void LoadSVG(float scale)
		MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)target;

		string filename = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("SVG File", lastpath, "svg");

		if ( filename == null || filename.Length < 1 )

		lastpath = filename;

		bool opt = true;
		if ( ms.splines != null && ms.splines.Count > 0 )
			opt = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Spline Import Option", "Splines already present, do you want to 'Add' or 'Replace' splines with this file?", "Add", "Replace");

		int startspline = 0;
		if ( opt )
			startspline = ms.splines.Count;

		StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filename);
		string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
		MegaShapeSVG svg = new MegaShapeSVG();
		svg.importData(text, ms, scale, opt, startspline);	//.splines[0]);
		ms.imported = true;
	void Export(MegaShape shape)
		string filename = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export Shape to SVG", "", shape.name, ".svg");

		if ( filename.Length > 0 )
			string data = MegaShapeSVG.Export(shape, (int)xaxis, (int)yaxis, strokewidth, strokecol);

			System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, data);
	void LoadSVG(float scale)
		MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)target;

		string filename = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("SVG File", lastpath, "svg");

		if ( filename == null || filename.Length < 1 )

		lastpath = filename;

		bool opt = true;
		if ( ms.splines != null && ms.splines.Count > 0 )
			opt = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Spline Import Option", "Splines already present, do you want to 'Add' or 'Replace' splines with this file?", "Add", "Replace");

		int startspline = 0;
		if ( opt )
			startspline = ms.splines.Count;

		StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filename);
		string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
		MegaShapeSVG svg = new MegaShapeSVG();
		svg.importData(text, ms, scale, opt, startspline);	//.splines[0]);
		ms.imported = true;