Beispiel #1
    public string get_event_with_detail(string html)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        html = html.Replace("<thead=\"\"", "");

        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

        HtmlNodeCollection nodes_all = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//*");
        List <HtmlNode>    nodes     = new List <HtmlNode>();

        ArrayList list_lg = new ArrayList();
        string    league  = "";

        string   start_time = "";
        string   host       = "";
        string   client     = "";
        string   win        = "";
        string   draw       = "";
        string   lose       = "";
        string   date       = "";
        string   time       = "";
        string   zone       = "";
        string   event_id   = "";
        DateTime dt_time    = DateTime.Now;

        foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes_all)
            zone = "8";
            if (node.Id == "timer")
                //02.09.14, 14:47 (GMT+1)
                string   timer    = node.InnerText.E_TRIM();
                DateTime dt_timer = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt16("20" + timer.Substring(6, 2)), Convert.ToInt16(timer.Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt16(timer.Substring(0, 2)),
                                                 Convert.ToInt16(timer.Substring(9, 2)), Convert.ToInt16(timer.Substring(12, 2)), 0);
                TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - dt_timer;
                zone = (8 - Math.Round(span.TotalHours)).ToString();

            if (node.Id == "container_EVENTS")
                HtmlNodeCollection nodes_div = node.SELECT_NODES("/div");
                foreach (HtmlNode node_div in nodes_div)
                    if (node_div.Id.Contains("container"))
                        league = node_div.SELECT_NODE("div[1]/h2[1]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();

                        HtmlNode           test        = node_div.SELECT_NODE("div[2]/div[1]/table[1]");
                        HtmlNodeCollection nodes_table = node_div.SELECT_NODES("div[2]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody");
                        if (nodes_table == null)
                        foreach (HtmlNode node_table in nodes_table)
                            if (node_table.Id.Contains("event"))
                                event_id = node_table.Id.Replace("event_", "");
                                date     = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[1]/td[2]").InnerText.E_TRIM();
                                date     = date.Replace("2015", "");
                                if (date.Length == 10)
                                    start_time = Tool.get_12m_from_eng(date.Substring(2, 3)) + "-" + date.Substring(0, 2) + "●" + date.Substring(5, 5);
                                if (date.Length == 5)
                                    start_time = dt_time.ToString("MM-dd") + "●" + date;
                                host   = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[1]/td[1]/span[1]/div[1]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                client = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[1]/td[1]/span[1]/div[2]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();

                                win  = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[2]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                draw = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[3]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                lose = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[4]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                if (win.Contains("/"))
                                    win  = AnalyseTool.convert_english_odd(win);
                                    draw = AnalyseTool.convert_english_odd(draw);
                                    lose = AnalyseTool.convert_english_odd(lose);

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(win.E_TRIM()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(draw.E_TRIM()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lose.E_TRIM()))
                                    sb.AppendLine(league.PR(50) + start_time.PR(20) + host.PR(30) + client.PR(30) + win.PR(10) + draw.PR(10) + lose.PR(10));
                                    //Match100Helper.insert_data("marathonbet", league, start_time, host, client, win, draw, lose, "1", zone);
                                MbSQL.insert_events(event_id, league, dt_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), host, client);

                                //get the detail information
                                HtmlNodeCollection nodes_tr = node_table.SELECT_NODES("tr");
                                foreach (HtmlNode node_tr in nodes_tr)
                                    if (node_tr.CLASS().Contains("market-details"))
                                        HtmlNodeCollection nodes_block = node_tr.SELECT_NODES("/td[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div"); //block-market-wrapper
                                        foreach (HtmlNode node_block in nodes_block)
                                            HtmlNodeCollection nodes_div1 = node_block.SELECT_NODES("/div[4]/div");
                                            if (nodes_div1 != null)
                                                foreach (HtmlNode node_div1 in nodes_div1)
                                                    string odd_type = node_div1.SELECT_NODE("/div[1]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                                    HtmlNodeCollection nodes_tr1 = node_div1.SELECT_NODES("/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr");

                                                    foreach (HtmlNode node_tr1 in nodes_tr1)
                                                        HtmlNodeCollection nodes_td1 = node_tr1.SELECT_NODES("/td");
                                                        ArrayList          list      = new ArrayList();
                                                        if (nodes_td1 != null)
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < nodes_td1.Count; i++)
                                                                HtmlNodeCollection nodes_div2 = nodes_td1[i].SELECT_NODES("/div[1]/div");
                                                                if (nodes_div2 != null)
                                                                    for (int j = 0; j < nodes_div2.Count; j++)
                                                                        list.Add(nodes_div2[j].InnerText.E_REMOVE().Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("+", ""));

                                                        if (odd_type == "To Win Match With Handicap" && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "2", "To Win Match With Handicap",
                                                                              "FULL", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type == "To Win 1st Half With Handicap" && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "2", "To Win 1st Half With Handicap",
                                                                              "1-HALF", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type == "To Win 2nd Half With Handicap" && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "2", "To Win 2nd Half With Handicap",
                                                                              "2-HALF", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type == "Total Goals" && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "3", "Total Goals",
                                                                              "FULL", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type == "Total Goals - 1st Half" && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "3", "Total Goals - 1st Half",
                                                                              "1-HALF", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type == "Total Goals - 2nd Half" && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "3", "Total Goals - 2nd Half",
                                                                              "2-HALF", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type.Contains("Total Goals") && odd_type.Contains(host) && !odd_type.Contains("+") && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "4", "Total Goals",
                                                                              "FULL", "HOME", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
                                                        if (odd_type.Contains("Total Goals") && odd_type.Contains(client) && !odd_type.Contains("+") && list.Count >= 4)
                                                            MbSQL.insert_odds(event_id, "4", "Total Goals",
                                                                              "FULL", "AWAY", "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[0].ToString(), list[2].ToString(), "", "", "", "",
                                                                              list[1].ToString(), list[3].ToString(), "", "", "", "");
Beispiel #2
    public string insert_event_data_new(string html)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        html = html.Replace("<thead=\"\"", "");
        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

        HtmlNodeCollection nodes_all = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//*");
        List <HtmlNode>    nodes     = new List <HtmlNode>();

        ArrayList    list_lg    = new ArrayList();
        string       league     = "";
        DateTime     dt_server  = new DateTime();
        string       start_time = "";
        string       host       = "";
        string       client     = "";
        string       win        = "";
        string       draw       = "";
        string       lose       = "";
        string       date       = "";
        string       time       = "";
        string       zone       = "";
        string       event_id   = "";
        HtmlNode     node_timer = doc.DocumentNode.SELECT_NODE("/html[1]/head[1]/script[2]");
        BsonDocument doc_timer  = MongoHelper.get_doc_from_str(node_timer.InnerText.Replace("//<![CDATA[", "").Replace("//]]>>", "").Replace("initData =", ""));

        string server_time = doc_timer["serverTime"].ToString().E_TRIM();
        string zone_gmt    = doc_timer["tzPrefix"].ToString().E_TRIM();

        zone_gmt = zone_gmt.Replace("GMT", "");
        zone     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(zone_gmt) ? "0" : zone_gmt;
        string[] times = server_time.E_SPLIT(",");
        dt_server = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt16(times[0]), Convert.ToInt16(times[1]), Convert.ToInt16(times[2]), Convert.ToInt16(times[3]), Convert.ToInt16(times[4]), Convert.ToInt16(times[5]));
        //TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - dt_server;
        //zone = (8 - Math.Round(span.TotalHours)).ToString();

        foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes_all)
            if (node.Id == "container_EVENTS")
                HtmlNodeCollection nodes_div = node.SELECT_NODES("/div");
                foreach (HtmlNode node_div in nodes_div)
                    if (node_div.Id.Contains("container"))
                        league = node_div.SELECT_NODE("div[1]/h2[1]").InnerText;

                        HtmlNode           test        = node_div.SELECT_NODE("div[2]/div[1]/table[1]");
                        HtmlNodeCollection nodes_table = node_div.SELECT_NODES("div[2]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody");
                        foreach (HtmlNode node_table in nodes_table)
                            if (node_table.Id.Contains("event"))
                                event_id = node_table.Id.Replace("event_", "");
                                date     = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[1]/td[2]").InnerText.E_TRIM();
                                date     = date.Replace("2015", "");
                                if (date.Length == 10)
                                    start_time = dt_server.ToString("yyyy-") + Tool.get_12m_from_eng(date.Substring(2, 3)) + "-" + date.Substring(0, 2) + " " + date.Substring(5, 5);
                                if (date.Length == 5)
                                    start_time = dt_server.ToString("yyyy-") + dt_server.ToString("MM-dd") + " " + date;
                                DateTime dt_time = Convert.ToDateTime(start_time);
                                dt_time = dt_time.AddHours(Convert.ToInt16(zone) * (-1));

                                host   = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[1]/td[1]/span[1]/div[1]").InnerText;
                                client = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[1]/td[1]/span[1]/div[2]").InnerText;

                                win  = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[2]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                draw = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[3]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                lose = node_table.SELECT_NODE("/tr[1]/td[4]").InnerText.E_REMOVE();
                                if (win.Contains("/"))
                                    win  = AnalyseTool.convert_english_odd(win);
                                    draw = AnalyseTool.convert_english_odd(draw);
                                    lose = AnalyseTool.convert_english_odd(lose);

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(win.E_TRIM()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(draw.E_TRIM()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lose.E_TRIM()))
                                    sb.AppendLine(event_id.PR(10) + league.PR(50) + dt_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").PR(20) + host.PR(30) + client.PR(30) + win.PR(10) + draw.PR(10) + lose.PR(10));
                                    Match100Helper.insert_data("marathonbet", league, start_time, host, client, win, draw, lose, "0", zone);
                                    MbSQL.insert_events(event_id, league.E_TRIM(), dt_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), host, client);