Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create OpenDoPE parts, including optionally, question part.
        /// </summary>
        public void process()
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document document = null;
                document = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Mbox.ShowSimpleMsgBoxError("No document is open/active. Create or open a docx first.");

            Model model = Model.ModelFactory(document);

            // Button shouldn't be available if this exists,
            // but ..
            if (model.conditionsPart == null)
                conditions conditions    = new conditions();
                string     conditionsXml = conditions.Serialize();
                model.conditionsPart = addCustomXmlPart(document, conditionsXml);

            if (model.componentsPart == null)
                components components    = new components();
                string     componentsXml = components.Serialize();
                model.componentsPart = addCustomXmlPart(document, componentsXml);

            // Add XPath
            xpaths xpaths = new xpaths();

            // Button shouldn't be available if this exists,
            // but ..
            if (model.xpathsPart != null)
                xpaths.Deserialize(model.xpathsPart.XML, out xpaths);
            int idInt = 1;

            foreach (Word.ContentControl cc in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.ContentControls)
                if (cc.XMLMapping.IsMapped)
                    log.Debug("Adding xpath for " + cc.ID);
                    // then we need to add an XPath
                    string xmXpath = cc.XMLMapping.XPath;

                    xpathsXpath item = new xpathsXpath();
                    // I make no effort here to check whether the xpath
                    // already exists, since the part shouldn't already exist!

           = "x" + idInt;

                    xpathsXpathDataBinding db = new xpathsXpathDataBinding();
                    db.xpath       = xmXpath;
                    db.storeItemID = cc.XMLMapping.CustomXMLPart.Id;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cc.XMLMapping.PrefixMappings))
                        db.prefixMappings = cc.XMLMapping.PrefixMappings;
                    item.dataBinding = db;


                    // Write tag
                    TagData td = new TagData(cc.Tag);
                    cc.Tag = td.asQueryString();

                    log.Debug(".. added for " + cc.ID);
            string xpathsXml = xpaths.Serialize();

            if (model.xpathsPart == null)
                model.xpathsPart = addCustomXmlPart(document, xpathsXml);
                CustomXmlUtilities.replaceXmlDoc(model.xpathsPart, xpathsXml);

            Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Document extendedDocument
                = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.GetVstoObject(Globals.Factory);

            //Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane ctp
            //    = Globals.ThisAddIn.createCTP(document, cxp, xpathsPart, conditionsPart, questionsPart, componentsPart);
            //extendedDocument.Tag = ctp;
            //// Want a 2 way association
            //WedTaskPane wedTaskPane = (WedTaskPane)ctp.Control;
            //wedTaskPane.associatedDocument = document;

            //extendedDocument.Shutdown += new EventHandler(
            //    Globals.ThisAddIn.extendedDocument_Shutdown);


            log.Debug("Done. Task pane now also open.");