Beispiel #1
 private void UpdateMcdText(McdEntry info)
     if (MCDInfoForm != null)
Beispiel #2
 private XCTile GetAlternate(string basename, int index, McdEntry info, XCTile[] tiles)
     if (info.UFODoor || info.HumanDoor || info.Alt_MCD != 0)
         if (tiles.Length < info.Alt_MCD)
                                 "In the MCD file {3}, the tile entry {0} have an invalid alternative tile (# {1} of {2} tiles)",
                                 index, info.Alt_MCD, tiles.Length, basename));
Beispiel #3
 private XCTile GetDeadValue(string basename, int index, McdEntry info, XCTile[] tiles)
         if (info.DieTile != 0)
                             "In the MCD file {3}, the tile entry {0} have an invalid dead tile (# {1} of {2} tiles)",
                             index, info.Alt_MCD, tiles.Length, basename));
Beispiel #4
        public void UpdateData(McdEntry info)
            InfoBs.DataSource = info;

            rtb.Text           = "";
            rtb.SelectionColor = Color.DarkGray;
            rtb.SelectionColor = Color.DarkGray;
            rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;

                               "Images: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}\n",
//			short int ScanG; // A reference into the GEODATA\SCANG.DAT
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[22])); // unsigned char u23;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[23])); // unsigned char u24;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[24])); // unsigned char u25;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[25])); // unsigned char u26;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[26])); // unsigned char u27;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[27])); // unsigned char u28;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[28])); // unsigned char u29;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[29])); // unsigned char u30;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("UFO Door: {0}\n", info.UFODoor));
//			unsigned char UFO_Door;	// If it's a UFO door it uses only Frame[0] until it is walked through, then
            // it animates once and becomes Alt_MCD. It changes back at the end of the turn
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("SeeThru: {0}\n", info.StopLOS));
//			unsigned char Stop_LOS; // You cannot see through this tile.
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("No Floor: {0}\n", info.NoGround));
//			unsigned char No_Floor; // If 1, then a non-flying unit can't stand here
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Big Wall: {0}\n", info.BigWall));
//			unsigned char Big_Wall; // It's an object (tile type 3), but it acts like a wall
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Grav Lift: {0}\n", info.GravLift));
//			unsigned char Gravlift;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("People Door: {0}\n", info.HumanDoor));
//			unsigned char Door; // It's a human style door--you walk through it and it changes to Alt_MCD
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Block fire: {0}\n", info.BlockFire));
//			unsigned char Block_Fire; // If 1, fire won't go through the tile
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Block Smoke: {0}\n", info.BlockSmoke));
//			unsigned char Block_Smoke; // If 1, smoke won't go through the tile
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[38]));
//			unsigned char u39;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("TU Walk: {0}\n", info.TU_Walk));
//			unsigned char TU_Walk; // The number of TUs required to pass the tile while walking. 0xFF (255) means it's unpassable.
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("TU Fly: {0}\n", info.TU_Fly));
//			unsigned char TU_Fly; // remember, 0xFF means it's impassable!
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("TU Slide: {0}\n", info.TU_Slide));
//			unsigned char TU_Slide; // sliding things include snakemen and silacoids
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Armor: {0}\n", info.Armor));
//			unsigned char Armour; // The higher this is the less likely it is that a weapon will destroy this tile when it's hit.
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("HE Block: {0}\n", info.HE_Block));
//			unsigned char HE_Block; // How much of an explosion this tile will block
            rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Death tile: {0}\n", info.DieTile));
//			unsigned char Die_MCD; // If the terrain is destroyed, it is set to 0 and a tile of type Die_MCD is added
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Flammable: {0}\n", info.Flammable));
//			unsigned char Flammable; // How flammable it is (the higher the harder it is to set aflame)
            rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Door open tile: {0}\n", info.Alt_MCD));
//			unsigned char Alt_MCD; // If "Door" or "UFO_Door" is on, then when a unit walks through it the door is set to 0 and a tile type Alt_MCD is added.
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[47]));// unsigned char u48;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unit y offset: {0}\n", info.StandOffset));
//			signed char T_Level; // When a unit or object is standing on the tile, the unit is shifted by this amount
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("tile y offset: {0}\n", info.TileOffset));
//			unsigned char P_Level; // When the tile is drawn, this amount is subtracted from its y (so y position-P_Level is where it's drawn)
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[50]));// unsigned char u51;
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("block light[0-10]: {0}\n", info.LightBlock));
//			unsigned char Light_Block; // The amount of light it blocks, from 0 to 10
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("footstep sound effect: {0}\n", info.Footstep));
//			unsigned char Footstep; // The Sound Effect set to choose from when footsteps are on the tile
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("tile type: {0}:{1}\n", (sbyte)info.TileType, info.TileType + ""));
//			info.TileType==0?"floor":info.TileType==1?"west wall":info.TileType==2?"north wall":info.TileType==3?"object":"Unknown"));
//			unsigned char Tile_Type;	// This is the type of tile it is meant to be -- 0=floor, 1=west wall, 2=north wall, 3=object.
            // When this type of tile is in the Die_As or Open_As flags, this value is added to the tile
            // coordinate to determine the byte in which the tile type should be written.
                               "high explosive type: {0}:{1}\n",
                               info.HE_Type == 0 ? "HE" : info.HE_Type == 1 ? "smoke" : "unknown"));
//			unsigned char HE_Type; // 0=HE 1=Smoke
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("HE Strength: {0}\n", info.HE_Strength));
//			unsigned char HE_Strength; // The strength of the explosion caused when it's destroyed. 0 means no explosion.
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("smoke blockage: {0}\n", info.SmokeBlockage));
//			unsigned char Smoke_Blockage; // ? Not sure about this
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("turns to burn: {0}\n", info.Fuel));
//			unsigned char Fuel; // The number of turns the tile will burn when set aflame
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("light produced: {0}\n", info.LightSource));
//			unsigned char Light_Source; // The amount of light this tile produces
            rtb.AppendText(string.Format("special: {0}\n", info.TargetType));
//			unsigned char Target_Type; // The special properties of the tile
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[60]));
//			unsigned char u61;
            //rtb.AppendText(string.Format("Unknown data: {0}\n",info[61]));
//			unsigned char u62;