Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the syndication item from the <paramref name="galleryObject" /> and having the properties specified
        /// in <paramref name="options" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options that direct the creation of HTML and URLs for a media object.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="SyndicationItem" />.</returns>
        private static SyndicationItem BuildSyndicationItem(IGalleryObject galleryObject, MediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions options)
            options.GalleryObject = galleryObject;
            options.DisplayType   = (galleryObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.External ? DisplayObjectType.External : DisplayObjectType.Optimized);

            var moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(options);

            var pageUrl = moBuilder.GetPageUrl();

            var content = GetGalleryObjectContent(galleryObject, pageUrl, moBuilder);

            var item = new SyndicationItem(
                RssEncode(HtmlValidator.RemoveHtml(galleryObject.Title, false)),
                new Uri(pageUrl),

            item.PublishDate = galleryObject.DateAdded;
            item.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson()
                Name = galleryObject.CreatedByUserName
            item.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory(galleryObject.GalleryObjectType.ToString()));

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert <paramref name="mqItem" /> to an instance of <see cref="MediaQueueItemWebEntity" />. Returns null if <paramref name="mqItem" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mqItem">The media queue item. May be null.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="MediaQueueItemWebEntity" /> or null.</returns>
        private static MediaQueueItemWebEntity ToMediaQueueItem(MediaQueueItem mqItem)
            if (mqItem == null)

            var mo = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(mqItem.MediaObjectId);

            var moBuilderOptions = MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(mo);

            moBuilderOptions.DisplayType = DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail;

            var moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(moBuilderOptions);

            return(new MediaQueueItemWebEntity()
                MediaQueueId = mqItem.MediaQueueId,
                MediaObjectId = mqItem.MediaObjectId,
                StatusInt = mqItem.Status,
                Status = mqItem.Status,
                ConversionType = mqItem.ConversionType,
                DateAdded = mqItem.DateAdded,
                DateConversionStarted = mqItem.DateConversionStarted,
                DateConversionCompleted = mqItem.DateConversionCompleted,
                DurationMs = GetDurationMs(mqItem),
                StatusDetail = mqItem.StatusDetail,
                OriginalFilename = mo.Original.FileName,
                NewFilename = mqItem.NewFilename,
                ThumbnailUrl = GetThumbnailUrl(moBuilder),
                MediaObjectTitle = mo.Title,
                AlbumId = mo.Parent.Id,
                AlbumTitle = mo.Parent.Title
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the URL to the thumbnail image of a media asset, with the host name excluded.
 /// Ex: "/gs/handler/getmedia.ashx?moid=34&amp;dt=1&amp;g=1"
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="moBuilder">An instance of <see cref="MediaObjectHtmlBuilder" />.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="System.String" />.</returns>
 private static string GetThumbnailUrl(MediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder)
     // We remove the host URL (e.g. "http://localhost/dev/gs") to avoid sending the wrong host name to a user. For example, if two users are on the
     // media queue page but on different hosts (e.g. localhost and rdog), the GetMediaObjectUrl() function below will return the same host URL for
     // both users, potentially resulting in a broken link for one of them. This is because Utils.GetHostUrl() requires an HTTP context and when one
     // is not present (such as with SignalR), it falls back to the last known host URL (which may be for a different user).
     return(moBuilder.GetMediaObjectUrl().Replace(Utils.GetHostUrl(), string.Empty));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a collection of views for the <paramref name="galleryObject" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object. May be an album or media object.</param>
        /// <param name="browsers">An <see cref="System.Array"/> of browser ids for the current browser. This
        /// is a list of strings that represent the various categories of browsers the current browser belongs
        /// to. This is typically populated by calling ToArray() on the Request.Browser.Browsers property.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a collection of <see cref="Entity.DisplayObject" /> instances.</returns>
        private static List <DisplayObject> GetViews(IGalleryObject galleryObject, Array browsers)
            var views = new List <DisplayObject>(3);

            IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(galleryObject, galleryObject.Thumbnail, browsers);

            views.Add(new DisplayObject
                ViewSize     = (int)moBuilder.DisplayType,
                ViewType     = (int)moBuilder.MimeType.TypeCategory,
                HtmlOutput   = moBuilder.GenerateHtml(),
                ScriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript(),
                Width        = moBuilder.Width,
                Height       = moBuilder.Height,
                Url          = moBuilder.GenerateUrl()

            if (HasOptimizedVersion(galleryObject))
                moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(galleryObject, galleryObject.Optimized, browsers);
                DisplayObject optimizedDisplayObject = new DisplayObject
                    ViewSize     = (int)moBuilder.DisplayType,
                    ViewType     = (int)moBuilder.MimeType.TypeCategory,
                    HtmlOutput   = moBuilder.GenerateHtml(),
                    ScriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript(),
                    Width        = moBuilder.Width,
                    Height       = moBuilder.Height,
                    Url          = moBuilder.GenerateUrl()

            if (HasOriginalVersion(galleryObject))
                moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(galleryObject, galleryObject.Original, browsers);
                views.Add(new DisplayObject
                    ViewSize     = (int)moBuilder.DisplayType,
                    ViewType     = (int)moBuilder.MimeType.TypeCategory,
                    HtmlOutput   = moBuilder.GenerateHtml(),
                    ScriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript(),
                    Width        = moBuilder.Width,
                    Height       = moBuilder.Height,
                    Url          = moBuilder.GenerateUrl()

        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously writes an object of the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type of the object to write.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The object value to write.  It may be null. If not null, must be able to
        /// be cast to an <see cref="IAlbum" />.</param>
        /// <param name="writeStream">The <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream" /> to which to write.</param>
        /// <param name="content">The <see cref="T:System.Net.Http.HttpContent" /> if available. It may be null.</param>
        /// <param name="transportContext">The <see cref="T:System.Net.TransportContext" /> if available. It may be null.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task" /> that will perform the write.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the application is not running an Enterprise License.
        /// </exception>
        public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value, Stream writeStream, HttpContent content, TransportContext transportContext)
            if (value == null)

            var album           = (IAlbum)value;
            var options         = MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(album, DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail);
            var isAuthenticated = Utils.IsAuthenticated;

            options.DestinationPageUrl = album.FeedFormatterOptions.DestinationUrl; // Ex: "/dev/gs/default.aspx"

            return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => BuildSyndicationFeed(album, writeStream, content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType, options, isAuthenticated)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an HTML string representing the content of the <paramref name="galleryObject" />. For example,
        /// albums contain the title and caption while images contain a hyperlinked img tag pointing to 
        /// <paramref name="pageUrl" />. Other media objects contain the HTML generated by <paramref name="moBuilder" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object.</param>
        /// <param name="pageUrl">An URL pointing to a gallery page for the <paramref name="galleryObject" />
        /// Images use this value to create a hyperlink that is wrapped around the img tag.</param>
        /// <param name="moBuilder">An instance of <see cref="MediaObjectHtmlBuilder" />.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="System.String" />.</returns>
        private static string GetGalleryObjectContent(IGalleryObject galleryObject, string pageUrl, MediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder)
            switch (galleryObject.GalleryObjectType)
                case GalleryObjectType.Image:
                    return String.Format("<div><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></div><p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>", pageUrl, moBuilder.GenerateHtml(), galleryObject.Title, galleryObject.Caption);

                case GalleryObjectType.Album:
                    return String.Format("<p>{0}</p><p>{1}</p>", galleryObject.Title, galleryObject.Caption);

                    // Don't include the hyperlink around the MO HTML because that interferes with audio/video controls.
                    return String.Format("<div>{0}</div><p>{1}</p><p>{2}</p>", moBuilder.GenerateHtml(), galleryObject.Title, galleryObject.Caption);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the syndication item from the <paramref name="galleryObject" /> and having the properties specified
        /// in <paramref name="options" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options that direct the creation of HTML and URLs for a media object.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="SyndicationItem" />.</returns>
        private static SyndicationItem BuildSyndicationItem(IGalleryObject galleryObject, MediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions options)
            options.GalleryObject = galleryObject;
            options.DisplayType = (galleryObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.External ? DisplayObjectType.External : DisplayObjectType.Optimized);

            var moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(options);

            var pageUrl = moBuilder.GetPageUrl();

            var content = GetGalleryObjectContent(galleryObject, pageUrl, moBuilder);

            var item = new SyndicationItem(
                RssEncode(HtmlValidator.RemoveHtml(galleryObject.Title, false)),
                new Uri(pageUrl),

            item.PublishDate = galleryObject.DateAdded;
            item.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson() { Name = galleryObject.CreatedByUserName });
            item.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory(galleryObject.GalleryObjectType.ToString()));

            return item;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the media object with the specified <paramref name="id" />.
        /// Example: api/mediaitems/4/get
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The media object ID.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="Entity.MediaItem" />.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Web.Http.HttpResponseException">Thrown when the media object is not found, the user
        /// doesn't have permission to view it, or some other error occurs.</exception>
        public Entity.MediaItem Get(int id)
                IGalleryObject mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(id);
                SecurityManager.ThrowIfUserNotAuthorized(SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), mediaObject.Parent.Id, mediaObject.GalleryId, Utils.IsAuthenticated, mediaObject.Parent.IsPrivate, ((IAlbum)mediaObject.Parent).IsVirtualAlbum);
                var siblings         = mediaObject.Parent.GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.MediaObject, !Utils.IsAuthenticated).ToSortedList();
                int mediaObjectIndex = siblings.IndexOf(mediaObject);

                return(GalleryObjectController.ToMediaItem(mediaObject, mediaObjectIndex + 1, MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(mediaObject)));
            catch (InvalidMediaObjectException)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                    Content      = new StringContent(String.Format("Could not find media object with ID = {0}", id)),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Media Object Not Found"
            catch (GallerySecurityException)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
            catch (Exception ex)

                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                    Content      = Utils.GetExStringContent(ex),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Server Error"
Beispiel #9
        private static string GetGpsMapUrl(IGalleryObject galleryObject, string latitude, string longitude, string gpsLocation)
            //string urlTemplate = "<a href='{GpsLatitude}_{GpsLongitude}_{TitleNoHtml}__{MediaObjectPageUrl}_{MediaObjectUrl}&style=a&lvl=13' target='_blank' title='View map'>{GpsLocation}</a>";
            //string urlTemplate = "<a href='{GpsLatitude},{GpsLongitude}+({TitleNoHtml})' target='_blank' title='View map'>{GpsLocation}</a>";
            string urlTemplate = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(galleryObject.GalleryId).GpsMapUrlTemplate;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(urlTemplate))

            // Replace the tokens with actual values.
            urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("{GpsLatitude}", latitude);
            urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("{GpsLongitude}", longitude);
            urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("{TitleNoHtml}", Util.UrlEncode(Util.RemoveHtmlTags(galleryObject.Title, true)));
            urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("{MediaObjectPageUrl}", Util.UrlEncode(String.Concat(Util.GetHostUrl(), Util.GetUrl(PageId.mediaobject, "moid={0}", galleryObject.Id))));
            urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("{MediaObjectUrl}", Util.UrlEncode(String.Concat(Util.GetHostUrl(), MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GenerateUrl(galleryObject.GalleryId, galleryObject.Id, DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail))));
            urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("{GpsLocation}", gpsLocation);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an HTML string representing the content of the <paramref name="galleryObject" />. For example,
        /// albums contain the title and caption while images contain a hyperlinked img tag pointing to
        /// <paramref name="pageUrl" />. Other media objects contain the HTML generated by <paramref name="moBuilder" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object.</param>
        /// <param name="pageUrl">An URL pointing to a gallery page for the <paramref name="galleryObject" />
        /// Images use this value to create a hyperlink that is wrapped around the img tag.</param>
        /// <param name="moBuilder">An instance of <see cref="MediaObjectHtmlBuilder" />.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="System.String" />.</returns>
        private static string GetGalleryObjectContent(IGalleryObject galleryObject, string pageUrl, MediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder)
            switch (galleryObject.GalleryObjectType)
            case GalleryObjectType.Image:
                return(String.Format("<div><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></div><p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>", pageUrl, moBuilder.GenerateHtml(), galleryObject.Title, galleryObject.Caption));

            case GalleryObjectType.Album:
                return(String.Format("<p>{0}</p><p>{1}</p>", galleryObject.Title, galleryObject.Caption));

                // Don't include the hyperlink around the MO HTML because that interferes with audio/video controls.
                return(String.Format("<div>{0}</div><p>{1}</p><p>{2}</p>", moBuilder.GenerateHtml(), galleryObject.Title, galleryObject.Caption));
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get information for the specified media object, including its previous and next media object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaObject">The media object.</param>
        /// <param name="displayType">The type of display object to receive (thumbnail, optimized, original).</param>
        /// <param name="isCallBack">Indicates whether the current invocation is caused by an AJAX callback.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns an instance of MediaObjectWebEntity containing information for the specified media object,
        /// including its previous and next media object.
        /// </returns>
        internal static MediaObjectWebEntity GetMediaObjectHtml(IGalleryObject mediaObject, DisplayObjectType displayType, bool isCallBack)
            // Get the information about the specified media object, its previous one, next one, and the next one in a slide show.
            Array browsers = Utils.GetBrowserIdsForCurrentRequest();

            if ((displayType == DisplayObjectType.Original) && (!Utils.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), mediaObject.Parent.Id, mediaObject.GalleryId, ((IAlbum)mediaObject.Parent).IsPrivate)))
                displayType = DisplayObjectType.Optimized;

            bool excludePrivateObjects = !Utils.IsAuthenticated;

            MediaObjectWebEntity mo = new MediaObjectWebEntity();

            #region Step 1: Process current media object

            if (mediaObject.Id > 0)
                // This section is enclosed in the above if statement to force all declared variables within it to be local so they are
                // not accidentally re-used in steps 2 or 3. In reality, mediaObject.Id should ALWAYS be greater than 0.
                IDisplayObject displayObject = GalleryObjectController.GetDisplayObject(mediaObject, displayType);

                string htmlOutput = String.Empty;
                string scriptOutput = String.Empty;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaObject.Original.ExternalHtmlSource))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(mediaObject.Original.ExternalHtmlSource, mediaObject.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                else if ((displayObject.Width > 0) && (displayObject.Height > 0))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(mediaObject.Id, mediaObject.Parent.Id, displayObject.MimeType, displayObject.FileNamePhysicalPath, displayObject.Width, displayObject.Height, mediaObject.Title, browsers, displayType, mediaObject.IsPrivate, mediaObject.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                    scriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlOutput))
                    // We'll get here when the user is trying to view a media object that cannot be displayed in the browser or the
                    // config file does not have a definition for this MIME type. Default to a standard message noting that the user
                    // can download the object via one of the toolbar commands.
                    htmlOutput = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<p class='gsp_msgfriendly'>{0}</p>", Resources.GalleryServerPro.UC_MediaObjectView_Browser_Cannot_Display_Media_Object_Text);

                // Get the siblings of this media object and the index that specifies its position within its siblings.

                //TODO: This technique for identifying the index is very expensive when there are a lot of objects in the album.
                IGalleryObjectCollection siblings = ((IAlbum)mediaObject.Parent).GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.MediaObject, true, excludePrivateObjects);
                int mediaObjectIndex = siblings.IndexOf(mediaObject);

                // Build up the entity object we'll be sending to the client.
                bool moIsImage = (mediaObject is GalleryServerPro.Business.Image);
                bool moIsExternalObject = (mediaObject is GalleryServerPro.Business.ExternalMediaObject);
                mo.Id = mediaObject.Id;
                mo.Index = mediaObjectIndex;
                mo.NumObjectsInAlbum = siblings.Count;
                mo.Title = mediaObject.Title;
                mo.PrevId = GetPreviousMediaObjectId(mediaObjectIndex, siblings);
                mo.NextId = GetNextMediaObjectId(mediaObjectIndex, siblings);
                mo.NextSSId = GetNextMediaObjectIdForSlideshow(mediaObjectIndex, siblings);
                mo.HtmlOutput = htmlOutput;
                mo.ScriptOutput = scriptOutput;
                mo.Width = displayObject.Width;
                mo.Height = displayObject.Height;
                mo.HiResAvailable = (moIsImage && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName)) && (mediaObject.Original.FileName != mediaObject.Optimized.FileName));
                mo.IsDownloadable = !moIsExternalObject;


            #region Step 2: Process previous media object

            if (mo.PrevId > 0)
                IGalleryObject prevMO = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(mo.PrevId);

                IDisplayObject displayObject = GalleryObjectController.GetDisplayObject(prevMO, displayType);

                string htmlOutput = String.Empty;
                string scriptOutput = String.Empty;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prevMO.Original.ExternalHtmlSource))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(prevMO.Original.ExternalHtmlSource, prevMO.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                else if ((displayObject.Width > 0) && (displayObject.Height > 0))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(prevMO.Id, prevMO.Parent.Id, displayObject.MimeType, displayObject.FileNamePhysicalPath, displayObject.Width, displayObject.Height, prevMO.Title, browsers, displayType, prevMO.IsPrivate, prevMO.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                    scriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlOutput))
                    // We'll get here when the user is trying to view a media object that cannot be displayed in the browser or the
                    // config file does not have a definition for this MIME type. Default to a standard message noting that the user
                    // can download the object via one of the toolbar commands.
                    htmlOutput = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<p class='gsp_msgfriendly'>{0}</p>", Resources.GalleryServerPro.UC_MediaObjectView_Browser_Cannot_Display_Media_Object_Text);

                // Build up the entity object we'll be sending to the client.
                bool prevMoIsImage = (prevMO is GalleryServerPro.Business.Image);
                bool prevMoIsExternalObject = (prevMO is GalleryServerPro.Business.ExternalMediaObject);
                mo.PrevTitle = prevMO.Title;
                mo.PrevHtmlOutput = htmlOutput;
                mo.PrevScriptOutput = scriptOutput;
                mo.PrevWidth = displayObject.Width;
                mo.PrevHeight = displayObject.Height;
                mo.PrevHiResAvailable = (prevMoIsImage && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prevMO.Optimized.FileName)) && (prevMO.Original.FileName != prevMO.Optimized.FileName));
                mo.PrevIsDownloadable = !prevMoIsExternalObject;


            #region Step 3: Process next media object

            if (mo.NextId > 0)
                IGalleryObject nextMO = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(mo.NextId);

                IDisplayObject displayObject = GalleryObjectController.GetDisplayObject(nextMO, displayType);

                string htmlOutput = String.Empty;
                string scriptOutput = String.Empty;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextMO.Original.ExternalHtmlSource))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(nextMO.Original.ExternalHtmlSource, nextMO.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                else if ((displayObject.Width > 0) && (displayObject.Height > 0))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(nextMO.Id, nextMO.Parent.Id, displayObject.MimeType, displayObject.FileNamePhysicalPath, displayObject.Width, displayObject.Height, nextMO.Title, browsers, displayType, nextMO.IsPrivate, nextMO.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                    scriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlOutput))
                    // We'll get here when the user is trying to view a media object that cannot be displayed in the browser or the
                    // config file does not have a definition for this MIME type. Default to a standard message noting that the user
                    // can download the object via one of the toolbar commands.
                    htmlOutput = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<p class='gsp_msgfriendly'>{0}</p>", Resources.GalleryServerPro.UC_MediaObjectView_Browser_Cannot_Display_Media_Object_Text);

                // Build up the entity object we'll be sending to the client.
                bool nextMoIsImage = (nextMO is GalleryServerPro.Business.Image);
                bool nextMoIsExternalObject = (nextMO is GalleryServerPro.Business.ExternalMediaObject);
                mo.NextTitle = nextMO.Title;
                mo.NextHtmlOutput = htmlOutput;
                mo.NextScriptOutput = scriptOutput;
                mo.NextWidth = displayObject.Width;
                mo.NextHeight = displayObject.Height;
                mo.NextHiResAvailable = (nextMoIsImage && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextMO.Optimized.FileName)) && (nextMO.Original.FileName != nextMO.Optimized.FileName));
                mo.NextIsDownloadable = !nextMoIsExternalObject;


            #region Step 4: Process next slide show media object

            if (mo.NextSSId > 0)
                IGalleryObject nextSSMO = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(mo.NextSSId);

                IDisplayObject displayObject = GalleryObjectController.GetDisplayObject(nextSSMO, displayType);

                string htmlOutput = String.Empty;
                string scriptOutput = String.Empty;
                string url = String.Empty;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextSSMO.Original.ExternalHtmlSource))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(nextSSMO.Original.ExternalHtmlSource, nextSSMO.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                else if ((displayObject.Width > 0) && (displayObject.Height > 0))
                    IMediaObjectHtmlBuilder moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(nextSSMO.Id, nextSSMO.Parent.Id, displayObject.MimeType, displayObject.FileNamePhysicalPath, displayObject.Width, displayObject.Height, nextSSMO.Title, browsers, displayType, nextSSMO.IsPrivate, nextSSMO.GalleryId);
                    htmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml();
                    scriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript();
                    url = moBuilder.GenerateUrl();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlOutput))
                    // We'll get here when the user is trying to view a media object that cannot be displayed in the browser or the
                    // config file does not have a definition for this MIME type. Default to a standard message noting that the user
                    // can download the object via one of the toolbar commands.
                    htmlOutput = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<p class='gsp_msgfriendly'>{0}</p>", Resources.GalleryServerPro.UC_MediaObjectView_Browser_Cannot_Display_Media_Object_Text);

                // Get the siblings of this media object and the index that specifies its position within its siblings.

                //TODO: This technique for identifying the index is very expensive when there are a lot of objects in the album.
                IGalleryObjectCollection siblings = ((IAlbum)nextSSMO.Parent).GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.MediaObject, true, excludePrivateObjects);
                int mediaObjectIndex = siblings.IndexOf(nextSSMO);

                // Build up the entity object we'll be sending to the client.
                bool nextSSMoIsImage = (nextSSMO is GalleryServerPro.Business.Image);
                mo.NextSSIndex = mediaObjectIndex;
                mo.NextSSTitle = nextSSMO.Title;
                mo.NextSSUrl = url;
                mo.NextSSHtmlOutput = htmlOutput;
                mo.NextSSScriptOutput = scriptOutput;
                mo.NextSSWidth = displayObject.Width;
                mo.NextSSHeight = displayObject.Height;
                mo.NextSSHiResAvailable = (nextSSMoIsImage && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextSSMO.Optimized.FileName)) && (nextSSMO.Original.FileName != nextSSMO.Optimized.FileName));
                mo.NextSSIsDownloadable = true; // Slide show objects are always locally stored images and are therefore always downloadable


            #region Step 5: Update Previous Uri variable

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null)
                Uri backURL = Utils.PreviousUri;
                if (isCallBack && (backURL != null))
                    // We are in a callback. Even though the page hasn't changed, the user is probably viewing a different media object,
                    // so update the moid query string parameter so that the referring url points to the current media object.
                    backURL = UpdateUriQueryString(backURL, "moid", mediaObject.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    backURL = Utils.GetCurrentPageUri();

                Utils.PreviousUri = backURL;


            return mo;
 public MediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(IGalleryObject galleryObject)
     return(MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(galleryObject, _urlController));
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the HTML to display a nicely formatted thumbnail image of the specified <paramref name="galleryObject" />, including a 
        /// border, shadows and (possibly) rounded corners. This function is the same as calling the overloaded version with 
        /// includeHyperlinkToObject and allowAlbumTextWrapping parameters both set to <c>false</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object to be used as the source for the thumbnail image.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns HTML that displays a nicely formatted thumbnail image of the specified <paramref name="galleryObject" /></returns>
        public static string GetThumbnailHtml(IGalleryObject galleryObject)
            var moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(galleryObject, DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail));

            return moBuilder.GetThumbnailHtml();
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an absolute URL to the thumbnail, optimized, or original media object.
        /// Ex: ";dt=1&amp;g=1"
        /// The URL can be used to assign to the src attribute of an image tag (&lt;img src='...' /&gt;).
        /// Not tested: It should be possible to pass an album and request the url to its thumbnail image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object for which an URL to the specified image is to be generated.</param>
        /// <param name="displayType">A DisplayObjectType enumeration value indicating the version of the
        /// object for which the URL should be generated. Possible values: Thumbnail, Optimized, Original.
        /// An exception is thrown if any other enumeration is passed.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the URL to the thumbnail, optimized, or original version of the requested media object.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="galleryObject" /> is null.</exception>
        public static string GetGalleryObjectUrl(IGalleryObject galleryObject, DisplayObjectType displayType)
            if (galleryObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("galleryObject");

            if (galleryObject is Album && (displayType != DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail))
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("It is invalid to request an URL for an album display type '{0}'.", displayType));

            var moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(MediaObjectHtmlBuilder.GetMediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions(galleryObject, displayType));

            return moBuilder.GetMediaObjectUrl();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a collection of views corresponding to the gallery object and other specs in <paramref name="moBuilderOptions" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="moBuilderOptions">A set of properties to be used when building the output.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a collection of <see cref="Entity.DisplayObject" /> instances.</returns>
        private static List<Entity.DisplayObject> GetViews(MediaObjectHtmlBuilderOptions moBuilderOptions)
            var views = new List<Entity.DisplayObject>(3);

            moBuilderOptions.DisplayType = DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail;

            var moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(moBuilderOptions);

            views.Add(new Entity.DisplayObject
                ViewSize = (int)DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail,
                ViewType = (int)moBuilder.MimeType.TypeCategory,
                HtmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml(),
                ScriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript(),
                Width = moBuilder.Width,
                Height = moBuilder.Height,
                Url = moBuilder.GetMediaObjectUrl()

            if (HasOptimizedVersion(moBuilderOptions.GalleryObject))
                moBuilderOptions.DisplayType = DisplayObjectType.Optimized;

                moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(moBuilderOptions);

                views.Add(new Entity.DisplayObject
                    ViewSize = (int)DisplayObjectType.Optimized,
                    ViewType = (int)moBuilder.MimeType.TypeCategory,
                    HtmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml(),
                    ScriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript(),
                    Width = moBuilder.Width,
                    Height = moBuilder.Height,
                    Url = moBuilder.GetMediaObjectUrl()

            if (HasOriginalVersion(moBuilderOptions.GalleryObject))
                moBuilderOptions.DisplayType = moBuilderOptions.GalleryObject.Original.DisplayType; // May be Original or External

                moBuilder = new MediaObjectHtmlBuilder(moBuilderOptions);

                views.Add(new Entity.DisplayObject
                    ViewSize = (int)DisplayObjectType.Original,
                    ViewType = (int)moBuilder.MimeType.TypeCategory,
                    HtmlOutput = moBuilder.GenerateHtml(),
                    ScriptOutput = moBuilder.GenerateScript(),
                    Width = moBuilder.Width,
                    Height = moBuilder.Height,
                    Url = moBuilder.GetMediaObjectUrl()

            return views;