private void MeasurementLogGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e)
            MeasurementLogEntry entry = e.Row.DataContext as MeasurementLogEntry;

            // If this entry has a valid calculator associated then change the TextBlock to a HyperlinkButton
            // that when clicked will use the Acivator object to dynamically create the appropriate calculator

            if (entry.Measurement.Calculator != null)
                TextBlock measurementName = MeasurementLogGrid.Columns[0].GetCellContent(e.Row) as TextBlock;

                if (measurementName != null)
                    DataGridCell    cell           = measurementName.Parent as DataGridCell;
                    HyperlinkButton calculatorLink = new HyperlinkButton();

                    calculatorLink.Content             = entry.Measurement.measurement_name;
                    calculatorLink.Margin              = new Thickness(5);
                    calculatorLink.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    calculatorLink.Click += (s, ev) =>
                        // Create an instance of the calculator using IMeasurementCalculator interface so that we have
                        // access to the calculated value and can update the selected row value

                        ChildWindow            modalWindow = new ChildWindow();
                        IMeasurementCalculator calc        = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(String.Format("FitnessTrackerPlus.Views.Measurement.Calculators.{0}",
                                                                                                                 entry.Measurement.Calculator.type_name))) as IMeasurementCalculator;

                        calc.CalculationCancelled += (se, eve) => { modalWindow.Close(); };
                        calc.CalculationComplete  += (se, eve) =>

                            entry.value = calc.CalculatedValue;

                        modalWindow.Title   = String.Format("{0} Calculator", entry.Measurement.measurement_name);
                        modalWindow.Content = calc;

                    // Repace the TextBlock with the HyperlinkButton control

                    cell.Content = calculatorLink;
        private void CreateMeasurementLogEntry(FitnessTrackerPlus.Web.Data.Measurement measurement)
            MeasurementLogEntry entry = new MeasurementLogEntry();

            // Setup new measurement log entry with selected date, measurement and current user

            IEnumerator units = measurement.MeasurementsUnits.GetEnumerator();


            entry.measurement_id =;
            entry.entry_date     = Globals.SelectedDate;
            entry.user_id        =;
            entry.unit_id        = (units.Current as MeasurementsUnits).unit_id;

            context.SubmitChanges((ChangesSubmitted) =>
                if (!ChangesSubmitted.HasError)
            }, null);