public MediaResponse IsFileExists(MediaRequest request)
                Log.Instance.LogAsInfo($"{nameof(ImageDbFileSource)}.{nameof(IsFileExists)}: IsFileExists is started");
                bool result;
                if (request.MediaId % 2 == 0)
                    result = IsFileExists(_uowPhotoSQL, request.MediaType, request.MediaId);
                    result = IsFileExists(_uowPhotoMongo, request.MediaType, request.MediaId);

                Log.Instance.LogAsInfo($"{nameof(ImageDbFileSource)}.{nameof(IsFileExists)}: IsFileExists is successfully completed");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Instance.ExceptionInfo(ex).LogAsInfo($"{nameof(ImageDbFileSource)}.{nameof(IsFileExists)}: Error");
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <byte[]> ReadAttachment(string id)
            Document doc = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collection.DocumentsLink)
                           .Where(d => d.Id == id)

            if (doc == null)
            //Query for document for attachment for attachments
            Attachment attachment = client.CreateAttachmentQuery(doc.SelfLink).AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();

            //Use DocumentClient to read the Media content
            if (attachment == null)
            MediaResponse content = await client.ReadMediaAsync(attachment.MediaLink);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[content.ContentLength];
            await content.Media.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, (int)content.ContentLength);

        private static async Task UseAttachments(string colSelfLink)
            dynamic documentWithAttachment = new
                id         = "PO1800243243470",
                CustomerId = 1092,
                TotalDue   = 985.018m,

            Document doc = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(colSelfLink, documentWithAttachment);

            //This attachment could be any binary you want to attach. Like images, videos, word documents, pdfs etc. it doesn't matter
            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(@".\Attachments\text.txt", FileMode.Open))
                //Create the attachment
                await client.CreateAttachmentAsync(doc.AttachmentsLink, fileStream, new MediaOptions { ContentType = "text/plain", Slug = "text.txt" });

            //Query the documents for attachments
            Attachment attachment = client.CreateAttachmentQuery(doc.SelfLink).AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();

            //Use DocumentClient to read the Media content
            MediaResponse content = await client.ReadMediaAsync(attachment.MediaLink);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[content.ContentLength];
            await content.Media.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, (int)content.ContentLength);

            string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
        public static async Task RunAsync(string[] args)
            var client   = DocumentDbExtension.CreateClient();
            var database = await client.GetDatabaseAsync("IoTEvents");

            var temperatureSamplesInsert = await client.GetCollectionAsync(database, "temperatureSamplesInsert");

            Document document = await client.NewTemperatureSampleDocumentAsync(temperatureSamplesInsert.SelfLink, "Pordenone", Region.North, 45, 12, Guid.NewGuid(), SensorClass.A, 24);

            //This attachment could be any binary you want to attach. Like images, videos, word documents, pdfs etc. it doesn't matter
            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(@".\Attachments\LoremIpsum.txt", FileMode.Open))
                //Create the attachment
                await client.CreateAttachmentAsync(document.AttachmentsLink, fileStream, new MediaOptions { ContentType = "text/plain", Slug = "LoremIpsum.txt" });

            //Query for document for attachment for attachments
            Attachment attachment = client.CreateAttachmentQuery(document.SelfLink).AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();

            //Use DocumentClient to read the Media content
            MediaResponse content = await client.ReadMediaAsync(attachment.MediaLink);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[content.ContentLength];
            await content.Media.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, (int)content.ContentLength);

            string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();

            MediaRequest request = new MediaRequest();

            request.Nota1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtP1.Text);

            request.Nota2 = Convert.ToDouble(txtP2.Text);

            MediaResponse response = client.CalcularMedia(request);

            txtResultado.Text = response.Resultado;

            txtMedia.Text = response.Media.ToString();

Beispiel #6
 public MediaViewModel(MediaResponse resp)
     Title       = resp.Title;
     ReleaseYear = resp.ReleaseYear;
     IMDBId      = resp.IMDBId;
     Plot        = resp.Plot;
     Actors      = resp.Actors;
     PosterUrl   = resp.PosterUrl;
Beispiel #7
 private void dumpTerseResponse(MediaResponse msg)
     Console.WriteLine("---\ntitle: {0}\nquality:", msg.Title);
     foreach (var stream in msg.Stream)
         var qty = stream.Quality;
             "  profile: {0}\n    width: {1}\n    height: {2}",
             stream.Quality.Profile, stream.Quality.Width,
 private TAttachment DeserialiseAttachment <TDocument, TAttachment>(
     AttachmentTypeMapping <TDocument, TAttachment> attachmentMapping,
     MediaResponse mediaResponse)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new NebulaStoreException("Failed to deserialise document attachment", e);
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <MediaResponse> GetAttachmentMediaAsync(string documentId, string attachmentId)
            var attachmentResponse = await _documentClient.ReadAttachmentAsync(UriFactory.CreateAttachmentUri(_applicationConfig.Database, _applicationConfig.Collection,
                                                                                                              documentId, attachmentId));

            MediaResponse response = null;

            if (attachmentResponse != null)
                response = await _documentClient.ReadMediaAsync(attachmentResponse.Resource.MediaLink);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get list of media videos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tenantId"></param>
        /// <param name="searchCriteria"></param>
        /// <param name="sortAndPaginationQueryModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MediaSiteResponse <MediaResponse> GetMediaVideos(string tenantId, string searchCriteria, SortAndPaginationQueryModel sortAndPaginationQueryModel)
            var videoList = _mediaContext.GetPresentations(searchCriteria, sortAndPaginationQueryModel.Offset,
                                                           sortAndPaginationQueryModel.Limit, sortAndPaginationQueryModel.SortDirection);
            var mediaResponse = new MediaResponse
                Offset = sortAndPaginationQueryModel.Offset,
                Limit  = sortAndPaginationQueryModel.Limit

            if (videoList == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Instance.BuildResponse(ResponseCodes.Ok, mediaResponse));
            mediaResponse.VideoPresentation = videoList;
            return(ServiceResponse.Instance.BuildResponse(ResponseCodes.Ok, mediaResponse));
        public List <Media> GetMedias(string username, int count = 20, string maxId = null)
            string endpoint = Endpoints.ACCOUNT_MEDIAS.Replace("{username}", username).Replace("{count}", count.ToString());

            List <Media> medias          = new List <Media>();
            bool         isMoreAvailable = true;

            while (isMoreAvailable)
                // pass in maxId, if this is a loop from moreAvailable, the maxId will be the oldest post in the previous pass
                HttpResponse <string> response = Unirest.get(endpoint.Replace("{max_id}", maxId)).asString();

                // if http response is success, we will continue, if not, we cannot do much more so we will just say no more available
                // and return whatever we currently have
                if (response.Code == 200)
                    MediaResponse mediaResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MediaResponse>(response.Body);

                    // the instagram response also has a status, if ok continue
                    if (mediaResponse.status == "ok")

                        // Assumption: more_available will be false if there are ever less than specified COUNT items returned
                        // as long as that variable is correctly set, we exit the loop
                        // If there is at least one entry, we will capture the oldest one's id and set that as maxId in case
                        // we need to do another pass in the while loop
                        if (mediaResponse.items.Count() > 0)
                            maxId = mediaResponse.items.OrderBy(i => i.CreateDate).First().Id;

                    isMoreAvailable = mediaResponse.more_available;
                    isMoreAvailable = false;

Beispiel #12
        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(string generator, WebHookHandlerContext context)
            // Convert the incoming data to a collection of InstagramNotifications
            var notifications = context.GetDataOrDefault <InstagramNotificationCollection>();

            // Get the config used by InstaSharp client
            InstagramConfig config = Dependencies.InstagramConfig;

            // Access media references in notifications
            foreach (var notification in notifications)
                // If we have an access token then get the media using InstaSharp.
                OAuthResponse auth;
                if (Dependencies.Tokens.TryGetValue(notification.UserId, out auth))
                    var           media         = new Media(config, auth);
                    MediaResponse mediaResponse = await media.Get(notification.Data.MediaId);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddMedia([FromBody] MediaRequest mediaRequest)
            MediaAbs media = await m_mediaFactory.CreateMedia(mediaRequest);

            if (media == null)
                return(BadRequest(new { Error = "Media Type Not Found" }));

            await m_mediaService.AddMedia(media);

            var baseUri     = $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host.ToUriComponent()}://media";
            var locationUrl = baseUri + "/" + media.Id.ToString();

            var response = new MediaResponse()
                Name = media.Name, Id = media.Id

            return(Created(locationUrl, response));
        public MediaResponse UploadFile(MediaFile file)
                Log.Instance.LogAsInfo(nameof(ImageDbFileSource), nameof(UploadFile), "UploadFile is started");
                bool result;
                Log.Instance.LogAsInfo(nameof(ImageDbFileSource), nameof(UploadFile), "Convert Stream to bytes array");

                long   size      = file.Size;
                byte[] fileBytes = new byte[size];
                int    bytesRead = 0;
                    bytesRead = file.FileByteStream.Read(fileBytes, bytesRead, (int)size - bytesRead);
                } while (bytesRead > 0);

                Log.Instance.LogAsInfo(nameof(ImageDbFileSource), nameof(UploadFile), "Convert Stream to bytes array is complet");

                if (file.MediaId % 2 == 0)
                    result = UploadFile(_uowPhotoSQL, fileBytes, file.MediaType, file.MediaId);
                    result = UploadFile(_uowPhotoMongo, fileBytes, file.MediaType, file.MediaId);

                Log.Instance.LogAsInfo(nameof(ImageDbFileSource), nameof(UploadFile), "UploadFile is successfully completed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Instance.ExceptionInfo(ex).LogAsInfo(nameof(ImageDbFileSource), nameof(UploadFile), " Error");
 private Task MediaHandler(MediaResponse response)
     return(HandleMessage(response, "Media", new MediaEvent(response)));
 public MediaEvent(MediaResponse response)
     Type      = response.Type;
     Receiving = response.Receiving;
Beispiel #17
        private async static Task DownloadAttachmentsAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Clearing target directory ...");

            DirectoryInfo targetDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("target");

            foreach (FileInfo file in targetDirectory.EnumerateFiles())

            Console.WriteLine("Downloading attachments ...");

            int    totalCount      = 0;
            string docContinuation = null;

                FeedResponse <dynamic> response = await cosmosClient.ReadDocumentFeedAsync(
                    UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(cosmosDatabaseName, cosmosCollectionName),
                    new FeedOptions
                    MaxItemCount           = -1,
                    RequestContinuation    = docContinuation,
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = -1

                docContinuation = response.ResponseContinuation;

                foreach (Document document in response)
                    string attachmentContinuation = null;
                        FeedResponse <Attachment> attachments = await cosmosClient.ReadAttachmentFeedAsync(
                            new FeedOptions
                            PartitionKey        = new PartitionKey(document.Id),
                            RequestContinuation = attachmentContinuation

                        attachmentContinuation = attachments.ResponseContinuation;

                        foreach (var attachment in attachments)
                            MediaResponse content = await cosmosClient.ReadMediaAsync(attachment.MediaLink);

                            byte[] buffer = new byte[content.ContentLength];
                            await content.Media.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            using (FileStream targetFileStream = File.OpenWrite(targetDirectory.FullName + "\\" + attachment.Id))
                                await targetFileStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            Console.WriteLine("Downloaded attachment: {0}", document.Id);
                    } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentContinuation));
            }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docContinuation));

            Console.WriteLine("Finished downloading {0} attachments", totalCount);
Beispiel #18
        private async static Task CopyAttachmentsToBlobsAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Copying Azure Cosmos DB attachments to Azure Blob storage...");

            int    totalCount      = 0;
            string docContinuation = null;

            // Iterate through each document (item in v3+) in the Azure Cosmos DB collection (container in v3+) to look for attachments.
                FeedResponse <dynamic> response = await cosmosClient.ReadDocumentFeedAsync(
                    UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(cosmosDatabaseName, cosmosCollectionName),
                    new FeedOptions
                    MaxItemCount           = -1,
                    RequestContinuation    = docContinuation,
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = -1

                docContinuation = response.ResponseContinuation;

                foreach (Document document in response)
                    string attachmentContinuation = null;

                    // Iterate through each attachment within the document (if any).
                        FeedResponse <Attachment> attachments = await cosmosClient.ReadAttachmentFeedAsync(
                            new FeedOptions
                            PartitionKey        = new PartitionKey(document.Id),
                            RequestContinuation = attachmentContinuation

                        attachmentContinuation = attachments.ResponseContinuation;

                        foreach (var attachment in attachments)
                            // Download the attachment in to local memory.
                            MediaResponse content = await cosmosClient.ReadMediaAsync(attachment.MediaLink);

                            byte[] buffer = new byte[content.ContentLength];
                            await content.Media.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            // Upload the locally buffered attachment to blob storage
                            string blobId = String.Concat(document.Id, "-", attachment.Id);

                            Azure.Response <BlobContentInfo> uploadedBob = await storageContainerClient.GetBlobClient(blobId).UploadAsync(
                                new MemoryStream(buffer, writable: false),

                            Console.WriteLine("Copied attachment ... Document Id: {0} , Attachment Id: {1}, Blob Id: {2}", document.Id, attachment.Id, blobId);
                    } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentContinuation));
            }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docContinuation));

            Console.WriteLine("Finished copying {0} attachments to blob storage", totalCount);