Beispiel #1
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        MegaLoftLayerSimple layer = (MegaLoftLayerSimple)target;
        MegaShapeLoft       loft  = layer.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

        if (loft && loft.undo)


        if (GUI.changed)
            if (loft)
                loft.rebuild = true;

            if (layer)
        if (loft && loft.undo)
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)

        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if (scatterMesh)
            vcount += sverts.Length * Count;
            tcount += stris.Length * Count;

        if (loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount)
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if (loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount)
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if (lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount)
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

Beispiel #3
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)

        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if (mainObj && MainEnabled)
            vcount += (mverts.Length * Count);
            tcount += (maintris * Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++)
                mainlofttris[i].tris = new int[mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length * Count];

        if (loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount)
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if (loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount)
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if (lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount)
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

    public override Vector3 GetPosAndLookOld(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a, float at, out Vector3 p)
        ca = Mathf.Repeat(ca, 1.0f);
        a  = Mathf.Repeat(a, 1.0f);

        int count = ActualCrossVerts;

        float findex = (count - 1) * ca;
        int   cindex = (int)findex;
        float interp = findex - cindex;

        int cindex1 = cindex + 1;

        float pfindex = (ActualPathSteps - 1) * a;
        int   pindex  = (int)pfindex;
        float pinterp = pfindex - pindex;

        int pindex1 = pindex + 1;

        Vector3 p1 = loftverts[(pindex * count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p2 = loftverts[(pindex * count) + cindex1];
        Vector3 p3 = loftverts[(pindex1 * count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p4 = loftverts[(pindex1 * count) + cindex1];

        Vector3 pm1 = Vector3.Lerp(p1, p2, interp);
        Vector3 pm2 = Vector3.Lerp(p3, p4, interp);

        float pa = pinterp + at;

        p.x = pm1.x + ((pm2.x - pm1.x) * pa);
        p.y = pm1.y + ((pm2.y - pm1.y) * pa);
        p.z = pm1.z + ((pm2.z - pm1.z) * pa);

        return(Vector3.Lerp(pm1, pm2, pinterp));
Beispiel #5
    public override void Notify(MegaSpline spline, int reason)
        if (layerPath && layerPath.splines != null)
            if (curve < layerPath.splines.Count)
                if (layerPath.splines[curve] == spline)
                    MegaShapeLoft loft = GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();
                    loft.rebuild = true;
                curve = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < loftsections.Count; i++)
            if (loftsections[i].shape)
                if (loftsections[i].shape.splines[loftsections[i].curve] == spline)
                    MegaShapeLoft loft = GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();
                    loft.rebuild = true;
Beispiel #6
    public MegaShapeLoft GetClone()
        GameObject to = new GameObject();

        MegaShapeLoft loft = to.AddComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

        loft.mesh = null;

        MegaLoftLayerBase[] layers = GetComponents <MegaLoftLayerBase>();

        for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)

        loft.verts   = null;
        loft.uvs     = null;
        loft.cols    = null;
        loft.rebuild = true;
        loft.BuildMeshFromLayersNew(); = name + " clone";

    string[] GetLayers(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        if (loft.Layers == null)
            string[] lyers1 = new string[1];
            lyers1[0] = "None";

        string[] lyers = new string[loft.Layers.Length + 1];

        lyers[0] = "None";
        for (int i = 0; i < loft.Layers.Length; i++)
            if (loft.Layers[i] != null)
                lyers[i + 1] = loft.Layers[i].LayerName;
                lyers[i + 1] = "Deleted";

    public override bool LoftNotify(MegaShapeLoft loft, int reason)
        if (surfaceLoft != null && surfaceLoft == loft)

 static void RenderGizmo(MegaShapeLoft shape, GizmoType gizmoType)
     if ((gizmoType & GizmoType.NotSelected) != 0)
         if ((gizmoType & GizmoType.Active) != 0)
    void Update()
        if (Application.isPlaying && LayerEnabled && Speed != 0.0f)
            Alpha += (Speed * LayerLength) * Time.deltaTime;
            Alpha  = Mathf.Repeat(Alpha, 1.0f);

            MegaShapeLoft loft = (MegaShapeLoft)GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();
            if (loft)
                loft.rebuild = true;
Beispiel #11
    public virtual bool LoftNotify(MegaShapeLoft loft, int reason)
        if (Layers != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < Layers.Length; i++)
                if (Layers[i].LoftNotify(loft, reason))
                    rebuild = true;

    void OnGUI()
        if (Selection.activeGameObject == null)

        MegaShapeLoft loft = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

        if (loft == null)

        //UnwrapParam uv1 = new UnwrapParam();
        //UnwrapParam.SetDefaults(out uv1);

        //loft.genLightMap = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("Gen LightMap", loft.genLightMap);
        loft.angleError = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Angle Error", loft.angleError, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        loft.areaError  = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Area Error", loft.areaError, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        loft.hardAngle  = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Hard Angle", loft.hardAngle);
        loft.packMargin = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pack Margin", loft.packMargin);

        EditorStyles.textField.wordWrap = false;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Build"))
            UnwrapParam uv = new UnwrapParam();
            //UnwrapParam.SetDefaults(out uv);
            uv.angleError = loft.angleError;
            uv.areaError  = loft.areaError;
            uv.hardAngle  = loft.hardAngle;
            uv.packMargin = loft.packMargin;

            Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet(loft.mesh, uv);


        if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))
    // We could do a bary centric thing if we grid up the bounds
    void DoConform(MegaShapeLoft loft, Vector3[] verts)

        if (target && conformCollider)
            Matrix4x4 loctoworld = transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Matrix4x4 tm    = loctoworld;               // * worldtoloc;
            Matrix4x4 invtm = tm.inverse;

            Ray        ray = new Ray();
            RaycastHit hit;

            float ca = conformAmount * loft.conformAmount;

            // When calculating alpha need to do caps sep
            for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 origin = tm.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]);
                origin.y     += raystartoff;
                ray.origin    = origin;
                ray.direction = Vector3.down;

                //loftverts[i] = loftverts1[i];

                if (conformCollider.Raycast(ray, out hit, raydist))
                    Vector3 lochit = invtm.MultiplyPoint(hit.point);

                    verts[i].y = Mathf.Lerp(verts[i].y, lochit.y + offsets[i] + conformOffset, ca);                     //conformAmount);
                    last[i]    = verts[i].y;
                    Vector3 ht = ray.origin;
                    ht.y      -= raydist;
                    verts[i].y = last[i];                       //lochit.z + offsets[i] + offset;
Beispiel #14
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        if (layerPath == null || layerPath.splines == null || layerPath.splines.Count == 0)

        float loftdist = (layerPath.splines[curve].length * pathLength);

        LoftLength = loftdist;


        locup = loft.up;

        Vector3 off;

        float width = 1.0f;

        if (loftsections.Count > 0)
            width = loftsections[0].shape.splines[loftsections[0].curve].length;

        //Debug.Log("Build Poly shapes");
        for (int c = 0; c < loftsections.Count; c++)
            if (loftsections[c].snap)
                off = loftsections[0].shape.splines[loftsections[0].curve].knots[0].p - loftsections[c].shape.splines[loftsections[c].curve].knots[0].p;
                off =;

            BuildPolyShape(loftsections[c], 0, off, width);


Beispiel #15
    static public int FindLayer(MegaShapeLoft loft, int lay)
        if (loft && lay < loft.Layers.Length)
            int rval = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i <= lay; i++)
                //if ( loft.Layers[i].GetType() == typeof(MegaLoftLayerSimple) )
                if (loft.Layers[i] is MegaLoftLayerSimple)

            //Debug.Log("lay " + lay + " found " + rval);

Beispiel #16
    // Dont need this as a seperate method me thinks
    void Prepare(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        MegaShape path = layerPath;

        float loftdist = (path.splines[curve].length * pathLength);

        LoftLength = loftdist;

        crosses = Mathf.CeilToInt(loftdist / pathDist);

        if (crosses < 2)
            crosses = 2;

        if (enabled)
            uvtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.Euler(UVRotate.x, UVRotate.y, 0.0f),;
Beispiel #17
    public void SetLimits(GameObject gobj)
        MegaShapeLoft loft = gobj.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

        if (loft)
            sl  = loft.startLow;
            sh  = loft.startHigh;
            ll  = loft.lenLow;
            lh  = loft.lenHigh;
            csl = loft.crossLow;
            csh = loft.crossHigh;
            cll = loft.crossLenLow;
            clh = loft.crossLenHigh;
            dl  = loft.distlow;
            dh  = loft.disthigh;
            cdl = loft.cdistlow;
            cdh = loft.cdisthigh;
    public override Vector3 GetPosAndFrame(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a, float at, out Vector3 p, out Vector3 up, out Vector3 right, out Vector3 fwd)
        ca = Mathf.Clamp(ca, 0.0f, 0.9999f);
        a  = Mathf.Repeat(a, 0.9999f);

        int count = ActualCrossVerts;

        float findex = (count - 1) * ca;
        int   cindex = (int)findex;
        float interp = findex - cindex;

        int cindex1 = cindex + 1;

        float pfindex = (ActualPathSteps - 1) * a;
        int   pindex  = (int)pfindex;
        float pinterp = pfindex - pindex;

        int     pindex1 = pindex + 1;
        Vector3 p1      = loftverts[(pindex * count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p2      = loftverts[(pindex * count) + cindex1];
        Vector3 p3      = loftverts[(pindex1 * count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p4      = loftverts[(pindex1 * count) + cindex1];

        Vector3 pm1 = Vector3.Lerp(p1, p2, interp);
        Vector3 pm2 = Vector3.Lerp(p3, p4, interp);

        float pa = pinterp + at;

        p.x = pm1.x + ((pm2.x - pm1.x) * pa);
        p.y = pm1.y + ((pm2.y - pm1.y) * pa);
        p.z = pm1.z + ((pm2.z - pm1.z) * pa);

        right.x = p2.x - p1.x;
        right.y = p2.y - p1.y;
        right.z = p2.z - p1.z;
        fwd.x   = p3.x - p1.x;
        fwd.y   = p3.y - p1.y;
        fwd.z   = p3.z - p1.z;
        up      = Vector3.Cross(right, fwd);
        return(Vector3.Lerp(pm1, pm2, pinterp));
Beispiel #19
    public void CommonGUI()

        if (GUILayout.Button("Duplicate"))
            MegaLoftLayerBase layer = (MegaLoftLayerBase)target;

            MegaLoftLayerBase newl = layer.Copy(layer.gameObject);
            if (newl != null)
                newl.LayerName = layer.LayerName + " Copy";

            MegaShapeLoft loft = layer.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

            if (loft)
                loft.rebuild = true;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Delete"))
            MegaLoftLayerBase layer = (MegaLoftLayerBase)target;

            MegaShapeLoft loft = layer.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();


            if (loft)
                loft.rebuild = true;

Beispiel #20
    public void Copy(MegaShapeLoft to)
        Type tp = this.GetType();

        FieldInfo[]    fields     = tp.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Default);     //claredOnly);
        PropertyInfo[] properties = tp.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Default); //claredOnly);

        for (int j = 0; j < fields.Length; j++)
            fields[j].SetValue(to, fields[j].GetValue(this));

        for (int j = 0; j < properties.Length; j++)
            if (properties[j].CanWrite)
                properties[j].SetValue(to, properties[j].GetValue(this, null), null);
Beispiel #21
    static public string[] GetLayers(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        string[] lyers;
        if (loft)
            MegaLoftLayerSimple[] layers = loft.GetComponents <MegaLoftLayerSimple>();

            lyers = new string[layers.Length + 1];

            lyers[0] = "None";
            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                lyers[i + 1] = layers[i].LayerName;
            lyers    = new string[1];
            lyers[0] = "None";

Beispiel #22
    static public GUIContent[] GetLayersAsContent(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        GUIContent[] lyers;
        if (loft)
            MegaLoftLayerSimple[] layers = loft.GetComponents <MegaLoftLayerSimple>();

            lyers = new GUIContent[layers.Length + 1];

            lyers[0] = new GUIContent("None");
            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                lyers[i + 1] = new GUIContent(layers[i].LayerName);
            lyers    = new GUIContent[1];
            lyers[0] = new GUIContent("None");

Beispiel #23
    Vector3 GetCross(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca)
        MegaShape section = layerSection;

        Matrix4x4 tm1 = Matrix4x4.identity;

        MegaMatrix.Translate(ref tm1, pivot);
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref tm1, new Vector3(Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.x, Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.y, Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.z));

        int lk = -1;

        float alpha = crossStart + ca;

        MegaSpline cspl = section.splines[crosscurve];

        if (cspl.closed)
            if (alpha < 0.0f)
                alpha += 1.0f;

        Vector3 off =;

        if (snap)
            off = section.splines[0].knots[0].p - cspl.knots[0].p;

        if (cspl.closed)
            alpha = Mathf.Repeat(alpha, 1.0f);

        return(tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(section.splines[crosscurve].InterpCurve3D(alpha, section.normalizedInterp, ref lk) + off));
Beispiel #24
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        // If we dont have any meshes then return null for not building
        if (scatterMesh == null && surfaceLoft == null && surfaceLayer < 0)


        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if (scatterMesh)
            vcount += sverts.Length * Count;
            tcount += stris.Length * Count;

        if (loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount)
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if (loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount)
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if (lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount)
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

    Vector3 Deform(Vector3 p, MegaShapeLoft loft, MegaLoftLayerSimple layer, float percent, float ca, float off, Vector3 scale, float removeDof, Vector3 locoff)
        p    = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
        p.x *= scale.x;
        p.y *= scale.y;
        p.z *= scale.z;
        p.z += off;

        p += locoff;
        float alpha = (p.z * LayerLength) + percent;

        if (useCrossCrv)
            ca += CrossCrv.Evaluate(alpha);

        Vector3 ps1;
        Vector3 ps;

        if (CalcUp)
            Vector3 upv   =;
            Vector3 right =;
            Vector3 fwd   =;

            ps = layer.GetPosAndFrame(loft, ca, alpha, (tangent * 0.001f), out ps1, out upv, out right, out fwd);

            tw = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, upv);

            Quaternion rot = tw * meshrot;
            if (useTwist)
                rot *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f + (twist * twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha)), Vector3.forward);
                rot *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f, Vector3.forward);

            //wtm.SetTRS(ps, rot,;
            MegaMatrix.SetTR(ref wtm, ps, rot);
            wtm = mat * wtm;

            p.z = 0.0f;
            ps = layer.GetPosAndLook(loft, ca, alpha, (tangent * 0.001f), out ps1);

            if (useTwist)
                tw = meshrot * Quaternion.AngleAxis((twist * twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha)), Vector3.forward);                       // * meshrot;
                tw = meshrot * Quaternion.AngleAxis(0.0f, Vector3.forward);                     // * meshrot;

        Vector3 relativePos = ps1 - ps;

        relativePos.y *= removeDof;

        if (relativePos ==
            relativePos = lastrel;              //Vector3.forward;
        lastrel = relativePos;
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos) * tw;                // * meshrot;

        MegaMatrix.SetTR(ref wtm, ps, rotation);

        //wtm.SetTRS(ps, rotation,;

        wtm = mat * wtm;

        p.z = 0.0f;
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)

        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if ( scatterMesh )
            vcount += sverts.Length * Count;
            tcount += stris.Length * Count;

        if ( loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount )
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if ( loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount )
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if ( lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount )
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

        return true;
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        // If we dont have any meshes then return null for not building
        if ( scatterMesh == null && surfaceLoft == null && surfaceLayer < 0 )
            return false;


        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if ( scatterMesh )
            vcount += sverts.Length * Count;
            tcount += stris.Length * Count;

        if ( loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount )
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if ( loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount )
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if ( lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount )
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

        return true;
Beispiel #28
    public override bool LoftNotify(MegaShapeLoft loft, int reason)
        if ( surfaceLoft != null && surfaceLoft == loft )
            return true;

        return false;
Beispiel #29
    Vector3 Deform(Vector3 p, MegaShapeLoft loft, MegaLoftLayerSimple layer, float percent, float ca, float off, Vector3 scale, float removeDof, Vector3 locoff)
        p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
        p.x *= scale.x;
        p.y *= scale.y;
        p.z *= scale.z;
        p.z += off;

        p += locoff;
        float alpha = (p.z * LayerLength) + percent;

        if ( useCrossCrv )
            ca += CrossCrv.Evaluate(alpha);

        Vector3 ps1;
        Vector3 ps;

        if ( CalcUp )
            Vector3 upv =;
            Vector3 right =;
            Vector3 fwd =;

            ps = layer.GetPosAndFrame(loft, ca, alpha, (tangent * 0.001f), out ps1, out upv, out right, out fwd);

            tw = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, upv);

            Quaternion rot = tw * meshrot;
            if ( useTwist )
                rot *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f + (twist * twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha)), Vector3.forward);
                rot *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f, Vector3.forward);

            //wtm.SetTRS(ps, rot,;
            MegaMatrix.SetTR(ref wtm, ps, rot);
            wtm = mat * wtm;

            p.z = 0.0f;
            return wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
            ps = layer.GetPosAndLook(loft, ca, alpha, (tangent * 0.001f), out ps1);

            if ( useTwist )
                tw = meshrot * Quaternion.AngleAxis((twist * twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha)), Vector3.forward);	// * meshrot;
                tw = meshrot * Quaternion.AngleAxis(0.0f, Vector3.forward);	// * meshrot;

        Vector3 relativePos = ps1 - ps;
        relativePos.y *= removeDof;

        if ( relativePos == )
            relativePos = lastrel;	//Vector3.forward;
        lastrel = relativePos;
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos) * tw;	// * meshrot;
        MegaMatrix.SetTR(ref wtm, ps, rotation);

        //wtm.SetTRS(ps, rotation,;

        wtm = mat * wtm;

        p.z = 0.0f;
        return wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
Beispiel #30
    void Update()
        if ( building )
            Ray mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            RaycastHit info;

            bool hit = Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out info);

            if ( Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || hit == false )
                building = false;

                // Finish of line and make spline
                if ( ValidSpline() )
                    FinishSpline(obj, lasthitpos);

                obj = null;
                cspline = null;
                cshape = null;
                cloft = null;
                if ( hit )
                    Vector3 hp = info.point;
                    hp.y += offset;

                    float dist = Vector3.Distance(lasthitpos, hp);

                    travelled += dist;

                    if ( travelled > updatedist )
                        travelled -= updatedist;
                        cspline.knots[cspline.knots.Count - 1].p = cshape.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(hp);

                        if ( cspline.knots.Count == 2 )
                            float dist1 = cspline.KnotDistance(0, 1);

                            if ( dist1 > 0.1f )
                                if ( cloft )
                                    cloft.rebuild = true;
                            if ( cspline.knots.Count > 2 )
                                if ( cloft )
                                    cloft.rebuild = true;

                    lasthitpos = hp;
            if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) )
                Ray mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

                RaycastHit info;

                bool hit = Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out info);
                if ( hit )
                    Vector3 hp = info.point;
                    hp.y += offset;

                    lasthitpos = hp;
                    travelled = 0.0f;

                    obj = CreateSpline(hp);
                    building = true;

                    if ( cloft )
                        cloft.rebuild = true;
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        if ( layerPath == null )
            return triindex;

        LayerLength = 1.0f / layerPath.splines[curve].length;

        if ( tangent < 0.1f )
            tangent = 0.1f;

        //mat = loft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * layerPath.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        switch ( axis )
            case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Z: break;

        //meshtm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        //MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        tw = meshrot;

        //meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        int trioff = 0;

        int vi = 0;
        int fi = 0;

        pathtm.SetTRS(offPath, Quaternion.Euler(rotPath), sclPath);

        Matrix4x4 omat = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Random.seed = Seed;

        Vector3 pivot;
        Vector3 scl =;

        Vector3 sclmin = Vector3.Scale(scaleRangeMin, scale);
        Vector3 sclmax = Vector3.Scale(scaleRangeMax, scale);

        Vector3 sploff =;
        if ( snap )
            sploff = layerPath.splines[0].knots[0].p - layerPath.splines[curve].knots[0].p;

        float a = 0.0f;
        for ( int r = 0; r < Count; r++ )
            scl.x = (scale.x + Mathf.Lerp(sclmin.x, sclmax.x, Random.value)) * GlobalScale;
            scl.y = (scale.y + Mathf.Lerp(sclmin.y, sclmax.y, Random.value)) * GlobalScale;
            scl.z = (scale.z + Mathf.Lerp(sclmin.z, sclmax.z, Random.value)) * GlobalScale;

            if ( useDensity )
                a = FindScatterAlpha();
                a = Random.value;

            float alpha = start + (a * length) + Alpha;

            Vector3 rt = rot + (((Random.value - 0.5f) * 2.0f) * rotRange);
            meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rt);

            //if ( CalcUp )
                pivot = Deform(layerPath, alpha, 0.0f, scl, RemoveDof,, out omat, sploff);
            //	pivot = Deform(layerPath, alpha, 0.0f, scl, 0.0f,, out omat, sploff);

            Vector3 pp =;

            for ( int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++ )
                pp.x = sverts[i].x + Offset.x;
                pp.y = sverts[i].y + Offset.y;
                pp.z = sverts[i].z + Offset.z;

                pp = omat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pp);
                loftverts[vi].x = pp.x + pivot.x;
                loftverts[vi].y = pp.y + pivot.y;
                loftverts[vi].z = pp.z + pivot.z;

                loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

            for ( int i = 0; i < stris.Length; i++ )
                lofttris[fi++] = stris[i] + trioff + triindex;

            trioff = vi;

        if ( conform )
            DoConform(loft, loftverts);

        return triindex;
Beispiel #32
    // Dont need this as a seperate method me thinks
    void Prepare(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        MegaShape	path = layerPath;

        float loftdist = (path.splines[curve].length * pathLength);

        LoftLength = loftdist;

        crosses = Mathf.CeilToInt(loftdist / pathDist);

        if ( crosses < 2 )
            crosses = 2;

        if ( enabled )
            uvtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.Euler(UVRotate.x, UVRotate.y, 0.0f),;
Beispiel #33
    // This will need changing
    public override Vector3 GetPos(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a)
        ca = Mathf.Repeat(ca, 1.0f);
        a = Mathf.Repeat(a, 1.0f);

        // first need to find the material section we are in from ca
        MegaMeshSection ms = null;
        for ( int i = 0; i < meshsections.Count; i++ )
            ms = meshsections[i];
            if ( ca >= ms.castart && ca <= ms.caend )

        ca = (ca - ms.castart) / (ms.caend - ms.castart);

        // Ok got the section
        float findex = (ms.cverts.Count - 1) * ca;
        int cindex = (int)findex;
        float interp = findex - cindex;

        int cindex1 = cindex + 1;

        bool flip = false;
        int pindex;
        int pindex1;
        float pinterp;

        if ( pathLength < 0.9999f || layerPath.splines[curve].closed == false )
            if ( a < 0.0f )
                pindex = 0;
                pindex1 = 1;
                pinterp = a * GetLength(loft);	// / crosses);
                if ( a >= 0.9999f )
                    pindex = crosses - 1;
                    pindex1 = crosses - 2;
                    pinterp = (a - 1.0f) * GetLength(loft);
                    flip = true;
                    float pfindex = (crosses - 1) * a;
                    pindex = (int)pfindex;
                    pinterp = pfindex - pindex;
                    pindex1 = pindex + 1;
            a = Mathf.Repeat(a, 0.9999f);

            float pfindex = (crosses - 1) * a;
            pindex = (int)pfindex;
            pinterp = pfindex - pindex;
            pindex1 = pindex + 1;

        Vector3 p1 = ms.verts[(pindex * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p2 = ms.verts[(pindex * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex1];
        Vector3 p3 = ms.verts[(pindex1 * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p4 = ms.verts[(pindex1 * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex1];

        Vector3 pm1 = Vector3.Lerp(p1, p2, interp);
        Vector3 pm2 = Vector3.Lerp(p3, p4, interp);

        Vector3 delta = pm2 - pm1;
        if ( flip )
            p3.x = pm2.x + (delta.x * pinterp);
            p3.y = pm2.y + (delta.y * pinterp);
            p3.z = pm2.z + (delta.z * pinterp);
            p3.x = pm1.x + (delta.x * pinterp);
            p3.y = pm1.y + (delta.y * pinterp);
            p3.z = pm1.z + (delta.z * pinterp);

        return p3;	//Vector3.Lerp(pm1, pm2, pinterp);
Beispiel #34
    // We could do a bary centric thing if we grid up the bounds
    void DoConform(MegaShapeLoft loft)

        if ( target && conformCollider )
            Matrix4x4 loctoworld = transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Matrix4x4 tm = loctoworld;
            Matrix4x4 invtm = tm.inverse;

            Ray ray = new Ray();
            RaycastHit	hit;

            float ca = conformAmount * loft.conformAmount;

            // When calculating alpha need to do caps sep
            for ( int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++ )
                MegaMeshSection ms = meshsections[m];
                for ( int i = 0; i < ms.verts1.Count; i++ )
                    Vector3 origin = tm.MultiplyPoint(ms.verts1[i]);
                    origin.y += raystartoff;
                    ray.origin = origin;
                    ray.direction = Vector3.down;


                    if ( conformCollider.Raycast(ray, out hit, raydist) )
                        Vector3 lochit = invtm.MultiplyPoint(hit.point);

                        Vector3 p = ms.verts[i];
                        p.y = Mathf.Lerp(p.y, lochit.y + ms.offsets[i] + conformOffset, ca);	//conformAmount);
                        ms.verts[i] = p;
                        ms.last[i] = p.y;
                        Vector3 ht = ray.origin;
                        ht.y -= raydist;
                        Vector3 p = ms.verts[i];

                        p.y = ms.last[i];
                        ms.verts[i] = p;
            for ( int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++ )
                MegaMeshSection ms = meshsections[m];
                for ( int i = 0; i < ms.verts1.Count; i++ )
Beispiel #35
    public override Vector3 SampleSplines(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float pa)
        Vector3 p =;

        float lerp = 0.0f;

        Matrix4x4 pathtm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        if ( SnapToPath )
            pathtm = layerPath.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Vector3 sclc =;
        Matrix4x4 tm;

        float offx = 0.0f;
        float offy = 0.0f;
        float offz = 0.0f;

        bool clsd = layerPath.splines[curve].closed;

        Vector3 lastup = locup;

        float alpha = pa;	//(float)pi / (float)PathSteps;
        float pathalpha = pathStart + (pathLength * alpha);

        if ( clsd )
            pathalpha = Mathf.Repeat(pathalpha, 1.0f);

        if ( useScaleXCrv )
            sclc.x = scaleCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if ( useScaleYCrv )
            sclc.y = scaleCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if ( useTwistCrv )
            float twist = twistCrv.Evaluate(pathalpha);
            float tw1 = layerPath.splines[curve].GetTwist(pathalpha);

            MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
            if ( frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old )
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
            if ( frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old )
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);
        // Need to get the crosssection for the given alpha and the lerp value
        int csect = GetSection(pathalpha, out lerp);

        lerp = ease.easing(0.0f, 1.0f, lerp);

        Vector3 off =;

        if ( sections[csect].snap )
            off = sections[0].shape.splines[sections[0].curve].knots[0].p - sections[csect].shape.splines[sections[csect].curve].knots[0].p;
            off =;

        Vector3 crossp1 = GetCross(csect, ca, off);

        if ( sections[csect + 1].snap )
            off = sections[0].shape.splines[sections[0].curve].knots[0].p - sections[csect + 1].shape.splines[sections[csect + 1].curve].knots[0].p;
            off =;

        Vector3 crossp2 = GetCross(csect + 1, ca, off);

        if ( useOffsetX )
            offx = offsetCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if ( useOffsetY )
            offy = offsetCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if ( useOffsetZ )
            offz = offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        //float size = 1.0f / layerPath.splines[0].length;

        p = Vector3.Lerp(crossp1, crossp2, lerp);
        if ( useScaleXCrv )
            p.x *= sclc.x;

        if ( useScaleYCrv )
            p.y *= sclc.y;

        p.x += offx;
        p.y += offy;
        p.z += offz;

        p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
        p += offset;

        return p;
Beispiel #36
 static void RenderGizmo(MegaShapeLoft shape, GizmoType gizmoType)
     if ( (gizmoType & GizmoType.NotSelected) != 0 )
         if ( (gizmoType & GizmoType.Active) != 0 )
Beispiel #37
    static void DrawPath(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        if ( loft.Layers == null )

        if ( layernum >= loft.Layers.Length )
            layernum = loft.Layers.Length - 1;

        if ( layernum >= 0 )
            MegaLoftLayerBase blayer = loft.Layers[layernum];

            if ( blayer.LayerEnabled && blayer.layerPath != null )
                MegaSpline pathspline;

                pathspline = blayer.layerPath.splines[0];

                // Method to get layer length or path
                float len = pathspline.length;
                float dst = pathdist / len;

                if ( dst < 0.002f )
                    dst = 0.002f;

                float ca = pathcrossalpha;

                Vector3 first = blayer.GetPos(loft, ca, pathstart);

                Color col = Gizmos.color;
                int i = 0;
                for ( float alpha = pathstart + dst; alpha < pathlength; alpha += dst )
                    ca = pathcrossalpha + (twist * alpha);
                    Vector3 p = blayer.GetPos(loft, ca, alpha);

                    if ( (i & 1) == 0 )
                        Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
                        Gizmos.color =;

                    Gizmos.DrawLine(loft.transform.TransformPoint(first), loft.transform.TransformPoint(p));

                    first = p;

                Gizmos.color = col;
Beispiel #38
    string[] GetLayers(MegaShapeLoft loft)
        if ( loft.Layers == null )
            string[] lyers1 = new string[1];
            lyers1[0] = "None";
            return lyers1;

        string[] lyers = new string[loft.Layers.Length + 1];

        lyers[0] = "None";
        for ( int i = 0; i < loft.Layers.Length; i++ )
            if ( loft.Layers[i] != null )
                lyers[i + 1] = loft.Layers[i].LayerName;
                lyers[i + 1] = "Deleted";

        return lyers;
 public override Vector3 GetPos(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a)
Beispiel #40
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        trisstart = triindex;

        if ( Lock )
            return triindex + ((crosses - 2) * (evert - svert));

        if ( layerPath == null || layerSection == null )
            return triindex;

        MegaSpline	pathspline = layerPath.splines[curve];
        MegaSpline	sectionspline = layerSection.splines[crosscurve];

        // so for each loft section run through
        int vi = 0;
        Vector2 uv =;
        Vector3 p =;
        Vector3 scl =;

        float scalemultx = 1.0f;
        float scalemulty = 1.0f;

        Vector3 cmax = crossmax;
        cmax.x = 0.0f;
        cmax.z = 0.0f;

        Vector3 cmin = crossmin;
        cmin.x = 0.0f;
        cmin.z = 0.0f;

        Vector3 totaloff =;

        float uvstart = pathStart;
        if ( UVOrigin == MegaLoftUVOrigin.SplineStart )
            uvstart = 0.0f;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Color col1 = color;

        Matrix4x4 tm;
        Vector3 lastup = loft.up;

        float calpha = 0.0f;

        for ( int cr = 0; cr < crosses; cr++ )
            float a = ((float)cr / (float)(crosses - 1));
            float alpha = pathStart + (pathLength * a);

            totaloff = offset;

            if ( useOffsetX )
                totaloff.x += offsetCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if ( useOffsetY )
                totaloff.y += offsetCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            if ( useOffsetZ )
                totaloff.z += offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(alpha);

            // get the point on the spline
            if ( frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.New )
                tm = loft.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, alpha, true, alignCross, ref lastup);
                tm = loft.GetDeformMatNew(pathspline, alpha, true, alignCross);

            if ( useTwistCrv )
                float twist = twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha) * twistAmt;

                float tw1 = pathspline.GetTwist(alpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                tm = tm * twisttm;

            if ( useCrossScaleCrv )
                float sa = Mathf.Repeat(a + scaleoff, 1.0f);
                scalemultx = crossScaleCrv.Evaluate(sa);

            if ( !sepscale )
                scalemulty = scalemultx;
                if ( useCrossScaleCrvY )
                    float sa = Mathf.Repeat(a + scaleoffY, 1.0f);
                    scalemulty = crossScaleCrvY.Evaluate(sa);

            scl.x = crossScale.x * scalemultx;	// Use plus here and have curve as 0010
            scl.y = crossScale.y * scalemulty;

            Vector3 crrot = cmax;
            crrot.y *= scl.y;

            Vector3 cminrot = cmin;
            cminrot.y *= scl.y;

            // Now need to loop through all the meshsections
            for ( int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++ )
                MegaMeshSection ms = meshsections[m];
                MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                if ( mats.Enabled )
                    if ( loft.useColors )
                        if ( mats.colmode == MegaLoftColMode.Loft )
                            calpha = a;
                            calpha = alpha;

                        calpha = Mathf.Repeat(calpha + mats.coloffset, 1.0f);
                        col1.r = mats.colR.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.g = mats.colG.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.b = mats.colB.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.a = mats.colA.Evaluate(calpha);

                    for ( int v = 0; v < ms.cverts.Count; v++ )
                        p.x = ms.cverts[v].x * scl.x;
                        p.y = ms.cverts[v].y * scl.y;	// Curve for this value
                        p.z = ms.cverts[v].z * scl.z;

                        p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

                        uv.x = alpha - uvstart;	//pathStart;
                        uv.y = ms.cuvs[v].y;	// - crossStart;	// again not sure here start;

                        if ( mats.physuv )
                            uv.x *= pathspline.length;
                            uv.y *= sectionspline.length;
                            if ( mats.uvcalcy )
                                //uv.x = ((a * LoftLength) / sectionspline.length) - uvstart;
                                uv.x = ((alpha * pathspline.length) / sectionspline.length) - uvstart;

                        if ( conform )
                            ms.verts1.Add(p + totaloff);
                            ms.verts.Add(p + totaloff);

                        if ( mats.swapuv )
                            float ux = uv.x;
                            uv.x = uv.y;
                            uv.y = ux;

                        uv.x *= mats.UVScale.x;
                        uv.y *= mats.UVScale.y;

                        uv.x += mats.UVOffset.x;
                        uv.y += mats.UVOffset.y;

                        ms.uvs.Add(uv);	//[vi] = uv;

                        if ( loft.useColors )


        // Faces
        int index = triindex;
        int	fi = 0;	// Calc this

        if ( enabled )
            if ( flip )
                for ( int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++ )
                    MegaMeshSection ms = meshsections[m];
                    MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                    if ( mats.Enabled )
                        for ( int cr = 0; cr < crosses - 1; cr++ )
                            for ( int f = 0; f < ms.cverts.Count - 1; f++ )
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);

                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + ms.cverts.Count);

                                fi += 6;

                            index += ms.cverts.Count;
                        index += ms.cverts.Count;
                for ( int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++ )
                    MegaMeshSection ms = meshsections[m];
                    MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                    if ( mats.Enabled )
                        for ( int cr = 0; cr < crosses - 1; cr++ )
                            for ( int f = 0; f < ms.cverts.Count - 1; f++ )
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);

                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);

                                fi += 6;

                            index += ms.cverts.Count;

                        index += ms.cverts.Count;

        if ( conform )

        return triindex + fi;	//triindex;
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        MegaShape path = layerPath;

        if (tangent < 0.1f)
            tangent = 0.1f;

        //if ( snaptopath )
        //mat = path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * transform.localToWorldMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * layerPath.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = layerPath.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.localToWorldMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        mat = Matrix4x4.identity;                       //path.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = Matrix4x4.identity;	//transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
        //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * transform.localToWorldMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        switch (axis)
        case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;

        case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;

        case MegaAxis.Z: break;

        meshtm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        tw      = meshrot;

        pathtm.SetTRS(offPath, Quaternion.Euler(rotPath), sclPath);
        float off    = 0.0f;
        int   trioff = 0;

        int vi = 0;
        int fi = 0;

        Vector3 sploff =;

        if (snap)
            sploff = path.splines[0].knots[0].p - path.splines[curve].knots[0].p;

        int ax = (int)axis;

        float palpha = Start;           // * 0.01f;

        if (startObj != null && StartEnabled)
            Vector3 sscl = StartScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(StartOff, sscl);

            off -= startObj.bounds.min[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            for (int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                p             = Deform(p, path, palpha, off, sscl, RemoveDof, soff, sploff);            // + sploff;
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < stris.Length; i++)
                lofttris[fi++] = stris[i] + triindex;

            off   += startObj.bounds.max[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            off   += StartGap;
            trioff = vi;

        if (mainObj != null && MainEnabled)
            float mw = mainObj.bounds.size[(int)axis];

            Vector3 mscl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 moff = Vector3.Scale(MainOff, mscl);

            off -= mainObj.bounds.min[(int)axis] * mscl[ax];
            mw  *= mscl[(int)axis];

            for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++)
                for (int i = 0; i < mverts.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 p = mverts[i];
                    p             = Deform(p, path, palpha, off, mscl, RemoveDof, moff, sploff);                // + sploff;
                    loftverts[vi] = p;
                    loftuvs[vi++] = muvs[i];

                for (int i = 0; i < mtris.Length; i++)
                    lofttris[fi++] = mtris[i] + trioff + triindex;

                off   += mw;
                off   += Gap;
                trioff = vi;

            off -= Gap;
            off += (mainObj.bounds.max[(int)axis] * mscl[ax]) - mw;

        if (endObj != null && EndEnabled)
            Vector3 escl = EndScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 eoff = Vector3.Scale(EndOff, escl);

            off -= endObj.bounds.min[(int)axis] * escl[ax];
            off += EndGap;

            for (int i = 0; i < everts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p = everts[i];
                p             = Deform(p, path, palpha, off, escl, RemoveDof, eoff, sploff);            // + sploff;
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = euvs[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < etris.Length; i++)
                lofttris[fi++] = etris[i] + trioff + triindex;

            trioff += everts.Length;

        if (conform)
            DoConform(loft, loftverts);

Beispiel #42
    // If beyond the start or end then need to extrapolate last or first rows
    public override Vector3 GetPosAndLook(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a, float at, out Vector3 p)
        MegaMeshSection ms = null;

        ca = Mathf.Clamp(ca, 0.0f, 0.9999f);

        for ( int i = 0; i < meshsections.Count; i++ )
            ms = meshsections[i];
            if ( ca >= ms.castart && ca <= ms.caend )

        ca = (ca - ms.castart) / (ms.caend - ms.castart);

        ca = Mathf.Clamp(ca, 0.0f, 0.9999f);

        float findex = (ms.cverts.Count - 1) * ca;
        int cindex = (int)findex;
        float interp = findex - cindex;
        int cindex1 = cindex + 1;

        bool flip = false;
        int pindex;
        int pindex1;
        float pinterp;

        if ( pathLength < 0.9999f || layerPath.splines[curve].closed == false )
            if ( a < 0.0f )
                pindex = 0;
                pindex1 = 1;
                pinterp = a * GetLength(loft);	// / crosses);
                if ( a >= 0.9999f )
                    pindex = crosses - 1;
                    pindex1 = crosses - 2;
                    pinterp = (a - 1.0f) * GetLength(loft);
                    flip = true;
                    float pfindex = (crosses - 1) * a;
                    pindex = (int)pfindex;
                    pinterp = pfindex - pindex;
                    pindex1 = pindex + 1;
            a = Mathf.Repeat(a, 0.9999f);

            float pfindex = (crosses - 1) * a;
            pindex = (int)pfindex;
            pinterp = pfindex - pindex;
            pindex1 = pindex + 1;

        Vector3 p1 = ms.verts[(pindex * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p2 = ms.verts[(pindex * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex1];
        Vector3 p3 = ms.verts[(pindex1 * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p4 = ms.verts[(pindex1 * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex1];

        float pa = pinterp + at;

        p1.x = p1.x + (p2.x - p1.x) * interp;
        p1.y = p1.y + (p2.y - p1.y) * interp;
        p1.z = p1.z + (p2.z - p1.z) * interp;

        p2.x = p3.x + (p4.x - p3.x) * interp;
        p2.y = p3.y + (p4.y - p3.y) * interp;
        p2.z = p3.z + (p4.z - p3.z) * interp;

        if ( flip )
            p2.x = p1.x - p2.x;
            p2.y = p1.y - p2.y;
            p2.z = p1.z - p2.z;
            p2.x = p2.x - p1.x;
            p2.y = p2.y - p1.y;
            p2.z = p2.z - p1.z;

        p3.x = p1.x + (p2.x * pinterp);
        p3.y = p1.y + (p2.y * pinterp);
        p3.z = p1.z + (p2.z * pinterp);

        p.x = p1.x + (p2.x * pa);
        p.y = p1.y + (p2.y * pa);
        p.z = p1.z + (p2.z * pa);

        return p3;	//Vector3.Lerp(pm1, pm2, pinterp);
Beispiel #43
    public void Copy(MegaShapeLoft to)
        #if !UNITY_FLASH && !UNITY_METRO && !UNITY_WP8
        Type tp = this.GetType();

        FieldInfo[] fields = tp.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Default);	//claredOnly);
        PropertyInfo[] properties = tp.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Default);	//claredOnly);

        for ( int j = 0; j < fields.Length; j++ )
            fields[j].SetValue(to, fields[j].GetValue(this));

        for ( int j = 0; j < properties.Length; j++ )
            if ( properties[j].CanWrite )
                properties[j].SetValue(to, properties[j].GetValue(this, null), null);
Beispiel #44
    // Do these from sample splines now?
    public override Vector3 GetPosAndUp(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a, float at, out Vector3 p, out Vector3 up)
        MegaMeshSection ms = null;

        ca = Mathf.Clamp(ca, 0.0f, 0.9999f);

        for ( int i = 0; i < meshsections.Count; i++ )
            ms = meshsections[i];
            if ( ca >= ms.castart && ca <= ms.caend )

        ca = (ca - ms.castart) / (ms.caend - ms.castart);

        ca = Mathf.Clamp(ca, 0.0f, 0.9999f);
        //ca = Mathf.Repeat(ca, 0.9999f);
        a = Mathf.Repeat(a, 0.9999f);

        float findex = (float)(ms.cverts.Count - 1) * ca;
        int cindex = (int)findex;
        float interp = findex - cindex;

        int cindex1 = cindex + 1;

        int pindex;
        int pindex1;
        bool flip = false;
        float pinterp;

        if ( pathLength < 0.9999f || layerPath.splines[curve].closed == false )
            if ( a < 0.0f )
                pindex = 0;
                pinterp = a * GetLength(loft);
                pindex1 = pindex + 1;
                if ( a >= 0.999f )
                    pindex = crosses - 2;
                    pindex1 = crosses - 1;
                    pinterp = (a - 1.0f) * GetLength(loft);
                    flip = true;
                    float pfindex = (crosses - 1) * a;
                    pindex = (int)pfindex;
                    pinterp = pfindex - pindex;
                    pindex1 = pindex + 1;

            a = Mathf.Repeat(a, 0.9999f);

            float pfindex = (float)(crosses - 1) * a;
            pindex = (int)pfindex;
            pinterp = pfindex - pindex;

            pindex1 = pindex + 1;

        Vector3 p1 = ms.verts[(pindex * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p2 = ms.verts[(pindex * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex1];
        Vector3 p3 = ms.verts[(pindex1 * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex];
        Vector3 p4 = ms.verts[(pindex1 * ms.cverts.Count) + cindex1];

        Vector3 pm1 = Vector3.Lerp(p1, p2, interp);
        Vector3 pm2 = Vector3.Lerp(p3, p4, interp);
        Vector3 delta = pm2 - pm1;

        float pa = pinterp + at;

        // Quick calc of face normal
        Vector3 n1 = p2 - p1;	// right
        Vector3 n2 = p3 - p1;	// forward

        up = Vector3.Cross(n1, n2).normalized;

        if ( flip )
            p.x = pm2.x + (delta.x * pa);
            p.y = pm2.y + (delta.y * pa);
            p.z = pm2.z + (delta.z * pa);

            p3.x = pm2.x + (delta.x * pinterp);
            p3.y = pm2.y + (delta.y * pinterp);
            p3.z = pm2.z + (delta.z * pinterp);
            p.x = pm1.x + (delta.x * pa);
            p.y = pm1.y + (delta.y * pa);
            p.z = pm1.z + (delta.z * pa);

            p3.x = pm1.x + (delta.x * pinterp);
            p3.y = pm1.y + (delta.y * pinterp);
            p3.z = pm1.z + (delta.z * pinterp);

        return p3;
Beispiel #45
 public override Vector3 GetPos(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float a)
Beispiel #46
    // Have cdist per material
    // Best way is to treat each material section like a layer
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        MegaShape	section = layerSection;

        // Look at section and find out how many changes in material there are, ie matid
        // That will be the number of materials
        // Each change will have its own cdist, uv mapping, material

        // We seem to do this below as well

        Matrix4x4 tm1 = Matrix4x4.identity;
        MegaMatrix.Translate(ref tm1, pivot);
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref tm1, new Vector3(Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.x, Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.y, Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.z));

        // Build the cross for each section
        if ( enabled )
            float dst = crossDist;

            if ( dst < 0.01f )
                dst = 0.01f;

            int k	= -1;
            int lk	= -1;

            svert = verts.Count;
            Vector2 uv =;

            float alpha = crossStart;
            float cend = crossStart + crossEnd;

            if ( alpha < 0.0f )
                alpha = 0.0f;

            if ( cend > 1.0f )
                cend = 1.0f;

            MegaSpline cspl = section.splines[crosscurve];

            if ( cspl.closed )
                if ( alpha < 0.0f )
                    alpha += 1.0f;

            Vector3 off =;
            if ( snap )
                off = cspl.knots[0].p - cspl.knots[0].p;

            if ( cspl.closed )
                alpha = Mathf.Repeat(alpha, 1.0f);


            Vector3 pos = tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(cspl.InterpCurve3D(alpha, section.normalizedInterp, ref lk) + off);

            int currentid = cspl.knots[lk].id;
            MegaMeshSection msect = new MegaMeshSection();

            msect.castart = 0.0f;
            float uvalpha = crossStart;
            uv.y = uvalpha;	//crossStart;

            msect.vertstart = 0;
            msect.mat = FindMaterial(currentid);

            // Method to get cdist
            MegaMaterialSection ms = sections[msect.mat];


            bool loop = true;
            //float lastalpha = alpha;
            while ( alpha <= cend )
                if ( loop )
                    alpha += ms.cdist;
                    loop = false;
                if ( alpha > cend )
                    alpha = cend;

                pos = tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(cspl.InterpCurve3D(alpha, section.normalizedInterp, ref k) + off);

                if ( k != lk )
                    while ( lk != k )
                        //bool looped = false;
                        int lk1 = lk % cspl.knots.Count;
                        lk = lk1;

                        if ( cspl.knots[lk].id != currentid )
                            msect.cverts.Add(tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(cspl.knots[lk].p + off));
                            float caend = ((cspl.knots[lk].length / cspl.length) - crossStart) / (crossEnd - crossStart);
                            msect.caend = caend;

                            // New material
                            msect = new MegaMeshSection();
                            msect.castart = caend;

                            pos = tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(cspl.knots[lk].p + off);

                            msect.vertstart = 0;
                            currentid = cspl.knots[lk].id;
                            msect.mat = FindMaterial(currentid);
                            ms = sections[msect.mat];

                            lk1 = lk - 1;
                            if ( lk1 < 0 )
                                lk1 = cspl.knots.Count - 1;

                            alpha = (cspl.knots[lk1].length / cspl.length);	// + crossStart;

                            if ( ms.includeknots )
                                msect.cverts.Add(tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(cspl.knots[lk].p + off));
                                if ( cspl.knots[k].id != currentid )
                                    int kk = lk;
                                    while ( cspl.knots[kk].id == currentid && kk < cspl.knots.Count )
                                    if ( kk >= cspl.knots.Count )
                                        kk = cspl.knots.Count - 1;

                                    msect.cverts.Add(tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(cspl.knots[kk].p + off));

                if ( alpha == cend )
                    if ( msect.cverts[msect.cverts.Count - 1] != pos )


                alpha += ms.cdist;
                if ( alpha > cend )
                    alpha = cend;

            msect.caend = 1.0f;

            // Do uv and col now
            for ( int i = 0; i < meshsections.Count; i++ )
                MegaMeshSection ms1 = meshsections[i];

                Vector2 uv1 =;

                for ( int v = 1; v < ms1.cverts.Count; v++ )
                    uv1.y += Vector3.Distance(ms1.cverts[v], ms1.cverts[v - 1]);

            // Add end point
            if ( section.splines[crosscurve].closed )
                alpha = Mathf.Repeat(cend, 1.0f);

        // Calc normals
        Vector3 up =;
        Vector3 n1 =;

        for ( int i = 0; i < meshsections.Count; i++ )
            MegaMeshSection ms1 = meshsections[i];

            if ( ms1.cverts.Count > 1 )
                for ( int v = 0; v < ms1.cverts.Count; v++ )
                    if ( v < ms1.cverts.Count - 1 )
                        n1 = (ms1.cverts[v + 1] - ms1.cverts[v]);
                        n1 = (ms1.cverts[v] - ms1.cverts[v - 1]);

                    up.x = -n1.y;
                    up.y = n1.x;
                    up.z = 0.0f;


        return true;
Beispiel #47
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        if ( surfaceLayer < 0 || surfaceLoft == null )
            return false;

        // If we dont have any meshes then return null for not building
        if ( startObj == null && mainObj == null && endObj == null )
            return false;


        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if ( startObj && StartEnabled )
            vcount += sverts.Length;
            tcount += starttris;	//stris.Length;

            for ( int i = 0; i < startlofttris.Count; i++ )
                startlofttris[i].tris = new int[startlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length];

        if ( mainObj && MainEnabled )
            if ( Length != 0.0f )
                //Debug.Log("layer " + surfaceLayer);
                MegaLoftLayerSimple layer = (MegaLoftLayerSimple)surfaceLoft.Layers[surfaceLayer];

                MegaShape	path = layer.layerPath;

                if ( path )
                    float dist = layer.LoftLength * Length;
                    Vector3 scl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
                    Vector3 size =;

                    size.x = (mainBounds.size.x * scl.x) + (Gap * GlobalScale);
                    size.y = (mainBounds.size.y * scl.y) + (Gap * GlobalScale);
                    size.z = (mainBounds.size.z * scl.z) + (Gap * GlobalScale);

                    repeat = (int)(dist / size[(int)axis]);	// + Gap));
            vcount += (mverts.Length * repeat);
            tcount += (maintris * repeat);

            for ( int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++ )
                mainlofttris[i].tris = new int[mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length * repeat];

        if ( endObj && EndEnabled )
            vcount += everts.Length;
            tcount += endtris;	//etris.Length;

            for ( int i = 0; i < endlofttris.Count; i++ )
                endlofttris[i].tris = new int[endlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length];

        if ( loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount )
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if ( loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount )
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if ( lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount )
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

        return true;
Beispiel #48
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        MegaShape	path = layerPath;

        if ( path != null )
            if ( tangent < 0.1f )
                tangent = 0.1f;

            mat = Matrix4x4.identity;	//path.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            tm = Matrix4x4.identity;
            tw = Quaternion.identity;

            switch ( axis )
                case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
                case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
                case MegaAxis.Z: break;

            meshtm = Matrix4x4.identity;
            MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

            meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);

            pathtm.SetTRS(offPath, Quaternion.Euler(rotPath), sclPath);

            float off = 0.0f;
            int trioff = 0;
            int vi = 0;

            int ax = (int)axis;

            Vector3 sploff =;
            if ( snap )
                sploff = path.splines[0].knots[0].p - path.splines[curve].knots[0].p;

            if ( startObj != null && StartEnabled )
                Vector3 sscl = StartScale * GlobalScale;
                Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(StartOff + Offset, sscl);

                off -= startBounds.min[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
                for ( int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++ )
                    Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                    p = Deform(p, path, start, off, sscl, RemoveDof, soff, sploff);
                    loftverts[vi] = p;
                    loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

                for ( int i = 0; i < startlofttris.Count; i++ )
                    for ( int t = 0; t < startlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++ )
                        startlofttris[i].tris[t] = startlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + triindex;

                off += startBounds.max[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
                off += StartGap * GlobalScale;
                trioff = vi;

            if ( mainObj != null && MainEnabled )
                for ( int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++ )
                    mainlofttris[i].offset = 0;

                float mw = mainBounds.size[(int)axis];

                Vector3 mscl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
                Vector3 moff = Vector3.Scale(MainOff + Offset, mscl);

                off -= mainBounds.min[(int)axis] * mscl[ax];
                mw *= mscl[(int)axis];
                float gaps = Gap * GlobalScale;

                for ( int r = 0; r < repeat; r++ )
                    for ( int i = 0; i < mverts.Length; i++ )
                        Vector3 p = mverts[i];
                        p = Deform(p, path, start, off, mscl, RemoveDof, moff, sploff);
                        loftverts[vi] = p;
                        loftuvs[vi++] = muvs[i];

                    for ( int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++ )
                        int toff = mainlofttris[i].offset;

                        for ( int t = 0; t < mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++ )
                            mainlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = mainlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                        mainlofttris[i].offset = toff;

                    off += mw;
                    off += gaps;
                    trioff = vi;

                off -= gaps;
                off += (mainBounds.max[(int)axis] * mscl[ax]) - mw;

            if ( endObj != null && EndEnabled )
                Vector3 escl = EndScale * GlobalScale;
                Vector3 eoff = Vector3.Scale(EndOff + Offset, escl);

                off -= endBounds.min[(int)axis] * escl[ax];
                off += EndGap * GlobalScale;

                for ( int i = 0; i < everts.Length; i++ )
                    Vector3 p = everts[i];
                    p = Deform(p, path, start, off, escl, RemoveDof, eoff, sploff);
                    loftverts[vi] = p;
                    loftuvs[vi++] = euvs[i];

                for ( int i = 0; i < endlofttris.Count; i++ )
                    for ( int t = 0; t < endlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++ )
                        endlofttris[i].tris[t] = endlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + triindex + trioff;

                trioff += everts.Length;

        if ( conform )
            DoConform(loft, loftverts);

        return triindex;
Beispiel #49
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        MegaLoftLayerSimple layer = (MegaLoftLayerSimple)surfaceLoft.Layers[surfaceLayer];

        LayerLength = 1.0f / layer.GetLength(surfaceLoft);

        if ( tangent < 0.1f )
            tangent = 0.1f;

        //mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * surfaceLoft.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref tm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * tmrot);

        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshtm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        float off = 0.0f;
        int trioff = 0;

        int vi = 0;

        float ca = CrossAlpha;
        if ( ca > 0.99999f )
            ca = 0.99999f;

        int ax = (int)axis;

        if ( startObj != null && StartEnabled )
            Vector3 sscl = StartScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(StartOff + Offset, sscl);

            off -= startBounds.min[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            for ( int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                p = Deform(p, surfaceLoft, layer, start, ca, off, sscl, RemoveDof, soff);
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

            for ( int i = 0; i < startlofttris.Count; i++ )
                int toff = startlofttris[i].offset;

                for ( int t = 0; t < startlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++ )
                    startlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = startlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                startlofttris[i].offset = toff;

            off += startBounds.max[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            off += StartGap * GlobalScale;
            trioff = vi;

        if ( mainObj != null && MainEnabled )
            for ( int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++ )
                mainlofttris[i].offset = 0;

            float mw = mainBounds.size[(int)axis];

            Vector3 mscl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 moff = Vector3.Scale(MainOff + Offset, mscl);

            off -= mainBounds.min[(int)axis] * mscl[ax];

            mw *= mscl[(int)axis];
            float gaps = Gap * GlobalScale;

            for ( int r = 0; r < repeat; r++ )
                for ( int i = 0; i < mverts.Length; i++ )
                    Vector3 p = mverts[i];
                    p = Deform(p, surfaceLoft, layer, start, ca, off, mscl, RemoveDof, moff);
                    loftverts[vi] = p;
                    loftuvs[vi++] = muvs[i];

                for ( int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++ )
                    int toff = mainlofttris[i].offset;

                    for ( int t = 0; t < mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++ )
                        mainlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = mainlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                    mainlofttris[i].offset = toff;

                off += mw;
                off += gaps;
                trioff = vi;

            off -= gaps;
            off += (mainBounds.max[(int)axis] * mscl[ax]) - mw;

        if ( endObj != null && EndEnabled )
            Vector3 escl = EndScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 eoff = Vector3.Scale(EndOff + Offset, escl);

            off -= endBounds.min[(int)axis] * escl[ax];
            off += EndGap * GlobalScale;

            for ( int i = 0; i < everts.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 p = everts[i];
                p = Deform(p, surfaceLoft, layer, start, ca, off, escl, RemoveDof, eoff);
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = euvs[i];

            for ( int i = 0; i < endlofttris.Count; i++ )
                int toff = endlofttris[i].offset;

                for ( int t = 0; t < endlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++ )
                    endlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = endlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                endlofttris[i].offset = toff;

            trioff += everts.Length;

        return triindex;
Beispiel #50
    // We could do a bary centric thing if we grid up the bounds
    void DoConform(MegaShapeLoft loft, Vector3[] verts)

        if ( target && conformCollider )
            Matrix4x4 loctoworld = transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Matrix4x4 tm = loctoworld;	// * worldtoloc;
            Matrix4x4 invtm = tm.inverse;

            Ray ray = new Ray();
            RaycastHit hit;

            float ca = conformAmount * loft.conformAmount;

            // When calculating alpha need to do caps sep
            for ( int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 origin = tm.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]);
                origin.y += raystartoff;
                ray.origin = origin;
                ray.direction = Vector3.down;

                //loftverts[i] = loftverts1[i];

                if ( conformCollider.Raycast(ray, out hit, raydist) )
                    Vector3 lochit = invtm.MultiplyPoint(hit.point);

                    verts[i].y = Mathf.Lerp(verts[i].y, lochit.y + offsets[i] + conformOffset, ca);	//conformAmount);
                    last[i] = verts[i].y;
                    Vector3 ht = ray.origin;
                    ht.y -= raydist;
                    verts[i].y = last[i];	//lochit.z + offsets[i] + offset;
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        if ( surfaceLoft == null && surfaceLayer < 0 )
            return triindex;

        MegaLoftLayerSimple layer = (MegaLoftLayerSimple)surfaceLoft.Layers[surfaceLayer];

        LayerLength = 1.0f / layer.GetLength(surfaceLoft);

        if ( tangent < 0.1f )
            tangent = 0.1f;

        //mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * surfaceLoft.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        switch ( axis )
            case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Z: break;

        meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        int trioff = 0;

        int vi = 0;
        int fi = 0;

        Matrix4x4 omat = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Random.seed = Seed;

        Vector3 newup = Vector3.up;
        Vector3 pivot;
        Vector3 ps1;
        Vector3 scl =;

        Vector3 sclmin = Vector3.Scale(scaleRangeMin, scale);
        Vector3 sclmax = Vector3.Scale(scaleRangeMax, scale);

        float a = 0.0f;
        for ( int r = 0; r < Count; r++ )
            scl.x = (scale.x + Mathf.Lerp(sclmin.x, sclmax.x, Random.value)) * GlobalScale;
            scl.y = (scale.y + Mathf.Lerp(sclmin.y, sclmax.y, Random.value)) * GlobalScale;
            scl.z = (scale.z + Mathf.Lerp(sclmin.z, sclmax.z, Random.value)) * GlobalScale;

            if ( useDensity )
                a = FindScatterAlpha();
                a = Random.value;

            float alpha = start + (a * length) + Alpha;
            float calpha = cstart + (Random.value * clength) + CAlpha;

            Vector3 rt = rot + (((Random.value - 0.5f) * 2.0f) * rotRange);
            meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rt);

            //Vector3 pivot = GetPos(surfaceLoft, layer, alpha, calpha, out normal, RemoveDof);

            if ( CalcUp )
                pivot = layer.GetPos1(surfaceLoft, calpha, alpha, 0.001f, out ps1, out newup);

                Quaternion uprot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, newup);
                tw = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f, Vector3.forward) * uprot;

                Vector3 relativePos = ps1 - pivot;
                relativePos.y *= RemoveDof;

                if ( relativePos == )
                    relativePos = Vector3.forward;
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos) * tw * meshrot;
                //wtm.SetTRS(, rotation, scl);
                wtm.SetTRS(pivot, rotation, scl);

                omat = mat * wtm;
                pivot = layer.GetPos1(surfaceLoft, calpha, alpha, 0.001f, out ps1, out newup);

                tw = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f, Vector3.forward);

                Vector3 relativePos = ps1 - pivot;
                relativePos.y *= RemoveDof;

                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos) * tw * meshrot;
                //wtm.SetTRS(, rotation, scl);
                wtm.SetTRS(pivot, rotation, scl);

                omat = mat * wtm;

            Vector3 pp =;

            for ( int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++ )
                pp.x = sverts[i].x + Offset.x;
                pp.y = sverts[i].y + Offset.y;
                pp.z = sverts[i].z + Offset.z;

                pp = omat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pp);
                loftverts[vi].x = pp.x;	// + pivot.x;
                loftverts[vi].y = pp.y;	// + pivot.y;
                loftverts[vi].z = pp.z;	// + pivot.z;

                loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

            for ( int i = 0; i < stris.Length; i++ )
                lofttris[fi++] = stris[i] + trioff + triindex;

            trioff = vi;

        return triindex;
Beispiel #52
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        if ( layerPath == null )
            return false;

        if ( startObj == null && mainObj == null && endObj == null )
            return false;


        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if ( startObj && StartEnabled )
            vcount += sverts.Length;
            tcount += starttris;

            for ( int i = 0; i < startlofttris.Count; i++ )
                startlofttris[i].tris = new int[startlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length];

        if ( mainObj && MainEnabled )
            if ( Length != 0.0f )
                MegaShape	path = layerPath;

                float dist = path.splines[curve].length * Length;
                Vector3 scl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
                Vector3 size =;

                size.x = (mainBounds.size.x * scl.x) + (Gap * GlobalScale);
                size.y = (mainBounds.size.y * scl.y) + (Gap * GlobalScale);
                size.z = (mainBounds.size.z * scl.z) + (Gap * GlobalScale);

                repeat = (int)(dist / size[(int)axis]);	// + Gap));
                if ( repeat < 0 )
                    repeat = 0;
            vcount += (mverts.Length * repeat);
            tcount += (maintris * repeat);

            for ( int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++ )
                mainlofttris[i].tris = new int[mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length * repeat];

        if ( endObj && EndEnabled )
            vcount += everts.Length;
            tcount += endtris;

            for ( int i = 0; i < endlofttris.Count; i++ )
                endlofttris[i].tris = new int[endlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length];

        if ( loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount )
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if ( loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount )
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if ( lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount )
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

        return true;
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)
        if (surfaceLayer < 0 || surfaceLoft == null)

        // If we dont have any meshes then return null for not building
        if (startObj == null && mainObj == null && endObj == null)


        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if (startObj && StartEnabled)
            vcount += sverts.Length;
            tcount += starttris;                //stris.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < startlofttris.Count; i++)
                startlofttris[i].tris = new int[startlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length];

        if (mainObj && MainEnabled)
            if (Length != 0.0f)
                //Debug.Log("layer " + surfaceLayer);
                MegaLoftLayerSimple layer = (MegaLoftLayerSimple)surfaceLoft.Layers[surfaceLayer];

                MegaShape path = layer.layerPath;

                if (path)
                    float   dist = layer.LoftLength * Length;
                    Vector3 scl  = MainScale * GlobalScale;
                    Vector3 size =;

                    size.x = (mainBounds.size.x * scl.x) + (Gap * GlobalScale);
                    size.y = (mainBounds.size.y * scl.y) + (Gap * GlobalScale);
                    size.z = (mainBounds.size.z * scl.z) + (Gap * GlobalScale);

                    repeat = (int)(dist / size[(int)axis]);                     // + Gap));
            vcount += (mverts.Length * repeat);
            tcount += (maintris * repeat);

            for (int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++)
                mainlofttris[i].tris = new int[mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length * repeat];

        if (endObj && EndEnabled)
            vcount += everts.Length;
            tcount += endtris;                  //etris.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < endlofttris.Count; i++)
                endlofttris[i].tris = new int[endlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length];

        if (loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount)
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if (loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount)
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if (lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount)
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

        firstVerts = loftverts.Length;

    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        MegaShape	path = layerPath;

        if ( tangent < 0.1f )
            tangent = 0.1f;

        //if ( snaptopath )
            //mat = path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * transform.localToWorldMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * layerPath.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            //mat = layerPath.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.localToWorldMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            mat = Matrix4x4.identity;	//path.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = Matrix4x4.identity;	//transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
        //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = path.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * transform.localToWorldMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        switch ( axis )
            case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Z: break;

        meshtm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        tw = meshrot;

        pathtm.SetTRS(offPath, Quaternion.Euler(rotPath), sclPath);
        float off = 0.0f;
        int trioff = 0;

        int vi = 0;
        int fi = 0;

        Vector3 sploff =;
        if ( snap )
            sploff = path.splines[0].knots[0].p - path.splines[curve].knots[0].p;

        int ax = (int)axis;

        float palpha = Start;	// * 0.01f;
        if ( startObj != null && StartEnabled )
            Vector3 sscl = StartScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(StartOff, sscl);

            off -= startObj.bounds.min[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            for ( int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                p = Deform(p, path, palpha, off, sscl, RemoveDof, soff, sploff);	// + sploff;
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

            for ( int i = 0; i < stris.Length; i++ )
                lofttris[fi++] = stris[i] + triindex;

            off += startObj.bounds.max[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            off += StartGap;
            trioff = vi;

        if ( mainObj != null && MainEnabled )
            float mw = mainObj.bounds.size[(int)axis];

            Vector3 mscl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 moff = Vector3.Scale(MainOff, mscl);

            off -= mainObj.bounds.min[(int)axis] * mscl[ax];
            mw *= mscl[(int)axis];

            for ( int r = 0; r < repeat; r++ )
                for ( int i = 0; i < mverts.Length; i++ )
                    Vector3 p = mverts[i];
                    p = Deform(p, path, palpha, off, mscl, RemoveDof, moff, sploff);	// + sploff;
                    loftverts[vi] = p;
                    loftuvs[vi++] = muvs[i];

                for ( int i = 0; i < mtris.Length; i++ )
                    lofttris[fi++] = mtris[i] + trioff + triindex;

                off += mw;
                off += Gap;
                trioff = vi;

            off -= Gap;
            off += (mainObj.bounds.max[(int)axis] * mscl[ax]) - mw;

        if ( endObj != null && EndEnabled )
            Vector3 escl = EndScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 eoff = Vector3.Scale(EndOff, escl);

            off -= endObj.bounds.min[(int)axis] * escl[ax];
            off += EndGap;

            for ( int i = 0; i < everts.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 p = everts[i];
                p = Deform(p, path, palpha, off, escl, RemoveDof, eoff, sploff);	// + sploff;
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = euvs[i];

            for ( int i = 0; i < etris.Length; i++ )
                lofttris[fi++] = etris[i] + trioff + triindex;

            trioff += everts.Length;

        if ( conform )
            DoConform(loft, loftverts);

        return triindex;
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        MegaLoftLayerSimple layer = (MegaLoftLayerSimple)surfaceLoft.Layers[surfaceLayer];

        LayerLength = 1.0f / layer.GetLength(surfaceLoft);

        if (tangent < 0.1f)
            tangent = 0.1f;

        //mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        //mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix * surfaceLoft.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	// * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;	//mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        mat = surfaceLoft.transform.localToWorldMatrix * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref tm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * tmrot);

        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshtm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref meshtm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rot);

        meshrot = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        float off    = 0.0f;
        int   trioff = 0;

        int vi = 0;

        float ca = CrossAlpha;

        if (ca > 0.99999f)
            ca = 0.99999f;

        int ax = (int)axis;

        if (startObj != null && StartEnabled)
            Vector3 sscl = StartScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(StartOff + Offset, sscl);

            off -= startBounds.min[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            for (int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                p             = Deform(p, surfaceLoft, layer, start, ca, off, sscl, RemoveDof, soff);
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = suvs[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < startlofttris.Count; i++)
                int toff = startlofttris[i].offset;

                for (int t = 0; t < startlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++)
                    startlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = startlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                startlofttris[i].offset = toff;

            off   += startBounds.max[(int)axis] * sscl[ax];
            off   += StartGap * GlobalScale;
            trioff = vi;

        if (mainObj != null && MainEnabled)
            for (int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++)
                mainlofttris[i].offset = 0;

            float mw = mainBounds.size[(int)axis];

            Vector3 mscl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 moff = Vector3.Scale(MainOff + Offset, mscl);

            off -= mainBounds.min[(int)axis] * mscl[ax];

            mw *= mscl[(int)axis];
            float gaps = Gap * GlobalScale;

            for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++)
                for (int i = 0; i < mverts.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 p = mverts[i];
                    p             = Deform(p, surfaceLoft, layer, start, ca, off, mscl, RemoveDof, moff);
                    loftverts[vi] = p;
                    loftuvs[vi++] = muvs[i];

                for (int i = 0; i < mainlofttris.Count; i++)
                    int toff = mainlofttris[i].offset;

                    for (int t = 0; t < mainlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++)
                        mainlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = mainlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                    mainlofttris[i].offset = toff;

                off   += mw;
                off   += gaps;
                trioff = vi;

            off -= gaps;
            off += (mainBounds.max[(int)axis] * mscl[ax]) - mw;

        if (endObj != null && EndEnabled)
            Vector3 escl = EndScale * GlobalScale;
            Vector3 eoff = Vector3.Scale(EndOff + Offset, escl);

            off -= endBounds.min[(int)axis] * escl[ax];
            off += EndGap * GlobalScale;

            for (int i = 0; i < everts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p = everts[i];
                p             = Deform(p, surfaceLoft, layer, start, ca, off, escl, RemoveDof, eoff);
                loftverts[vi] = p;
                loftuvs[vi++] = euvs[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < endlofttris.Count; i++)
                int toff = endlofttris[i].offset;

                for (int t = 0; t < endlofttris[i].sourcetris.Length; t++)
                    endlofttris[i].tris[toff++] = endlofttris[i].sourcetris[t] + trioff + triindex;

                endlofttris[i].offset = toff;

            trioff += everts.Length;

    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)

        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if ( startObj && StartEnabled )
            vcount += sverts.Length;
            tcount += stris.Length;

        if ( endObj && EndEnabled )
            vcount += everts.Length;
            tcount += etris.Length;

        if ( mainObj && MainEnabled )
            if ( Length != 0.0f )
                MegaShape	path = layerPath;

                if ( path )
                    float dist = path.splines[curve].length * Length;
                    Vector3 scl = MainScale * GlobalScale;
                    Vector3 size =;

                    size.x = (mainObj.bounds.size.x + Gap) * scl.x;
                    size.y = (mainObj.bounds.size.y + Gap) * scl.y;
                    size.z = (mainObj.bounds.size.z + Gap) * scl.z;
                    repeat = (int)(dist / size[(int)axis]);
                    if ( repeat < 0 )
                        repeat = 0;

            vcount += (mverts.Length * repeat);
            tcount += (mtris.Length * repeat);

        if ( loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount )
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if ( loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount )
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if ( lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount )
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

        return true;
    public override bool PrepareLoft(MegaShapeLoft loft, int sc)

        int vcount = 0;
        int tcount = 0;

        if (startObj && StartEnabled)
            vcount += sverts.Length;
            tcount += stris.Length;

        if (endObj && EndEnabled)
            vcount += everts.Length;
            tcount += etris.Length;

        if (mainObj && MainEnabled)
            if (Length != 0.0f)
                MegaShape path = layerPath;

                if (path)
                    float   dist = path.splines[curve].length * Length;
                    Vector3 scl  = MainScale * GlobalScale;
                    Vector3 size =;

                    size.x = (mainObj.bounds.size.x + Gap) * scl.x;
                    size.y = (mainObj.bounds.size.y + Gap) * scl.y;
                    size.z = (mainObj.bounds.size.z + Gap) * scl.z;
                    repeat = (int)(dist / size[(int)axis]);
                    if (repeat < 0)
                        repeat = 0;

            vcount += (mverts.Length * repeat);
            tcount += (mtris.Length * repeat);

        if (loftverts == null || loftverts.Length != vcount)
            loftverts = new Vector3[vcount];

        if (loftuvs == null || loftuvs.Length != vcount)
            loftuvs = new Vector2[vcount];

        if (lofttris == null || lofttris.Length != tcount)
            lofttris = new int[tcount];

Beispiel #58
    public virtual bool LoftNotify(MegaShapeLoft loft, int reason)
        if ( Layers != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < Layers.Length; i++ )
                if ( Layers[i].LoftNotify(loft, reason) )
                    rebuild = true;

        return rebuild;
Beispiel #59
    Vector3 GetCross(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca)
        MegaShape	section = layerSection;

        Matrix4x4 tm1 = Matrix4x4.identity;
        MegaMatrix.Translate(ref tm1, pivot);
        MegaMatrix.Rotate(ref tm1, new Vector3(Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.x, Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.y, Mathf.Deg2Rad * crossRot.z));

        int lk	= -1;

        float alpha = crossStart + ca;

        MegaSpline cspl = section.splines[crosscurve];

        if ( cspl.closed )
            if ( alpha < 0.0f )
                alpha += 1.0f;

        Vector3 off =;
        if ( snap )
            off = section.splines[0].knots[0].p - cspl.knots[0].p;

        if ( cspl.closed )
            alpha = Mathf.Repeat(alpha, 1.0f);

        return tm1.MultiplyPoint3x4(section.splines[crosscurve].InterpCurve3D(alpha, section.normalizedInterp, ref lk) + off);
Beispiel #60
    GameObject CreateSpline(Vector3 pos)
        GameObject obj = new GameObject(); = name + " - Spline " + splinecount++;
        obj.transform.position = transform.position;
        //obj.transform.parent = transform;

        MegaShape shape = obj.AddComponent<MegaShape>();
        shape.smoothness = smooth;
        shape.drawHandles = false;

        MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[0];
        spline.constantSpeed = constantspd;
        spline.subdivs = 40;

        shape.cap = true;

        Vector3[] ps = new Vector3[2];
        ps[0] = obj.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);
        ps[1] = obj.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);

        shape.BuildSpline(0, ps, false);

        shape.drawTwist	= true;
        shape.boxwidth	= width;
        shape.boxheight	= height;
        shape.offset	= -height * 0.5f;
        shape.stepdist	= meshstep;	//width * 2.0f * 10.0f;

        spline.closed = closed;

        cspline = spline;
        cshape = shape;

        if ( loft )
            MegaShapeLoft newloft = loft.GetClone();
   = name + " - Loft " + (splinecount - 1);
            newloft.transform.position = obj.transform.position;
            newloft.transform.rotation = obj.transform.rotation;

            MegaLoftLayerBase[] layers = newloft.GetComponents<MegaLoftLayerBase>();

            for ( int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++ )
                layers[i].layerPath = cshape;

            newloft.rebuild = true;
        #if UNITY_3_5

            cloft = newloft;

        return obj;