/// <summary>
        /// 充电桩死锁数据查询
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable GetPileLockQuery(int page, int rows, ref int total, string strUrl)
            string            strSql = @"      
                            c.zhuan_mc zhuanmc,
                            from oth_pilestates t 
                            join dev_chargpile a on a.dev_chargpile=t.powerpileno
                            join dev_branch b on b.branchno=a.box_id
                            join dev_chargstation c on c.zhan_bh=b.zhuan_bh
                            where t.logdesc like '%死锁%'
            DataTable         dt     = new DataTable();
            MemeryDbDaoClient bll    = new MemeryDbDaoClient();

            bll.RpcUrl = strUrl;
            var jq = bll.GetPages(strSql.ToUpper(), page, rows);

            total = jq.Total;
            dt    = jq.Rows as DataTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// 充电桩遥测数据查询
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable GetPileTelemetryQuery(string pileno, DateTime sdt, DateTime edt, string itemname, int page, int rows, ref int total, string strUrl)
            string strSql   = @"     
                             --(select dc.yunxing_bh from dev_chargpile dc where dc.dev_chargpile= t.zhuan_id) zhuan_id,
                             --t.zhuan_id 充电桩编号,
                             strftime('@dt',t.gatdt) GATDT, 
                             t.m_value || '' m_value
                             from GAT_DATA_YC t 
                             join Gat_Item i on t.GATITEMID=i.ITEMNO 
                             join dev_chargpile p on p.DEV_CHARGPILE=t.zhuan_id
                             join dev_branch b on b.branchno=p.box_id
                             join DEV_CHARGSTATION c on c.zhan_bh=b.zhuan_bh
                             order by t.gatdt desc
            string strWhere = "where 1=1 ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pileno))
                strWhere += " and (t.zhuan_id='" + pileno + "' or p.ZONGXIAN_DZ='" + pileno + "'  or p.yunxing_bh='" + pileno + "')";
            if (sdt != new DateTime())
                strWhere += " and t.gatdt>='" + sdt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'";
            if (edt != new DateTime())
                strWhere += " and t.gatdt<'" + edt.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemname))
                strWhere += " and i.ITEMNAME like '%" + itemname + "%'";
            strSql = strSql.Replace("@where", strWhere);
            strSql = strSql.ToUpper();
            strSql = strSql.Replace("@DT", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
            DataTable         dt  = new DataTable();
            MemeryDbDaoClient bll = new MemeryDbDaoClient();

            bll.RpcUrl = strUrl;
            var jq = bll.GetPages(strSql, page, rows);

            total = jq.Total;
            dt    = jq.Rows as DataTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// 遥测明细数据查询
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable PileTelemetryQueryOutExcel(string pileno, DateTime sdt, DateTime edt, string itemname, string strUrl)
            string strSql   = @"      
                             c.zhuan_mc 站名称,
                             --(select dc.yunxing_bh from dev_chargpile dc where dc.dev_chargpile= t.zhuan_id) zhuan_id,
                             --t.zhuan_id 充电桩编号,
                             p.yunxing_bh 桩运行编号,
                             p.ZONGXIAN_DZ 桩总线地址,
                             t.gatitemid 采集项标识,
                             i.ITEMNAME 名称,
                             i.M_UNITS 单位,
                             i.ITEMDESC 描述, 
                             strftime('@dt',t.gatdt) 采集时间, 
                             t.m_value || '' 值
                             from GAT_DATA_YC t 
                             join Gat_Item i on t.GATITEMID=i.ITEMNO 
                             join dev_chargpile p on p.DEV_CHARGPILE=t.zhuan_id
                             join dev_branch b on b.branchno=p.box_id
                             join DEV_CHARGSTATION c on c.zhan_bh=b.zhuan_bh
                             order by t.gatdt desc
            string strWhere = "where 1=1 ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pileno))
                strWhere += " and (t.zhuan_id='" + pileno + "' or p.ZONGXIAN_DZ='" + pileno + "'  or p.yunxing_bh='" + pileno + "')";
            if (sdt != new DateTime())
                strWhere += " and t.gatdt>='" + sdt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'";
            if (edt != new DateTime())
                strWhere += " and t.gatdt<'" + edt.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemname))
                strWhere += " and i.ITEMNAME like '%" + itemname + "%'";
            strSql = strSql.Replace("@where", strWhere);
            strSql = strSql.ToUpper();
            strSql = strSql.Replace("@DT", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
            DataTable         dt  = new DataTable();
            MemeryDbDaoClient bll = new MemeryDbDaoClient();

            bll.RpcUrl = strUrl;
            dt         = bll.QueryDt(strSql);
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出充电桩死锁数据Excel
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable PileLockQueryOutExcel(string strUrl)
            string            strSql = @"      
                            c.zhuan_mc 充电场站名称,
                            --t.powerpileno 充电桩编号,
                            a.YUNXING_BH 桩运行编号,
                            a.powerpilename 充电桩名称,
                            t.logdesc 异常说明
                            from oth_pilestates t 
                            join dev_chargpile a on a.dev_chargpile=t.powerpileno
                            join dev_branch b on b.branchno=a.box_id
                            join dev_chargstation c on c.zhan_bh=b.zhuan_bh
                            where t.logdesc like '%死锁%'
            DataTable         dt     = new DataTable();
            MemeryDbDaoClient bll    = new MemeryDbDaoClient();

            bll.RpcUrl = strUrl;
            dt         = bll.QueryDt(strSql.ToUpper());