false;
                var  memoryTypes      = memoryProperties.MemoryTypes;

                for (uint i = 0; i < memoryProperties.MemoryTypeCount; i++)
                    if (((memoryReq.MemoryTypeBits >> (int)i) & 1) == 1 &&
                        (memoryTypes[i].PropertyFlags & MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible) == MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible)
                        allocInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = i;
                        heapIndexSet = true;
                if (!heapIndexSet)
                    allocInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = memoryProperties.MemoryTypes[0].HeapIndex;

            deviceMemory = new DeviceMemory(myActiveDevice.LogicalDevice, allocInfo);
            return(myActiveDevice.LogicalDevice.MapMemory(deviceMemory, 0, mySize, 0));
        public Image(VulkanPhysicalDevice myDevice, ImageCreateInfo pCreateInfo, AllocationCallbacks pAllocator = null)
            this.Device = myDevice;
            Result result;

                fixed(UInt64 *ptrpImage = &this.m)
                    result = Interop.NativeMethods.vkCreateImage(myDevice.LogicalDevice.m, pCreateInfo != null ? pCreateInfo.m : (Interop.ImageCreateInfo *) default(IntPtr), pAllocator != null ? pAllocator.m : null, ptrpImage);

                if (result != Result.Success)
                    throw new ResultException(result);

            MemoryRequirements myRequirements = GetImageMemoryRequirements();

            MemoryAllocateInfo MemInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo();

            MemInfo.AllocationSize = myRequirements.Size;

            MemInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = myDevice.GetMemoryIndexFromProperty(myRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocal);

            deviceMemory = new DeviceMemory(myDevice.LogicalDevice, MemInfo);
            BindImageMemory(deviceMemory, 0);
Beispiel #8
        public unsafe DepthImage(uint width, uint height, PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, Device device)
            _width          = width;
            _height         = height;
            _vk             = VkUtil.Vk;
            _physicalDevice = physicalDevice;
            _device         = device;

            Format = FindFormat(FormatFeatureFlags.FormatFeatureDepthStencilAttachmentBit, Format.D32SfloatS8Uint, Format.D24UnormS8Uint);

            ImageCreateInfo imageCreateInfo = VkInit.ImageCreateInfo(ImageType.ImageType2D, Format, _width, _height);

            VkUtil.AssertVulkan(_vk.CreateImage(_device, imageCreateInfo, null, out _image));

            _vk.GetImageMemoryRequirements(_device, _image, out MemoryRequirements memReqs);
            _vk.GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(_physicalDevice, out PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties);
            uint index = VkUtil.FindMemoryTypeIndex(memReqs.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.MemoryPropertyDeviceLocalBit, memoryProperties);

            MemoryAllocateInfo memoryAllocateInfo = VkInit.MemoryAllocateInfo(memReqs.Size, index);

            VkUtil.AssertVulkan(_vk.AllocateMemory(_device, memoryAllocateInfo, null, out _memory));
            VkUtil.AssertVulkan(_vk.BindImageMemory(_device, _image, _memory, 0));

            ImageViewCreateInfo imageViewCreateInfo = VkInit.ImageViewCreateInfo(Format, _image, ImageAspectFlags.ImageAspectDepthBit);

            VkUtil.AssertVulkan(_vk.CreateImageView(_device, imageViewCreateInfo, null, out _imageView));
Beispiel #9
        Buffer CreateBuffer(PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, object values, BufferUsageFlags usageFlags, System.Type type)
            var array            = values as System.Array;
            var length           = (array != null) ? array.Length : 1;
            var size             = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(type) * length;
            var createBufferInfo = new BufferCreateInfo {
                Size               = size,
                Usage              = usageFlags,
                SharingMode        = SharingMode.Exclusive,
                QueueFamilyIndices = new uint [] { 0 }
            var buffer    = device.CreateBuffer(createBufferInfo);
            var memoryReq = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(buffer);
            var allocInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo {
                AllocationSize = memoryReq.Size
            var  memoryProperties = physicalDevice.GetMemoryProperties();
            bool heapIndexSet     = false;
            var  memoryTypes      = memoryProperties.MemoryTypes;

            for (uint i = 0; i < memoryProperties.MemoryTypeCount; i++)
                if (((memoryReq.MemoryTypeBits >> (int)i) & 1) == 1 &&
                    (memoryTypes [i].PropertyFlags & MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible) == MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible)
                    allocInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = i;
                    heapIndexSet = true;

            if (!heapIndexSet)
                allocInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = memoryProperties.MemoryTypes [0].HeapIndex;

            var deviceMemory = device.AllocateMemory(allocInfo);
            var memPtr       = device.MapMemory(deviceMemory, 0, size, 0);

            if (type == typeof(float))
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(values as float [], 0, memPtr, length);
            else if (type == typeof(short))
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(values as short [], 0, memPtr, length);
            else if (type == typeof(AreaUniformBuffer))
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StructureToPtr(values, memPtr, false);

            device.BindBufferMemory(buffer, deviceMemory, 0);

Beispiel #10
        DeviceMemory BindImage(Image image)
            var memRequirements = device.GetImageMemoryRequirements(image);
            var memTypeIndex    = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocal);
            var memAlloc        = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memRequirements.Size, memTypeIndex);
            var deviceMem       = device.AllocateMemory(memAlloc);

            device.BindImageMemory(image, deviceMem, 0);
        public unsafe MemoryAllocation Allocate(ulong size, ulong alignment, bool map)
            // Ensure we have a sane alignment value.
            if ((ulong)(int)alignment != alignment || (int)alignment <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(alignment), $"Invalid alignment 0x{alignment:X}.");

            for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Count; i++)
                var block = _blocks[i];

                if (block.Mapped == map && block.Size >= size)
                    ulong offset = block.Allocate(size, alignment);
                    if (offset != InvalidOffset)
                        return(new MemoryAllocation(this, block, block.Memory, GetHostPointer(block, offset), offset, size));

            ulong blockAlignedSize = BitUtils.AlignUp(size, _blockAlignment);

            var memoryAllocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo()
                SType           = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                AllocationSize  = blockAlignedSize,
                MemoryTypeIndex = (uint)MemoryTypeIndex

            _api.AllocateMemory(_device, memoryAllocateInfo, null, out var deviceMemory).ThrowOnError();

            IntPtr hostPointer = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (map)
                    void *pointer = null;
                    _api.MapMemory(_device, deviceMemory, 0, blockAlignedSize, 0, ref pointer).ThrowOnError();
                    hostPointer = (IntPtr)pointer;

            var newBlock = new Block(deviceMemory, hostPointer, blockAlignedSize);


            ulong newBlockOffset = newBlock.Allocate(size, alignment);

            Debug.Assert(newBlockOffset != InvalidOffset);

            return(new MemoryAllocation(this, newBlock, deviceMemory, GetHostPointer(newBlock, newBlockOffset), newBlockOffset, size));
Beispiel #12
        VertexData CreateVertexData()
            var data = new VertexData();

            var quadVertices = new[, ]
                { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, /* UV: */ 1.0f, 1.0f, /* Normal: */ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
                { -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, /* UV: */ 0.0f, 1.0f, /* Normal: */ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
                { -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, /* UV: */ 0.0f, 0.0f, /* Normal: */ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
                { 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, /* UV: */ 1.0f, 0.0f, /* Normal: */ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },

            DeviceSize memorySize = (ulong)(sizeof(float) * quadVertices.Length);

            data.Buffer = CreateBuffer(memorySize, BufferUsageFlags.VertexBuffer);

            var memoryRequirements = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(data.Buffer);
            var memoryIndex        = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible);
            var allocateInfo       = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memoryRequirements.Size, memoryIndex);

            data.DeviceMemory = BindBuffer(data.Buffer, allocateInfo);

            var vertexPtr = device.MapMemory(data.DeviceMemory, 0, memorySize);

            VulkanUtils.Copy2DArray(quadVertices, vertexPtr, memorySize, memorySize);

            data.Indicies = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 };

            memorySize       = (ulong)(sizeof(uint) * data.Indicies.Length);
            data.IndexBuffer = CreateBuffer(memorySize, BufferUsageFlags.IndexBuffer);

            memoryRequirements     = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(data.IndexBuffer);
            memoryIndex            = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible);
            allocateInfo           = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memoryRequirements.Size, memoryIndex);
            data.IndexDeviceMemory = BindBuffer(data.IndexBuffer, allocateInfo);

            var bytes = data.Indicies.SelectMany(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray(); // oh man, dat Linq tho

            CopyArrayToBuffer(data.IndexDeviceMemory, memorySize, bytes);

            data.BindingDescriptions = new[]
                new VertexInputBindingDescription(0, (uint)(sizeof(float) * quadVertices.GetLength(1)), VertexInputRate.Vertex)

            data.AttributeDescriptions = new[]
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription(0, 0, Format.R32g32b32Sfloat, 0),                 // Vertex: X, Y, Z
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription(1, 0, Format.R32g32Sfloat, sizeof(float) * 3),    // UV: U, V
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription(2, 0, Format.R32g32b32Sfloat, sizeof(float) * 5), // Normal: X, Y, Z

        public unsafe DeviceMemory(Device myDevice, MemoryAllocateInfo myAllocation, AllocationCallbacks pAllocator = null)
            Result result;

            fixed(UInt64 *ptrpMemory = &this.m)
                result = Interop.NativeMethods.vkAllocateMemory(myDevice.m, myAllocation.m, pAllocator != null ? pAllocator.m : null, ptrpMemory);

            if (result != Result.Success)
                throw new ResultException(result);
        void CreateBuffer()
             * We will now create a buffer. We will render the mandelbrot set into this buffer
             * in a computer shade later.

            BufferCreateInfo bufferCreateInfo = new BufferCreateInfo()
                Size        = bufferSize,                 // buffer size in bytes.
                Usage       = BufferUsages.StorageBuffer, // VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_BUFFER_BIT; // buffer is used as a storage buffer.
                SharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive       // VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE; // buffer is exclusive to a single queue family at a time.

            buffer = device.CreateBuffer(bufferCreateInfo);

             * But the buffer doesn't allocate memory for itself, so we must do that manually.

             * First, we find the memory requirements for the buffer.
            MemoryRequirements memoryRequirements = buffer.GetMemoryRequirements();

             * Now use obtained memory requirements info to allocate the memory for the buffer.
            MemoryAllocateInfo allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo()
                AllocationSize = memoryRequirements.Size, // specify required memory.

                 * There are several types of memory that can be allocated, and we must choose a memory type that:
                 * 1) Satisfies the memory requirements(memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits).
                 * 2) Satifies our own usage requirements. We want to be able to read the buffer memory from the GPU to the CPU
                 *  with vkMapMemory, so we set VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT.
                 * Also, by setting VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT, memory written by the device(GPU) will be easily
                 * visible to the host(CPU), without having to call any extra flushing commands. So mainly for convenience, we set
                 * this flag.
                MemoryTypeIndex = FindMemoryType(
                    memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryProperties.HostCoherent | MemoryProperties.HostVisible)// VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT);

            bufferMemory = device.AllocateMemory(allocateInfo); // allocate memory on device.

            // Now associate that allocated memory with the buffer. With that, the buffer is backed by actual memory.
Beispiel #15
        public unsafe DeviceMemory(Api api, ulong size, uint memoryTypeBits, MemoryAllocateFlags allocateFlags, MemoryPropertyFlags propertyFlags)
            _api = api;

            var flagsInfo = new MemoryAllocateFlagsInfo();

            flagsInfo.SType = StructureType.MemoryAllocateFlagsInfo;
            flagsInfo.PNext = null;
            flagsInfo.Flags = allocateFlags;

            var allocInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo();

            allocInfo.SType           = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo;
            allocInfo.PNext           = &flagsInfo;
            allocInfo.AllocationSize  = size;
            allocInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = FindMemoryType(memoryTypeBits, propertyFlags);

            Util.Verify(_api.Vk.AllocateMemory(_api.Device.VkDevice, allocInfo, null, out _vkDeviceMemory), $"{nameof(DeviceMemory)}: Unable to allocate memory.");
Beispiel #16
        UniformData CreateUniformBuffer(Type targetType)
            var data = new UniformData();
            var size = Marshal.SizeOf(targetType);

            data.Buffer = CreateBuffer((ulong)size, BufferUsageFlags.UniformBuffer);

            var memRequirements = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(data.Buffer);
            var memoryIndex     = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible);
            var memAlloc        = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memRequirements.Size, memoryIndex);

            data.Memory = BindBuffer(data.Buffer, memAlloc);

            data.Descriptor = new DescriptorBufferInfo(data.Buffer, 0, (ulong)size);

            data.AllocSize = (uint)memAlloc.AllocationSize;

Beispiel #17
        public void BindMemoryAndCreateBufferView()
            using (Buffer buffer = CreateBuffer())
                PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties deviceMemProps = PhysicalDevice.GetMemoryProperties();
                MemoryRequirements             memReq         = buffer.GetMemoryRequirements();
                var memoryAllocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo(
                    deviceMemProps.MemoryTypes.IndexOf(memReq.MemoryTypeBits, 0));

                using (DeviceMemory memory = Device.AllocateMemory(memoryAllocateInfo))

                    var bufferViewCreateInfo = new BufferViewCreateInfo(Format.R32UInt);
                    using (buffer.CreateView(bufferViewCreateInfo)) { }
                    using (buffer.CreateView(bufferViewCreateInfo, CustomAllocator)) { }
Beispiel #18
        protected unsafe void AllocateMemory(MemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperties)
            MemoryRequirements memoryRequirements;

            NativeDevice.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(nativeUploadBuffer, out memoryRequirements);

            if (memoryRequirements.Size == 0)

            var allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                StructureType  = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                AllocationSize = memoryRequirements.Size,

            PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties physicalDeviceMemoryProperties;

            NativePhysicalDevice.GetMemoryProperties(out physicalDeviceMemoryProperties);
            var typeBits = memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits;

            for (uint i = 0; i < physicalDeviceMemoryProperties.MemoryTypeCount; i++)
                if ((typeBits & 1) == 1)
                    // Type is available, does it match user properties?
                    var memoryType = *((MemoryType *)&physicalDeviceMemoryProperties.MemoryTypes + i);
                    if ((memoryType.PropertyFlags & memoryProperties) == memoryProperties)
                        allocateInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = i;
                typeBits >>= 1;

            nativeUploadBufferMemory = NativeDevice.AllocateMemory(ref allocateInfo);

            NativeDevice.BindBufferMemory(nativeUploadBuffer, nativeUploadBufferMemory, 0);
Beispiel #19
        public void CreateBufferMemory <T>(string bufName, MemoryProperties props)
            if (mDeviceMems.ContainsKey(bufName))
                Misc.SafeInvoke(eErrorSpam, "Buffer " + bufName + " already has a chunk of mem allocated...");
            Buffer buf = mBuffers[bufName];

            DeviceMemory       dm;
            MemoryRequirements mr = buf.GetMemoryRequirements();

            MemoryAllocateInfo mai = new MemoryAllocateInfo();

            mai.AllocationSize  = mr.Size;
            mai.MemoryTypeIndex = FindMemoryType(mr.MemoryTypeBits, props);

            dm = mLogical.AllocateMemory(mai);

            mDeviceMems.Add(bufName, dm);
        protected VertexData CreateVertexData()
            var data = new VertexData();

            var triangleVertices = new[, ]
                { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, /* Vertex Color: */ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                { -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, /* Vertex Color: */ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
                { 0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f, /* Vertex Color: */ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },

            DeviceSize memorySize = (ulong)(sizeof(float) * triangleVertices.Length);

            data.Buffer = CreateBuffer(memorySize, BufferUsageFlags.VertexBuffer);

            var memoryRequirements = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(data.Buffer);
            var memoryIndex        = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible);
            var allocateInfo       = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memoryRequirements.Size, memoryIndex);

            data.DeviceMemory = BindBuffer(data.Buffer, allocateInfo);

            var mapped = device.MapMemory(data.DeviceMemory, 0, memorySize);

            VulkanUtils.Copy2DArray(triangleVertices, mapped, memorySize, memorySize);

            data.BindingDescriptions = new[]
                new VertexInputBindingDescription(0, (uint)(sizeof(float) * triangleVertices.GetLength(1)), VertexInputRate.Vertex)

            data.AttributeDescriptions = new[]
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription(0, 0, Format.R32g32b32Sfloat, 0),
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription(1, 0, Format.R32g32b32Sfloat, sizeof(float) * 3)

        private void CreateBuffer(DeviceSize size, BufferUsageFlags usageFlags, MemoryPropertyFlags properties, out Vulkan.Buffer buffer, out DeviceMemory bufferMemory)
            var bufferInfo = new BufferCreateInfo()
                Size        = size,
                Usage       = usageFlags,
                SharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive,

            buffer = vkDevice.CreateBuffer(bufferInfo);

            var memRequirements = vkDevice.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(buffer);

            var allocInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo()
                AllocationSize  = memRequirements.Size,
                MemoryTypeIndex = FindMemoryType(memRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, properties),

            bufferMemory = vkDevice.AllocateMemory(allocInfo);

            vkDevice.BindBufferMemory(buffer, bufferMemory, 0);
Beispiel #22
        private void CreateVertexBuffer()
            var vertices = new[,]
                {  0.0f, -0.5f,  0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                {  0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
                { -0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },

            var createInfo = new BufferCreateInfo
                StructureType = StructureType.BufferCreateInfo,
                Usage = BufferUsageFlags.VertexBuffer,
                Size = (ulong)(sizeof(float) * vertices.Length)
            vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(ref createInfo);

            MemoryRequirements memoryRequirements;
            device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(vertexBuffer, out memoryRequirements);

            if (memoryRequirements.Size == 0)

            var allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                StructureType = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                AllocationSize = memoryRequirements.Size,
                MemoryTypeIndex = MemoryTypeFromProperties(memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible)
            vertexBufferMemory = device.AllocateMemory(ref allocateInfo);

            var mapped = device.MapMemory(vertexBufferMemory, 0, (ulong)createInfo.Size, MemoryMapFlags.None);
            fixed (float* source = &vertices[0, 0]) Utilities.CopyMemory(mapped, new IntPtr(source), (int)createInfo.Size);

            device.BindBufferMemory(vertexBuffer, vertexBufferMemory, 0);

            vertexAttributes = new []
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription { Binding = 0, Location = 0, Format = Format.R32G32B32SFloat, Offset = 0 },
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription { Binding = 0, Location = 1, Format = Format.R32G32B32SFloat, Offset = sizeof(float) * 3 },

            vertexBindings = new []
                new VertexInputBindingDescription { Binding = 0, InputRate = VertexInputRate.Vertex, Stride = (uint)(sizeof(float) * vertices.GetLength(1)) }
Beispiel #23
        ImageData LoadTexture(string filename, Queue queue, CommandPool cmdPool)
            var bmp = new Bitmap(filename);

            var bitmapFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
            var rect         = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
            var bitmapData   = bmp.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmapFormat);

            uint imageWidth  = (uint)bmp.Width;
            uint imageHeight = (uint)bmp.Height;

            var imageData = new ImageData();

            imageData.Width   = imageWidth;
            imageData.Height  = imageHeight;
            imageData.Image   = CreateTextureImage(Format.B8g8r8a8Unorm, imageWidth, imageHeight);
            imageData.Memory  = BindImage(imageData.Image);
            imageData.View    = CreateImageView(imageData.Image, Format.B8g8r8a8Unorm);
            imageData.Sampler = CreateSampler();

            var memRequirements = device.GetImageMemoryRequirements(imageData.Image);
            var imageBuffer     = CreateBuffer(memRequirements.Size, BufferUsageFlags.TransferSrc | BufferUsageFlags.TransferDst);
            var memoryIndex     = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible);
            var memAlloc        = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memRequirements.Size, memoryIndex);
            var bufferMemory    = BindBuffer(imageBuffer, memAlloc);

            CopyBitmapToBuffer(bitmapData.Scan0, (int)(imageWidth * imageHeight * 4), bufferMemory, memRequirements);

            var cmdBuffers = AllocateCommandBuffers(cmdPool, 1);
            var cmdBuffer  = cmdBuffers[0];

            var beginInfo = new CommandBufferBeginInfo();


            PipelineBarrierSetLayout(cmdBuffer, imageData.Image, ImageLayout.Preinitialized, ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, AccessFlags.HostWrite, AccessFlags.TransferWrite);
            CopyBufferToImage(cmdBuffer, imageData, imageBuffer);
            PipelineBarrierSetLayout(cmdBuffer, imageData.Image, ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, ImageLayout.ShaderReadOnlyOptimal, AccessFlags.TransferWrite, AccessFlags.ShaderRead);

            // wait... why does this work?


            var submitInfo = new SubmitInfo(null, null, new[] { cmdBuffer }, null);

            queue.Submit(new[] { submitInfo });

            device.FreeCommandBuffers(cmdPool, new[] { cmdBuffer });

            //CopyBufferToImage(queue, cmdPool, imageData, imageBuffer);


Beispiel #24
        private void CreateVertexBuffer()
            var vertices = new[, ]
                { 0.0f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
                { -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },

            var createInfo = new BufferCreateInfo
                StructureType = StructureType.BufferCreateInfo,
                Usage         = BufferUsageFlags.VertexBuffer,
                Size          = (ulong)(sizeof(float) * vertices.Length)

            vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(ref createInfo);

            MemoryRequirements memoryRequirements;

            device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(vertexBuffer, out memoryRequirements);

            if (memoryRequirements.Size == 0)

            var allocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                StructureType   = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                AllocationSize  = memoryRequirements.Size,
                MemoryTypeIndex = MemoryTypeFromProperties(memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible)

            vertexBufferMemory = device.AllocateMemory(ref allocateInfo);

            var mapped = device.MapMemory(vertexBufferMemory, 0, (ulong)createInfo.Size, MemoryMapFlags.None);

            fixed(float *source = &vertices[0, 0]) Utilities.CopyMemory(mapped, new IntPtr(source), (int)createInfo.Size);


            device.BindBufferMemory(vertexBuffer, vertexBufferMemory, 0);

            vertexAttributes = new []
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription {
                    Binding = 0, Location = 0, Format = Format.R32G32B32SFloat, Offset = 0
                new VertexInputAttributeDescription {
                    Binding = 0, Location = 1, Format = Format.R32G32B32SFloat, Offset = sizeof(float) * 3

            vertexBindings = new []
                new VertexInputBindingDescription {
                    Binding = 0, InputRate = VertexInputRate.Vertex, Stride = (uint)(sizeof(float) * vertices.GetLength(1))
Beispiel #25
        public ExampleRenderToDisk()
            // The goal of this example is to:
            // - Initialize Vulkan
            // - Create an empty image of size `imageWidth` x `imageHeight`
            // - Use that image as a render target for a triangle
            // - Save the render to disk
            // - Shutdown Vulkan

            const string OutputFilename = "./out.bmp";
            const Format ImageFormat    = Format.R8g8b8a8Unorm;

            uint imageWidth  = 800;
            uint imageHeight = 600;

            Instance instance;

            PhysicalDevice[] physDevices;
            PhysicalDevice   physDevice;

            QueueFamilyProperties[] queueFamilies;
            //Device device;
            Queue       queue;
            CommandPool cmdPool;

            instance      = CreateInstance();                      // Create a new Vulkan Instance
            physDevices   = EnumeratePhysicalDevices(instance);    // Discover the physical devices attached to the system
            physDevice    = physDevices[0];                        // Select the first physical device
            queueFamilies = physDevice.GetQueueFamilyProperties(); // Get properties about the queues on the physical device
            physDeviceMem = physDevice.GetMemoryProperties();      // Get properties about the memory on the physical device
            device        = CreateDevice(physDevice, 0);           // Create a device from the physical device
            queue         = GetQueue(physDevice, 0);               // Get an execution queue from the physical device
            cmdPool       = CreateCommandPool(0);                  // Create a command pool from which command buffers are created

            // Now that we have a command pool, we can begin creating command buffers
            // and recording commands. You will find however that you can't do much of
            // anything without first initializing a few more dependencies.

            VertexData     vertexData;
            ImageData      imageData;
            Buffer         imageBuffer;
            RenderPass     renderPass;
            PipelineLayout pipelineLayout;

            Pipeline[]  pipelines;
            Pipeline    pipeline;
            Framebuffer framebuffer;

            // This exercise would be pointless if we had nothing to
            // render, so lets create that data now.
            vertexData = CreateVertexData();

            // Since we didn't enable any extensions, we don't have access to
            // any display surfaces to render too. Instead we'll create an image
            // in memory and have Vulkan use it as the render target
            imageData        = new ImageData();
            imageData.Width  = imageWidth;
            imageData.Height = imageHeight;
            imageData.Image  = CreateImage(ImageFormat, imageWidth, imageHeight);
            imageData.Memory = BindImage(imageData.Image);
            imageData.View   = CreateImageView(imageData.Image, ImageFormat);

            // Allocate device memory to the image so that it can be read from and written to
            var memRequirements = device.GetImageMemoryRequirements(imageData.Image);

            imageBuffer = CreateBuffer(memRequirements.Size, BufferUsageFlags.TransferSrc | BufferUsageFlags.TransferDst);
            var memoryIndex = FindMemoryIndex(MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible);
            var memAlloc    = new MemoryAllocateInfo(memRequirements.Size, memoryIndex);
            var bufferMem   = BindBuffer(imageBuffer, memAlloc);

            // Load shaders from disk and set them up to be passed to `CreatePipeline`
            var shaderStageCreateInfos = new[]
                GetShaderStageCreateInfo(ShaderStageFlags.Vertex, "triangle.vert.spv"),
                GetShaderStageCreateInfo(ShaderStageFlags.Fragment, "triangle.frag.spv"),

            // Create the render dependencies
            renderPass     = CreateRenderPass(ImageFormat);
            pipelineLayout = CreatePipelineLayout();
            pipelines      = CreatePipelines(pipelineLayout, renderPass, shaderStageCreateInfos, vertexData);
            pipeline       = pipelines.First();
            framebuffer    = CreateFramebuffer(renderPass, imageData);

            // Render the triangle to the image
            Render(queue, cmdPool, vertexData, imageData, imageBuffer, renderPass, pipeline, framebuffer);

            var renderData = CopyBufferToArray(bufferMem, memRequirements);

            WriteBitmap(renderData, OutputFilename, (int)imageWidth, (int)imageHeight);
            Console.WriteLine($"Render written to {OutputFilename}");

            #region Shutdown
            // Destroy Vulkan handles in reverse order of creation (roughly)








            DebugUtils.DestroyDebugReportCallback(instance, debugCallback);

 public unsafe DeviceMemory(MemoryAllocateInfo myAllocation, AllocationCallbacks pAllocator = null)
     : this(VulkanRenderer.SelectedLogicalDevice, myAllocation, pAllocator)
Beispiel #27
 internal static unsafe extern Result vkAllocateMemory(Device device, MemoryAllocateInfo* allocateInfo, AllocationCallbacks* allocator, DeviceMemory* memory);
Beispiel #28
        public unsafe void Initialize()
            if (!InternalHandle.HasValue)
                MipLevels = MipLevels != 0 ? MipLevels : (uint)Math.Floor(Math.Log(Math.Max(Size.Width, Size.Height), 2));

                var imageCreateInfo = new ImageCreateInfo
                    SType         = StructureType.ImageCreateInfo,
                    ImageType     = ImageType.ImageType2D,
                    Format        = Format,
                    Extent        = new Extent3D((uint?)Size.Width, (uint?)Size.Height, 1),
                    MipLevels     = MipLevels,
                    ArrayLayers   = 1,
                    Samples       = SampleCountFlags.SampleCount1Bit,
                    Tiling        = Tiling,
                    Usage         = _imageUsageFlags,
                    SharingMode   = SharingMode.Exclusive,
                    InitialLayout = ImageLayout.Undefined,
                    Flags         = ImageCreateFlags.ImageCreateMutableFormatBit

                _device.Api.CreateImage(_device.InternalHandle, imageCreateInfo, null, out var image).ThrowOnError();
                InternalHandle = image;

                _device.Api.GetImageMemoryRequirements(_device.InternalHandle, InternalHandle.Value,
                                                       out var memoryRequirements);

                var memoryAllocateInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                    SType           = StructureType.MemoryAllocateInfo,
                    AllocationSize  = memoryRequirements.Size,
                    MemoryTypeIndex = (uint)VulkanMemoryHelper.FindSuitableMemoryTypeIndex(
                        memoryRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.MemoryPropertyDeviceLocalBit)

                _device.Api.AllocateMemory(_device.InternalHandle, memoryAllocateInfo, null,
                                           out var imageMemory);

                _imageMemory = imageMemory;

                _device.Api.BindImageMemory(_device.InternalHandle, InternalHandle.Value, _imageMemory, 0);

                MemorySize = memoryRequirements.Size;

                var componentMapping = new ComponentMapping(

                AspectFlags = ImageAspectFlags.ImageAspectColorBit;

                var subresourceRange = new ImageSubresourceRange(AspectFlags, 0, MipLevels, 0, 1);

                var imageViewCreateInfo = new ImageViewCreateInfo
                    SType            = StructureType.ImageViewCreateInfo,
                    Image            = InternalHandle.Value,
                    ViewType         = ImageViewType.ImageViewType2D,
                    Format           = Format,
                    Components       = componentMapping,
                    SubresourceRange = subresourceRange

                .CreateImageView(_device.InternalHandle, imageViewCreateInfo, null, out var imageView)

                _imageView = imageView;

                _currentLayout = ImageLayout.Undefined;

                TransitionLayout(ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal, AccessFlags.AccessNoneKhr);
        static public MPointArray ComputeData(MPointArray inPos, float angle, float envolope)
            var memorySize = inPos.Count * 4 * sizeof(float);

            float[] ubo = { inPos.Count, angle, envolope };

            // pos to float[]
            float[] allPos = new float[inPos.Count * 4];
            var     i      = 0;

            foreach (var point in inPos)
                allPos[i * 4 + 0] = (float)point.x;
                allPos[i * 4 + 1] = (float)point.y;
                allPos[i * 4 + 2] = (float)point.z;
                allPos[i * 4 + 3] = (float)point.w;

            var instance = new Instance(new InstanceCreateInfo {
                ApplicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo {
                    ApplicationName    = "CSharp Vulkan",
                    ApplicationVersion = Vulkan.Version.Make(1, 0, 0),
                    ApiVersion         = Vulkan.Version.Make(1, 0, 0),
                    EngineName         = "CSharp Engine",
                    EngineVersion      = Vulkan.Version.Make(1, 0, 0)
                //EnabledExtensionCount = 0,
                //EnabledLayerCount = 0
                EnabledExtensionNames = new string[] { "VK_EXT_debug_report" },
                EnabledLayerNames     = new string[] { "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation" }

            var debugCallback = new Instance.DebugReportCallback(DebugReportCallback);

            instance.EnableDebug(debugCallback, DebugReportFlagsExt.Warning | DebugReportFlagsExt.Error);

            PhysicalDevice physicalDevice = instance.EnumeratePhysicalDevices()[0];

            var queueFamilyIndex = FindBestComputeQueue(physicalDevice);

            DeviceQueueCreateInfo[] deviceQueueCreateInfo =
                new DeviceQueueCreateInfo
                    QueueFamilyIndex = queueFamilyIndex,
                    QueueCount       = 1,
                    QueuePriorities  = new float[] { 1.0f }

            var deviceCreateInfo = new DeviceCreateInfo
                QueueCreateInfos      = deviceQueueCreateInfo,
                EnabledFeatures       = new PhysicalDeviceFeatures(),
                EnabledExtensionCount = 0,
                //EnabledLayerCount = 0
                //EnabledExtensionNames = new string[] { "VK_EXT_debug_report" },
                EnabledLayerNames = new string[] { "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation" }

            var device = physicalDevice.CreateDevice(deviceCreateInfo);

            //var memProperties = physicalDevice.GetMemoryProperties();

            var bufferCreateInfo = new BufferCreateInfo
                Size               = memorySize,
                Usage              = BufferUsageFlags.StorageBuffer,
                SharingMode        = SharingMode.Exclusive,
                QueueFamilyIndices = new uint[] { queueFamilyIndex }

            var inBuffer  = device.CreateBuffer(bufferCreateInfo);
            var outBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(bufferCreateInfo);

            var memRequirements = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(inBuffer);

            uint memIndex = FindMemoryType(physicalDevice, memRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible | MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherent);

            var memoryAllocatInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                AllocationSize  = memRequirements.Size,
                MemoryTypeIndex = memIndex

            var memory = device.AllocateMemory(memoryAllocatInfo);

            var dataPtr = device.MapMemory(memory, 0, memorySize);

            Marshal.Copy(allPos, 0, dataPtr, allPos.Length);


            memRequirements = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(outBuffer);
            memoryAllocatInfo.MemoryTypeIndex = FindMemoryType(physicalDevice, memRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible | MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherent);
            var outMemory = device.AllocateMemory(memoryAllocatInfo);

            device.BindBufferMemory(inBuffer, memory, 0);
            device.BindBufferMemory(outBuffer, outMemory, 0);

            //var uboSize = Marshal.SizeOf(ubo);
            var uboSize             = 3 * sizeof(float);
            var uboBufferCreateInfo = new BufferCreateInfo
                Size               = uboSize,
                Usage              = BufferUsageFlags.UniformBuffer,
                SharingMode        = SharingMode.Exclusive,
                QueueFamilyIndices = new uint[] { queueFamilyIndex }

            var uboBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(uboBufferCreateInfo);

            memRequirements = device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(uboBuffer);

            var uboMemoryAllocInfo = new MemoryAllocateInfo
                AllocationSize  = memRequirements.Size,
                MemoryTypeIndex = FindMemoryType(physicalDevice, memRequirements.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible | MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherent)

            var uboMemory = device.AllocateMemory(uboMemoryAllocInfo);
            var uboPtr    = device.MapMemory(uboMemory, 0, uboSize);

            Marshal.Copy(ubo, 0, uboPtr, ubo.Length);

            device.BindBufferMemory(uboBuffer, uboMemory, 0);

            //string textureName = string.Format("{0}.comp.spv", typeof(VulankCompute).Namespace);
            //Stream stream = typeof(VulankCompute).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(textureName);
            string shaderFile = @"E:\coding\CShape\yTwistCSharpVulkan\comp.spv";
            Stream stream     = File.Open(shaderFile, FileMode.Open);

            byte[] shaderCode = new byte[stream.Length];
            stream.Read(shaderCode, 0, (int)stream.Length);
            var shaderModule = device.CreateShaderModule(shaderCode);

            DescriptorSetLayoutBinding[] descriptorSetLayoutBindings =
                new DescriptorSetLayoutBinding
                    Binding         = 0,
                    DescriptorType  = DescriptorType.StorageBuffer,
                    DescriptorCount = 1,
                    StageFlags      = ShaderStageFlags.Compute

                new DescriptorSetLayoutBinding
                    Binding         = 1,
                    DescriptorType  = DescriptorType.StorageBuffer,
                    DescriptorCount = 1,
                    StageFlags      = ShaderStageFlags.Compute

                new DescriptorSetLayoutBinding
                    Binding         = 2,
                    DescriptorType  = DescriptorType.UniformBuffer,
                    DescriptorCount = 1,
                    StageFlags      = ShaderStageFlags.Compute

            var descriporSetLayoutCreateinfo = new DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo
                Bindings = descriptorSetLayoutBindings

            var descriptorSetLayout = device.CreateDescriptorSetLayout(descriporSetLayoutCreateinfo);

            var descriptorPool = device.CreateDescriptorPool(new DescriptorPoolCreateInfo
                MaxSets   = 1,
                PoolSizes = new DescriptorPoolSize[]
                    new DescriptorPoolSize
                        DescriptorCount = 3

            var descriptorSet = device.AllocateDescriptorSets(new DescriptorSetAllocateInfo
                DescriptorPool = descriptorPool,
                SetLayouts     = new DescriptorSetLayout[] { descriptorSetLayout }

            var inBufferInfo = new DescriptorBufferInfo
                Buffer = inBuffer,
                Offset = 0,
                Range  = memorySize

            var outBufferInfo = new DescriptorBufferInfo
                Buffer = outBuffer,
                Offset = 0,
                Range  = memorySize

            var uboBufferInfo = new DescriptorBufferInfo
                Buffer = uboBuffer,
                Offset = 0,
                Range  = uboSize

            WriteDescriptorSet[] writeDescriptorSets =
                new WriteDescriptorSet
                    DstSet          = descriptorSet,
                    DstBinding      = 0,
                    DstArrayElement = 0,
                    DescriptorCount = 1,
                    DescriptorType  = DescriptorType.StorageBuffer,
                    BufferInfo      = new DescriptorBufferInfo[] { inBufferInfo }

                new WriteDescriptorSet
                    DstSet          = descriptorSet,
                    DstBinding      = 1,
                    DstArrayElement = 0,
                    DescriptorCount = 1,
                    DescriptorType  = DescriptorType.StorageBuffer,
                    BufferInfo      = new DescriptorBufferInfo[] { outBufferInfo }

                new WriteDescriptorSet
                    DstSet          = descriptorSet,
                    DstBinding      = 2,
                    DstArrayElement = 0,
                    DescriptorCount = 1,
                    DescriptorType  = DescriptorType.UniformBuffer,
                    BufferInfo      = new DescriptorBufferInfo[] { uboBufferInfo }

            device.UpdateDescriptorSets(writeDescriptorSets, null);

            var pipelineLayout = device.CreatePipelineLayout(new PipelineLayoutCreateInfo
                SetLayouts = new DescriptorSetLayout[] { descriptorSetLayout }

            var shaderStage = new PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo
                Stage  = ShaderStageFlags.Compute,
                Module = shaderModule,
                Name   = "main"

            var pipeline = device.CreateComputePipelines(null, new ComputePipelineCreateInfo[]
                new ComputePipelineCreateInfo
                    Stage  = shaderStage,
                    Layout = pipelineLayout

            var commandPool = device.CreateCommandPool(new CommandPoolCreateInfo
                QueueFamilyIndex = queueFamilyIndex

            var cmdBuffer = device.AllocateCommandBuffers(new CommandBufferAllocateInfo
                CommandPool        = commandPool,
                CommandBufferCount = 1,
                Level = CommandBufferLevel.Primary

            cmdBuffer.Begin(new CommandBufferBeginInfo
                Flags = CommandBufferUsageFlags.OneTimeSubmit

            cmdBuffer.CmdBindPipeline(PipelineBindPoint.Compute, pipeline);

            cmdBuffer.CmdBindDescriptorSet(PipelineBindPoint.Compute, pipelineLayout, 0, descriptorSet, null);

            cmdBuffer.CmdDispatch((uint)inPos.Count, 1, 1);


            var queue = device.GetQueue(queueFamilyIndex, 0);

            //var fence = device.CreateFence(new FenceCreateInfo { Flags=0 });
            queue.Submit(new SubmitInfo
                WaitSemaphoreCount = 0,
                CommandBuffers     = new CommandBuffer[] { cmdBuffer },
            //device.WaitForFence(fence, true, UInt64.MaxValue);

            var newDataPtr = device.MapMemory(outMemory, 0, memorySize);

            Marshal.Copy(newDataPtr, allPos, 0, allPos.Length);

            var j = 0;

            foreach (var p in inPos)
                p.x = allPos[j * 4 + 0];
                p.y = allPos[j * 4 + 1];
                p.z = allPos[j * 4 + 2];
                p.w = allPos[j * 4 + 3];



Beispiel #30
 public unsafe DeviceMemory AllocateMemory(ref MemoryAllocateInfo allocateInfo, AllocationCallbacks* allocator = null)
     DeviceMemory memory;
     fixed (MemoryAllocateInfo* __allocateInfo__ = &allocateInfo)
         vkAllocateMemory(this, __allocateInfo__, allocator, &memory).CheckError();
     return memory;