public void neighbors_should_have_expected_coordinates()
            FlightDatabase   db  = new FlightDatabase(GetFlightDataPath());
            Meeting          m   = new Meeting(3712, db);
            SolutionInstance sol = m.GetRandomInstance();

            IReadOnlyList <int>            originalCoordinates = sol.Coordinates;
            IEnumerable <SolutionInstance> neighbors           = sol.Neighbors;

            neighbors.Count().Should().BeInRange(18, 36);  // If no degenerate case

            // Check for uniqueness of neighbor
            List <int[]> coordinatesOfNeighbors = new List <int[]>();

            foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)

            // Every set of coordinate should be unique

            // Verifying that the distance is one (we have only moved one point in one of the 18 axes
            foreach (var coordinates in coordinatesOfNeighbors)
                coordinates.Zip(originalCoordinates, (one, two) => Math.Abs(one - two)).Sum().Should().Be(1);

            int i = coordinatesOfNeighbors.Count();
Beispiel #2
        public void simple_MonteCarlo()
            FlightDatabase db = new FlightDatabase(GetFlightDataPath());
            Meeting        m  = new Meeting(3712, db);
            var            x  = m.GetRandomInstance();
            var            b  = x.GetBestMonteCarlo();

Beispiel #3
 public void run_algo()
     FlightDatabase db = new FlightDatabase( GetFlightDataPath() );
     Meeting m = new Meeting( 3712, db );
     for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
     Console.WriteLine( m.BestResult );