Beispiel #1
    // Use this for initialization
    public void Initialize(int width, int height, Director director)
        this.director = director;
        UniqueObjects = new bool[width, height];
        features      = new Dictionary <FeatureName, Feature>();
        Width         = width;
        Height        = height;
        MazeGeneration generator = new MazeGeneration(width, height);

        Map = generator.Generation();
        // Origin = transform.parent.position;
        Origin = new Vector3(-width / 2.0f, 0, -height / 2.0f);

        BallPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Maze/Ball");
        //TilePrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Maze/PlatformTile");
        PlatformPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Maze/Platform");

        Platform = Instantiate(PlatformPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
        Platform.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, (float)0.1, height);
        Ceiling = Instantiate(PlatformPrefab, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Quaternion.identity);
        Ceiling.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, (float)0.1, height);
        Destroy(Ceiling.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());


        Ball = Instantiate(BallPrefab, CoordsToPosition(StartX, StartY, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), Quaternion.identity);
Beispiel #2
 bool isValidWall(int[,] maze,int x,int y)
     mazeFile = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.maze).GetComponent<MazeGeneration>();
     if(maze[y,x] == 0)//0 is for wall, 1 is for path
         return true;
     return false;
 void Start()
     maze             = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Maze").GetComponent <MazeGeneration> ();
     validNeighbors   = new List <string> ();
     waitTime         = 0f;
     currentDirection = NORTH;
Beispiel #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     maze           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Maze").GetComponent <MazeGeneration> ();
     pathFound      = false;
     validNeighbors = new List <string> ();
     pathHistory    = new Stack();
     //findPath ();
     //drawSolution ();
Beispiel #5
 private void Awake()
     maze         = FindObjectOfType <MazeGeneration>();
     renderer     = GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
     targetVisual = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
     targetVisual.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
     targetVisual.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = renderer.material.color;
     line = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
     line.material.color = renderer.material.color;
     line.material.color = renderer.material.color;
    private int radius;    //this will be the number of cells around the player get lit up

    void Start()
        maze     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Maze").GetComponent <MazeGeneration>();
        cells    = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("VisitedCell");
        iceColor = new Color32(109, 163, 249, 255);
        radius   = 1;      //the grid size will be radius+2. e.g. if radius is 1, the grid around the player will be a 3x3

        foreach (GameObject cell in cells)
            cell.tag = "Cell";
            SpriteRenderer cellSprite = cell.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();
            cell.GetComponent <CellManagement> ().visited = false;
            cellSprite.color =;
Beispiel #7
    public void GenerateLevels()

        List <MazeCell[, ]> levels = new List <MazeCell[, ]>(floors);

        for (int i = 0; i < floors; i++)
            MazeCell[,] floor = MazeGeneration.GenerateMaze(width, height);


    void Start()
        movementSpeed = 5;
        seconds       = 1f;
        iceColor      = new Color32(109, 163, 249, 255);
        markColor     = new Color32(244, 188, 66, 255);
        maze          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Maze").GetComponent <MazeGeneration> ();
        hit           = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();

        GameObject[] bullets = new GameObject [10];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            bullets [i]    = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
            bullets[i].tag = "ShieldFish";
            bullets [i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.66f, 0.66f, 0.66f);
            Destroy(bullets [i].GetComponent <BulletMovement> ());
        StartCoroutine(spawnShield(bullets, 0.05f));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnStart()
            Camera.Main.Position = Vector2.Zero;

            Debug.Log("查找目录Resouce,资源数量:" + Resource.Name_Path.Keys.Count);
            //开启贴图转换器 GDI渲染可用,使用贴图文件代替原字符显示

            SRPGAgent wizardAgent = GameObject.CreateWith <SRPGAgent>();

            wizardAgent.LocalPosition = new Vector2(12, 12);
            SystemUIFactroy.GetSystemInspector(new Vector2(28, 13));
            var maze = MazeGeneration.GetMaze(21, 21, new RenderPoint("■", Color.White, Config.DefaultBackColor, (int)Layer.Environment));

            maze.Position = new Vector2(5, 5);
    //Works as a constructor
    void OnEnable()
        //Set tooltips
        biasTooltip = new GUIContent("Bias Value", "Positive values bias towards horizontal, negative towards vertical");
        wallRemovalTT = new GUIContent("Remove Selected Walls",
            "Remove the walls of a base layout that are selected in the scene window. \nCells either side of the wall can't be connected to the rest of the maze");
        doorwayTT = new GUIContent("Designate Doorway",
            "Remove the walls of a base layout that are selected in the scene window. \nCells either side of the wall are able to be connected to the maze");
        genWRoomsTT = new GUIContent("Generate With Rooms",
            "Generate a maze that includes user defined rooms. \nRequires Base Layout.\nUses width and depth defined during base layout creation");
        generateTT = new GUIContent("Generate New Maze", "Creates a new maze, does not require a base layout to be created.");

        headerStyle = new GUIStyle();
        showBiasFields = new AnimBool();
        generator = new MazeGeneration();
        param = new stats()
            dBCurve = defineCurve(),
            useBias = false,
            wallMat = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Material>("Default-Diffuse.mat"),
            floorMat = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Material>("Default-Diffuse.mat")
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 在场景中创建对象
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnStart()
            GameObject player = TPSFactroy.CreateStandardPlayer("吊", new Vector2(0, 0));

            GameObject.CreateWith <CameraController>().followTrans = player;
            player.AddComponent <Shooter>();

            //创建迷宫地图 位于第三象限
            var maze = MazeGeneration.GetMaze(21, 21, new RenderPoint("■", Color.White, Config.DefaultBackColor, (int)Layer.Environment));

            maze.Position = new Vector2(-25, -25);

            for (int x = 5; x < 20; x += 5)
                for (int y = 5; y < 20; y += 5)
                    TPSFactroy.CreateBox(new Vector2(x, y));

            //系统指示器 位于右上角

            TPSFactroy.CreateTestLable(new Vector2(0, 26));

            ListBox gunBox = UIFactroy.CreateListBox(new Vector2(0, 15), 5, 10);

            gunBox.AddComponent <GunBox>();

            var gunUI = UIFactroy.CreateTextBox(new Vector2(0, 21), 3, 10);

            gunUI.AddComponent <GunUI>();
Beispiel #12
    void connectWalls(int[,] maze)
        mazeFile = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.maze).GetComponent<MazeGeneration>();
        int maxLength = mazeFile.mazeLength * 2 + 1;
        int maxWidth = mazeFile.mazeWidth * 2 + 1;
        int j = (int)this.transform.position.y;
        int i = (int)this.transform.position.x;

        //You don't need down or left functions because you can clear everything with just up and right.
        if(j + 1 < maxLength && isValidWall(maze,i,(j + 1)))
        if(i + 1 < maxWidth && isValidWall(maze,(i + 1),j))
        // Generates the maze procedurally
        private void generateMaze(MazeGeneration.Algorithm algorithm)
            // Generate a maze
                Point exit, entrance;
                tiles = MazeGeneration.generateMaze(algorithm, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, out entrance, out exit);

            // Set the exit and entrance image
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    Grid.SetColumn(entranceImage, (int)entrance.X);
                    Grid.SetRow(entranceImage, (int)entrance.Y);
                    Grid.SetColumn(exitImage, (int)exit.X);
                    Grid.SetRow(exitImage, (int)exit.Y);

            // Update the maze grid
Beispiel #14
 void Start()
     ScoreMaze = GetComponent <MazeGeneration>();
Beispiel #15
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     currentX = (int)(transform.position.x + 0.5f);
     currentY = (int)(transform.position.y + 0.5f);
     maze     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Maze").GetComponent <MazeGeneration> ();
Beispiel #16
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
     mazeFile = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.maze).GetComponent<MazeGeneration>();
     scale = mazeFile.scale;
     int[,] mazeData = mazeFile.getMaze();
     if(mesh.vertices.Length > 6)
         PolygonCollider2D polyColl = gameObject.GetComponent<PolygonCollider2D>();
         List<Vector2> verts = new List<Vector2>();
Beispiel #17
    void GenerateMazes()
        if (rng.Seed == 1)
            Mazes = new List <string[, ]> {
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L", "U", "N D R", "L U", "U R" },
                    { "L R", "D L ", "U", "D R", "L R" },
                    { "L D", "U R", "L D", "U R", "L D R" },
                    { "L U", "R", "L U R", "D L", "U R" },
                    { "D L R", "L D", "D R", "D U L", "R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U D L", "U R", "N R L", "U L", "U R" },
                    { "U L", "D", "R D", "R L", "R D L" },
                    { "L", "U", "U D", "D", "U R" },
                    { "R L", "R D L", "U R L", "U D L", "R" },
                    { "D L", "U D", "R D", "U D L", "R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L", "U R D", "N L", "U R D", "L U R" },
                    { "L D", "U D", "D", "U D", "R" },
                    { "L U D", "U", "U", "U", "D R" },
                    { "L U R", "R L", "R L", "L D", "U R" },
                    { "D L", "D R", "L D", "U D R", "L R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L D", "U R", "L N D", "U", "U R" },
                    { "L U", "D", "D U", "D R", "L R" },
                    { "L", "U R", "U L", "U", "R D" },
                    { "L D R", "L R D", "R L", "L", "U R" },
                    { "D L U", "D U", " D R", "L D R", " L D R" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L", "U", "N D", "U R", "L U R" },
                    { "L D R", "L R", "L U R", "L D", "R" },
                    { "L U", "D", "D R", "L U", "D R" },
                    { "L R", "U D L", "R U", "D L", "R U" },
                    { "D L", "U D R", "D L", "U D", "R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L", "U R", "L D N", "U D", "U R" },
                    { "L R", "L", "U R D", "U L", "D R" },
                    { "L R", "L", "U D", "", "U R" },
                    { "L R D", "L R", "U L", "R D", "L R" },
                    { "D L U", "R D", "D L", "D U R", "L R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L", "U", "N D", "U D", "U R" },
                    { "L R", "L D R", "L U", "U R", "L R" },
                    { "L R", "U D L", "D R", "L", "R" },
                    { "L D", "U R", "U D L", "R D", "L R" },
                    { "D L U", "D", "D R U", "D L U", "R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L D", "U R", "R N L", "U L R", "L U R" },
                    { "L U", "R", "R L", "L", "D R" },
                    { "L R", "L D", "R", "L D", "U R" },
                    { "L R", "L R U", "L D", "U R", "L R" },
                    { "D L R", "L D", "U D", "D", "R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L", "U D", "N R", "U L", "U R D" },
                    { "L R", "U L", "D", "D", "U R" },
                    { "L R", "L D", "U R D", "U L D", "R" },
                    { "L D", "U R D", "U L", "U R", "L R" },
                    { "D L U", "U D", "D R", "L D", "R D" }
                new string[5, 5] {
                    { "U L R", "L U D", "N R", "L U", "U R" },
                    { "L D", "U R", "L R", "L R", "L R D" },
                    { "L U R", "D L", "D", "", "D R" },
                    { "L", "U R", "U L", "", "U D R" },
                    { "D L R", "D L", "D R", "D", "U R D" }
            Mazes = new List <string[, ]>();
            var cardinal  = new[] { "N", "E", "W", "S" };
            var direction = new[] { "U", "R", "L", "D" };

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Mazes.Add(Enumerable.Range(0, 5).SelectMany(r => Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(c => Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(d => (!MazeGeneration.Cells[i, r, c][cardinal[d]]) ? direction[d] : "").Join(" "))).ToArray().ToArray2D(5, 5));